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Tableau Software


Information technologies
Since 1997
837 North 34th Street, Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98103

Tableau Software - software provider for the business analysis and data visualization.

Revenue and Net Profit billions



The products Tableau allow to carry out the deep and versatile analysis of big arrays of information to a short time. Using these solutions those employees who have no serious skills in work with BI-applications or data warehouses can create quickly reports of different sources even. Thus, the fast analytics without attraction of additional resources is available to the companies.

The system of visual analytics Tableau has a set of the ready tools capable to visualize any forms and amounts of data. The solution is capable to turn data bulks into interactive reports in a schedule type, charts and smart dashboards for the best perception of information.

Performance Indicators

2018: Revenue — $1.16 billion; losses — $77 million

In 2018  Tableau Software gained $1.16 billion against $877.1 million the previous year. Sales of software licenses made $555.6 million, having increased with $429.2 million in the 2017th. Services of support and different services brought to the company $599.8 million income, and at the end of 2017 this revenue was measured by $447.9 million. To North America 69% of sales of vendor, are the share of other countries — 31%.

2018  Tableau Software completed with net losses in the amount of $77 million that more than twice less monetary losses of year prescription ($185.6 million).

Financial performance of ableau Software

In day of the publication of financial statements — on February 5, 2019 —  the stocks Tableau Software fell in price by 2.6% during electronic biddings after closing of the exchange. During the session falling reached 5.5% in spite of the fact that profit and revenue of the decision maker for a business intelligence appeared above expectations of Wall Street.

As notes SiliconANGLE, falling of quotations can be connected with change of methods of report generation according to active mastering of a business model on the basis of subscriptions. The company passes to the new standard under the name ASC 606 which recognizes higher percent of revenue on agreements.  Earlier it was announced income according to the old ASC 605 standard.

Tableau develops a new pricing model for the subscriptions to products in the field of data visualization. Clients can make monthly payments for use of software whereas earlier they had to pay the cost of the license for a product at once even if it should be used not for long.

At the conference devoted to the publication of financial results, the CEO of Tableau Adam Selipsky told that in 2018 the company attracted  15,700 new clients (total number of customers exceeded 86 thousand by the end of December) and added to products of 140 additional functions.[1]

Solutions Tableau

The solutions Tableau allow to analyze data and to reveal information, valuable to business, at the minimum investments in system implementation, training of employees and maintenance in the future. It is promoted by unique technologies of data visualization and a technology platform of solutions of Tableau.

From Tableau the staff of the companies works with analytics tens times quicker. Use of VizQL technology ("visual SQL") allowed vendor to completely change ideas of work with data, having made available to users creation of difficult visualization "in one click" without programming or attraction of IT department. Literally for several clicks and several minutes any unprepared specialist can organize work with analytical reports, diagrams and control panels or to share corporate data with a command. Any data of any volumes are available in the intuitive interface work with which does not require special preparation. Tableau traditionally is in the lead in the field of data visualization, placing emphasis on convenience of using of a system to end users. During creation of interfaces Tableau developers consider biological, physiological and even psychological features of perception of information by the person.

"Advantage of Tableau over other systems – in the improbable speed and simplicity with which any can analyze data, even unprepared now, employees, - Bayzakov Batyr, the senior account manager of Tableau considers. - The analytics with Tableau allows to make management decisions quicker and more precisely. In Tableau everything becomes quickly: beginning from strategic visualization for shareholders and finishing with a clear understanding, identification and a specification of problems on any section of business. Employees can prepare reports and collect data in any cuts tens times faster, than earlier. The research which was earlier borrowing month can be prepared for several days or even hours now. In addition, the solutions Tableau are economic, easily are implemented into any IT infrastructure and do not demand essential costs on support from IT department that does them attractive in terms of both top management, and the IT department".

The platform has high scalability and performance: Tableau Server services the largest enterprises in about tens of thousands of users and provides stable, reliable API. The patent Tableau technology provides flexible, iterative approach to report generation when the optimized requests either are recreated on demand, or are quickly rebuilt on the basis of the questions asked by the user. Tableau gives an opportunity for work with the best tools and services: relational databases on a basis SQL Server Oracle Teradata, DB2 and Vertica; cloud services Google Analytics and Salesforce, cloud storages Google BigQuery and Amazon RedShift; multidimensional DB OLAP/ OLAP cubic.


2019: Salesforce buys Tableau for $15.7 billion

On June 10, 2019 Salesforce announced the largest purchase in the history. The company buys Tableau Software for $15.7 billion and will pay the transaction only by means of the actions. Without debts of Tableau it was estimated by the buyer at $15.33 billion.

Under the terms of the agreement, shareholders of Tableau will receive 1.103 stocks of Salesforce for each security. If to transfer the cost of the transaction to one action, then it makes $177.88 that is 42% more than a quotation rate to closing of the exchange on June 7, 2019, the Reuters agency notes. At preliminary biddings on June 10 the stocks Tableau rose in price for 35% up to $169.5, and papers of Salesforce lost 3% of cost and were estimated at $156.43.

