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Rikor EcoServer EcoSystems

Developers: Ricor.IT
Date of the premiere of the system: November, 2013
Last Release Date: 2015/07/30
Technology: Server platforms,  Data processing centers are technologies for DPC


EcoServer is a class of servers with processor architecture of ARM of the Russian production. Servers are intended for service of cloud and mail services, parallel computings, electronic document management, e-commerce, distributed databases, the organization of virtual work places (VDI). The main advantage of EcoServer is the low cost of ownership. They allow to cut down expenses on energy consumption by 10 times and to increase efficiency of use of the areas of DPC by 9 times.


Rikor EcoServer XR12

On December 17, 2015 the Ricore company announced release of modification of the x86 server Rikor EcoServer XR12.

The main feature of this modification of Rikor XR12 – existence of four ports SFP+ which do possible connection of the server to network equipment at speeds to 10GbE. All network connectors support standard 1G. Servers are completed with Xeon E5 processors, it is possible to set up to 1.5TB of memory of DDR4.

Due to the increased demand from customers for the Russian program and hardware IT developments of Ricore expanded the line of servers with XR12 model on the Xeon E5 processor and proposed the high-performance solution which can be used for such resource-intensive tasks as virtualization, cloud services and data storage. The Rikor XR12 server will meet the most strict system requirements, and with its help it will be possible to construct flexible and scalable infrastructure which will serve long time.
Boris Ivanov, vice president of Ricore

On December 3, 2015 the Ricore company announced completion of development of the Rikor XR12 server on the platform of a processor family Intel Xeon E5 26xx v3.

Rikor XR12 (2015)

The Rikor XR12 server was designed taking into account requirements of average and big customers. It is intended for the analysis of large volumes of data, virtualization and cloud services. According to the statement of the company, serial production of servers will begin in 2016.

The Rikor XR12 models will be produced in several configurations - customers can order and receive a hardware complex for the solution of specific objectives, optimal at the price and characteristics.


Processors of a line Xeon E5-26xx v3 with a different computing power can be installed on the server. Several versions of the motherboards supporting up to two v3 processors Intel Xeon E5 26xx are developed, have up to 24 slots of RAM of DDR4 up to 1.5 TB, two SFP+ of port (or four Ethernet of port). Production of servers in body 1U (up to 8 hard drives) and 2U is planned (up to 24 hard drives). Depending on a form factor of the body connection to six expansion cards is possible.

The project of the XR12 server is completely created in the research center "Ricore" in Moscow. Production of the majority of components (the motherboard, a unifying payment, an indication payment, the power supply, the body, a basket of hard drives) and assembly of the server are executed at the Ricore plant in the Nizhny Novgorod Region.

The share of the parts manufactured in Russia reaches 60%. The first samples of the server are released at the end of November, 2015 and pass test.

Andrey Shperling, the plant manager of Ricor Electronics, noted:

- For production of servers of Ricore based on Intel Xeon processors we upgraded the line of surface mount, having invested more than 140 million rubles in re-equipment. With the new equipment we will be able to produce up to 200 thousand motherboards a year that will almost allow us to meet completely demand for the server hardware and storage systems in the Russian market.

Boris Ivanov, the vice president of Ricore, said:

- We calculate that our products will help the Russian assemblers of the server hardware to pass to domestic component parts and by that it is essential to reduce costs when purchasing foreign parts. We will be able to provide technical and price characteristics of component parts at that level which is necessary for the market, and we will help to overcome dependence on foreign vendors.

EcoServer is compatible to Linux

The Russian producer of the Rikor server hardware announced in March, 2015 completion of tests of family of the EcoServer servers for full compatibility with the software on the platform Linux from domestic developers ALT Linux, Astra Linux and ROSA.

During tests an inspection of correctness of installation and functioning in full of the ROSA, ALT operating systems of Linux and Astra Linux, the squid proxy servers, the Web server Apache, mail servers Postfix and Dovecot, servers of an antispam Spamassassin, programming languages PHP, gcc Perl Python Ruby, a working environment GNOME, DBMS MySQL and PostgreSQL, the browser Firefox, an e-mail client Thunderbird and the office suite is carried out Libreoffice.

