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Shopping Mall Volga connected Omnicomm Online service for control of transport

Customers: Shopping Mall Volga (transport company)

Saratov; Transport

Contractors: Omnicomm-Service
Product: Omnicomm Online
На базе: Omnicomm LLS: control of fuel consumption and monitoring of transport

Project date: 2014/11  - 2015/02
Number of licenses: 25


On August 20, 2015 the Omnicomm company announced equipment project completion by a monitoring system of Omnicomm Online of vehicle fleet of Shopping Mall Volga LLC.

Project Tasks

Main objective of the project - increase in cost efficiency of work of transport of the enterprise.

Advertizing of Shopping Mall Volga company, 2014

Project Progress

For Shopping Mall Volga LLC monitoring of Omnicomm Online became an optimal solution for increase in level of efficiency of transport.

Igor Elsukov, the head of the analytical department Omnicomm-Service, noted: "Omnicomm Online allows to reveal fuel incomplete fillings at gas station in view of the high accuracy of measurement, attempt of fuel dump and to obtain objective data on the movement of fuel at the enterprise. We set Omnicomm on 25 vehicles of the customer and as we see, it helped to achieve good results".

Project Results

Victor Ved, the director of Shopping Mall Volga noted: "For the first half of the year after the Omnicomm Online installation consumption of fuel decreased by 15%. Besides our enterprise reduced costs for the wages fund of driver's structure due to receiving real run according to run. Total economic effect is estimated at 2 million rubles a month on 25 CU. The installed equipment works regularly, for the period is not fixed operation of faults. Now we can draw a conclusion that this solution Omnicomm Online is effective and economic for our enterprise".