The largest purchase of Salesforce: for $15.7 billion the developer of the systems of a business intelligence Tableau is purchased

The Salesforce company is going to close the transaction on merger of Tableau until the end of October, 2019. The buyer hopes that the transaction will add to his revenue about $350-400 million in 2020 financial year, and that will make $16.45-16.65 billion.

The financial advisor of Salesforce within the transaction acted as Bank of America of Merrill Lynch, and Tableau advised Goldman Sachs and Cooley.

According to the Financial Times edition, merger of Tableau will strengthen the growing domination of Salesforce regarding data management and analytical tools of the leading clients. The amount of the corresponding market will grow to $2 trillion by 2020, said in the publication.

We integrate CRM No. 1 in the world with analytical platform No. 1. Tableau helps people to see and understand data, and Salesforce helps people to interact and understand clients — the CEO of Salesforce Marc Benioff says. — Our clients will receive really the best of both worlds — consolidation of two crucial platforms which are necessary to each customer for understanding of the world.

According to the analyst of Citi Tyler Radke, Tableau many is considered "the gold standard in the market of business analytics/visualization of new generation", and the company could increase a share in fight against traditional producers.

By the beginning of June, 2019 Tableau has about 86 thousand clients among whom — Charles Schwab and Southwest Airlines. Number of staff was measured 4200 people. The company does not specify whether all employees will remain to work in Tableau or part of them will pass into Salesforce.

After accomplishment of all formalities concerning Tableau sale, the company will continue to work independently under the leadership of the CEO Adam Selipsky. Its headquarters will remain in Seattle, the brand and leadership team will remain.

Office Tableau

Boards of Directors of both companies approved merge. Three founders of Tableau — Christian Chabot, Patrick Hanrahan and Christopher Stolte — agreed to sell the shares within the transaction.

To Tableau purchase of the developer of the corporate software Mulesoft for $6.5 billion (March, 2018) was the largest acquisition of Salesforce.[1]

According to the TechCrunch IT portal, Salesforce applied for purchase of business social network LinkedIn as a result Microsoft got which. Though between LinkedIn and Tableau there is not a lot of general, the concluded bargain is directed to expansion of opportunities of customer interaction which Salesforce already has. The company continues to develop business outside CRM systems and to improve the analytical tools, notes the edition.

Salesforce and Tableau will work in close cooperation of commands which will be engaged in integration of products. In particular, Tableau technologies should find application in the Salesforce Einstein AI platform and the Customer 360 system intended for development of omnichannel sales and marketing.

2016: Adam Selipsky — the new head of the company

On August 22, 2016 it became known of Adam Selipsky appointment the new president and the CEO of the company. Details here.

2013: Exit to the IPO

On May 17, 2013 the developer company of the systems of a business intelligence founded 10 years ago in Stanford, Tableau Software came for the IPO: shares of the company began to be traded at the New York Stock Exchange. A trading in shares started at the price of $31 for a joke that corresponds to earlier expected range within $28 - $30.

The offer of Tableau includes 8.3 million action, 5 million directly from Tableau and 3.2 million from other shareholders. The largest shareholder of Tableau is New Enterprise Associates. At the price of $30 for an action their aggregate value will be $248 million, and capitalization of the company will reach about $1.7 billion, reported Forbes.

The main fad of a software platform of Tableau – visualization tools. Tools of the platform are capable to turn large volumes of data into diagrams, charts and dashborda.

One of co-founders of Tableau –Pat Hanrahan, the outstanding scientist in the field of work with data. Being professor of information technologies of Stanford University, it won two Oscars, working in Pixar on creation of the innovation graphics and CGI technology.

Other two co-founders of the company, Christian Chabot and Chris Stolte, earlier already worked within a joint startup under the name BeeLine Systems (in 2000 it was purchased by Vicinity).

According to the rating of 2013 of company Gartner, Tableau Software – the leading company in the field of BI.

2003: Entry into the commercial market

The Tableau Software company arose in 2003 at Stanford University which several specialists wanted to improve means of BI and visualization, having made them more available both to business managers, and developers. In 2003 based on the developed technology the commercial product of Tableau Desktop was brought to the market.

A system interacts with relational DBMS, cubes and tables and then automatically generates visual analytics, including reports, tables, ratings and diagrams. The command consisting of doctors of science created VizQL technology which completely changes work with data: simple drag and drop of a mouse it is possible to create difficult information visualization.

The structure of Tableau switches on connectors for interaction with DBMS of the leading vendors (Oracle, the Microsoft SQL Server, Teradata, IBM DB2 and Netezza). Many famous suppliers of BI platforms use instruments of visualization Tableau in the products under OEM agreements, in particular, in Oracle Essbase Visual Explorer (the contract was signed in 2005 by the former owner of the OLAP server of Oracle — Oracle Hyperion company).

1997: R&D in Stanford

In 1997 it is started R&D-проект in Stanford university. In its framework language of visualization of databases of VizQL (Visual Query Language) was developed.