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Advanced Self-Service Systems (SCS)


Financial results
2020 year
Revenue: 37600 Thousand rub
Net Profit: -17300 Thousand rub


The company "Advanced Self-Service Systems" (part of the AIT Group of Companies) is a domestic developer of software and hardware solutions for self-service systems, as well as control systems for various technological equipment based on its own software platform of the Internet of Things (PSS.Platform).

PSS, since its foundation in 2008, has developed and delivered various B2C and B2B self-service formats throughout Russia for transport companies, retailers, banks and other business areas. These are thousands of self-service devices: ticket vending machines, automatic ticket offices, information kiosks, electronic catalogs, various payment terminals.

PSS provides training and certification of service specialists and companies, as well as service and warranty support based on a system of technical monitoring and management of a network of heterogeneous devices.

Performance indicators

A loss of 17.3 million rubles. showed LLC Advanced Self-Service Systems (100% share of Aichi Management Company) with revenue of 37.6 million rubles. (a drop of 71%). As of July 2021, the company has blocked accounts.