"Today the question of import substitution in the field of the computing equipment, telecommunications and storage systems is particularly acute for the ministries and departments, the state corporations, the enterprises of defense industry, telecommunication companies, banks and a number of commercial structures. EcoServer is the ready-made solution of the Russian production which efficiency and competitiveness is confirmed with serious tests." – the vice president of Rikor company Ivanov Boris comments.

EcoServer is compatible to software of Diasoft

On May 21, 2015 the Ricor.IT company announced completion of tests of family of the EcoServer servers for full compatibility with the software of banking products of Diasoft company.

According to results of testing, one considered Rikor EcoServer provides a possibility of simultaneous operation to 800 users that it is enough for the majority of tasks of mid-sized banks and also for separate tasks in large banks.

In testing the server R314 chassis from 10 EcoServer servers was used (from 28 possible): four single-processor edges of Rikor EcoBlade LR301 and three dual-processor – EcoBlade LR302. In an experiment two operating systems — Ubuntu preset on the Rikor server, and OS of ROSA company in turn were used.

"Today very much import substitution topical issue in the field of the computing equipment, telecommunications and storage systems. EcoServer is the ready-made solution from the Russian producer which efficiency and competitiveness is confirmed with serious tests, – Boris Ivanov, the vice president of Ricor.IT company noted. - There is also other important aspect. EcoServer is developed according to the concept of Third Platform: an open architecture, optimization for cloud solutions, hyper scalability, minimization of not used power, low cost of ownership".

The Rikor EcoServer R314 server passed the standard load test program on compatibility with a flagship product of Diasoft companythe Diasoft Framework platform - and the bank solutions of a line of FLEXTERA created on its basis.

Testing included three modes with different levels of loading:

  • the first imitates the beginning of the working day in financial institution — simultaneous start of work of a large number of users
  • the second recreates standard loading of "the middle of day"
  • the third allows to estimate operability of a system at significant growth of loading because of activation of internal settlement processes.

"Functional testing showed complete operability of our products in this hardware-software configuration, – Konstantin Varov, the coordinator and the chief architect of the Beta project of Diasoft company emphasized. – In terms of compactness, energy consumption and the price servers Ricor.IT represent a worthy alternative to x86 platform for solving of tasks, not requiring high performance".

The Rikor EcoServer R314 test in work with Big Data

On June 4, 2015 the Ricor.IT company announced end of overload tests of the Rikor EcoServer R314 server for check of compatibility with a system for processing of large volumes of data of Apache Kafka. For comparison of capacities the server of architecture x86[1] took part in testing[1].

According to results of testing, the domestic server Ricor.IT showed the big density of computing resources with equally high processing speed of messages. Rikor EcoServer R314 with 6 servers of the Russian production is offered at the price twice lower than the cost of the x86 server.

EcoServer R314 server, 2015

"More and more Russian companies pass to open source software, use energy-saving technologies and build high-performance complexes based on modular assemblies of the increased compactness, – Boris Ivanov, the vice president of Ricor.IT company noted. – Results of today's testing once again confirmed that servers of a line Rikor EcoServer can help business to reduce costs for processing of Big Data, namely to increase system effectiveness at rather little change of costs for support and infrastructure maintenance".

In testing the server R314 chassis from 6 servers (from 28 possible) by EcoServer on the ARM Armada-XP processor was used (4 cores, 1.6 GHz). In an experiment, as the server of queues, Apache Kafka, distributed system of message exchange with high capacity was used.

Both stands showed identical results – processing of 32,000 messages of 1 kilobyte per second in size. 28 Rikor EcoServer R314 servers (complete server chassis 3U) process 149,000 messages of 1 kilobyte per second in size.

Testing confirmed that use of the Rikor EcoServer servers allows to lower significantly monthly costs in comparison with servers of architecture of x86. Their energy consumption is 3.2 times lower, and economy of the areas reaches 50%.

