Tatavtomatization LLC implements the centralized control system of configurations of workstations
Customers: Tatavtomatization Almetyevsk; Mechanical engineering and instrument making Contractors: Softline Product: Microsoft System Center Operations Manager (SCOM)На базе: Microsoft System Center 2012 Project date: 2011/01 - 2012/02
The Softline company announced project completion on implementation of the centralized control system of a configuration of workstations based on Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager and monitoring of key components of IT infrastructure on the basis of Microsoft System Center Operations Manager for Tatavtomatization LLC.
The corporate Tatneft network JSC integrates about 8500 workstations and about 250 physical and 800 virtual servers, all operations on setup of standard jobs were executed by employees of IT manually that occupied a considerable part of working time and reduced quality of works on development of IT infrastructure, to full administration of servers and maintenance of the managed equipment, technical support and service of users. Besides, employees of technical support of IT had no opportunity to quickly fix problems of users using remote control a desktop. Also effective control of compliance of the actual configuration settings, structure of the software and the equipment to accepted standards was impossible. In the company there was also no automation equipment of monitoring of key components of IT infrastructure that interfered with detection and troubleshooting of services, servers and applications, made impossible the timely notification of IT personnel about the arising problems and, at last, complicated scalability of IT infrastructure in general. For elimination of these problems the decision to implement the system of the centralized service of the PC park on a basis was made Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager and System Center Operations Manager.
As the partner in an implementation project of a management system and monitoring of IT infrastructure the management of Tatavtomatization LLC selected Softline company. The management system for a configuration of workstations was implemented based on Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R2 SP2, a monitoring system – on the basis of Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2. As the main server operating system it was used by Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2.
Project implementation took place in several stages. On the first specialists of Softline company conducted comprehensive examination of IT infrastructure of the customer. During the second stage deployment and setup of the central website of SCCM in the head domain in the city of Almetyevsk and also two secondary websites of SCCM in child domains in Almetyevsk and Bugulma were made. During the third specialists of Softline company set and configured SCOM 2007 R2 for monitoring of key components of IT infrastructure:
- statuses of controllers of the domains MS AD;
- statuses of servers and DB of the ARMITS production system;
- availability of the Exchange 2010 servers;
- servers of projects 1C.
As a result of system implementation of centralized operation by information infrastructure specialists of Tatavtomatization company received the solution which allows to reduce considerably time of response to failures in work of elements of IT infrastructure and to increase quality of the services rendered to both the basic, and other customers.
"System implementation of management and monitoring based on the solutions System Center is an important step on the way of transition from costly IT to profitable information technologies. We receive the management tool IT infrastructure allowing to keep under control a status of both the infrastructure, and IT services and to proactively make necessary changes to support the level of service within the approved SLA. Results of the 4th quarter already allow to speak about positive results from implementation of this project", – Ruslan Gareyev, the head of department of service of Data processing centers of Tatavtomatization LLC company notes.
"The project was especially interesting that within one solution it was necessary to configure monitoring of the diverse systems and services from different producers. Microsoft System Center Operations Manager is the ideal solution for this situation, for it in the market there is a huge number of the packets of management providing monitoring of working capacity and performance of the most various systems – difficult applications, hypervisors and operating systems – up to the hardware", – Andrey Gusev, the head of department of implementation of IT solutions of Softline company in Kazan tells.