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2013/08/09 22:30:40




Main article: Countries of the world


Main article: Climate in Europe



Main article: Population of Romania

Citizenship and residence permit

2019: Number of permits with a residence permit per 1000 residents of Romania

Number of permits with a residence permit per 1000 inhabitants of the country in 2019

Passport strength

Data for 2018


2022: Proportion of women in Parliament

Data for August 2022,

Foreign policy

2023: Romania secretly handed over MLRS to Ukraine APR-40

Romanian 122-mm MLRS APR-40 is a licensed version of the Grad BM-21 produced in the country during the socialist period on the chassis of the Romanian DAC 665T truck (6x6). Deliveries were carried out earlier than May 2023.

2022: Claims against Russia for $5 billion due to the return of gold after the First World War to socialist Romania

In February 2022, Romania presented Russia claims for $5 billion. Bucharest estimates the value of the gold of the National Bank of the Romanian Kingdom exported to the Russian Empire during the First World War.

In February, the leadership of the Romanian Foreign Ministry summoned the Russian ambassador and informed him about the "inadmissibility of creating an erroneous opinion among the public." Representatives of the Romanian Foreign Ministry said that the issue with gold has not been resolved.

In 1916, Romania entered World War I on the side of the Entente. The National Bank froze the assets of depositors. A few weeks later, the Romanian army suffered a crushing defeat from the combined armies of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Bulgaria.

Only the intervention of the Russian army saved Romania from complete collapse. The National Bank sent its gold and foreign exchange reserves for storage to Moscow. Later, the Soviet Union transferred the gold reserve of the Romanian National Bank (64 tons) back.

However, the Romanian Foreign Ministry argues that this is not the case. Bucharest insists that Moscow received not 64, but 120 tons of gold. And now it demands the return of 93.4 tons, which it estimates at $5 billion.

Romania refuses to recognize the return of gold bars during the existence of socialist Romania, calling the latter an "illegal" entity.

2008: Romania prepares to fight with Russia for Transnistria with NATO and EU support

In 2008, Romanian President Traian Băsescu feared being drawn into a military conflict with Russia over Transnistria. This is stated in the dispatch published on September 20, 2011 by the WikiLeaks website, sent to Washington by the then US Ambassador to Bucharest Nicholas Taubman[1].

As noted in the document, during a meeting with American Republican Senator Richard Lugar in August 2008, Besescu expressed fears that the events in Transnistria could follow the Georgian scenario, and then Romania would be forced to assist Chisinau. "Besescu recalled that during the conflict of 1991-1992 in Moldova, Romania sent a lot of provisions and weapons to the Moldovan side, but loudly asked what the adequate response of Romania should be now, when it is a NATO member, to the challenge of Russia in the region. The senator asked how NATO membership hindered Romania's actions, to which Basescu replied that Romania shares the views of the alliance until it is involved in the conflict, but under pressure it will be forced to respond - "we face a very difficult choice." Basescu asked almost rhetorically whether NATO and the EU, together with Romania, would be in such a situation, "the Romanian ambassador said in a dispatch.

Traian Basescu also said that he had repeatedly discussed the Moldovan-Transnistrian conflict with Vladimir Putin, but "Russia refuses to comply with the Istanbul agreements of 1999" (Istanbul obligations regarding the export of weapons from Transnistria, taken by Russia in the context of the CFE Treaty, but at the same time bearing a bilateral Russian-Moldovan character and not related to third countries, were fulfilled ahead of schedule back in 2001. At the moment, there are no weapons in Transnistria that are regulated by the CFE Treaty. Moreover, in July 2007, the Russian Federation introduced a moratorium on compliance with the CFE Treaty due to the fact that the treaty was not ratified by any NATO member state - note IA REGNUM). Besescu expressed the opinion that Russians in all frozen conflict zones should be replaced by international forces under the UN mandate, because "by agreeing to the presence of Russian peacekeepers, we create the possibility of invasion."

"The most striking thing, however, is that Basescu's way of thinking about the Moldovan-Transnistrian conflict and security in the Black Sea region as a whole is reflected in the light of events in Georgia. Besescu is actually concerned that the Russians may provoke similar events in Moldova, which will require a Romanian military response, with the widest involvement of NATO and the EU, "the American diplomat said in his dispatch.


Main article: Economy of Romania

Armed Forces


Romania becomes one of the main outposts on the eastern flank of NATO and rapid militarization

A clear sign of the search for the status of Romania is plans to purchase modern models of equipment and re-equip the army, the process of which continues to gain momentum:

In July 2024, Romania signed a contract for 54 K9 self-propelled howitzers and 36 South Korean-made ammunition transporters, as well as 18 thousand 155-mm shells. The agreement is for 5 years, and the first deliveries are scheduled for 2027.

On July 16, Bucharest also announced its desire, no later than autumn, to agree with the United States on the acquisition of 48 fifth-generation F-35 fighters in two stages. At this time, the country's Air Force operates used F-16 fighters purchased from Norway in 2022.

