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Visiology Analytical Platform

Developers: Visiology, Polymedia
Last Release Date: 2025/02/11
Technology: BI


Main article: Definition of Business Intelligence

Manager time is a limited and very valuable resource, and therefore one of the key factors in the success of his work is the speed and convenience of information perception. Correct visualization of information allows you to increase the speed of its perception by an order of magnitude and increase the efficiency of management decision-making.

The use of the Visiology analytics platform improves the quality of management decisions by achieving key implementation goals.

Implementation objectives

  • Increase business transparency. Data collection in a single system allows you to streamline business reporting processes, as well as improve the quality of data collected.
  • Improve the efficiency of management to obtain information on the state of the enterprise. In the analytical system, the data is available when it is needed. The manager does not need to wait for a weekly meeting or give a task to the analyst to get information.
  • A single "truth point." Bringing the data to a single model avoids the situation where the same indicator can be calculated differently.

Applications of the Visiology Analytical Platform

At the production plant:

  • Analysis of structure, quality and age of receivables and payables
  • Identification of product demand trends
  • Cost Structure Analysis
  • Warehouse and turnover analysis (finished and unfinished products).

Monitoring of the company's performance indicators:

  • Financial indicators (EBITDA, accounts receivable and payable, account balances)
  • Sales (orders, shipments)
  • Marginality by direction
  • Efficiency of production workers and equipment
  • Administrative and general production costs.

In the field of public administration:

Information and analytical support of decision-making processes in the field of public health management - both at the municipal and regional levels and at the federal level.

The application modules of the system provide control and scenario assessment of the achievement of target indicators, monitoring of morbidity and mortality rates from socially significant and dangerous diseases, monitoring and assessment of the effectiveness of preventive measures, operational monitoring of the epidemiological situation and ambulance, analysis and forecasting of the gender and age composition of the contingent, monitoring the functioning of medical and preventive institutions. The solution allows you to increase the efficiency and quality of information support for decision makers through the use of analytical processing and data visualization tools, as well as reduce the labor costs of authorities employees to perform routine reporting operations.

Implementation objectives

  • Information support of decision makers
  • Generate reports in different directions with varying degrees of detail
  • Visualization of information taking into account ergonomics of perception and technical characteristics
  • Forecasting the development of events and their impact on the business
  • Aggregation of all sources of information and presentation in a single information space
  • Providing employees with powerful and convenient tools for analyzing incoming data.

Visiology Platform Architecture

Data collection

The data collection module of the Visiology analytical platform provides a solution to the problem of forming a single information storage used for analysis, forecasting and visualization of information.

Analysis and Forecasting

The analysis and forecasting module is designed to solve the following problems:

  • identification of relationships between different phenomena, formation of factor models based on analysis results;
  • scenario assessment of the consequences of management decisions based on the developed factor models (models can also be developed and provided by Visioloji as part of consulting services);
  • assessment of risks and degree of influence of various factors on the studied processes.


The Visiology analytical platform allows you to present information in a readable form, taking into account the following parameters: the features of the displayed data, the technical characteristics of the display means, the ergonomics of perception.

Visiology simplifies the perception of information thanks to a large set of different visual types of presentation (widgets), both standard (histogram, graph, map diagram, etc.), and specialized (multi-layer map, network, heat map, schedule, etc.). All widgets are interactive, which allows you to present information with different degrees of detail and in different sections.

By processing incoming information, the Visiology platform provides comprehensive visualization optimized for various display solutions.

Results of implementation of the Visiology Analytical Platform:

  • a single information space: all information is structured and collected in one place;
  • The information is presented in the most visual and easy-to-see form;
  • Management has access to all data at any time from any device;
  • Management makes strategic management decisions based on complete and up-to-date information.


Availability of Sound BI widgets for data visualization

The company, CodexProj which has experience in the field, data science creating - IT systems for, storages processing and analyzing data, has developed a wide range of widgets for users of the Visiology platform, convenient for embedding in Visiology Dashboards and further configuration. Representatives of the company Visiology reported this at the end of February 2025.

According to them, 35 widgets are already available on the platform, and their number will increase monthly. Sound BI widgets expand the choice of visualizations and offer, among other things, functions such as:

  • online customization of visualizations with more than 80 parameters for each widget;
  • conditional formatting, such as changing a line from solid to dashed when a predetermined value is reached;
  • Embed images, including chart captions and any other widget elements
  • dubbing data by voice by clicking on an element or a special widget button;
  • Animation and video, including for comparing changes to different objects.
  • 3D visualizations;
  • the ability to display data with calculation according to specified rules.

If the desired widget is not in Sound BI, CodexProj is ready to develop it within 30 days.

Visiology 3.11

On February 11, 2025, Visiology presented the next version of its analytical platform. The release of Visiology 3.11 is distinguished by a number of changes at the level of the DanCo engine and DBMS, as well as in the organization of joint work with BI in large corporations and Self-Service mechanisms. For users, 10 additional DAX functions, an object-level access sharing (OLS) mechanism, incremental data loading tools, as well as a number of changes in working with dashboards have become available.

Visiology 3.11

According to the company, at the corporate level, BI implies the use of a single data warehouse to study information and make informed decisions for any departments and departments. Visiology 3.11 updates extend these capabilities across multiple dimensions. To work with BigData, an incremental loading mode has appeared, which allows you to add only new and changed values ​ ​ to the store. Thanks to this, the download of information can be accelerated by an order of magnitude. Work with the proven data input system through Smart Forms was also optimized due to the unity of the interfaces of the dashboard designer and manual input forms.

BI installations covering multiple departments allow you to make decisions across the company based on the same data source. However, in this case, more flexible access sharing mechanisms are required. In addition to already the existing Row-Level Security (RLS) scheme in Visiology 3.11 also added Object-Level Security capabilities. Thanks to this, on the platform you can flexibly configure rights and group access policies with detail up to each of a single object.

In addition, in Visiology 3.11 it became possible to copy and import dashboards, provide access to a specific dashboard without the need to open the entire workspace, use schemes already prepared in the company visualization. You can also add your dashboard to any external web resource - both in the version with closed access, and as public dashboards, available without authorization.

Also, when switching to Visiology 3.11, users get 10 DAX functions that allow you to implement various rounding scenarios for further calculations, as well as combine letter values ​ ​ into strings. For the row widgets have additional functions of conditional formatting and deeper study of data.

Visiology 3.11 is the first release of the platform in 2025 and carries a significant number of changes, both in terms of Self-Service practices and platform performance in general. At the same time, we have increased the ability to collaborate with data and share access between users, which allows us to support the most complex corporate scenarios for working with BI.

told Alexey Nikitin, General Director of Visiology


Compatibility Visiology 3.10 with Astra Linux Special Edition 1.8 and Tantor SE DBMS 16.2.1

Astra Group and Visiology have completed compatibility tests of the latest version of the BI-platform Visiology 3.10 with Astra Linux Special Edition 1.8 and DBMS Tantor SE 16.2.1. The reliability and operability of the integrated solution is confirmed by certificates No. 25732/2024 and No. 25733/2024, issued as part of the Ready for Astra IT manufacturers' cooperation program. Astra Group announced this on December 4, 2024.

The Visiology 3.10 BI platform provides native DAX support, built-in optimized analytical data warehouse based on ClickHouse, and an advanced set of tools for modeling them. The developer positions his product as a popular solution for analysts with rich functionality and a minimum entry threshold. Its users can speed up the creation of new and migration of existing analytical practices, even if the amount of information is very large. A wide range of data is also available to them, and you can monitor the state of any aspect of the organization. In combination with training courses and expert support in the field of data-driven management, Visiology makes it possible to make objectively sound management decisions in real time.

The tested Visiology 3.10 in Astra Linux 1.8 and in conjunction with Tantor SE 16.2.1 is a guarantee of its reliable operation in a safe loop. Using a joint solution allows you to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and the most stringent information security policies. Astra Linux users can already install Visiology 3.10 in secure mode on their servers, recommendations and deployment guide can be requested from the platform vendor.

We have been working closely with Astra Group for many years to provide users of secure operating systems with the ability to work with modern data collection, analysis and visualization tools. One hundred percent compatibility of the Visiology 3.10 release, which itself has advanced capabilities for security and access differentiation, with the current versions of Astra Linux and the Tantor DBMS allows you to implement world-class analytical practices in a secure loop, "said Alexey Nikitin, CEO of Visiology.

The Visiology platform offers integration capabilities and flexibility. It can be customized for strict safety requirements and special conditions of use. The development and support team provides all the necessary assistance, which makes it easy to deploy Visiology 3.10 under Astra Linux and establish its work with secure DBMSs located in a location defined by information security specialists. Thanks to this, Visiology is organically and efficiently integrated into the IT landscape based on our certified software, - said Kirill Sinkov, Director of the Department for Work with Technological Partners of Astra Group.

Compatibility with Proxima DB DBMS

Visiology and Orion soft confirmed the compatibility of their products. The BI-platform Visiology and the industrial DBMS Proxima DB in conjunction will provide customers with high performance and scalability of the IT infrastructure. They will also reduce data management labor costs in the face of a shortage of qualified personnel. Orion soft announced this on September 17, 2024. Read more here.

Visiology 3.8 with Enhanced DAX Functionality

Visiology 3.8 is presented, which makes analytics more accessible to a wide range of users and expands the functionality of DAX. The developer announced this on June 25, 2024.

