Customers: Fensma Moscow region; Construction and industry of construction materials Contractors: Omnicomm-Service Product: Omnicomm OnlineНа базе: Omnicomm LLS: control of fuel consumption and monitoring of transport Project date: 2017/07 - 2017/09
On October 10, 2017 the Omnicomm-Service company announced system implementation of satellite monitoring of Omnicomm Online transport in vehicle fleet of Fensma construction company.
Monitoring of Omnicomm Online transport equips 100 percent of vehicle fleet, state in the company. The key partner of Omnicomm — Omnicomm-Service company was engaged in implementation. According to the estimates of the staff of Fensma, implementation of Omnicomm Online allowed to cut down significantly operating expenses and the maintenance of vehicle fleet.
"Earlier we had to trust drivers on a word concerning what volume of fuel is consumed where there is our equipment how many hours they worked. With Omnicomm Online system implementation we trace all parameters in real time, we see the exact and objective information — it is very convenient and allows to cut down expenses on fuel, to control discipline of drivers, to save time". Ksenia Karpova, specialist of logistics of Fensma company |
"The construction industry requires the innovation approaches allowing to optimize expenses of the company. Big costs for such firms fall on the maintenance of vehicle fleets equipped with expensive, difficult appliances. And the control of work of vehicle fleets is more high-quality, the costs are more optimal. The solution Omnicomm Online provides objective control by a number of important parameters, allowing to prevent fuel plunder, the output of the equipment out of operation, to adjust discipline of personnel, to prevent idle times of machines and many other things that finally excludes an overexpenditure of means at the enterprises" |