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PTC ThingWorx Studio

The name of the base system (platform): Vuforia framework
Developers: PTC Inc (Parametric Technology Corporation )
Date of the premiere of the system: 2017/10
Last Release Date: 2017/10/25
Branches: Light industry,  Mechanical engineering and instrument making,  Science and education,  Advertising, PR and marketing,  Trade
Technology: Internet of Things of Internet of Things (IoT),  CAD,  Development tools of applications


ThingWorx Studio is the enterprise-solution on the basis of technology of the mixed reality (mixed reality, MR) intended for creation and work with MR representations.

The solution ThingWorx Studio is based on Vuforia and offers users of Microsoft HoloLens native support for fast creation of scalable representations of the mixed reality.

The visual environment of editing ThingWorx Studio with the built-in support of drag-and-drop, gestures and voice commands allows users to create quickly holographic objects of HoloLens without the need for the qualified programming or involvement of expensive designers.

Demonstration of a possibility of creation of MR representation using ThingWorx Studio, 2017


Release of ThingWorx Studio AR

The company PTC announced on October 25, 2017 release of the solution ThingWorx Studio Augmented Reality (AR), based on Vuforia which will include functionality for a binding digital content to physical entities and surfaces and also support Apple of ARKit and ARCore from Google.

ThingWorx Studio is the environment for rapid development of AR-applications which allows to create scalable content with augmented reality without writing any code and provides simple access to it. Reuse of the 3D-geometry and animated instructions existing using ThingWorx Studio reduces costs and simplifies development of content for AR representation of products.

The tools of targeted modeling available in release of Vuforia 7 and the supported ThingWorx Studio, in turn, will allow to distinguish and trace objects, based on geometry of already existing 3D models, and will not require marking. High accuracy of object recognition guarantees the correct positioning. Thus, 3D - content can be attached most precisely that especially important for preparation of step-by-step instructions and imposing of digital data on a physical product, was noted in PTC.

Thanks to support of ARKit and ARCore ThingWorx Studio can create realistic and scalable AR representations for broader application in the industries, using which it is possible to reduce time to profit earning, to reduce costs and complexity and also to provide business scaling.

ARKit Vuforia 7 in combination with ThingWorx Studio and ThingWorx View open to industrial enterprises of a way for space tracking of objects on a basis CAD- data. The representations created in ThingWorx Studio are available through ThingWorx View — the application for viewing developed using the Vuforia engine and giving an opportunity of viewing 3D-this with the help smartphones tablets and wearable devices. Creators of content can already use processors of cameras and motion sensors in devices under iOS management 11 to simplification and acceleration of formation of more realistic volume AR representations. ThingWorx View is free of charge loaded and is available to devices Windows, iOS and Android.

According to plans of PTC, in addition to support of ARKit and ARCore ThingWorx Studio and ThingWorx View will shortly offer function of remote presence and big efficiency in situations, crucial for industrial enterprises. The advanced method of interaction with surrounding objects will become result of joint work of these technologies, as envisioned by developers. The user will be able to browse surrounding space and to place digital summaries which are tied to objects and surfaces in the physical world as if they are drawn on objects. These opportunities will be available in ThingWorx View at the end of 2017.

Integration into Microsoft HoloLens

On October 5, 2017 the PTC corporation announced work on creation of the enterprise-solution on the basis of technology of the mixed reality based on Microsoft HoloLens. PTC and Microsoft intend to make ThingWorx Studio MR a best tool for creation and work with MR representations using HoloLens.

According to the representative of Microsoft, integration of ThingWorx Studio and HoloLens opens before the industry ample opportunities on creation of MR objects which can be managed gestures. These opportunities can be useful in different processes, crucial for business, including — on sales and marketing, production and service and also in HR and training.

Integration of ThingWorx Studio and HoloLens was provided at the Microsoft Ignite conference at the PTC ThingWorx Studio stand. During demonstration it was shown how using ThingWorx Studio it is possible to create quickly mixed representations with settings necessary for the enterprise. Demonstration included examples of use of representations of the mixed reality on sales and marketing. Also possibilities of viewing a product by users of different parameters at different stages of its lifecycle were presented. Besides, in the demozena it was possible to get acquainted with examples of use of MR in the course of exit service and, in particular, for the organization of work of the specialist of customer service with step-by-step instructions using HoloLens. It allows to observe correctness of the procedure of service of the mechanism needing under repair.

Producers face problems at design, creation, operation and service of the smart connected products — Mike Campbell, the executive vice president of ThingWorx Platform, PTC commented. — Integration of ThingWorx Studio and HoloLens allows the enterprises to create using business settings objects of the mixed reality which can make the solution of a number of tasks simpler, quicker and more economically.

See Also

You look also Virtual reality