Customers: MedSwiss (Medilux-TM) Moscow; Pharmaceuticals, medicine, healthcare Contractors: T1 Cloud (T1Kleod) formerly T1 Cloud Product: T1 Cloud (formerly T1 Cloud)Project date: 2024/04 - 2024/11
2024: MedSwiss securely stores medical data with T1 Cloud
The network clinics MedSwiss transferred to cloud T1 Cloud information systems related storage to and processing. medical data This made it possible to improve patient care, and also ensured the protection of sensitive information in accordance with the requirements of regulators.
MedSwiss, having a high level of digitalization of medical management processes and client services, constantly increases the speed and availability of the services provided. For a network of clinics, it is a priority to preserve and maintain the stability of the IT infrastructure, especially under increased loads, the security of storing and processing personal data of patients.
The transition to the cloud T1 Cloud ensured MedSwiss stable and uninterrupted operation of information systems and businessapplications-, as well as high speed of downloading and unloading medical data in all clinics due to the fault tolerance of the cloud platform. Thanks to the speed of the disk subsystem T1 Cloud, the time for searching for patient data in the medical system of the clinic network has been reduced, and service processes have accelerated. The client experience has also improved due to continuous access to clinic services through a functional online service, where you can view the results of diagnostic studies or sign up in a remote format to the desired doctor.
The integrity and safety of medical data and personal information of patients is ensured by the cloud infrastructure T1 Cloud, which has a multi-level protection system and is certified in accordance with Federal Laws No. 152-FZ on personal data and No. 187-FZ on the safety of CII facilities in terms of the first level of security and the highest category of significance.
Providing the highest quality and prompt service to our patients is one of the priorities for MedSwiss. Cloud helps us to improve customer services and improve the efficiency of clinic management processes T1 Cloud. The ability to scale infrastructure provides flexible management of computing resources without the added cost of in-house equipment, which is especially important in the context of rapid growth in the volume of stored medical data. In addition, the placement of systems on the provider platform allowed us to solve one of the most important tasks - the organization of safe work with personal data of patients, said Andrey Rud, Chief information officer of MedSwiss.
Cloud technologies enable you to automate and accelerate a number of key medical organization management processes. For example, reduce the time to search and process patient data, freeing up valuable doctors' time for more important tasks - improving the quality of care provided, and providing customers with high-tech and affordable ways to get services. Placing systems in the cloud T1 The cloud meets industry legal requirements for the safe storage and processing of personal data and guarantees high reliability of services and protection of information of the clinic network. commented Georgy Dzhabiev, Business Development Director T1 Cloud.