Ricor.IT and Alt Linux were engaged in import substitution

On June 23, 2015 the companies "Ricor.IT" also Alt Linux announced cooperation increase in the field of development of import-independent hi-tech infrastructure of virtual desktops.

According to the statement of partners, the hardware and software system on the platform of the Rikor EcoServer servers will almost help to cut down twice expenses of the companies on deployment and management of remote jobs in comparison with use of servers [2].

The complete solution for virtual work places using the servers developed and manufactured in Russia can be recommended as an alternative of VDI. The main property of the domestic platform - economy of the IT budget of the company at the expense of the low cost of ownership, simplicity of administration, fast deployment of a workplace and the reliable system of antivirus protection. The solution completely conforms to the increased requirements to information security imposed to products within purchases for government institutions.

Result of comparative calculation of cost of a remote workplace, 2015

"The main trend of the Russian IT market is program implementation of import substitution and increase in efficiency of use of budgets today, – Boris Ivanov, the vice president of Ricor.IT company said. – Our developments allow the Russian customers to resolve completely the issues connected with cost reduction on the IT equipment and substitution of products of the western companies. We expect that the platform will be interesting to a large number of customers: from public industries and state corporations to the ministries and departments, including to organizations of education and health care".

The companies held testing for software compatibility of ALT Linux Desktop and the Rikor EcoServer R314 servers. In a series of the tests directed to check of the general operability of software products, assessment of high-speed performance and reliability. As a part of the platform modules:

  • management system and balancing of loading,
  • switching equipment,
  • storage system
  • server of remote desktops.

"Thanks to architecture of servers Ricor.IT does not lead fault of one physical server in the chassis to need of data recovery from the backup copy any more, and jobs can be instantly restarted on other server standing in network, – Alexey Smirnov, the CEO of Alt Linux noted. – Rikor EcoServer R314 is ideal for implementation and management of virtual work places, especially for the companies wishing to receive low cost at deployment of infrastructure counting on one user".

EcoServer R314 is tested on the open source software

On July 8, 2015 the Ricore company and system integrator announced Open Technologies completion of comprehensive tests of the hardware solution on the basis of the EcoServer R314 ARM server with a broad spectrum of the open source software for data processing.

"This complex is the powerful energy efficient scalable solution developed and manufactured in Russia that allows domestic enterprises to use it within the import substitution program. – Boris Ivanov, the vice president of Ricore company noted. – Specialists of the company Open Technologies as a result of works on check of operability of solutions confirmed a possibility of use of a complex for the solution of computing tasks and problems of data storage".

"The work done by us together with Ricore company allows to consider that implementation of IT solutions on the basis of EcoServer R314 has very good perspectives, and it can become an important step in development of the domestic IT industry. – Andrey Likhachevsky, the director of development and development of solutions of the company told Open Technologies. – Having competitive advantages on energy consumption and performance sufficient for implementation of a number of tasks of our customers, these hardware-software complexes can become very demanded in the Russian IT market".

Within the test program of Rikor EcoServer it is tested at accomplishment of tasks:

  • Work with databases of different architecture
    • the possibility of the organization of uniform access point to the data located in storage systems different architecture Was checked. The program configuration of the tested solution consisted from DBMS PostgreSQL and different modules of an ecosystem Apache Hadoop at the heart of which a distributed file system of HDFS.
    • the Configuration of the solution consisted of edges of the Rikor EcoServer R314 server based on Marvell ARMADA XP Highly Integrated Multi-Core ARMv7 ARM processors running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Server Edition OS.

  • Compatibility with GlusterFS distributed file system
    • On the server hardware the version of GlusterFS 3.2.5 was used. Three operation modes of the file system were considered: Distributed Volume, Distributed Striped Volume and Replicated Striped Volume.

  • Work with monitoring systems and data analysis
    • the operability of software solutions Zabbix, ElasticSearch and Logstrash on the ARM platform Was checked.

All three tasks were solved using the server from Ricore company in full.

