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In Karelia, they began to build the first digital shipyard in Russia. What technologies will be there

Customers: Onega Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Plant

Petrozavodsk; Mechanical engineering and instrument making

Product: SAP Leonardo

Project date: 2017/08


It is planned to create a digital shipyard on the basis of the once bankrupt, but brought back to life by the government in 2015 Onega Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Plant in Petrozavodsk (Karelia). The production process of this shipyard should be digital throughout the life cycle - from the design of ships to their full readiness.

The project is planned to be completed in 2020. The general contractor in it is the St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University (St. Petersburg State Technical University). He developed the concept of the project, which was subsequently agreed by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Digital Shipyard IT Filling

The digital shipyard is planned to be created mainly on the basis of imported software products. For example, the SAP products director of the Institute of IT SPbGMTU Alexey Lipis, who is responsible for the digital component of the project by the general contractor, in a conversation with TAdviser called one of the basic solutions in this project.

A memorandum of cooperation in the development of technological solutions for the shipbuilding industry, implying the joint development of solutions for the digital shipyard, St. Petersburg State Technical University and SAP CIS were signed in May 2018.

According to the director of the Institute of IT St. Petersburg State Technical University, among the SAP solutions that are considered for use in the project are the SAP ERP system, and to create augmented reality technologies, and a number of other technologies. The joint communication between SPbGMTU and SAP CIS on cooperation mentions the SAP Leonardo platform.

Our goal is to make the university a center for the development of services and services for digitalization and management of shipbuilding enterprises and shipyards not only in Russia, but also internationally, in the CIS and BRICS countries. The experience of SAP will help us create a typical and replicable solution that companies throughout the country will use, "said Gleb Turichin, rector of St. Petersburg State Technical University.

Ice-reinforced boat of the Onega Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Plant

As of May, the project with SAP is under development, so the exact amount that will be required for it, Lipis did not name TAdviser. According to his estimates, we are talking about "several hundred million" rubles.

In terms of PLM technologies, design systems, the concept of a digital shipyard provides for the use of Dassault Systemes solutions as the main software, said TAdviser Lipis. In May 2016, St. Petersburg State Technical University also signed a cooperation agreement with them. The university itself has been working with this company since 1995.

Speaking about the choice of imported rather than domestic IT solutions for use in a digital shipyard, Alexey Lipis noted in a conversation with TAdviser that the project plans to create what is not done anywhere in the world, to create the best as an example for Russian companies, including in the field of IT. There are no Russian solutions of sufficient level for such an idea, the director of the IT Institute of St. Petersburg State Technical University believes.

We do not really like the term "import substitution." This is an embarrassing term for us, because Russian shipbuilding and shipbuilding are the leading industry in the world, not lagging behind. Therefore, if you use technologies here, then they should be the best in the world, and this should be proved by the practice of using them in other countries of the world, "said Alexey Lipis.

Digital shipyard: what is it

Digital Shipyard is a flexible production project with a high degree of automation. It provides for the use of modern digital technologies and the creation of a unified information management system for machines, machines and other equipment at a shipbuilding enterprise.

The idea of ​ ​ digitalization of shipbuilding involves the integration of all software products that will be used in the production activities of the shipyard. It should also use a set of state-of-the-art construction technologies, including laser cutting and metal welding technologies.

Machines and machines of the digital shipyard will be informationally interconnected and enclosed in a single control system. This will ensure machine-building accuracy throughout the construction chain.

The digitization of shipbuilding is an innovation in Russia

According to Irina Orinicheva, deputy department of state policy in the field of sea and river transport of the Ministry of Transport, the digital shipyard project, which is planned to be implemented in Petrozavodsk, has no analogues in the world and is the first in Russia[1].

This digital shipyard project is a pilot for all of Russia, for all shipbuilding enterprises in the country, "said Orinicheva.

Plans to create a digital shipyard by the end of 2020 were also reported by the Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard in St. Petersburg. It was planned to begin the implementation of the project in the first quarter of 2018.

Project Chronicle

2022: Start of digital shipyard construction

May 23, 2022 it became known about the start of the construction of the first digital shipyard in Russia. The project is being implemented at the Onega Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Plant (OSSZ) in Petrozavodsk (Republic of Karelia).

According to the press service of the Glavgosexpertiza, by May 23, 2022, buildings and structures falling into the spots of new facilities are being dismantled at the construction site, temporary engineering networks are being laid, and auxiliary facilities are being built.

In Karelia, they began to build the first digital shipyard in Russia

It is assumed that river-sea vessels with the introduction of advanced technologies will be produced at the digital shipyard. The project involves the introduction of digital support for the construction of ships, robotization and automation of production processes with an increase in the number of built ships from three to 10 annually.

To digitalize processes, increase production efficiency and quality of products, the plant will introduce a material accounting and tracking system, an integrated digital production information system, modern software and optoelectronic surveillance tools.

The Glavgosexpertiza noted that deep modernization will reduce the total costs of Rosmorport, cover the construction needs of a significant number of service and auxiliary vessels and ensure the construction deadlines necessary for the timely execution of plans for updating and replenishing the fleet.

Together, we have done serious work and now we are seeing how such a significant and unique object for the industry takes on real shape. His prospects are significant. The first important step has been taken in creating modern domestic "digital production" and import substitution in the civil shipbuilding industry, "said Yuri Ustinov, leading expert on the facility, chief specialist of the Production Facilities Department of the Department of Energy Complex and Production Facilities of the Glavgosexpertiza of Russia.

The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation provides for the provision of 5.1 billion rubles of budget investments for the implementation of the project, which became known at the end of January 2022.[2]