The summer release of the Russian BI the Visiology platform opens up opportunities for using visualization results even for users who do not work with the analytics system, expands the range of available filters and introduces new DAX operators for more accurate and complex calculations. Also among the key improvements in version 3.8 are support for working with network by data stores and subtle boot settings. information

The Visiology platform features a user-friendly interface and a low entry threshold. However, with Visiology 3.8, these advantages have become even more noticeable. All visualization results can now be exported to a user-friendly format. The export function is easy to use, takes into account access rights to data and filter settings on. dashboards Any user can export the dashboard to Visiology 3.8. The function of automatic distribution in the desired format or distribution on demand is also available.

In order to implement enterprise data scenarios, Visiology added support for working with networked storage. Sharing shared files enables users to edit and update shared files in parallel. Visiology 3.8 allows you to configure file updates from networked storage as well as scheduled downloads at different intervals within a single dataset. Now the platform allows you to update individual tables according to an individual schedule, setting up for them different frequencies of loading new data - from weeks to hours and minutes.

Important updates to Visiology 3.8 include support for new DAX features:

  • Mathematical functions ABS, SIN, COS, TAN, COT, ASIN, ACOS
  • Calculate the difference between dates with DATEDIFF in specified time units
  • Filtering with OR condition
  • Determination of median values with MEDIANX/MEDIAN function

In addition, the platform has the ability to work with custom widgets, which can now be reused on different projects. Convenient visualization tools can be exported and imported, shared with colleagues or the community. New features have also been added to filtering mechanisms. The top-N filter allows you to get a selection of the best or worst values ​ ​ broken down by measurement.

Visiology 3.7 with RLS Row Level Access Delimitation

The updated release of the Russian BI-platform Visiology allows you to implement a new level of separation of access to analytics and visualization results, creating the conditions for the full application of the analytical platform in the corporate environment and the application of data-driven management practices. The platform developer announced this on April 16, 2024.

Among the changes implemented in the version of Visiology 3.7, we can note the possibilities of delimiting access at the RLS (Row Level Security) line level, as well as the possibility of publishing dashboards in the public domain - that is, without authorization at all. New flexible access control tools allow you to determine what information each employee or group of employees can access so that the platform automatically filters the data in the visualizations presented.

In recent months, we have seen a rapidly growing interest in building the corporate practice of data analysis and data-driven management based on Visiology 3. At the same time, the issue of verification of access rights remains a key obstacle to the widespread use of a single tool throughout the company. The RLS model allows you not to duplicate data, not to waste time checking rights and creating various dashboards. Visiology simply allows you to determine access at the row level so that each employee sees the analysis of only the data to which they have access, "said Anastasia Galkovskaya, owner of the Visiology Dashboards product.

This version of Visiology 3.7 is integrated into the corporate IT ecosystem using the most popular authorization protocols - OpenID Connect, OAuth 3.0, Kerberos, LDAP. Data access and filtering parameters are configured in the DAX syntax familiar to most analysts. For public data, the function of open publishing of dashboards was added. As a result, live-updated visualizations become available to an unlimited number of users without authorization.

In past releases, we have satisfied our users' demand for high performance, scalability, Smart Forms support and other features. The release of Visiology 3.7 mainly ensures compliance with corporate rules and creates conditions for data-based management, when information from the analytical system becomes available to managers and specialists at all levels to make informed decisions, "said Alexey Nikitin, CEO of Visiology.

In addition to introducing RLS and supporting open publication of dashboards, version 3.7 also implements a number of improvements that make working with the platform more convenient and comfortable, as well as allow you to achieve the delivered result faster. You can find out more about the possibilities of the new version here.

Compatibility of Visiology 2.34 and 3.5.1 with Astra Linux Special Edition

Astra Group and Visiology have completed compatibility tests for OCAstra Linux and the latest versions of the Visiology platform (updates 2.34 and 3.5.1). This is officially confirmed by a certificate issued as part of the Ready for Astra technology partnership program. During testing, Astra Group specialists were also convinced of the correct operation of the version of Visiology 2.32, which was previously certified by FSTEC according to the 6th level of trust, running the Astra Linux operating system. Visiology announced this on March 27, 2024.

The Visiology platform opens up a wide range of big data options for companies running or migrating to Astra Linux. In addition, such organizations can make decisions based on the analysis, interpretation and integration of data with business processes at different levels of information security.

Version 3.5 Visiology allows analytics to perform tasks on their own from the data download stage to the reporting stage by simply tuning over traditional OLAP. The role model for accessing information and platform components enables more users to collaborate. Another key change is importing data from Smart Forms created in version 2.x. This helps visualize information gathered by dozens and even hundreds of employees on the 3.x platform. Data is imported while maintaining links, making it easier and faster to work with. Other platform updates include the ability to save only metadata by activating the mode of saving only the ViQube structure; Full and partial copying of individual tables Activates verification of the backup after it has been saved.

The direction of development chosen by colleagues from Visiology allows us to say that with each new version the product becomes more and more popular in the market. I want to note that the correct operation of the platform in the environment of the Astra Linux operating system is good news for users of analytical platforms. In conjunction with a secure OS, each BI solution can successfully replace Microsoft Power BI and other foreign counterparts, which now have to be abandoned, and perform business analytics in organizations with increased requirements for information security and data protection, "said Alexey Trubochev, director of the support department of Astra Group.

Astra Linux compatibility certification is an important step towards providing our customers with a single ecosystem for a secure environment. This procedure involves carefully checking the operation of each release to ensure that there are no compatibility issues. We continue to cooperate with colleagues from Astra Group and will certify the latest versions as the next Visiology releases are released, "said Alexander Nikolaev, head of the Visiology integration department.

Modifying the Licensing Scheme

The company Visiology on February 26, 2024 announced a change in the licensing scheme for its products. According to this approach, customers can choose the appropriate option for implementation based on three options and change the license type as BI practice grows. At the same time, each Visiology user receives a full range of capabilities for loading data, creating models and dashboards, which makes the Visiology licensing model the most convenient for BI implementation cases in which many users work independently of each other in Self-Service mode.

In 2024, Visiology changes the licensing scheme in such a way that the client has the opportunity to launch the project with minimal investments and further expand as needed. This version of the pricing policy was prepared taking into account the accumulated experience, preferences and wishes of both medium-sized businesses and large corporations and public sector organizations. Simpler, but at the same time, plastic licensing options can be adapted to the individual needs of each client. At the same time, the scheme itself was greatly simplified and many functional restrictions were removed in all versions, "said Alexey Nikitin, General Director of Visiology.

The main changes affected the Visiology server perpetual licenses. Now there are only two of them: Standard and Corporate, but each of them allows you to flexibly configure the number of users. The standard server license is suitable for most business scenarios and is intended for companies with no more than 500 users.

The enterprise server license has been developed for large enterprises and organizations that have higher requirements for performance, security, reliability and scalability. It is available for versions from 50 users.

The updated pricing policy removes a number of important functional restrictions. Now available for all versions of the platform:

  • delivery of the version certified by FSTEC (as before, requires the purchase of a certification package);
  • regulatory reporting without restrictions;
  • Single-Sign-On end-to-end authentication.

The Start subscription license (formerly Optimal) allows organizations to get acquainted with the platform and, if necessary, switch to a server license with the offset of the amount already paid within the first six months after activation. This minimizes the company's financial risks during the evaluation and testing period of the solution.

Platform technical support options also appeared: now, in addition to the minimum level (updates and handling of requests in normal mode), extended levels are also available to customers. They are distinguished by shorter guaranteed processing times, remote connection of specialists, visits to the client's site, support after hours for critical incidents.

Visiology 3.6

On February 20, 2024, the company, Visiology the developer the Russian BI of the platform, presented the first update of the ecosystem of its solutions in 2024. The Visiology 3.6 release included a number of updates that allow users to optimize tuning efficiency. visualization In addition, the authorization mechanisms were changed and the security of the platform launch environment was optimized.

Visiology 3.6

According to the company, the filtering mechanisms have V3.6 been changed. A special advanced filtering panel allows you to flexibly configure the data composition for each widget, it is hidden from business users and is a tool for analysts that optimizes the development of more accurate dashboards at the request of end customers.

Additional data splitting has also been added for more detailed visualization in different sections. Keeping the big picture, professional analysts can add a detailed legend and get a detailed analysis of information in narrower categories.

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= noted Anastasia Galkovskaya, owner of Visiology Dashboards' Advanced Features filtering, as well as the possibility of additional categorization became a response to the requests of advanced users who need more flexibility to prepare dashboards and self-analysis of data.}}

In the Visiology 3.5 release, users were able to work with Smart Forms, and this feature immediately became one of the most popular, including direct download files Excel via ViLoader. Visiology 3.6 has even more capabilities. Platform users can now update Excel plug-ins if they have made any changes, or if you want to add or remove a column. Also when connecting any data sources in the graphics A function to rename fields on load has been added to the model. For the convenience of working with the data model, the function of hiding unnecessary columns has appeared. And for the convenience of working with data loaders, the ability to change download parameters was added to the user interface.

