Customers: Moscow clinical scientific and practical center (MKNTs)
Contractors: Modern information technologies (Sovintekh) Product: Parus BudgetProject date: 2015/12 - 2016/04
Number of licenses: 30
On July 26, 2016 the press service of Parus company announced creation of the unified information system of management of financial and economic activity on the platform software "PARUS — the Budget 8" in the Moscow clinical scientific and practical center (MKNTs).
Project Results
In unified information environment contract management, accounting of Inventories in an economic warehouse, accounting, personnel management and payroll is executed. 30 users work with a system. In a project deliverable the accuracy and efficiency of data is provided: today information on financial and economic activity is available to specialists and the management in real time[1].
Works in the project were performed the partner of Parus corporation by Sovintekh company.
Specialists of the contractor automated a document flow chain "from the contract": after creation and registration of the new contract all employees connected with its accomplishment work in the primary documents which are automatically created by a system. The efficiency of maintaining contractual relations is increased: a system helps to control obligation fulfillment under agreements with partners, including settlement.
By means of control automation of Inventories control of stock balance is adjusted.
Today accounting of Inventories on economic and pharmaceutical warehouses (arrival, issue and control of medicines and tools) is completely automated. Automatic reconciliation of a remaining balance of Inventories by an inventory card file according to an inventory control and accounting is executed. It allowed not only it is essential to reduce labor input of control of stock balance, but also to provide accuracy of the data, minimizing risks of emergence of errors. |