Customers: The BelAZ is the Mogilev Automobile Plant
Contractors: VIST Group Product: BeCloud G-CloudProject date: 2019/01 - 2019/05
On May 16, 2019 it became known that in the territory of the BELAZ plant the test, autonomous network beCloud using technologies of fifth generation working together with network is unrolled LTE Advanced Pro. This network is a prototype of future republican network of fifth generation which is closely integrated by network of fourth generation.
As it was reported, on two heavy-load cars — one dump truck and the loader — were installed sets of the equipment answering to technical specifications of the developed standard 5G. The used technologies of standards (New Radio and LTE Advanced Pro) allowed technical specialists of VIST Group company to test pilotless control of cars and also work of dump trucks in regime of the robot (Intellectual Pit project).
For pilotless transport, the system considering nuances of a geological situation should transfer information with the minimum delay time. Specialists of beCloud for May, 2019 managed to reduce response time of the equipment to 10-11 ms (milliseconds) that there are already less reached indicators in 4G network, however it is more, than it is expected in future 5G networks. For May, 2019 specialists of beCloud continue setup of the equipment and optimization of communication channels for achievement of the best indicators.
Testing of technology of fifth generation will allow to estimate its opportunities for effective application in the field of mechanical engineering and pilotless transport. Creation of the technological solution which successfully will be operated commercially is planned.
Robotic BelAZ dump trucks are the main part of the Intellectual Pit project which is implemented by the Russian company "VIST Group", at the enterprises of the mining industry. It is for this purpose used pilotless robotic dump trucks, cargo transport and technology of high-precision satellite navigation.[1]