Rikor EcoServer integrates "MDZ-EShELON"

On July 30, 2015 the Ricore company and NPO Eshelon signed the agreement on sci-tech cooperation within which they will carry out works on installation of a software module of a trusted boot of "MDZ-EShELON" to the Rikor EcoServer server hardware.

According to partners, it will improve protection of servers against threat of unauthorized access and will give the chance to propose to customers the modern domestic solution for data processing within a government policy on import substitution in IT.

"MDZ-EShELON" - the software tool of protection certified by the Russian Defense Ministry and FSTEC of Russia. "MDZ-EShELON" – an instrument for ensuring of protection of images of virtual machines.

"Servers of Ricore are the complete solution which is completely developed in Russia and made in the Nizhny Novgorod Region. Our equipment is intended for customers who need a complex with the high level of information security, – Boris Ivanov, the vice president of Ricore company said. – Equipment of servers the module of a trusted boot will allow to provide the maximum level of data protection that is especially important for public institutions and departments".
"Today problems of information security on the server hardware become more and more relevant, – Alexander Klyanchin, the director of the department of sales of NPO Eshelon noted. – Collaboration from Ricore in installation of a software package of the module of a trusted boot on the server hardware of domestic production allows to propose our solution to the large Russian state organizations, executive authorities and also private business".

Use of "MDZ-EShELON" will allow to create the solutions on the platform of the equipment of Ricore company conforming to requirements of the Russian Defense Ministry for the 3rd class of security of information from unauthorized access and to the 2nd class of control of lack of not declared opportunities.

EcoServer and Postgres-XL - complex option for the DPC organization

On August 13, 2015 the company Ricore announced completion of tests database management systems Postgres-XL on EcoServer line servers.

Start DBMS Postgres-XL on servers of Ricore means a possible alternative to the Russian customers in search of software solutions of information processing on an available domestic hardware platform and decrease in dependence on import IT solutions.

"Adaptation of the free software to needs of the Russian companies is that niche in which domestic IT developer can successfully work, – noted Boris Ivanov, the vice president Ricore. – Our hardware-software solution consisting of the energy efficient EcoServer server also DBMS Postgres-XL is an excellent alternative for use by the different domestic organizations, including in banking sector which used expensive software for management of databases from foreign vendors earlier".

The EcoServer test in the mode of the distributed storage

On October 14, 2015 Ricore companies and Open Technologies announced completion of testing of the distributed data warehouse on the EcoServer servers with the open source software for "cold" storages GLUSTER FS.

The created solution, according to partners, is of interest to the companies rendering services of corporate or public cloud data storage, a web hosting service and storage of reserve or archive information - it is characterized by the low cost of ownership in comparison with foreign specialized DWH. Besides, use of the open source software on servers of Ricore helps to create data processing centers with high reliability of information storage, access rate to it and extent of localization in the Russian Federation.

The testing held by specialists showed that solution DWH on the Rikor EcoServer servers flexibly and can linearly be scaled, provides storage of a set of copies of parts of information array. The safety of data is ensured even at availability of only one node which is a part of a cluster. Perhaps replitsirovany the nodes given on resources placed in different server racks of DPC.

Andrey Likhachevsky, the director of development and development of solutions of the company Open Technologies, said: "DWH implemented on the basis of freely extended software and the EcoServer servers gives the chance of flexible implementation of storage systems, in particular when rendering web custodial services of information and its processing. Considering low power consumption and high density of configuration of nodes at sufficient performance level, one may say, that this solution will be demanded in the market of "cloud" services".
"Development and use of the program focused storage systems is the most perspective direction in the field of information storage, – Boris Ivanov, the vice president of Ricore noted. – The distributed storage on the Rikor EcoServer servers tested by us together with Open Technologies company differs in fault tolerance and the beneficial price for storage gigabyte".


On November 25, 2013 the Ricor.IT company which is based in Arzamas announced the beginning of production of the first servers of own development based on ARM processors. At the time of the announcement the company offered the model of the EcoBlade R210 server based on one-nuclear 1.6 GHz of the ARM processor from Marvell intended for placement in the chassis 2U high. In plans - to begin release of the dual-processor EcoBlade R316 servers for placement in the chassis 3U high.

