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RUSTEK (Virtualization Service Platform for Creation and Management of IT Infrastructure)

The name of the base system (platform): OpenStack
Developers: Servionica, SBKlaud (formerly - I-Teco New Engineering Technologies, Novintekh), Rustek (Ru-Stack)
Date of the premiere of the system: June 2014
Last Release Date: 2023/02/08
Technology: IaaS - Infrastructure as a Service,  PaaS - Platform As A Service - Business Platform as a Service,  SaaS - Software as a Service


The main articles are:

RUSTEK: virtual service platform

Cloud service providers usually emphasize that a significant part of the benefit to the customer is to get rid of the daily routine of supporting IT infrastructure. Capital costs (own equipment, licenses) are changed to operating costs (payment for provider services), CAPEX to OPEX is well known. But there are many companies that have decided to independently develop their infrastructure according to the cloud model. Is it possible to simplify this task for them? How do I maximize the efficiency of the enterprise cloud in-house?

The solution offered by Servionika is Servionica, a unique virtual service platform for the Russian market for building private clouds of any complexity and scale in a short time. RUSTEK helps the customer manage its own cloud resources, implement various scenarios of their consumption, quickly launch and scale any projects within the framework of a private or hybrid cloud, flexibly and quickly manage large and dynamically changing databases.

RUSTEK is intended for IT services of large companies, holding structures, as well as separate IT-service divisions included in large holdings. Cloud service providers can also use it. RUSTEK has no analogues on the Russian market in terms of the complexity of the tasks being solved.

What is the unique RUSTEK platform? Why is this solution relevant for the market right now? What functions have about 24,000 man-hours been invested in development? How do you achieve a 20x reduction in customer time spent deploying and supporting the new services announced by the solution makers?


RUSTEK is a modular solution: each customer can use the necessary set of modules according to their needs. RUSTEK is based on free, ON OpenStack a number of own developments "" and Servionicas other Russian manufacturers of specialized software.

OpenStack is the most dynamic open source product in the field of IT management and network infrastructure of companies. Open source makes it possible to avoid dependence on the vendor, as well as provide import substitution, which is relevant for modern Russian conditions. In addition, the use of open source code in RUSTEK allows the customer to reduce license costs, while obtaining a flexible and changeable environment for the development and implementation of various modules and additional functionality.

Deployment Diagram

The RUSTEK platform can be deployed both in the Customer's data center on its equipment and in the cloud based on the commercial data center - for example, in the TrustInfo data center managed by Servionica and included in the Top-3 of the largest data centers in Russia (Tier III, availability level 99.982%).


Due to its flexibility, scalability, built-in API and other functional advantages, the RUSTEK platform has a wide range of applications. Three of the most typical scenarios can be distinguished:

  • Build end-to-end application development and testing environments (called CI/CDs), from versioning to product application deployment.
  • Building an automated environment for managing test environments: OS Murano allows you to create an application catalog and deploy them in the cloud in minutes, including creating virtual machines, storage LUNs, installing and configuring the OS, system and application software, setting up relationships between all components, etc.
  • Migration or integration of the environment/ virtualizations VMware vSphere: Microsoft Hyper-V management of the current virtualization platform as a single cloud platform with the ability to transfer part of the load to free hypervisors -,. KVM XEN

History of creation

RUSTEK is the result of the development of Servionica's unique competence in the field of cloud solutions and virtualization. RUSTEK is based on the MakeCloud and eCloud cloud platforms developed and provided by Servionica. MakeCloud is a cloud "constructor," the first Russian IaaS service, fully implemented on OpenStack and successfully operating in commercial operation. eCloud is a platform for building a virtual IT infrastructure designed for large-scale projects of any complexity. Created by Servionica based on VMware and HP technologies, which ensures the safe operation of virtual infrastructures of any scale with maximum fault tolerance.