Earlier, Romania also entered into contracts for the supply of American tanks M1A2R Abrams, MLRS HIMARS, MIM-104 Patriot air defense systems, Turkish Bayraktar TB2 attack drones, as well as licensed production of Swiss Piranha V armored personnel carriers.

In parallel, NATO's military infrastructure continues to expand in the country: in particular, it is on Romanian territory that they plan to build the largest alliance base in Europe.

Together, this additionally indicates the expansionist sentiments of the authorities in Bucharest, who claim to absorb Moldova and are trying to oust Russia from Transnistria.

Thousands of US military remain stationed in the country

As of February 2024, excluding countries with less than 1,000 US military


Defense spending - 2.3% of GDP

Plan to open F-16 pilot training centre and approve forces to participate in operations outside Romania

Romania will create a regional F-16 fighter pilot training center, which will also be provided to Ukrainians.

This decision was made at a meeting of the country's Supreme Defense Council, headed by President Klaus Johannis, in July 2023.

The center should be built in conjunction with other allies and aircraft manufacturer Lockheed Martin. True, first Romanian pilots will be trained in it, and later it will be open to pilots from NATO countries and partner countries, including Ukraine.

This regional training centre should contribute to "building cohesion, demonstrating unity and strengthening deterrence and defence capabilities in Europe."

Also during the meeting, Council members approved the forces of the Romanian army and the Ministry of the Interior, which can be provided to participate in missions and operations outside the territory of the Romanian state in 2024.


10 thousand servicemen left the ranks of the Armed Forces of Romania

According to the documents in the hands of journalists, in 2021, 6400 servicemen left the ranks of the Romanian Armed Forces - 1.5 times more than a year before. In 2022, this figure increased to 10 thousand people.

Under pressure from the EU, the Romanian government is trying to fight the state budget deficit, and one of the planned measures is to carry out pension reform. Authorities are talking about the need to gradually raise the retirement age and abolish pension privileges for a number of social categories, including military personnel.

If this happens, Romanians with sufficient military service will be forced to remain in the ranks of the armed forces until the age of 65.

Moreover, first of all, those representatives of officers and ordinary personnel who serve relatively recently are dismissed. In addition to the pension issue, they complain about inadequate wages, poor working conditions and outdated infrastructure.

German investment in upgrading Romanian factories for ammunition production

According to The Wall Street Journal (January 2023), an unnamed German defense venture has made significant investments in upgrading some Romanian factories to produce a variety of munitions, including 122 and 152 millimeter calibers.

As noted by the Rybar channel, the most likely investor is the Franco-German holding KNDS (KMW + Nexter Defense Systems), with whose money a repair base was created in Slovak Mikhalovets. Where the reconstruction of the workshops of the military-industrial complex will take place at the expense of the German government was not disclosed.

Romania already has enterprises that are part of the state-owned ROMARM company, which back in the days of the USSR produced the necessary types of shells and artillery pieces, such as the industrial workshops of the arsenal in Resit.

There are also factories of the Romanian military-industrial complex in Plopeni, Babeni, Dragomiresti, which were re-operated for the release of NATO-style ammunition. At the same time, the production of Soviet shells is quite possible at the facility in Babeni, since the Romanians have the necessary equipment for this.

Defense Minister Dynku dismissed due to calls for negotiations between the parties to the conflict in Ukraine

On October 24, 2022, the Romanian Minister of National Defense resigned. According to Vasile Dynku, he decided to leave the post so as not to block a number of defense projects.

The resignation of Dynku was the result of a conflict that arose between the head of the military department and the president of the country. In early October, Klaus Johannis chastised Dynka for calling Ukraine's negotiations with Russia the only chance for peace in the region. On the air of PrimaTV, he called on NATO countries and the United States to take care of the issue of negotiations, since the leadership of Ukraine alone does not represent a significant political force. "It would be ideal to reach a negotiating situation, even if it ends with a conflict freeze, the negotiations will still do more good than what is happening now," Dynku said at the time.

Dynku made scandalous statements earlier. Back in February, on the air of Radio România, the Actualități minister said that Romanians would eventually have to "learn to live with the Russians on the border." And in March , in an interview with the Romanian branch of Free Europe, he said that Romania would not provide military assistance to Moldova even if it was attacked by Russia. Since the country has no direct obligations to Moldova in the field of defense and security.

This time, the parliamentary party Union for the Salvation of Romania asked Prime Minister Nicolae Cuca to dismiss Dynka from office. Dynka was summoned to a plenary session, where he was supposed to explain himself for "strengthening Russian propaganda" and "an increasingly frequent division of the Kremlin's rhetoric." And the president advised the minister to better study the press and get acquainted with the official position of Bucharest on the Ukrainian issue.

The leader of the Romanian Social Democrats, Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies Marcel Cholaku, then defended the head of the Ministry of Defense. He has said he considers calls for Dynk's resignation to be "bonkers" and ministers who say any war ends in talks cannot be "shuffled."

2019:31 fighter planes in service

The number of fighter aircraft in Europe, 2019. Source - Global Firepower

2018: Tanks

The number of tanks in European countries for 2018

Health care


Literacy rate

The average literacy rate in countries around the world is about 69%. Data at the end of 2018

Science and Research

2020: More than 5,000 animals used for scientific purposes

Data for 2020

Almost 8 million animals are used for scientific purposes in Europe and half of them are laboratory mice and rats.



