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Marmalato implements in shops the Wi system - Fi - analysts

Customers: Marmalato

Product: Retail Instruments

Project date: 2019/06  - 2019/12

2019: System implementation of analytics of behavior of visitors

The international service -provider Orange Business Services jointly with the technology partner "NPO Analitika" implemented the system of analytics of behavior of visitors in retail stores of a brand Marmalato. On January 20, 2020 the NPO Analitika company reported about it. This technological solution will allow to the retailer to analyze influence of different factors on conversion of show-windows of shops, to estimate work of personnel and also to measure efficiency advertizing of campaigns. In particular, thanks to a system Wi-Fi- analysts it is possible to consider how many percent of addressees of advertizing messages reached afterwards shop.

Within pilot deployment in thirteen outlets of franchasing network Marmalato in Moscow the special Wi-Fi-sensors allowing to keep track of activity of visitors with smartphones with the included Wi-Fi were installed. Having collected these data, it is possible to analyze actions of users, to break audience into segments of physical locations and to configure targeting of advertizing on any of them.

Using Wi - Fi - analysts it is possible to investigate behavior of visitors of shops, providing to the retailer the additional tool for increase in efficiency of many business processes. The technological solution presented by the partner of Orange allows to estimate efficiency of advertizing campaigns, having counted how many users who saw as online and offline advertizing, afterwards send in addition to shop. The data collected using Wi - Fi - analytics, are not personal – they are depersonalized.

Implementing the Wi system - Fi - analysts. We pursue two aims: fill missing elements of a portrait of our buyer and grope opportunities for improvement of interaction with it as offline (i.e. directly in our shops), and online. All aspects of this analytics – from in what else shopping centers there are our visitors, before measurement of efficiency of our digital advertizing campaigns are interesting to us. In addition, the tools offered us by Orange and NPO Analitika will allow to measure physical "dokhodimost" to shops of those to whom advertizing was shown online or in an outdoor advertizing,
tells the marketing director of franchasing network Marmalato Mikhail Masur

We are glad to an opportunity to support digital transformation of business of Marmalato. Are sure that the implemented solutions will allow the retailer to expand considerably the opportunities in the field of marketing communications using data on visitors of the shops. Our solution will allow Marmalato not only to obtain data for the analysis of their behavior, but also will help to attract them in shops through targeted online campaigns again, to analyze and estimate efficiency of the actions at each stage,
comments David Halden, the commercial director of Orange Business Services of Russia and CIS

Transparency and understanding of efficiency of different advertizing channels and formats and their permanent measurement – the most correct way to creation of overall effectiveness of the company. We are glad that possibilities of our system will allow Marmalato company not only in detail to analyze behavior of visitors of the shops, but also to calculate attraction cost from online in offline using O2OC – Online To Offline Conversion,
speaks Mikhail Mogilevsky, the CEO of NPO Analitika