2024: M6 Series and M7 Trinities Server Compatibility

Companies RUSTEK Trinities testing and RUSTEK platforms for virtualizations compatibility with. Trinities Servers As a result of the tests, the relevant certificates were issued. The company "Trinities" announced this on February 9, 2024.

Trinity M6 and M7 servers based on two second and third generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors participated in compatibility tests.

During testing, the basic functioning of the virtualization cluster was checked, as well as its fault-tolerant configuration when modeling component failures. In addition, various load tests were carried out, including a stress test with an accident when overloading virtual machines. As a result of testing problems and freezes, hypervisors and the cluster were not detected.

The technology partnership gives customers of both companies even greater variability in the choice of solutions for building their own IT infrastructures and import substitution of foreign solutions.

2023: Inclusion in the register of innovative products

On February 8, 2023, Rustek announced that by the decision of the Committee for Innovative Development under the Board of Aeroflot PJSC, the Rustek virtualization platform was included in the register of innovative (high-tech) products. The register of PJSC Aeroflot is designed to collect and analyze innovative market solutions. Registration in the register confirms the compliance of the product with the necessary requirements for possible implementation in PJSC Aeroflot.

The received applications for entry are checked by the company's moderators and undergo examination by the Committee for Innovative Development. Based on the results of the examination, a decision is made on the possibility of introducing an innovative solution in Aeroflot PJSC.

The presence of RUSTEK's solution in the Aeroflot Register confirms the reliability and versatility of the product.

RUSTEK, a Russian virtualization service platform for creating and managing IT infrastructure, has been developed for efficient management of servers, virtual machines, network, clusters and other objects of the virtualization environment from a single control panel. It is a completely import-independent solution, is included in the register of domestic POMinsifra of Russia and can be implemented without restrictions both in commercial and state-owned companies. The RUSTEK platform has a number of successful implementations.

Companies from various industries are showing interest in the RUSTEK virtualization platform. We are grateful to PJSC Aeroflot for the inclusion of our product in the register of high-tech products of the company. We are working to improve the ecosystem of our products in order to meet the requirements of our current and potential customers, - said Georgy Megrelishvili, General Director of RUSTEK.

2021: Launch of an updated portal to reduce customer infrastructure costs

On October 19, 2021, RUSTEK (Aiteko Group I-Teco) presented the next release of the RUSTEK virtualization platform, implemented on the basis of open source OpenStack software. The platform management portal has been updated to improve administrator convenience and reduce the cost of operating the customer's infrastructure.

Based on many years of customer experience, an updated version of the management portal was designed and developed for administrators of environments deployed using the RUSTEK platform. The updated interface reduces the time spent by the administrator to support the platform, and thus reduces the cost of ownership. Already in October 2021, users can appreciate its convenience: this version works in parallel with the old one to collect feedback.

The RUSTEK platform backup storage mechanism has been improved: it now supports storage in any object storage that supports an S3-compatible protocol.

To improve the speed and quality of service of the RUSTEK platform, a fault detection and prevention mechanism has been developed. The service allows you to analyze faults of all resources operating on the platform in real time and in a single window, and also supports unloading and subsequent analysis of logs.

A proactive troubleshooting approach helps prevent customer service failures, ensures infrastructure availability, and ultimately enables more efficient platform operation. This is a promising approach that we plan to adhere to with further improvements to the platform, - said Georgy Megrelishvili, General Director of RUSTEK (I-Teco Group of Companies).


Advanced IT infrastructure management, storage, and data protection

On October 12, 2020, SBKlaud announced the release of the next release of the Russian virtualization platform RUSTEK. It implements a range of additional opportunities for the development of additional network services, including infrastructure and data security tools.