Number of letters in European alphabets


Number of metal bands in Europe as of May 2016



55.2% of the population believes in life after death
Data for the period from 2017 to 2022
50% of the population attends divine services at least once a month
Data for 2022

2021:50% of the population say religion is important in their lives

Data for 2021

2016: Proportion of believing population

The share of the population that believes in God for 2016


2022: The most popular sport is football

Самый популярный вид sport countries of the world to to data June 2022


Main article: Olympic Games

Romanian gymnast Nadia Comaneci at the Montreal Olympics. Canada, 1976.


2021: Number of intentional murders

Число умышленных убийств в To Europe US by data available for 2021


2019: The minimum age for children to be jailed is 14

Data for 2019

2018: Number of prisoners

The number of prisoners in relation to the population in Europe. Data for 2018
World Prison Brief data for 2018


2013: Collecting signatures for renaming to Dacia

Romania began collecting signatures in favor of renaming the country. The authors of the petition, which has already been signed by almost 3.4 thousand people, do not want to be somehow associated with Roma gypsies or Romans[2].

The alternative name proposed in the petition is Dacia. So in the days of Antiquity they called a large geographical area on the territory of which the Dacian tribes lived, and now Romania is located.

"The Romans are in Italy. Roma come from India, from where they settled around the world. Rum is a Jamaican drink, "reads the petition, which is posted on the portal

The authors hope to collect 150,000 signatures for their initiative to be considered by the Romanian parliament.


The people celebrate the victory over communism. 1990. Romania

1989: Revolution and execution of the head of state Ceausescu with his wife

On December 25, 1989, just a few hours after the arrest, according to the verdict of the tribunal, the head of state Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife Elena Ceausescu were shot by the military, and all their property was confiscated before that.
On the streets of Bucharest
Romanian rebel with PSL sniper rifle, Bucharest, Romanian Revolution, December 1989.
Tanks on the streets of Bucharest during the Romanian Revolution of 1989.
The Romanian army goes over to the side of the protesters, 1989.


Moving a 7600-ton apartment building to lay a boulevard in the Romanian city of Alba Julia, 1987.

1945: Losses in World War II

Main article: World War II

The share of residents of European countries killed in World War II.

1919: Incorporation of Transylvania into Romania

Following the First World War, Romania acquired Transylvania, which had previously been ruled by Austria-Hungary.

Ethnic groups in Austria-Hungary as of 1910

1918: End of World War I. Hundreds of thousands of victims in Romania

Main article: World War I

The total number of victims, according to various estimates, is from 9 to 18 million people.
Death toll as a proportion of countries' pre-war population, including deaths from hunger and disease
Food shortages and famine after World War I - 1918


Immigrants from Romania arrived in the United States. Photo August Sherman 1902-1914.

1877: Declaration of Independence

In 1877, the country declared independence.

Mid-19th century: The emergence of Romania as a capsule state of the Ottoman Empire

The country has been called "Romania" since the middle of the 19th century, when it arose as a vassal state of the Ottoman Empire, which included Moldova and Wallachia.


Main article: 1700

1618: As part of the Ottoman ports

15th century: Campaigns of Vlad III Tepes

Bran Castle, better known as the "Castle of Count Dracula," in which, according to legend, the famous governor Vlad III Tepes spent the night during his campaigns in the 15th century. Romania. 1929 photo.

14th century


Languages spoken in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East in 600g (as of 2021)

II in: Conquest by the Roman Empire, the beginning of Romanization

Main article: Roman Empire

In the II century, the Roman Empire conquered Dacia, after which this area underwent Romanization. At the beginning of the twentieth century, parts of historical Dacia are, in addition to Romania, part of Serbia, Hungary, Ukraine and Moldova.

Military campaigns of the Roman Emperor Trajan in 101-115

2nd-1st centuries BC: Formation of Dacia

The state of the Dacians was formed in the II-I centuries before the Christian chronology.

39,280 hp: Ash from the mega-eruption of the Phlegrean fields

The earliest activity of the Flegrei Fields supervolcano in southern Italy began about 39,280 years ago and was accompanied by a powerful volcanic eruption and the release into the atmosphere of about 200 km³[3] volcanic material].

The mega-eruption coincided in time with the eruptions of the volcanoes Kazbek in the Caucasus and St. Anna in the Southern Carpathians. According to seismologists and paleoclimatologists, it became one of the reasons for the "volcanic winter."

Sulfur has increased over Europe, absorbing and scattering sunlight. In the year following the eruption, temperatures across the planet dropped by 2 degrees Celsius, with a 5-degree decline in Western Europe.

Volcanic emissions, gradually settling, left behind a trail of rock that, in the shape of a wedge, stretched from southern Italy northeast to the Southern Urals.

2016 Study Data

The rock covered more than 1.1 million square meters with an ash layer. From southern Italy to Romania, the ash layer reached 1 meter.


Какой день считается первым в неделе в countries of the world, 2022
