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Баннер в шапке 2

Sebryakovtsement passed to a management system and accounting based on 1C

Customers: Sebryakovtsement

Mikhaylovka; Construction and industry of construction materials

Contractors: Gendalf
Product: 1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.0
На базе: 1C:Enterprise 8.3
Second product: 1C: Document Flow 8
Third product: Gendalf: Scan Archive

Project date: 2017/12  - 2019/12

2020: Creation of the unified information system of management and accounting based on 1C

On February 6, 2020 the Gendalf company announced creation of the unified information system of management and accounting in JSC Sebryakovtsement based on 1C. The project was begun in 2017. Because of scale of the enterprise and complexity of a task it lasted about 2 years.

At the time of the beginning of project works in JSC Sebryakovtsement used different programs, the majority of which - solutions of 1C of version 7.7 withdrawn by developer company from price lists in 2011. In them account in the directions was kept: enterprise accounting, budgeting, production and sale, salary and personnel, control of motor transport, engineering control, maintenance and repair. Some processes still were reflected in the tables Microsoft Excel.

JSC Sebryakovtsement

Such system became outdated, and the IT command of the plant could not always adapt it for changes in the legislation. There were risks that once with a release of new laws the enterprise will not be able to hand over the reporting in regulatory authorities in terms. Unpromisingly and impracticablly was to develop in the available programs such directions as e-document flow (electronic document management), interaction with FTS directly, data exchange with the Social Insurance Fund.

Besides, data were entered in programs versatile therefore it was difficult to control an information stream for accounting. Accountant officers needed a lot of time for processing that influenced the frequency of drawing up reports and completeness of introduction of analytics in them. The informational content and relevance of a number of managerial reports was as a result lost.

For achievement of goals the decision to use the 1C: ERP Enterprise Management system (1C:ERP) was made. To organize work with documents using "1C: Document Flow" and "Scan Archive". And additional programs which interfered with the desirable speed of receiving management information for heads and the staff of the enterprise, - partially to integrate or cease to use. As the company contractor and the system integrator on the implemented programs the Gendalf IT company was selected. Joint work of teams of the customer and integrator provided efficiency of the project.

JSC Sebryakovtsement

Creation of the unified information system helped to eliminate difficulties during the planning and control of the current activity both single divisions, and the plant in general.

Planning became more transparent. The staff of economical department obtains the actual information and monthly compares it to planned on the basis of the operational data entered by users into an accounting system. And for shipment of finished goods the special report using which daily there is a comparison of the plan and the fact of shipment of cement is implemented.

Cost accounting became simpler. The plant passed from the valuation method of goods and cost value on weighted average to the FIFO method ("first in first out") in which leaving happens from the earliest arrived batch. Such calculation allows to reflect technically quicker costs, without using loading from third-party bases, and yields more complete result.

Work with motor transport is adjusted. The non-standard block "Control of Motor Transport" is developed and integrated with 1C:ERP. The statement and processing of waybills and also requests for vehicles are performed on places. From 1C forms of waybills are printed, filled out with drivers. Further documents are entered into a system and thus are quickly fixed.

JSC Sebryakovtsement

At shipment by motor transport delivery services, depending on the specified region are automatically substituted, and all amounts are calculated. Errors and labor costs on elimination of these errors decreased. Resources and time for formation of delivery notes at shipment of railway transport since they appear in a system automatically too are also reduced.

System implementation of electronic document management accelerated all processes connected with the approval of requests for payment and orders. To each participant of such process certain time for approval of the document is allowed. In case of absence any of persons, responsible for signing, its powers are delegated to an employee group with similar competences and job responsibilities. All document revisions, including agreements are stored in electronic form. The possibility of loss of documents is excluded by transfer between departments.

Can integrate the unified information system created in JSC Sebryakovtsement based on the solutions "1C: ERP Enterprise Management", "1C: Document Flow" and "Skan-Arkhiv", the plant with the state systems. Including directly to interact with FTS during the periods of submission of reports and to exchange data with the Social Insurance Fund for payment of electronic sick-lists.

JSC Sebryakovtsement
"As a result of implementation of 1C:ERP we received the unified information system of accounting. In it the most part of the problems which are executed earlier in separate programs of 1C of version 7.7 – regulated accounting, salary, supply, sale, etc. is solved. At the same time the created system is flexible, focused on the modern legislation, so, capable to ensure functioning of services of the enterprise for many years ahead according to changes of acts of the Russian Federation.
It is important that in our project communication with "ETRAN" – an information system of the Russian Railway is implemented. The production block obtains state-of-health data of technology units, addressing directly local production servers. Work of sales department by introduction of requests for shipment of products is automated. Also at the plant the foundation is laid for internal e-document flow using the 1C: Document Flow program that noticeably accelerated processes of signing of orders and requests for payment.
All this gives the chance to use wide functionality of the reporting - as our work created according to specifics, and standard, available in a system, - for data analysis and adoption of necessary solutions by key users and the management of the enterprise",

'Sergey Protopopov, the supervising foreman of information technologies of JSC Sebryakovtsement noted'