Work on this release was carried out taking into account feedback from customers actively using RUSTEK - large companies, government agencies, scientific and educational institutions. The development strategy of RUSTEK as a service distributed platform and a family of cloud products based on it is aimed at solving the problems of large companies and government agencies in the field of optimizing the IT infrastructure, import substitution, increasing the scalability and reliability of the used IT solutions. Taking this into account, the changes in the framework of the RUSTEK release can be divided into three areas: data protection and expanded network functionality, a software storage system, additional functionality and additional cloud services.

Perimeter Firewall Service (FWaaS) enhances data protection management. In previous releases of RUSTEK, a service for managing the protection of the virtual machine itself was available. Another layer is now added: a service for quickly and flexibly configuring the edge firewall at the network segment level. Among the important changes in the framework of this release of RUSTEK is also support for BGP and IPv6 protocols

Network segmentation mechanisms (GRE, GENEVA, VXLAN) are implemented. Unlike foreign analogues, where these options are usually paid or purchased as separate products, RUSTEK contains these capabilities already "in the box" as basic functionality.

With built-in SDS, you can now deploy and use RUSTEK on servers without dedicated DSS.

The DNaaS service allows administrators to simplify the management of enterprise domains of different levels within a distributed corporate infrastructure. The functionality of other components of the platform was also expanded. For example, a service for key management, support for disk encryption is implemented. A complete list of updates is available on the platform website.

{{quote "SBKlaud is constantly working both on expanding the functionality of the RUSTEK platform and the entire family of cloud products based on it, and on developing existing capabilities. We conduct this work in close cooperation with experts from the customers, taking into account the most current technological trends and tasks of our customers in the field of IaaS, - said Alexey Cherevkov, Product Director of RUSTEK of SBKlaud. }}

Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Compatibility

The RUSTEK platform provided by SBKlaud has confirmed full compatibility with the Citrix Systems - Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops solution and was the first among Russian virtualization platforms to receive Citrix Ready status. This was announced on February 14, 2020 by SBKlaud.

Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops compatibility

For the IT market of the Russian Federation, the received status of RUSTEK is significant: the platform, which has been included in the Register of Russian Software since 2016, receives international recognition. In the process of obtaining the status, Citrix specialists tested the operability of the RUSTEK virtualization platform and its interaction with Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops software modules. This status confirms the advantages of RUSTEK, such as the convenience and ease of deployment of Citrix VDI modules, functionality, level of data protection, compliance with import substitution tasks and modern requirements for IT infrastructure management tools, quality and availability of technical support.

SBKlaud, representing the RUSTEK cloud product family in the Russian and global markets, has created a comprehensive solution for virtualization of IT infrastructure and workplaces - RUSTEK-VDI - based on the integration of the RUSTEK virtualization platform and the Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops solution. It enables customers to deploy information systems and virtual desktops through a single dashboard to respond more quickly and flexibly to business demands.

RUSTEK's development strategy is focused on integrating as easily as possible with leading IT infrastructure management solutions, and Citrix Ready's status confirms that the capabilities of our virtualization platform meet the most current global IT standards.
emphasized Alexey Cherevkov, RUSTEK Product Director of SBKlaud

Citrix worldwide creates an ecosystem of collaborative innovative solutions with partners and customers to make today's technology and best development experience as accessible as possible to customers. We are proud that the RUSTEK platform, already one of the leaders of the Russian IT market in terms of scale and quality of implementations, receives international recognition with the Citrix Ready status.

RUSTEK-VDI can be purchased as a separate product or as part of solutions based on RUSTEK. SBKlaud acts as a vendor and platform provider, which allows customers to comprehensively solve virtualization problems: from deploying IT infrastructure and workplaces to paying for consumed resources, services and licenses.

2019: Compatibility with the Alt family OS

On August 1, 2019, BASEALT announced that, together with SBKlaud, they ensured the compatibility of the Russian automated virtualization platform RUSTEK with the domestic operating systems (OS) Alt: Alt Server 8, Alt Workstation 8, Alt Workstation K 8, Alt Education 8, Alt 8 JV. Testing confirmed that the configuration of RUSTEK-Alt OS is characterized by high speed, performance and fault tolerance of the virtual IT infrastructure, which meets the priority needs of customers from the public sector and large business.

