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Federal center for design and development of objects of nuclear medicine of FMBA of Russia


Number of employees
2017 year


+ Federal Medical Biological Agency of the Russian Federation (FMBA of Russia)

The federal center for design and development of objects of nuclear medicine (FTSPIROYAM) FMBA of Russia conducts development of the project documentation, construction and equipping by the equipment of the hi-tech centers of nuclear medicine. The organization took part in creation more than 30 medical institutions for diagnostics and treatment of socially important diseases, including oncological, hepatitis B and C.

Profile of the company: production of pharmaceutical products for needs of nuclear medicine, design and construction management of medical objects.

The main production in Moscow, project branch to St. Petersburg.


2021: The former head of the center of nuclear medicine of FMBA Oleg Kozin is put on the wanted list on suspicion of plunder of state funds

As it became known at the beginning of February, 2021, the Investigative Committee of Russia put on the federal wanted list Oleg Kozin, the former acting as the director of the Federal center for design and development of objects of nuclear medicine (FTSPIROYAM, it is created at FMBA), within criminal case about large scale fraud (Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Read more here.

2020: Detention of ex-guide FTSPIROYAM to suspicion of creation of organized criminal group

On January 14, 2020 reported to RBC that the ex-leaders of the Federal center on design and development of objects of nuclear medicine (FTSPIROYAM) are suspected of fraud. One of persons involved is connected with the company which was involved in criminal case about construction of the medical center of Vostochny Cosmodrome. Read more here.