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"Patio" implemented Axelot WMS

Customers: Patio_Minsk

Minsk; Trade

Contractors: Axelot
Product: Axelot WMS X5

Project date: 2024/04  - 2024/09

2024: Axelot WMS Implementation

On September 17, 2024, the company AXELOT announced that it had completed a project logistic consulting for a customer with two businesses: CJSC Patio and - LLC "Pradius Nova" having developed four concepts for processing goods in the company's warehouses in the capital - c. Belarus During Minsk the project, the customer's initial plan for automating distribution centers was finalized, which made it possible to adjust strategic plans for the development of the supply chain.

According to the company, Patio CJSC (TM "5 element") is a dynamically developing company offering solutions for the purchase of electronics and household appliances.

The logistics operator LLC Pradius Nova is a partner of CJSC Patio in the storage of household appliances, as well as an independent business that is engaged in the responsible storage of a wide range of goods.

As of September 2024, TM "5 element" goods are placed in two warehouses on: 20,000 square meters (100% of the warehouse capacity) and 40,000 square meters (25% of the warehouse capacity). The stability and predictability of the supply chain largely depends on the quality of the warehouses. Both the trading and logistics company work with their own, deeply customized warehouse management system. Such a system, on the one hand, allows you to accurately take into account the business processes and needs of the company and ensure the optimal speed of order processing. On the other hand, the modernization of a customized system often requires significant financial and temporary resources, causes dependence on developers, and its update is always fraught with many technical difficulties.

Therefore, the management of CJSC Patio and LLC Pradius Nova came to the conclusion that it was necessary to comprehensively modernize the company's warehouse logistics and applied to AXELOT for logistics consulting services. It was necessary to develop several concepts for processing goods at existing sites and choose the best option, which will be further automated using AXELOT WMS. In this regard, the following tasks were set:

  • determine the requirements for the area and volume of the process areas;
  • perform an enlarged calculation of parameters (capacity, throughput, growth potential, optimal utilization);
  • develop four options for warehouse topology and mutual arrangement of functional areas in existing areas;
  • make sure that strategic goals in terms of the development of the company's logistics system are achievable; compare concepts by a set of criteria: CAPEX, OPEX, maximum storage and cargo handling load.

In their work, AXELOT specialists were based on data obtained during the audit of functioning warehouses with an area of ​ ​ 20,000 sq.m. and 40,000 sq.m. For each of the sites, two options for an individual solution were developed, taking into account the peculiarities of their functioning, the requirements for organizing work processes and plans for increasing cargo traffic and changing its structure. AXELOT determined the optimal rack systems for the existing and planned inventory of materials and distributed the storage areas taking into account the general cargo processing technology. For each of the options, the planned costs, capital and operating costs were calculated.

The calculations made by AXELOT specialists and their conclusions helped to determine specific goals and objectives to optimize the efficiency of the supply chain. Having considered possible options, the customer came to the conclusion that it was necessary to start with its modernization. As a result, it was decided to revise the branch structure of logistics centers and the rules for the distribution of goods between them. Taking into account the development plans, a program has been developed to open regional warehouses and place part of the reserves there. This will make it possible to provide the necessary inventory on the company's balances for business development in accordance with the current need.

As of September 2024, the business processes and topology of existing warehouses will remain unchanged, and the first step in optimizing the quality of the company's logistics will be a project to automate existing RCs using AXELOT WMS.