In this release, we also take a step forward towards strict corporate requirements, creating the conditions for the integration of BI tools into the IT ecosystem of corporations of any complexity and the subsequent implementation of data-based management practices both at the top management level and in order to solve the tasks of each department.

commented Alexey Nikitin, CEO of Visiology

The release optimized the Visiology administration tools. The changed mechanism of interaction with KeyCloak makes it easier to integrate Visiology 3 into any corporate environment, ensuring compliance with information security requirements for user authorization policies. The rules for launching Docker containers with Visiology components were also changed to reduce the risk of hacking and compromising the IT infrastructure as a whole.


Visiology 2.34 и Visiology 3.5

The developer the Russian BI of the platform Visiology on December 5, 2023 announced the release of the releases of Visiology 2.34 and Visiology 3.5. The updated version of the platform includes improvements in the field of collaboration and the use of external sets, data demonstrates increased stability for large installations and work with, and Big Data continues to expand the functions of the analytical engine with support for DAX syntax. For users of the previous version of the platform, Visiology 3.5 removes all restrictions on migration, as it fully supports work with the SmartForms module, and also allows direct migration dashboards and datasets from Visiology 2 to Visiology 3.

By the end of 2023, we have come with a fully functional version of Visiology 3, which allows us not only to get acquainted with a special high-performance engine based on the optimized ClickHouse and support for the most common analytical language DAX, but already completely translate BI projects to a convenient Self-Service platform. The release supports the separation of roles, wide possibilities for importing data and offers conditions for collaboration up to thousands of employees in large corporations, "said Alexey Nikitin, General Director of Visiology.

The release of Visiology 3.5 becomes an important step for existing Visiology users, as it allows you to import all standard dashboards from Visiology 2 into Visiology 3 in a few clicks. And the added full support for the SmartForms manual input module and the ability to directly load Excel tables into the ViQube engine allow you to gradually automate data collection without disrupting the processes that have already developed in the company.

To develop a comprehensive BI practice in large organizations, Visiology 3.5 supports the separation of work areas with clear control of access parameters, allows you to share dashboards between departments, transfer them to new work areas and rely on external data sets to ensure their inviolability. Easy-to-use Self-Service tools allow analysts and business users to create and modify visualizations of the information that is available to them without fear of making changes to data or other people's reports.

With each release of Visiology 3, we continue to expand the range of supported DAX operators that our users need to work with data. In version 3.5, support for constants and element counting operators was added, as well as other required functions. At the recently held ViRush conference, we have already received feedback on the new release, and we can say that it was Release 3.5 for many that became the very stage when the transition to Visiology 3 becomes simple and understandable, - said Anastasia Galkovskaya, Product Owner in Visiology.

The Visiology 3 platform features one of the most understandable interfaces for business users, providing the ability to work for analysts without knowledge, and programming further development of the DAX syntax leads to an even greater decrease in the entry threshold, including through virtual assistant ViTalk GPT on-base prompts. In artificial intelligence addition to these innovations, the updated release also expands the capabilities backup of the engine, allows full or granular import of data and opens up further opportunities to increase performance and scale. data stores

Add Dashboard Transfer Tool from Visiology 2 to Visiology 3

The company, Visiology the developer the Russian BI of the platform, on October 17, 2023 announced the presentation of a tool that helps to transfer dashboards visualization from Visiology 2 to Visiology 3. This migration system reduces the complexity of the transition between platform generations by several times, and reduces the cost of moving BI developments by 80%.

Despite the fact that Visiology 2 is used in hundreds of large BI projects throughout Russia and outside the country, two years ago the vendor began developing Visiology 3, which is characterized by higher performance, a low entry threshold, a more developed Self-Service ecosystem, as well as support for the widespread analytical language DAX. Thanks to this, on October 17, 2023, Visiology 3 meets the best practices of world-renowned manufacturers and offers one of the simplest migration schemes from Western BI platforms.

Throughout 2023, all Visiology customers received updates for two platforms at once - versions of Visiology 2 and complementary Visiology 3. Working on the same portal, the two engines allowed you to gradually master the latest architecture and evaluate its advantages. Many new users began to create reporting and analytics immediately on Visiology 3, using the advantages of this data model, an accelerated engine, optimized storage and other platform improvements. Now Visiology has introduced a tool that will transfer dashboards from Visiology 2 to Visiology 3.

When it comes to migration, our customers want to minimize labor costs, eliminate delays and avoid errors when transferring their developments. This tool meets these requests and allows you to transfer all dashboards, theme settings and standard widgets to the latest platform to one command. Thanks to this, after transferring the database, visualizations will work immediately after the basic configuration, without additional manipulation, "said Nikita Ilyin, architect of the Visiology platform.

Automatic migration works for all categories of standard dashboards, themes and Visiology 2 widgets. If there are custom modifications, after the transfer, the elements can be modified in the Visiology 3 dashboard editor or transferred manually.

Visiology 2.33 и Visiology 3.4

On September 15, 2023, the developer the Russian BI of the platform Visiology announced the release of the releases of Visiology 2.33 and Visiology 3.4. Updates optimize platform flexibility, relieve platform dependency on. operating systems The updated version allows users to switch to modern web solutions and freely work with visualization both a wide range and an increased set of sources. data

Visiology 2.33 и Visiology 3.4

Visiology 3.4 was reported to be a state-of-the-art BI platform that addresses enterprise-level challenges. The updated release opened up the following possibilities:

  • Sharing Access Between Different Workspaces
  • Editing dashboards while updating data
  • Development of dashboards using the web interface

In addition, the updated release is distinguished by a multiple increase in the speed of loading and processing big data (BigData) due to the ViQube horizontal scaling system and other seizures in the field of working with data and sources, visualizations and platform administration.

As of September 2023, the Visiology 3 platform offers a balanced solution for the further development of business analytics in Russian companies - both when migrating from foreign solutions and when building BI expertise "from scratch." For our current users, there is also a smooth transition to an updated, more technologically advanced platform, with all customers receiving Visiology 2 updates through 2025 and technical support lasting even longer. As of September 2023, in most cases, tasks are more convenient to solve based on Visiology 3.4.

noted Alexey Nikitin, CEO of Visiology

According to the estimates of leading market experts, including TAdviser analysts, the Visiology 3 platform is one of the most technological Russian solutions in the field of business analytics due to the support of the universal DAX language, visual data model, as well as the use of the internal optimized ViQube column database based on ClickHouse. As of September 2023, the updated version of the enterprise analytics platform provides stable operation, differentiation of access and flexibility in integration issues, so Visiology users have already begun the transition process between Visiology 2 and Visiology 3. To make this migration more comfortable from the beginning of 2023, releases of both platforms are released jointly, and analytical engines work in parallel with a single BI portal.

The Visiology 3 platform features one of the lowest entry thresholds in the industry, providing the ability to work for analysts without knowledge. programming The use of an analytical query language with a syntax similar to DAX () Microsoft Power BI allows you to transfer developments from the most popular Western BI platforms with minimal costs, and the updated interface with hints when entering formulas and a virtual assistant based on ViTalk GPT artificial intelligence further optimizes the Self-Service level in Visiology 3.

Visiology 2.32 received FSTEC certification for level 6 trust

On August 22, 2023, Visiology announced the completion of the certification of FSTEC one of the latest releases of the BI platform. The presence of a certificate allows you to use the BI platform and related data tools in organizations with special requirements from regulatory authorities and not limit yourself to tools for making management and operational decisions.

Visiology 2.32 gives users access to all relevant platform features, including working with external DHWs in SQL Backend mode, support for BigData and heterogeneous sources, direct loading of xls files, and much more.

The certification process is time-consuming and requires careful preparation. Therefore, usually the FSTEC certificate is not received by the newest versions. ON However, we see huge demand from various organizations for the latest features. Therefore, we made significant efforts to ensure that the current release of Visiology 2.32 was certified less than two months after its official presentation, - said the Alexey Nikitin CEO of Visiology.

According to the issued Certificate No. 4338 dated 15.12.2020 (valid until 15.12.2025), the Visiology platform meets the requirements for information security, the FSTEC of Russia in terms of the 6th level of trust. This means that Visiology 2.32 can be used to protect information that does not contain information constituting a state secret in significant objects of the critical information infrastructure of category 3, in state information systems of class 3 of security, in personal data information systems if it is necessary to ensure level 3 of security of PD.

Visiology 3.3 with augmented DAX analytic language syntax

On June 26, 2023, Visiology introduced an updated version of the Visiology 3.3 BI platform, as well as an update to the Visiology 2.32 version. The updates affected the capabilities of working with data and loading data, the syntax of the analytical language DAX was supplemented, additional user authorization capabilities were introduced and the visualization tools at the web interface level were significantly expanded. The system has additional aggregations, sorting capabilities and other popular functions, and the creation of analytical queries and scripts for loading data now occurs with the support of artificial intelligence.

The Visiology 3 platform has been of interest to our customers since its first presentation, as the simplest and most obvious alternative for a quick and efficient transition from other BI platforms. Given that DAX support allows you to directly transfer expertise from Power BI, we are purposefully developing additional platform capabilities. This version of Visiology 3.3 has authorization capabilities, users can work with their own data sets, create data models in drag & drop mode, and combine and change dashboards directly in the web interface. This is a different level of self-service that is available to analysts on the Visiology 3 platform, "said Anastasia Galkovskaya, owner of the Visiology Dashboards product.

