Customers: RESO-Garantiya Contractors: MTG. Business solutions (Metatechnology Group) Product: Maxim E-queue systemProject date: 2013/04 - 2013/04
Number of licenses: 2
For the purpose of determination of problems RESO-Garantiya in Yekaterinburg which will solve MAXIM the technical specifications are made, the electronic queue is set by specialists of our company taking into account all nuances specified in terms of reference.
In a set of components of the hardware-software solution the touch terminal of an electronic queue for setting of the client entered queue, the main board notifying on the current calls, panels of operators for system management manually and the individual boards of operators duplicating numbers of the visitors serviced at present.
As an alternative to the touch terminal the software module the "Registration panel" installed on the administrator's computer is used. So to be registered in a system and to receive the coupon, the visitor addresses the specialist in the hall. Such method of setting in queue is used by the enterprises with more difficult and branched menu of services.
Versions of solutions for panels of operators are provided. They can be either physical (equipment rooms), or virtual (program). The choice is possible also regarding a set of program functionality for the MAXIM specific system.