Customers: State public historical library of Russia (GPIB of Russia) Contractors: ELAR (Electronic archive, NPO Opyt) Product: ELAR PlanskanProject date: 2017/11 - 2018/01
On February 14, 2018 ELAR corporation announced A1B PLANSKAN ELAR scanner delivery to the State public historical library of Russia (GPIB of Russia).
The scanner will be used both for filling of the Open digital library, and for electronic delivery of documents. The service for readers consists in copying of articles and fragments of books from funds and collections of library according to the IV part of the Civil code and it appears in volumes and a form which do not violate the requirement to ensuring safety of library stocks. The number of appeals to GPIB of Russia behind this service grows from year to year, and on A1B ELAR PLANSKAN library workers will be able to transfer to an electronic form large-format documents (A1+), for example, the periodical press and historical maps.
Both work of a digital library, and service of delivery of documents assume scanning of editions from funds of library in high quality when ensuring their safety.
"In library there is also a complex for independent scanning of documents by readers and ELAR PLANSKAN of A2B which is applied at digitization of documents of the A2+ format, including to filling of a digital library. The digital library is the collection of documents and materials existing in Network on national and general history created and which is filled up by the digitized funds of the State public historical library of Russia". Alexey Paklin, head of department of electronic delivery and subscription service of GPIB of Russia |
"Our scanners are developed so that to exclude mechanical impact on originals – digitization of documents happens by a contactless method. Besides, book cradles allow to receive digital copies without risk to damage an edition back. As for A1B ELAR PLANSKAN, it is intended for creation of qualitative digital copies of any flat and sewed documents of a format to A1+. Semi-automatic flat clamping glass which is included in the delivery allows to smooth delicately documents for obtaining the sharp electronic image". Natalia Kachina, director of the department of work with libraries and universities of ELAR corporation |