With special DWH based on optimized DBMS ClickHouse, Visiology 3, you can quickly and efficiently work with large amounts of data. and together with the added version 3.3 tools, each user has the opportunity to create his own data model for further analysis, configure the download on a schedule and independently work with measures and visualizations. Analytic query syntax issues are now resolved easier and faster along with chatbotViTalk GPT, which uses artificial intelligence to generate DAXs based on the specifics of Visiology, as well as Python scripts to load data through the ViXtract open source tool.

According to experts for June 2023, Visiology demonstrates one of the lowest thresholds for entry to the platform for analysts and users, and many customers begin working with Visiology within a few days after a brief training. Improvements in version 3.3 create additional opportunities for work with almost no preparation, and the use of artificial intelligence technologies allows you to enter the platform with almost no preparation, as well as transfer the entire analytical expertise not only with Power BI, but also from Qlik, Tableau and other platforms, - said Alexey Nikitin, CEO of Visiology.

The expansion of the platform for users is also accompanied by the simplified introduction of Visiology 3.3 into the corporate ecosystem. This release provides support for authorization through external authentication services and guarantees compliance of user rights when logging in through OpenID, OAuth, LDAP and other services with Keycloak support.

Visiology 3.3 is automatically available to all existing Visiology 2 users with an upgrade to version 2.32.

Use for training in the SOUTH

Ugra State University (SOUTH) announces the launch of an educational track based on the information and analytical platform Visiology. Visiology announced this on May 18, 2023. Read more here.

Visiology 2.31 и Visiology 3.2

Visiology On April 12, 2023, the company introduced another pair of updates to the Visiology 2 and Visiology 3 platforms, giving customers access to a large set of additional features. Visiology 2.31 will provide users with a deeper level of separation of access rights and work capabilities without, and authorizations Visiology 3.2 becomes the first release of the third version of the platform, which has sufficient functionality to solve most of the typical problems in the field. BI

Visiology 2.31 changes relate to working with the SmartForms input system. Thanks to an improved authorization system, administrators are able to restrict access rights to created elements for any role. The function of contacting the mail server without authorization for mass distribution was also added. In addition, the loading mechanism of the ViQube engine and the platform as a whole were improved. To modify the data through the API, special methods were added, which facilitates the development of specialized solutions based on Visiology 2.31.

But the most significant changes occurred in Visiology 3.2. The third version of the platform began to support role-playing access, as well as updated user widgets. To work with data, a constellation data model was implemented using several fact tables. And the CSV download function allows you to expand the range of supported sources and add one of the most common formats among users of the BI platform.

We are purposefully moving towards expanding the functionality of Visiology 3 to provide users with the same extensive capabilities that they are used to in Visiology 2, but together with the new architecture, high performance ClickHouse DBMS and Self-Service elements. Past releases have focused primarily on testing DAX language support, but the presented version of Visiology 3.2 not only demonstrates advanced capabilities, but can already be used as the main BI platform, "said Alexey Nikitin, CEO of Visiology.

When configuring visualization, users were able to configure the effect of widgets on each other, select the type of aggregation. Also, dashboards on the platform allow you to add any text fields and values ​ ​ to make the rendering more understandable and readable. In addition to expanding the functionality, Visiology 3.2 has improved the user interface, set up highlighting of selected elements and prompts for analysts to work independently.

Application of real business cases for further development of Visiology version 3

To further develop the analytical platform Visiology 3, the Russian BI-vendor uses real business cases from interested customers. Representatives of Visiology announced this on March 10, 2023.

Business Needs Study

According to the company, in 2022, many companies faced the need to transfer expertise from one BI platform to another, and for a number of tasks such projects turned out to be extremely time-consuming. Given that each business intelligence platform has its own architectural features, uses its own methods of working with data, and also uses a special syntax, when switching between BI tools, high-quality refactoring of existing practice is required. For example, many Russian BI tools only work in ROLAP mode, and therefore transferring practice from Qlik, Tableau or Power BI requires drastic changes. The ViQube engine used in Visiology In-Memory optimizes this task, but migration still remains a laborious task in any situation.

{{quote 'author
= explained Ivan Vakhmyanin, Managing Partner of Visiology' In recent months, we have taken part in dozens of migration projects from Western BI platforms, and on each of these projects the lion's share of labor costs was to redesign the approach to data analysis. The fact is that performing the same tasks requires different approaches depending on how the data model works in each system, what functions are provided for performing standard operations, how the results are visualized, and so on. Therefore, we decided to take the initiative and offer our existing and potential users can work out real cases on the Visiology 3 platform even before the start of actual implementation and migration projects.}}

Application of real business cases for further development of Visiology version 3

The initiative was made possible by the fact that the main strategy approved in the Visiology roadmap for 2023 is aimed at the functional development of version 3. With each next release, engineers on the one hand implement more and more functions are in demand on any BI project (filters, updated data loading formats, advanced rendering capabilities, etc.), and on the other hand, they expand the capabilities of an analytical engine that uses the DAX query language. For March 2023, the day is supported by XX basic formulas and the systematic development of the analytical engine takes place.

{{quote 'author
= noted Nikita Ilyin, architect of the Visiology' platform First of all, we make sure that DAX support in Visiology matches the usual syntax of Microsoft Power BI and the engine demonstrates the corresponding performance. However, at the same time, the platform is being functionally developed in accordance with the expectations of real Russian organizations. That is why we announced the collection of cases for detailed working out business needs, not just familiar BI functions.}}

Visiology 3 already uses the graphical constructor of the data model, and also allows you to transfer a number of formulas and measures from Power BI unchanged in order to save the already created developments in the BI area. However, this case program allows you to go even further, ensuring that the Visiology platform meets the real needs of the business and the ability to easily migrate and transfer expertise for the companies that provided their cases.

Anyone can apply for their case. And it is not at all necessary that this is a task already solved at Power BI. We consider analytical requests on any platforms, as well as those ideas that have not yet been automated at the BI platform level. It is important for our team to get a detailed context and description of the business task so that the advanced functionality of Visiology 3 meets the needs of Russian companies.

noted Anastasia Galkovskaya, owner of the Visiology Dashboards product

Visiology 2.30

On February 2, 2023, Visiology announced the release of the Visiology 2.30 platform.

Visiology 2.30

According to the company, the Visiology 2.30 platform differs from the previous version in the updated capabilities of the proprietary Visiology utility for manual data entry. In the updated version, SmartForms provides control over the filling of mandatory parameters, does not allow sending forms with empty cells. To help users who using Excel as one of the data sources, Visiology 2.30 optimized the ViLoader mechanism, which even allows you to download text information from Excel. Now, in one click, you can load both values ​ ​ in cells and related comments into the BI platform with a mouse.

Significant changes have affected the security system at all levels of BI work. ViLoader delimits access rights when working with Excel files. Each user can access only his own files, which eliminates the possibility of accidental or intentional damage to the information entered. This system of logging the actions of administrators together with a clear distinction of access rights provides comprehensive information for the information security service and incident investigation.

As for the platform functionality, ROLAP DBMS support was implemented for the -display (working with external). MS SQL Now Visiology can directly receive data MS SQL, ClickHouse Arenadata QuickMarts,,,,, and from DBMS PostgreSQL. And Arenadata DB Vertica Greenplum for MySQL those Oracle companies that need to take into account the changes in the map from 2022 Russia , source files were added to update widgets from by region visualization in full compliance with the requirements of the laws of the Russian Federation.

Simultaneously with the expansion of the general functionality of Visiology 2, the development of Visiology 3 version is also taking place. Starting with release 3.1, the platform supports advanced sorting capabilities, working with the calendar, and also allows you to create object names in Cyrillic. The data model editor, as well as the module for working with dashboards, received a number of changes in user characteristics. But most importantly, for February 2023, the launch of both engines takes place in the same format, and users have the opportunity to prepare for migration to an efficient and functional world-class BI platform in advance.

We are gradually working to expand the capabilities of Visiology 3 and provide users with access to updated features to familiarize themselves with the updated business intelligence system. For February 2023, some DAX operators are available in Visiology 3, similar to Microsoft Power BI and a faster BI platform in the near future.

noted Anastasia Galkovskaya, owner of the Visiology Dashboards product

Visiology 3: Russian BI platform with support for DAX, TOM and higher performance

The Russian analytical platform Visiology was created in 2015 and is successfully used on more than 200 large projects in Russian and foreign companies. The new version of Visiology 3.0, presented at the ViRush 2022 conference in November 2022, features a number of fundamental architectural changes that have led to improved platform performance. Read more here.


Visiology 2.28 with advanced engine capabilities

On September 5, 2022, Visiology unveiled an updated release of Visiology 2.28. Thanks to the update, users will have access to advanced capabilities when working with DBMSs from various vendors, they will be able to calculate indicators faster, it will be easier to transfer data from the SmartForms input system, and will also receive a new level of security and advanced administration capabilities.

Among the key changes in this version is the expansion of the capabilities of the engine that works directly with data from the DBMS. The updated SQL BackEnd ViQube receives a summarizing function (previously available only for in-memory analytics), and also expands the range of supported DBMS. Visiology can now use as a data source. bases Oracle They can be connected to the ViQube engine directly, without additional conversion. The system also implemented CSV support files with string transfers, which further expands the ability to connect new data sources.

We see a business request to support the largest range of DBMSs and data sources for complex real-time calculations. The improvements made to the ViQube engine and additional modules allowed us to simultaneously expand the range of supported DBMS and increase the speed of the platform, which is especially important for calculations on large and heterogeneous data sets that need to be aggregated from different sources, - said Alexey Nikitin, technical director of Visiology.