During testing, virtual machines with Alt OS as a guest operating system were deployed on the RUSTEK platform. During the tests, employees of BASEALT and SBKlaud jointly reproduced various scenarios for users to work with office packages, hard drives, Internet access, etc. The tests confirmed the continuous and efficient operation of the virtual IT infrastructure, high availability and reliability of virtual machines, the operating system and applications in high-load conditions.

The results of testing the compatibility of RUSTEK and Alt OS confirm that modern Russian virtualization solutions are not inferior to foreign counterparts in functionality and manufacturability, but are more accessible to Russian customers and focused on Russian specifics.
'noted Alexey Cherevkov, RUSTEK Product Director of SBKlaud

The implementation of the import substitution program is a good reason to optimize the software and hardware parts of corporate IT infrastructures. The Russian software stack, combining the RUSTEK virtualization platform and Alt OS, will allow organizations and enterprises to more efficiently organize their server resources and build a technologically independent infrastructure that is not subject to sanctions risks.


Certificate of FSTEC of Russia

Servionica "I-Teco" In March 2018, the company "" (GC) announced the receipt of a certificate for the FSTEC Russia virtualizations RUSTEK platform, confirming the compliance of the decision with the requirements of the regulator, including the absence of undeclared opportunities.

Certificate of Conformity No. 3871 (published in the FSTEC Register) confirms the possibility of using the RUSTEK software complex to build and protect virtualization environments in which state information systems up to and including class 1 can be operated, systems that process personal data up to and including level 1 of security, information systems of the AS-1G protection class, as well as those belonging to the CII category up to the 1st category of significance.

Servionica has certified not only the virtualization platform itself, but also the firewall built into it, which provides traffic control between internal network segments in accordance with the specified rules. This gives RUSTEK additional competitive advantages over the solutions of foreign vendors both in terms of functionality and confirmed security of data placed and processed in the virtualization environment, the company emphasized.

In addition, during the certification of Servionica, together with the testing laboratory of NPP, SVK for the first time created a "Security Task," which describes all threats in relation to the virtualization environment. In accordance with this document, the RUSTEK software system implements the functionality of protection against the indicated threats, and possible compensation measures are described in the accompanying documentation.

The issued certificate of conformity of the FSTEC of Russia certifies that the RUSTEK software package version 1.0, developed and manufactured by Servionica in accordance with the technical specifications SVFT.466451.002 TS, operating under the control of operating systems specified in the form 643.SVFT.00002-01 30 01, is a firewall of type "B" of the fourth class of protection and a means of protecting the virtualization environment, complies with the requirements of the documents "Guidance document Automated systems. Protection against unauthorized access to information Classification of automated systems and requirements for information protection, "" Requirements for firewalls "(FSTEC of Russia, 2016)," Protection profile of firewalls of type B of the fourth protection class. IT.ME.B4.PZ "(FSTEC of Russia, 2016) and safety assignment 643.SVFT.00002-01 94 02, provided that the operating instructions given in the logbook are fulfilled.


RUSTEK version of SOCRAT

PAC (SOCRAT version) is presented on the market: a domestic import-substituting software and hardware complex that unites leading IT solutions in the field of IT infrastructure, virtualization and data protection based on the RUSTEK platform.

  • Import-substituting software and hardware complex developed in cooperation with leading Russian manufacturers of IT solutions in the field of virtualization and data protection and based on the experience of implemented projects in large companies and government agencies.
  • Joint projects based on PAC RUSTEK contribute to the formation of a Russian ecosystem of developers, integrators and clients for joint projects for the integration and development of cloud solutions.

RUSTEK modernization

On April 18, 2017, Servionica announced the completion of the first stage of the project to modernize the RUSTEK secure virtual platform.

