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X-Com equipped the audience of the Tyumen Industrial University

Customers: Tyumen Industrial University (TIU)

Tyumen; Education and science

Contractors: X-Com (X com)
Product: Integrated IT Infrastructure Projects

Project date: 2024/02  - 2024/08

2024: Completion of Information System Scaling

X-Com has completed a project to scale the information system of the Tyumen Industrial University (TIU), a center for training highly qualified engineering personnel for the strategic industry. As a result, a technological base was created to launch new educational programs and develop the scientific activities of the institution. X-Com announced this on September 9, 2024.

X-Com specialists conducted an audit of the customer's existing IT infrastructure, as well as studied the requirements of the software used in the educational process and research activities for the equipment configuration. Based on the data obtained, technical specifications of workstations were developed for each audience, depending on the disciplines studied by the students.

The project used workstations of its own production X-Com, which made it possible to develop an affordable and functional solution that optimally meets the requirements of the university. To work with graphic information, it includes 32 'Classic Solution monitors. All equipment is flexibly integrated into the information system of the university and controlled from the workplaces of teachers. All necessary pre-commissioning and testing has been completed. As part of the service contract, X-Com provides service and technical support for the created solution.

The project contractor was determined on the basis of an open tender, the participants of which were Russian integrators, developers and suppliers of software and hardware. Along with financial conditions, the competition committee assessed the project portfolio of candidates in terms of solutions implemented for educational institutions and scientific centers. X-Com confirmed the design competencies and, having proposed the best conditions for the supply of equipment and the performance of work, was recognized as the winner.

The quality management system of X-Com, which complies with the international standard ISO 9001-2011 (ISO 9001-2008), in combination with a multi-level testing system at all stages of production, guarantees high quality of products. All equipment is accompanied by a warranty from the manufacturer. An advanced X-Com service package and a constantly maintained spare parts warehouse guarantee the prompt elimination of any emerging problems in the operation of equipment.