Customers: Spahr Tomsk Contractors: Crystal Service Integration (CSI) Product: CSI Shelf LifeProject date: 2023/01 - 2023/08
2023: Implementation of the Shelf Life Module
Spar-Tomsk has implemented the "Expiration Dates" software module from CSI - and solved two problems at once: the solution allows you to block the sale of expired products, as well as optimize the process of providing a discount on expired goods. The shelf life control experiment was supported by the Center for the Development of Advanced Technologies (CRPT) from February to August 2023.
When scanning a brand at the checkout, the module requests the expiration date in the Honest Sign digital marking system. By checking it with the current date and recording the delay, he will prohibit the sale, and the cashier will offer the buyer to replace or remove the goods. The solution also transfers data on expired products to the trade automation program Set Retail, where progressive discounts are automatically generated when selling at the checkout - 10%, 20% and 30%. When scanning an item, the discount is immediately applied to the check, increasing customer loyalty.
The solution prevents violations in the sale of labeled goods with a limited shelf life and allows us to increase the confidence and loyalty of buyers through a system of discounts. We are grateful to the CRPT for their support in implementing the experiment and to CSI for such a useful software solution, said Chief information officer of Smart City LLC (service partner of SPAR-Tomsk) Nikolay Moldovan.
The developed solution will be relevant for each store, because the Government of the Russian Federation intends to introduce automatic blocking of expired and illegal products subject to labeling at all cash desks of the country - we are talking about tobacco and dairy products, packaged water and beer. Using the mechanisms of the Fair Sign marking system for automatic inspections completely closes the serious risk to the reputation of trading organizations and gives customers confidence that they are protected from buying a low-quality product, noted the director of the department for working with partners of the CRPT (operator of the marking system "Honest Sign") Alexander Smirnov.
The issue of selling expired products, primarily dairy products, is acutely relevant both for retailers and buyers, and for supervisory authorities. In addition to the tools of the cash system Set Retail 10, which prevent violations in the trade in labeled goods, we have made a module for checking expiration dates. These technologies help retailers to avoid inspections and fines of supervisory authorities up to 1 million rubles. We are sure that customers will also appreciate this opportunity and will trust the store that cares about them more, told the head of the cash area at CSI Andrei Starovoitov.