This version of the platform has a number of updates that simplify the process of configuring and managing the virtual infrastructure, increasing its fault tolerance.

  • In the version, RUSTEK-S has become more productive, functional, economical and convenient for users.
  • The kernel of the built-in operating system at the base of the hypervisor has been updated, the functionality of "hot" migration has been improved: virtual machines with various guest OS can now be moved between computing nodes faster without interrupting their work.
  • The control panel interface has been modified.
  • The optimization of the logging system has reduced the amount of resources consumed by the platform for processing and storing logs - they contain less data and retain the necessary information content.
  • Improved resiliency of management services and virtual machines with the release of the second generation high availability module - with advanced logic for migrating virtual machines from failed servers with re-error avoidance mechanisms.

RUSTEK reaches the level of maturity and reliability, developing in several areas at once: manufacturability, security, convenience for users and economy. This strategy allows us to provide customers with advanced capabilities for working with data in a secure environment that meets the requirements of personal data legislation, and to fulfill more important import substitution tasks in IT.

Vyacheslav Samarin, Director of Cloud Services and Products at Servionica


On August 12, 2016, Servionica opened access to two demo stands to get acquainted with the capabilities of the Russian secure virtualization platform RUSTEK, developed on Mellanox, Depo and Huawei equipment. In the 14 days allocated for testing, you can get acquainted with the full functionality of RUSTEK, transfer information systems and migrate data to the cloud, deploy test environments and other tests of virtualization capabilities.

At the first stand, a typical RUSTEK distribution is deployed on Depo server equipment and Mellanox network equipment. At the second stand - a pilot zone of a software and hardware complex based on Huawei equipment and RUSTEK virtualization. At the demonstration stands, you can also get acquainted with the functionality of the remote desktop (DaaS), including pre-installed software for the work of a design engineer.

Since May 2016, the RUSTEK platform has been included in the Unified Register of Russian Software and is already used in projects for large companies and government agencies - in particular, in the Rostec Group of Companies and the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Voskhod.

RUSTEK is undergoing laboratory tests for compliance with the requirements of the FSTEC of the Russian Federation, upon completion of which it will be possible to place automated systems (AS) up to class 1-G, personal data information systems (ISDS) up to security level (UZ) 1, state information systems (GIS) up to 1 security class.

The following requirements of the guidance document (RD) are implemented in the platform:

  • undeclared capabilities of level 4 control (NDV-4);
  • assessment level of trust 1 (OUD-1);
  • Class 4B Firewall (ME 4B).

2014: Platform Presentation

For the first time, the RUSTEK platform was introduced on the market in the summer of 2014.

Platform benefits

The key advantage of RUSTEK lies in the combination of technological capabilities, which for the first time on the Russian market are combined within one product.

  • RUSTEK - "cloud" distribution, installation "out of the box," can be deployed for companies of any scale - from a startup to a federal holding.
  • The solution has a modular structure based on OpenStack.
  • Speed of deployment: Platform configuration and commissioning can be implemented in 4-5 days. The provider provides training to engineers from the customer's staff on the installation and maintenance of the software and hardware complex.
  • RUSTEK, which includes the ability to manage both the VMware stack and the KVM hypervisor, is a unified management system for virtualization environments.
  • The platform has all the necessary interfaces for working with arbitrary, third-party portals, which is convenient for solving the tasks of integration into the existing customer infrastructure.
  • The RUSTEK platform provides an API, which allows customers, using their own familiar visual interfaces, to connect to Servionica resources and receive computing power, software from the cloud and use the control system.
  • The platform includes modules for managing services, business processes for creating new services (BPM), as well as a resource accounting and billing system .

RUSTEK in numbers

  • 23,655 man-hour investment in development
  • 20-fold reduction in time spent by customers to deploy and support new services
  • N x 10x faster development and testing of new applications and services
  • 2-3-fold increase in efficiency/reduce the cost of using virtual resources