The changes also affected the proprietary SmartForms data entry system. In addition to the general interface improvement, starting with version 2.28, SmartForms allow you to set a wider range of settings and transfer them to the BI platform engine for calculations and visualization without additional actions.

Entering data on many BI platforms remains a challenge, and that is why analysts are forced to limit themselves in the number of sources and the frequency of updates. In the presented version, we have expanded the possibilities of enriching data from SmartForms information from various sources with the guarantee of structure preservation, formatting and historical retrospective. As a result, information collected through forms can now be analyzed with any other dataset without additional effort, "added Semir Ahmed, product owner of the SmartForms solution.

In addition to this, the performance of the dashboard designer was increased (in some tasks, the execution time was reduced by up to 4 times). The updated LiveChat module allows you to access technical support directly from the Visiology interface, and OpenLDAP support opens up opportunities for distributing roles based on an open directory. In addition, the security of a number of auxiliary components was increased to provide additional protection for platform users and corporate data.

Visiology 2.27 with Advanced Big Data Capabilities

On June 22, 2022, Visiology presented the release of the Russian information and analytical platform Visiology 2.27, the release expands the capabilities of processing large amounts of data, and also optimizes visualization processes. In addition, users receive a data download mechanism through a special SmartForms tool and the next level of security when working with the system.

Visiology 2.27

According to the company, the key changes in the 2.27 release affected hearts the "" platform - ViQube's own ROLAP movement. One of the important advantages of Visiology is in-memory processing in-memory (). However, thanks to changes in the ViQube architecture, version 2.27 has the ability to perform tasks on large amounts of data that go far beyond RAM. SQL Backend allows you to translate part of multidimensional queries into SQL and execute them directly on an external one. DBMS Thus, query processing speed BigData is now limited only by the architecture and performance of the supporting SQL infrastructure, and there is virtually no limit on the amount of data for analysis in.

The request to expand the ability to work with really large amounts of data has recently been among the most popular from our customers. That is why we have optimized the mechanism for executing requests on an external DBMS in the updated version of the platform.

noted Alexey Nikitin, technical director of Visiology

In addition to upgrading the engine, Visiology 2.27 offers changes in visualization. It was possible to upload dashboards to OpenOffice document formats:.ods (analogue of Excel) and.odp (analogue of PowerPoint). The mechanism for working with dashboards in a web environment has also been optimized. As a result, users can insert ready-made dashboards into letters, messages and documents without thinking about the correctness of their display. In addition, viewables can now be simply copied. The widget ID changes automatically in JavaScript code and does not require manual code editing.

By modernizing the visualization process itself in the updated version of the platform, the opening of dashboards will be faster: even in conditions of slow Internet and large meta-structures, the download speed can increase by 1-2 seconds.

Another possibility of version 2.27 is to load data more efficiently through SmartForms. If the operator uses spreadsheets (Excel files) for this, the platform independently recognizes the values ​ ​ of dimension attributes (reference books) and creates dimension elements. This approach allows you to automatically expand the range of information collected and add it to an existing data model without additional action from users.

Visiology 2.27 is already available for download as an updated installation and for updating for current users of the company.

Add Special Licenses

The developer of solutions for business analytics, Visiology on April 15, 2022 announced the expansion of the licensing policy and introduces updated tariff plans for customers switching from other BI platforms. The changed approach to licensing will allow satisfying the requests of companies operating in Russia that have changed in 2022.

We understand that in the event of a transition from another BI platform, our clients incur, in fact, double costs, since during the migration of developments, training of specialists, two licenses must be paid. Therefore, we decided to meet such customers halfway, and provide those who already use another BI platform with other profitable licensing options, both in the subscription format and for installation on their own server facilities, "said Ivan Vakhmyanin, CEO and co-founder of Visiology.

Customers have been offered other licensing formats with different levels of support and number of users. Thus, for server installations, the number of users was reduced to 50 under the Server Start license with a significant reduction in cost. For customers of the subscription service, an updated Optimal license was presented, which now allows you to purchase an annual subscription for teams from 10 to 50 users at a price of 35,000 rubles a year. At the same time, each user receives the full functionality of BI: he can create dashboards and reports, view them, configure the data model and download. In addition, the package initially includes 5 Smart Forms licenses for automating data collection. The subscription was made more accessible due to the fact that only basic support is available for the Optimal license - updates and answers to questions are received through an email or user portal with a reaction period of up to 3 business days.

For those customers who need online technical support, the Optimal + license was developed, similar to the owners of the Server license. It includes an operational response in Telegram chats, as well as the ability to remotely connect a technical consultant if necessary.

The updated licensing policy allows the company to meet the demand for the Russian BI platform through a more flexible approach to providing support and a larger range of users.

Integration with R-Style Softlab solutions

On March 9, 2022 integrator bank , the solutions R-Style Softlab announced that they had entered into a strategic partnership agreement with the developer of the analytical platform Visiology. By joining forces, suppliers Russian software will offer credit domestic organizations, insurance companies and other industries integrated big data management and automation solutions, reducing business processes the risks associated with using similar import solutions.

Companies want to get not just a set of software, but a ready-to-work and proven bundle of solutions that meet the high requirements of the industry. The Visiology and R-Style Softlab partnership aims to lower the entry threshold for using business intelligence along with advancing advanced technology, strengthening economic ties, and deeply integrating a large range of solutions with each other.

As of March 2022, there is great interest among customers in introducing domestic software products, - commented on the event Lev Frenkel, CEO of R-Style Softlab. - The synergistic effect of using RS solutions in conjunction with Visiology's business analysis and data visualization platform will meet the technological demands of storing and managing big data of the most demanding customers.

We are getting more requests for BI from banks and other companies in the financial sector. This is a very mature market in terms of data analysis, and we understand that it is possible to qualitatively solve the problems of such organizations only together with a partner who has a strong industry expertise. This is the partner of R-Style Softlab, and we are glad to announce the beginning of our cooperation, "says Ivan Vakhmyanin, CEO of Visiology .

R-Style Softlab's products cover the automation of most of the main banking activities, including settlement operations, lending and deposits, working in the securities market, servicing private and corporate clients through various channels, strategic business management, interaction with regulators, and internal business operations. In addition, the company actively works in the market of insurance companies and implements projects for the agricultural sector.


Certification in FSTEC v2.22

On December 16, 2021, Visiology and ICU announced certification in the FSTEC system of the analytical platform Visiology version 2.22.

Certificate No. 4339, issued on December 15, 2020, was re-issued on November 23, 2021. He confirms that Visiology is a software product with built-in protection against unauthorized access to information that does not contain information constituting a state secret, and that it meets Russian information security requirements.

In December 2020, the platform version 2.18 was certified.

It is very important for us that all our customers have access to the most current version of the Visiology platform and can take advantage of the latest features and improvements. Of course, it is impossible to certify all releases - more than 5 are released per year - but we try to ensure that users of certified versions regularly receive new items implemented in our platform. Certification of version 2.22 will allow our customers, for whom compliance is important, information to take advantage of functions such as regulated reporting, the download tool for semi-structured Excel files ViLoader and others, - said the CEO of Visiology. Ivan Vakhmyanin

The main changes in release 2.22 affected the data input module: the Smart Forms tool allows you to download data from complex unstructured Excel files and continue to work with them on input forms, supplement and enrich data. This approach has already made it possible to significantly reduce the labor intensity of loading unstructured Excel files in a number of projects and received high marks from users.

In projects with a long life cycle (and in those areas where compliance with the requirements of Russian regulators is required, such a majority) it is very important that the developer does not stop the development of certified versions, does not abandon the business he started halfway. We are glad that companies such as Visiology understand this, and we are always ready to support them, "said Sergey Grudanov, CEO of SIS. - The updated certificate demonstrates Visiology's readiness to pay serious attention to tools for solving problems of various customers.

Visiology 2.24 with dashboard scaling function

On October 29, 2021, Visiology (Vizioloji) announced that the updated version of the Russian information and analytical platform Visiology has implemented the function of scaling dashboards, and also significantly accelerated the calculation of business rules in the Smart Forms tool.

In the updated version of the platform, it became possible to control the scaling mode of dashboards. This will create a long dashboard with vertical scrolling and give more flexibility when embedding the dashboard in external portals. A lot of work has been done to set up tables: auto-match of measure values based on data type has been added. On widgets, you can easily change the order of display of calculated figures using the drag & drop function.

Users of release 2.24 will note the significant convenience of working with data: additional links to related objects of the ViQube data model have been added - this allows you to better understand the connections and it is more convenient to analyze the existing multidimensional data model. A search of tables and columns was also configured, which helps to clearly customize the relationship of dimension attributes with table columns.

The Smart Forms reporting automation tool has repeatedly accelerated the calculation of business rules. At startup, the calculation is carried out only according to the form from which it was launched, and not for the entire group of indicators. The business process statuses of the form are saved after editing the form template, aggregation functions in business rules can now be used to calculate and save the result in regular cells, not just as time totals.

Visiology 2.23 with Enhanced Platform Core Performance

On September 6, 2021, an updated version of the the Russian Visiology information and analytical platform was released. The 2.23 release significantly increased the performance of the platform core - In-Memory DBMS ViQube, and also increased the functionality of the Smart Forms tool to automate the reporting process.