Under new servers the company released also the cabinet of EcoBlade 46U high containing in total up to 380 edges (780 SoC).

According to representatives Ricor.IT, new products are focused, first of all, on the companies, rendering services of a hosting and cloud services. EcoBlade developers note that for tasks of this sort their new servers show performance comparable to normal servers on h86-processors, however at the same time differ considerably in smaller energy consumption and a possibility of more dense placement.

Among products which are turned out at the same plant as servers Ricor.IT - electronic components for defense industry complex

In Ricor.IT note that buy from foreign suppliers only chips, and other server components, including printed circuit boards, can make. The special production site at own plant "Ricor Electronics" till March, 2006 carrying the name "Arzamas Plant of Radio Components" was for this purpose organized. The number of products which are turned out on it includes electronic components for defense industry complex, for automotive industry and other industries and also the Set-top box.

In Ricor.IT say that deployment of server production cost the company "not one million dollars". The technical director of the company Hiyas Aydemirov told TAdviser that capacities of the created platform allow to produce about one thousand server edges a day.

It should be noted that the first produced models a blade servers of EcoSystems can work only based on OS of the Linux family: in particular, on Ubuntu and ALTLinux OS. Developers tell that it is going to add support of RedHat and Fedora also.

According to representatives of the company, as of the moment of the official announcement the first servers already are on testing at several customers. One of notes to devices from their party the impossibility to work with a number of software expected standard hardware architecture expresses. In Ricor.IT note that in the first quarter 2014 are going to market servers based on the Intel processors Atom.

The director of business development Ricor.IT Alexey Vanin notes that in addition to Russia as potential sales markets of servers are also of the interest of the CIS country to the company, and further the company is going to develop and other directions of production of the IT equipment, for example, DWH.

EcoServer R314

  • ARM processors – Marvell Armada XP
  • Up to 28 servers in body 3U
  • 2 built-in switches from 4x10 Gbs ports, or modules with an output of 28x1 Gbs of interfaces
  • Centralized control system and monitoring
  • Hot-Swap power supplies and fans

EcoServer R210

EcoServer R210 - the Russian server of a line Rikor EcoSystems on the platform of Marvell ARM Armada processor [3].

On November 20, 2013 it became known of the official representation of the EcoServer R210 server which is coming on November 25, 2013 - developments of Ricor-TV company. The product is stated as the modern platform for IT infrastructure of data processing centers and cloud services.


  • Big computing power – upon the demand of business
  • 7 times lower expenses on power supply
  • Big density of placement (till 5-10 times)
  • High level of reliability
  • Simplicity and convenience of service
  • Guarantee and support 24X7
  • Production in the central part of Russia


  1. 1,0 1,1 [ Ricor.IT
  2. h86stoimost a workplace is calculated from a cost amount (the equipment + software) on 300 jobs. Hardware configuration: 3GHz CPU, 2Gb RAM, 80Gb HDD. The "fat" client and Citrix Reciever for connection to desktops is used. In calculation 36 jobs for fault tolerance are considered
  3. Hrprotsessory of the ARMADA XP family (Extreme Performance) - the first 4-core ARM processors developed for use in corporate cloud computing systems. Marvell ARMADA XP is founded on architecture with small energy consumption and includes up to four cores of ARM v7 MP (1.6 GHz). The ARMADA XP family supports the SMP and AMP modes with a hardware cache coherency and the 64-bit interface of memory DDR2/DDR3 at a frequency of 800 MHz (effective frequency of data exchange — 1600 MHz). These SNK include up to 2 MB of L2 cache, four x4 PCI-Express interfaces, several USB and Gigabit Ethernet, SATA ports, the module of enciphering and advanced technologies of power management. ARMADA XP is ideal for such sphere as high-performance network devices, wireless devices, Web servers, NAS, home servers, laser printers and other