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Rostec has equipped a new oncological dispensary in Ryazan with "clean room" modules

Customers: Ryazan Regional Clinical Oncological Dispensary

Contractors: Shvabe

Project date: 2022/06  - 2022/12

2022: Equipment with medical boxes

Holding Schwabe"" of the State Corporation Rostec on January 30, 2023 announced that it had equipped medical a building under construction with boxes with air conditioning and air purification systems. oncological dispensary in Ryazan The total area of ​ ​ work was about 1.5 thousand square meters. m. The oncological dispensary will be able to accept the first patients in the spring of 2023.

The so-called complex of clean rooms included operating and preoperative chambers, auxiliary rooms, as well as resuscitation chambers and awakening chambers. In accordance with state standards, an increased level of air purity is provided in each of the spaces, conditions have been created for constant control of pressure, humidity and temperature. The work as part of the Rostec holding was carried out by a subsidiary of Schwabe-Moscow.

Rostec has extensive experience in implementing complex infrastructure projects, including in the field. In the health care oncology dispensary under construction Ryazan , the equipment of the operating and resuscitation chambers was completed literally within a few months - medical modules were installed, the engineering system necessary to create a special microclimate was built, and a specialized one was put into operation, - medical equipment said the executive director of Rostec. Oleg Yevtushenko

The Ryazan Regional Clinical Oncology Dispensary has already become the second medical facility in the region, where the equipment according to the latest standards was carried out by the Shvabe holding. Earlier, the premises of the City Clinical Emergency Hospital of the Ryazan Region were equipped with medical modules.

We interact with the Schwabe-Moscow company on the largest range of issues, including equipping the oncological dispensary with clean medical facilities within the framework of the national Healthcare project. We have already developed a positive experience of such cooperation when equipping the City Clinical Emergency Hospital. Doctors and patients praised its quality. We see significant reserves for our interaction, including in the development of cooperation with regional enterprises of the military-industrial complex, - commented on the deputy chairman of the government of the Ryazan region Yulia Shvakova[1].