The updated version of the platform has significantly improved performance, which directly affects the speed of analytical requests to the In-Memory DBMS ViQube. Dashboards, widgets and filters open faster: when tested on various elements, an increase in the request execution speed from 15% to 40% was noted, which will provide significant resource savings when using large data sets on large-scale projects. The translation of statuses on input forms was also accelerated.

It has become even more convenient to search for the desired dashboard for publication: an analyst can use the usual directory tree, as was previously implemented in the Visiology dashboard designer - this significantly increases the convenience of work. Also, you do not need to recreate the loader to add or remove columns in the table you are loading.

The data input module has been transformed into a full-fledged tool that allows you not only to collect an automated process for collecting regulated reporting, but also to flexibly configure formulas, business rules, access levels, the approval process, and quickly supplement and enrich data. Using Smart Forms will avoid a long, time-consuming and error-prone reporting process.

Visiology 2.22 with the ability to load data from unstructured Excel files

On June 24, 2021, Visiology announced the publication of the release of the 2.22 analytical platform Visiology: the main changes affected the Smart Forms data input module. Also, the interface of the dashboard designer has been significantly updated and the convenience of working in the system has been increased.

Smart Forms has added a tool that allows you to download data from complex unstructured data Excel-files and continue to work with it on input forms, complement and enrich data. Loading is carried out in semi-automatic mode - the system applies templates recognitions where possible, and if necessary, an operator is connected to adjustments. This approach has already made it possible to significantly reduce the labor intensity of loading unstructured Excel files in a number of projects, the company noted.

When downloading a regulated report from a dashboard, all filters installed on this dashboard are now taken into account, and a single value from the data can also be added to the report - this increases the convenience of the analyst in Visiology. Partial transfer between Visiology servers can now be done together with data loaders, including by transferring the text of the SQL query. In release 2.22, it became more convenient for analysts to search for dashboards, as well as measurements, attributes and indicators in the dashboard designer thanks to searching and sorting alphabetically. Understanding the relationships and analyzing the existing multidimensional data model has become more convenient thanks to links to related objects in the ViQube administrator panel.

The functions of dimension populating rules, measurement business processes, import/export dimensions to Excel are now available not only for dimensions, but also for measure measures. When working with measurement business processes, you can now restrict access to the attributes of the dimension element depending on the current status of the business process.

The dashboard designer has become more convenient due to the new features of the color palette and the Drag & Drop function when configuring it. The user can control the size of formula input windows, which makes it easier to work with formulas, calculations, formatters, as well as with long complex formulas of calculated indicators: they look more clearly due to the support of string transfer and tab in the syntax.

Run Analytical Platform Test Drive

On April 28, 2021, Visiology announced the launch of a special test drive program for the analytical platform. Within the framework of the initiative, any manager can structure the initiative for the implementation of business analytics in just 7 days and without financial costs, get a prototype BI system based on real company data and remove some of the risks even before the start of the project.

The test drive begins with filling out a detailed application by the client, developed based on the experience of dozens of implemented projects. This will help structure the need for business analytics and identify the current business task, which is in any case necessary for the start of the project. Also, at the initial stage, data is provided and the NDA is necessarily signed.

Experts will Visiology prepare the vision of the pilot, agree on it with the business customer and begin to implement it. Using a standard design and cloud stand allows you to complete work in just 3-5 days, after which the client receives an interactive prototype that can be demonstrated to the business customer and colleagues for decision making.

"First of all, the test drive initiative should help managers take the first step towards data-driven management - if there is no confidence in the business effect and data quality, it is not clear where to start," commented Ivan Vakhmyanin, CEO of Visiology.

As an alternative, the test drive still makes it possible to try the Visiology analytics platform yourself using a temporary license.

The Visiology Analytics Platform addresses data collection, monitoring, visualization analytical processing, and forecasting in a variety of management areas. In the latest version of the platform, the functionality of the data input module has been significantly expanded, and as part of release 2.21 mobile application Android , the integration processes with external ones have been updated on the basis and simplified. providers authentications

Access ViTalk virtual analytics and advanced analytics tools

On February 18, 2021, the company Visiology announced changes in its licensing policy. So, users of the subscription edition of "Visiology Optimal" have access to virtual to ViTalk analytics and advanced tools based on analysts. Python Also in the "Optimal" version, the limits for the maximum volume of the data set were increased - up to 10 million records.

The standard version of Visiology Server now includes 25 named users of web forms (licenses required for manual data entry). Additional licenses for users of web forms are purchased separately. At the same time, it became available to install the Data Collection web form module on a separate server (up to 16 CPU cores) under the same license and at no additional cost.

"Our license policy has been changed based on feedback from customers and partners. For example, the restrictions of the "Optimal" license used to make it difficult to implement in many projects, so it was decided to remove them. As for the "Server" version, the updated licensing rules for the Data Collection module (web form) better meet the needs of projects in which manual input functionality is one of the main ones, "said Ivan Vakhmyanin, CEO of Visiology.

The certified FSTEC version of "Visiology Server" does not differ from the regular server version in price, but to use it, you need to additionally purchase a certified distribution kit, documentation package and key to access the update portal.

Visiology 2.20 with the ability to display unfilled measurement attributes on dashboards

On February 3, 2021, Polymedia announced the release of an updated version of the information and analytical platform. The functionality of the data input module has been expanded and the convenience of analysts when working with routine reporting and the platform interface has been increased.

In release 2.20, it became possible to display unfilled attributes of measurements on dashboards, produced integration with external providers authentications protocols OpenID Connect, OAuth 2.0, Windows Native Authentication (Kerberos). The registry input function is fully implemented in the input module, data which simplifies the work when it is necessary to enter elements with a large number of attributes. Also, in a flat version, you can flexibly customize the rules for filling a dimension element card depending on the attribute values. For easy data entry, the dimension can specify a scenario in which the input fields appear/disappear or are automatically populated depending on the set attribute rule.

To increase the convenience of analysts with the platform interface, navigation on dashboard sheets from the main page is available, a breakdown into pages and a search in a table with a list of regulated reports also appeared. With an indefinite number of rows in the regulated reporting template, you can now use templates with merged cells. Cells with formulas in such a template are shifted to new rows according to Excel rules.

The ViTalk virtual assistant, on which the Data Science team Visiology is working, in this version displays a more visual description of the generated data request. Improved recognition of attributes with only two values (0/1, yes/no) and query navigation. When using filter lookup queries, the query can be recognized as an add or replace the current filter in the context.


Start of sales of the version of the Visiology platform certified by FSTEC of Russia

On December 28, 2020, Visiology and ICU announced the start of sales of a certified version of the Visiology information and analytical platform. The FSTEC certificate number 4338 received in December confirms the product's compliance with Russian information security requirements.

The certificate confirms that the software has built-in means of protection against unauthorized access to information that does not contain information constituting a state secret. It also testifies that the product implements the functions of identification and authentication, access control and registration of security events. The details and terms of delivery of the certified kit can be specified at SIS or its partners.

"As a rule, sensitive data from different sources is collected in BI systems, so the issue of information security is one of the first priorities when implementing such systems. The certified version will allow our customers to be confident in the level of data security, as well as ensure compliance with regulatory requirements in projects where necessary, "said Ivan Vakhmyanin, CEO of Visiology.

"The management of any modern organization is based on data, business analysts and there are no systems to do without. We see that positions are domestic software developers strengthening in this category too, - said the CEO of SIS. "Now Sergey Grudanov that we have Visiologyco in our portfolio as our product, our customers and partners will have more flexibility to meet states the challenges that matter."

The Visiology platform allows you to solve the problems of collecting large volumes of heterogeneous data, processing them using mathematical analysis and visualization methods on any display, including mobile devices and ultra-high-resolution screens. On the basis of Visiology, analytical solutions have been developed and implemented for government bodies, such as the situation centers of the governors of the Ryazan, Smolensk, Ulyanovsk regions and other regions of the Russian Federation, state-owned companies (GTLK, ALROSA) and large industrial enterprises (TVEL JSC, Russian Copper Company).

Russia information protection In a number of areas, including state information systems (GIS), information systems for processing personal data (), ISDn objects (), critical information infrastructure CUES is regulated by regulatory legal acts. In order to meet the requirements of legislators and regulators (for example, in the certification of information systems), it is necessary to use software certified according to information security requirements. Controls the facility certification system. information protection FSTEC of Russia

Compatibility with ATK BIView to 1C connector

On November 26, 2020, Visiology announced the compatibility of the ATK BIView 1C connector and the Visology analytical platform. Read more here.

Support for routine reporting in different formats (up to 5 thousand users, up to 5 thousand analysts)

According to Visiology, it is already possible to build an architecture based on Visiology that fully meets the needs of a large user. In particular, as of November 2020, support for regulatory reporting in various formats was implemented (up to 5 thousand users, up to 5 thousand analysts).

According to Ivan Vakhmyanin, General Director of Visiology, in 2021, the main criterion for selecting improvements will be how much their implementation saves the strength and time of specialists implementing and using the platform. It is also planned to develop a built-in data entry system so that it can fully automate the various business processes associated with data exchange.

Virtual analyst ViTalk also received a big update - improved processing of natural language messages, is automatically selected visualization and is now available Telegram as a bot. In addition, there are already cases of the use of ViTalk by customers, in particular, at large enterprises where it is used for presentations at the Board of Directors. Voice control allows you to receive and display all information of interest online. In 2021, further development of ViTalk is planned.

