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Simetra has supplied academic licenses of the digital platform to UrGUPS RITM³

Customers: Ural State University of Railways (UrGUPS)

Product: RITM3 - Real time integration transport measurements modelling managemet

Project date: 2023/10  - 2024/04

2024: Academic License Delivery

SIMETRA Group of Companies has delivered academic versions of its own design - the RITM³ digital platform to the Ural State University of Railways (UrGUPS). The company announced this on May 24, 2024.

Academic licenses of the digital platform RITM³ give the right to use basic modules for educational purposes - "Transport Forecasting and Modeling," "Geo-Information System (GIS)" and "Digital Twin." The RITM³ system is a completely domestic software solution designed to analyze, plan and manage the transport system of the region, city, industrial facility. Students of the university will be able to use it to practice modeling skills, perform practical tasks and diploma projects.

In order to develop the joint work of SIMETRA Group of Companies and UrGUPS, they plan to conclude a cooperation agreement in the near future, within the framework of which they will exchange experience and information, develop joint educational and research projects. URCPS will also be able to receive advice from SIMETRA specialists in the field of transport modeling.

Our university is aimed at training qualified engineering personnel for the transport industry, at creating favorable conditions for the development of the skills of students in demand in the labor market. The use of a digital RITM³ platform in the educational process will allow us to take this work to a new level, "said Lyudmila Gashkova, head of the Department of World Economics and Logistics at the Ural State University of Railways.

{{quote 'At the heart of our own development RITM³ is SIMETRA's many years of experience in transport planning and flow modeling. We pay great attention to the training of specialists and are ready to share our knowledge and experience with students and teachers of universities. Joint work with UrGUPS will contribute to comprehensive support for young specialists, open up prospects for professional growth and self-realization for them, "said Oleg Yakovenko, Director of Software Sales at SIMETRA Group of Companies. }}