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IQ Technology (Robin RPA)

Customers: IQ Technology

St. Petersburg; Internet services

Contractors: SL Soft, Robin
Product: Robin RPA

Project date: 2023/12  - 2024/04

2024: Robotization of paralegal tasks

Prior to the implementation of RPA in the company's processes, to support litigation management and notify customers of case progress, IQ Technology employees performed hundreds of recurring mechanisms of the same tasks:

  • submission of claims;
  • Reporting;
  • informing customers about the number and status of cases.

Management wanted to improve the convenience of working in the current accounting program and free up the energy of employees to fulfill development tasks.

Robotization affected two processes:

  • Prepare and send reports to customers.
  • Doing business in the company's information system.

To complete the tasks, three digital employees were developed: two of them participate in the preparation and submission of reports to clients, and the third facilitates the work of lawyers, performing 4 types of tasks.

Software robots ROBIN approached "IQ Technology" economic in terms of and on the actions performed. robot Three perform up to 6,000 tasks per month. A person performs such routine tasks three times slower.

The software robot performs information synchronization and reporting at night.

ROBIN robots allowed "IQ Technology" not to expand its legal assistant staff during the company's growth. A one-year license and monthly support for robots is cheaper than hiring new employees. Savings amount to up to 15% of the salary budget per year.

Software robotization in the company is not over. Robots now use 25% of licensed time. The plans are to give virtual employees the tasks of a junior lawyer: filling out forms and submitting documents on the official websites of executive authorities.