Visiology 2.18: the ability to set up email distribution of analytical reports on a schedule

The Russian company Visiology has released an updated version of the information and analytical platform. The main changes affected the distribution of analytical reports on a schedule, load distribution to the server and data synchronization. A large-scale update was also received by the virtual voice assistant ViTalk, presented in the Telegram application. Polymedia announced this on September 2, 2020.

Visiology 2.18

Release 2.18, first of all, is distinguished by the ability to configure email mailing of analytical reports on a schedule: the user can regularly, according to the pre-configured schedule, receive dashboards in any available format. The function works even in the absence of communication with the server, and you can specify not only specific recipients, but also a group with one level of access to analytics.

Introduced restrictions on the composition of the input form: when entering data, you can configure the visibility of only significant cells: empty values ​ ​ can be hidden due to restrictions in indicator groups. The shape becomes easier to perceive and more compact. The release also simplified the scaling and deployment of ViQube analytical DBMS in a cluster, which is necessary to distribute the load to several physical servers.

The export interface for data transfer between servers is optimized - analysts working with the platform can search by the name of the dashboard, see all the names of entities - also added the functions "select all Dashboards" and "select the last from the data" when choosing default values.

The ViTalk virtual assistant, which the Visiology team is working on Data Science, was moved to the Telegram space and received all the functions of this application: you can save the most important and frequent requests, as well as program the assistant to send regular reports. The updated ViTalk renders the user's query results in various ways: text, chart, pie chart, graph, or bar chart, if the user specifies one of these renders. If there is no clarification, the assistant will select the visualization automatically based on the volume and composition of the output data.

Visiology 2.17: Adding Additional Phrase Recognition by Sort and Limit to ViTalk

On June 30, 2020, the IT company Polymedia announced the release of an updated version of the BI platform Visiology: the changes affected the tasks of business analysts, administrators, as well as the virtual voice assistant ViTalk.

The main changes in the Visiology 2.17 release affected the export and import of analytical panels and related metadata, which will greatly facilitate work on projects with several development loops. The release also included flexible management of rights to edit dashboards.

Analysts working with the platform will be able to do calculations in the PivotTable at the widget level - using calculated columns, as well as manage column filtering. Columns are automatically signed according to the names of the selected dimension attributes. An updated PivotTable and FlatTable export mechanism in Excel allows you to export a table, including hidden data, up to 10,000 records.

The ViTalk virtual voice assistant, fully implemented in the Visiology Mobile mobile application (available in the App Store), has added recognition of additional key phrases related to sorting and limits: "top 10," "best," "descending" and others. In addition, now you can ask a question to your virtual analytics on the Visiology website in the section

The updated data input module allows you to quickly create more complex measurements. Thanks to the function of entering string, calendar and logical data types directly on input forms, it became possible to build more universal forms and collect more heterogeneous information.

The Visiology platform enables you to solve data collection, monitoring, analytical processing and forecasting problems in various areas of management. The platform is included in the register of domestic software and uses technologies for working with big data, predictive analytics and artificial intelligence.

As part of the list of tested products available for industrial enterprises

On May 6, 2020, the company Polymedia announced that the Visiology platform was included in the list of tested products available to enterprises. industries

At the beginning of May 2020 State , 52 technical solutions were selected on the industry information system portal. Products that will help enterprises continue to operate remotely are divided GISP into eight categories on the portal at The list includes products and solutions that can be implemented by enterprises quite quickly in the conditions of transferring part of the staff to. remote forms of work The Visiology analytics platform is located in the Collection and Analysis section. data

{{quote "Real-time business monitoring and analytics for enterprises in isolation are most important - they help you feel the rhythm of the company, see pain points and work on them, notice the opportunities that are opening up. In other words, you can see all the information that we used to get from casual communication in the corridors, in the kitchen, on the way to meetings. The demand for business analytics is now growing as fast as for other means of working remotely together, "says Ivan Vakhmyanin, CEO of Visiology. }}

Software and hardware solution providers can offer their products using an online application form available to everyone. The selection of solutions is carried out by the Ministry together with the Association of Participants in the Internet of Things Market, the Fund for the Development of Internet Initiatives, ANO "Digital Economy." As of May 6, 2020, the process of processing and verification includes applications from developers of more than 240 products.

The Visiology platform enables you to solve data collection, monitoring, analytical processing and forecasting problems in various areas of management. The platform is included in the register of domestic software and uses technologies for working with big data, predictive analytics and artificial intelligence.

Visiology 2.16: Changing the Way Data Models are Loaded and Created

The version of the Russian analytical platform Visiology 2.16 presented in April 2020 differs, first of all, in the way of loading and creating a data model. This will allow you to combine the loading of normalized and denormalized data, enrich measurements with information from tables without changing already loaded tables, and easily combine data from the collection system and automatically loaded data. In addition, updates will help significantly reduce the cost of implementing the system in terms of data loading. This became known on April 22, 2020.

Initially, analysts could only use the Star Schema in the Visiology platform - a de facto standard for data warehouses. However, with the trend towards the democratization of analytics, it is also necessary to quickly work with simple tabular data. The updated version supports both data paradigms, and at the same time: for example, an analyst can load a table into the system and associate it with data from the data store. This radically reduces the cost of implementing the system in terms of data loading,

Analysts in the updated version will now find it more convenient to work with a large amount of data, thanks to the load indicator when using the drilldown function. In the widget data query settings, you can now change measures, dimension attributes, and measure groups in places using the drag & drop function. In addition, the developers removed restrictions on the volume of.xls and.csv files downloaded to the platform, and the analytical report in.pdf format was greatly reduced in volume during upload.

The processes of switching between pages and opening input forms began to be carried out more quickly, in addition, the average speed of executing analytical requests was increased by 2 times, the speed of loading data into the Visiology 2.16 platform was tripled.

The main changes in the data collection system concern the possibility of creating business rules in the form of python scripts (this makes it possible to create a calculation of any complexity), the ability to leave a comment for each cell in the input table. It will be especially useful to display information about the source of the change in the cell change history: the user will be able to find out how the cell was filled: according to business rule, API or through manual input. It became possible to differentiate access rights by directory elements. The business process statuses of dimension elements are now available in ViQube and can be used to build dashboards.

The Visiology platform enables you to solve data collection, monitoring, analytical processing and forecasting problems in various areas of management. The platform is included in the register of domestic software and uses technologies for working with big data, predictive analytics and artificial intelligence.

Free access to the analytics platform for three months

On April 17, 2020, the Russian company Visiology announced the provision of free access to the analytical platform of the same name for 3 months for industrial enterprises and companies from the industries most affected by the pandemic.


During the period of global instability caused by the pandemic and the fall in oil prices, many enterprises and industries were in crisis. A well-built business analytics project will help enterprises control processes, and managers - see the full picture and make the right management decisions.

It is during the crisis that business analytics can bring the greatest benefit to companies. However, we understand that it is difficult for many companies, especially in the most affected industries, to launch an investment project to implement BI. Therefore, we have developed an anti-crisis proposal that includes granting a license for the Optimal version of the Visiology platform, as well as training specialists and technical advice for three months,

The Visiology platform enables you to solve data collection, monitoring, analytical processing and forecasting problems in various areas of management. The platform is included in the register of domestic software and uses technologies for working with big data, predictive analytics and artificial intelligence.


Red OS Compatibility

On August 19, 2019, RED SOFT announced that it had tested its products for compatibility with Visiology. The test results confirmed the correctness of the analytical platform Visiology on the operating system RED OS (manufactured by RED SOFT). As a result, a bilateral certificate was concluded.

{{quote 'author = Rustamov Rustam comments, Deputy General Director of RED SOFT|Within the framework of import substitution domestic software the policy, it is becoming more and more relevant. The demand for complex import-independent solutions is growing steadily. Following the trend, RED SOFT is actively developing partnerships with other the Russian developers in order to offer the market such solutions, }}

{{quote 'author = says Ivan Vakhmyanin, CEO of Visiology|We are glad that our platform has shown excellent results on the Russian OS. We thank our colleagues from RED SOFT and are confident that further cooperation will become fruitful, }}

Visiology 2.14: ViTalk Voice Assistant Mobile App

On July 3, 2019, Visiology released one of the first mobile applications in Russia with full BI functionality and artificial intelligence - ViTalk voice assistant.

Visiology 2.14: ViTalk Voice Assistant Mobile App
The mobile application, first of all, will be useful for managers, decision-makers, since it will help to receive information instantly, and access to the voice assistant is a logical continuation, which makes it even easier to receive information. The ViTalk assistant understands Russian well, even conversational, this is our own development - artificial intelligence based on Natural Language Processing.

narrated by Ivan Vakhmyanin, CEO of Visiology

According to the company, the platform has advanced analytics, i.e. analysis of influencing factors, which is especially important in modern business and management. The Visiology mobile app with the Beta version of the ViTalk voice assistant is available in the App Store.

The company's strategic plans are to make data loading easier, including through boxed connectors to accounting systems popular for July 2019 in Russia, as well as the further development of advanced analytics. In the coming year, our Data Scientist team will teach ViTalk English.

told Elena Novikova, president of Polymedia, founder of Visiology

Major changes to Visiology Platform 2.14:

Release Date: 10.06.2019

  • Large-scale update of the mobile application.
  • Demo prototype of the ViTalk voice assistant in the mobile application.


