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Rosseti North-West removes Microsoft software and switches to Russian BI platform

Customers: Rosseti Northwest

St. Petersburg; Power

Contractors: Visiology, Polyanalytics
Product: Visiology Analytical Platform

Project date: 2023/11  - 2024/12
Number of licenses: 60

2024: Move from Microsoft Power BI to Russian Visiology platform

PJSC Rosseti North-West, the largest network organization in the North-West of Russia, which is part of PJSC Rosseti, is switching from the Western analytical platform Microsoft to the domestic one from Visiology. Representatives of PolyAnalytics reported this to TAdviser on October 14, 2024.

source = Official Telegram channel of PJSC Rosseti

As Nikita Kholmov, acting Head of the Digital Transformation Department of PJSC Rosseti North-West, shared, the BIinfrastructures company plans to complete import substitution of its own by the end of 2024.

The company thought about the transition from the Microsoft Power BI product to the domestic BI toolkit back in 2021-2022. Since the beginning of 2022, experts have begun testing various domestic products, including Visiology. After getting acquainted with the third version of Visiology, it was decided to switch to this particular platform - largely due to the fact that, according to the network organization, it is close to the previous BI platform in terms of functionality and query capabilities in SQL and DAX. This similarity made it possible not only to preserve the knowledge accumulated by the analyst team, but also to facilitate the search and hiring of new BI specialists. In addition, Visiology met the company's information security requirements. At the same time, the recommendation in favor of Visiology received from PJSC Rosseti played an important role in choosing this decision.

The implementation project started in November 2023. In its first 10 months, about half of all reporting was transferred to the Visiology platform. By the end of the year, it is planned to implement all reports on it.

First of all, management reports for the leaders of the network organization, as well as reports for the chief engineer and dispatchers, were transferred to Visiology. A significant part of the reporting is implemented in the form of information panels (dashboards). There are also those among the reports that are tied to geopositioning and are visualized using maps and schemes, they said in PolyAnalytics.

User interface color and design solutions are customized and customized to company standards. Interfaces for end users are implemented in such a way as to make them as similar as possible to the previous ones, which made it possible to minimize the time for their development by employees.

Among the features of Visiology, PJSC Rosseti North-West highlighted the quick and easy creation of reports, low requirements for additional knowledge and skills of BI specialists and the dynamic development of the platform, while noting technical support, technical content on the company's website and the product community.

As of mid-October 2024, the end users of Visiology are about 10 representatives of top management, including the CEO of the company and his deputies, as well as about 50 analysts and employees of specialized divisions of the network organization. Seven specialists work on the creation and development of reports.