  • Change the widget type while maintaining visual and data binding settings. For even faster development of dashboards and changes to existing widgets.
  • Full-text search in accessible filter widget. For the convenience of users with filters that use measurements with a large number of values.
  • Updated Drill Down control button design.
  • The panel of widgets in the form of a gallery.
  • Advanced Analytics: Influencing Factor Analysis.
  • The limit of output values ​ ​ in the filter widget has been increased to 300.
  • Rounding by default to 2 decimal places in all widgets. You can override in formatters.
  • When creating a widget, the header displays the widget type and index, which will make it easier to customize the influence during quick prototyping.
  • The name of the connection is written in the header of the Dashboard Designer window. Allows you not to get confused in the Dashboard Designer windows when working with multiple servers at the same time.

Data collection system users:


  • The installation of the Seq logging system is facilitated.

Midsize Platform Subscription and Server License for Large

On June 26, 2019, Visiology announced an update to its licensing policy: since June 2019, the analytical platform is available for medium-sized companies by subscription - 490 thousand rubles a year. For large companies, the policy is also changing - from June 2019, a server license is introduced without restrictions on the number of users and the amount of data.

Previously, the cost of our licenses depended on the number of users and the amount of data processed. This caused many difficulties for our clients - because it is very difficult for a BI system to correctly estimate the number of active users, data growth, and load at the stage of purchasing licenses. In addition, our system was still too expensive for medium-sized businesses. With the launch of the subscription model, the full power of the analytical platform has become available to medium-sized enterprises, "commented Ivan Vakhmyanin, CEO of Visiology.

In turn, large businesses will now be able to simply purchase a server unlimited license and increase hardware resources as the load grows.

In the very near future, Visiology plans to release a box connector for popular 1C configurations, which will allow customers to reduce license and implementation costs. In addition, it will be possible to receive working dashboards in half an hour after installing the system, "added Elena Novikova, president of Polymedia, founder of Visiology.


Areas of application of the Information and Analytical System

(as of 2018)

In the construction company:

  • Project Feasibility Assessment Prediction
  • Construction Progress Control
  • Resource Demand Planning
  • Analysis of data on contractors, subcontractors
  • Analysis of cost and types of work performed for the period
  • Analysis of planning results in terms of profitability of the company and its future revenues
  • Resource Movement Control
  • Control of payment and supply of resources to facilities
  • Preparation of a unified register of contractual documentation

Visiology Platform Architecture

The Polymedia implementation team has experience and skills in both integrating with existing distributed big data storage and developing analytical storage based on the Hadoop stack from scratch.

Technologies used: Hadoop (HDFS, YARN), Spark, Impala, Hive

General System Level Integration Scheme
Integration of PCS and analytical system levels

Three additional functional units

November 1, 2018 Polymedia announced the next version of the the Russian analytical Visiology platform.

author '= Ivan Vakhmyanin, CEO of Visiology '
We are announcing the next version of the analytical platform Visiology, which implements a number of additional functions aimed at making analytics more scalable and accessible. Of course, the most interesting of them is the ability to communicate with the system in a natural language, now managers will not need to study any tools at all in order to receive analytical information. But other functions are just as important for our customers - planning and budgeting capabilities, deeply integrated with the analytical module, as well as support for the so-called evolutionary advanced analytics, i.e. the ability to seamlessly move between advanced analytics tools of various complexity depending on the requirements of the task and user competencies.

Three functional blocks appeared in the presented version:

  • ViPlan. Planning and budgeting module, closely integrated with the analytical system core. ViPlan will allow the financial service of the enterprise to automate the planning process with minimal involvement of developers.
  • ViTrend. Advanced analytics as part of the platform. Now, in addition to integration with R and Python, the platform has easy-to-use tools for advanced data analysis, such as, for example, analysis of influencing factors.
  • A virtual assistant built on artificial intelligence technologies that will make it much easier for users to work with information.

Visiology Analytics Platform

This platform release is in the beta phase and is already available to partners and customers. Visiology The company plans to release a version ready for industrial implementation in early 2019.

Visiology Analytics Platform Becomes Available on Linux

OS Ubuntu The server-side ON Visiology and all the necessary data platform components are installed on.

"We have long seen in the market a great need to use Linux as a server OS to launch applied business solutions such as our analytics platform. This is due to both import substitution requirements and optimization of infrastructure costs in the case of commercial companies. We have now completed porting the platform and are ready to offer our customers a version to run on Linux servers. By the end of 2018, we plan to make Linux the main version of the platform. The certified distribution kit for installing the platform is Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS, but we are ready to test and, if necessary, adapt for other distributions, including domestic ones, "says Ivan Vakhmyanin, CEO of Visiology

Features of the platform include ViQube's own multidimensional In-Memory database, which allows queries to be executed up to two orders of magnitude faster than relational (OLAP) databases, an advanced video wall visualization system and support, the ability to integrate with the Big Data and Data Science technology stack, a built-in system for collecting data through web forms, as well as mobile applications on Android and iOS for self-research of data.


Unified Register of Russian Programs

The analytical platform Visiology 2.0, by order of the Ministry of Communications of Russia dated 07.12.2017 No. 680, is included in the Unified Register of Russian programs for electronic computers and databases in the class of "systems for collecting, storing, processing, analyzing, modeling and visualizing data arrays."

Mobile App Release

Visiology, a Russian developer of software solutions for data analysis and visualization, announced the release of a mobile application for its analytical platform on November 7, 2017. With the help of the Visiology application, users can independently examine the data they have, presenting them in the form of various diagrams. The application is available on Google Play[1] and the App Store[2].


The Visiology application implements several types of diagrams. For comparative analysis, you can build histograms, track the change in indicators over time on graphs, and use pie charts for part-whole analysis. A tabular view of the data is available for reporting. The analysis results obtained in the application can be exported to an Excel file. To familiarize yourself with the functionality of the Visiology application, it provides a demo mode.


In the era of continuous data generation, when the tasks of their analysis are solved not only by analysts, new requirements are imposed on BI platforms. One of them is the ability to easily and conveniently study the data available to the company in order to make competent decisions. There may not be enough interactive reports for this task, so Visiology has implemented the user analytics (or Self Service) function, which allows decision makers to independently examine data, build analytical queries and save the results. The application we developed makes it possible to access numbers at any time to make a balanced decision. Thus, Visiology, as a data analysis tool, becomes even more accessible, since it can now be conveniently used from a smartphone or tablet, "said Ivan Vakhmyanin, CEO of Visiology.

The Visiology analytics platform allows you to collect large amounts of heterogeneous data and process it using mathematical analysis methods. One of the features of the product is support not only for desktop and mobile displays, but also for collective screens or video walls that are used in situation centers, control centers and control rooms.

Integration with Addreality

The company, Polymedia a system AV and IT integrator, developer of software and hardware solutions, in mid-October 2017 entered into a partnership agreement with the company, Addreality a Russian developer ON in the field of client Digital Signage analytics. The companies agreed to introduce digital communications systems, as well as jointly develop technological solutions.

Within the framework of the technological partnership, the companies will combine expertise on digital communications and client analytics - the Addreality platform and the BI-solution of Visiology from Polymedia. The integration of two systems will allow you to create marketing technologies: for example, track CJM (Customer Journey Map) - the customer's path through the points of contact with the brand, analyze the effectiveness of various marketing tools along this path and optimize them.

Digital marketing technologies will be in demand, according to experts from Polymedia and Addreality, in retail, the HoReCa segment, financial organizations, government agencies, as well as in the socio-cultural and educational spheres.

One of the goals of the partnership is the development of the Digital Signage industry in Russia. The foreign market is saturated with such technologies: in 2016, the segment was estimated at $19.6 billion, and by 2023, according to MarketsandMarkets, it will grow to $32.8 billion. At the same time, the fame of Digital Signage technologies in Russia is still gaining growth. We plan to take a significant share in this market, and Addreality will become one of the key vendors for us. Addreality technologies correspond to the world level and at the same time are a domestic development, which is important for many large customers in Russia, - said Igor Isheev, CTO of Polymedia. - As a system integrator, Polymedia always offers its customers innovative technologies in the field of information visualization, and we are confident that Addreality is able to offer them for Digital Signage solutions.

The companies already have joint experience: in particular, Polymedia has introduced Digital Signage technologies on the Addreality platform for Nissan in Russia.

Visiology 2.0

On July 19, 2017, Polymedia, together with Visiology, released a version of the Visiology 2.0 platform.

The Visiology developers claim that their product is more user-friendly. Also, the Visiology platform will cost less than solutions from large foreign vendors.

The Visiology provides a dashboard server for creating reports, an analytical portal for publishing them, a data collection module and user analytics.

The dashboard server has a developer toolkit for creating complex report logic (C#, Python) and rendering (JavaScript). Interactive dashboard reports can be created without programming. The portal makes it possible to integrate third-party services and reference information providers.

The platform processes information using an In-Memory database called ViQube, which is the company's own development. ViQube allows you to add and delete data in real time.

Visiology 2.0 has updated tools for analysts, as well as for users - heads of departments and companies who need the collected data to make decisions on various issues.

This version provides a built-in system of web forms designed to quickly automate data collection. Integration with the Big Data technology stack has been added. In addition, applications for iOS and Android have been created to make it easier to work with Visiology 2.0 from mobile devices.

