TAdviser Interview: The Deputy Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications Alexey Kozyrev - about the crypto-anarchical scenario of the future seeming improbable
One of the key information systems developed by the state the last 8 years – a unified identification and authentication system (UIAS) - in the near future will cover all users of Runet, will be enriched with a set of the new features useful to business and citizens, and then, quite possibly, will stop existence. During a crypto-anarchy era when all transactions under control of a blockchain become public and anonymous, not only approach to an identification-authentication, but also a role of the state in regulation of economic relationship will essentially exchange. About this scenario the Chief Editor of TAdviser Alexander Levashov talked to the Deputy Minister of Communications of the Russian Federation Alexey Kozyrev.
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Designer of options of identification and authentication
Alexey Olegovich, during this interview it would be desirable to talk about perspectives of identification and authentication. There is a set of examples of how technologies allow to identify the person by absolutely new methods. For example, the Amazon Store when the person can come, take goods and leaves. If to glance in more long-term future, such situation when neither the passport, nor plastic identifiers taking into account development of technologies, in principle, are necessary seems. When will we to it come?
Alexey Kozyrev: Let's begin with basic concepts and we will agree that it actually identification. It when you, let us assume, show the passport – the surname, a name, a middle name are written there. It is your unique identifier – conditionally unique – on which you can be found, for example, in some register.
Identification is a recognition, this recognition. If there is a sentry, and the person approaches him, the sentry asks: Wait, who's coming. The person says: "Private Ivanov". It is identification. But what the sentry asked "wait, who's coming", and Ivanov told that he is Ivanov, does not mean actually that he is Ivanov. It can be Petrov. Therefore after identification there is always an authentication: "Than you will prove that you really Ivanov, but not Petrov?" There is a mass of methods both for identification, and for authentication.
Identification can be exact, can be probabilistic. And all systems which use biometrics, different behavioral models – all this probabilistic identifications, inaccurate. What does it mean? It means that there can be so-called errors of the first and second sort. So when we are engaged not in exact identification, we can not recognize the necessary person or confuse him with another. Therefore in terms of identification it is necessary to understand for what transactions probabilistic identification for what exact is necessary is suitable.
What then is exact identification?
Alexey Kozyrev: Exact is when the person of calls unambiguously unique identifier. So login. It is possible to tell that exact identification is when the person calls himself through the login. Any number, the phone number, a surname-name-middle name and other data can be the login. If the person provides these data, and they exact, then it is exact identification. If he was mistaken at least in one character, it is not identified.
When the person looks in the camera, speaks, goes on a trading floor – all this the probabilistic identification connected with risk. This risk is acceptable for certain transactions, for defined – no.
Now we pass to authentication. Authentication is one-factor and multifactorial. One-factor authentication is when enough after identification procedure to make some one action, one transaction which will be based on one of three factors – that the person knows than the person owns also who he such (biometrics).
What the person knows - it is password authentication. It is what is known only by him. He has no right to anybody this password to speak. If he told, then other person can be authenticated for it. It is a separable authentication factor which is connected with risks.
The second – what the person owns? For example, I should confirm that I have in hands a mobile phone now. To me SMS comes, I should enter the code. I can enter the code only if now at me this device in hands or this my phone number. This factor too transferred. I can give phone or the malefactor can take control of it, and it will undergo authentication, but not I.
And the third factor is a biometrics. When I am authenticated using presentation of some biological information – appearance, dactyloscopy, DNA, the speech. Biometric data are non-transferable, especially, if it is not one-factor biometrics, but multimodal and some behavioural. It is very difficult to tell it. Therefore authentication on the basis of biometrics is a good method to make sure that the person that for whom issues itself.
Thus, what we call identification, actually, at least, consists of identification and authentication. Both identification, and authentication depending on transaction can be connected with a certain probability of coincidence. Somewhere this probability is acceptable, we accept risk, and somewhere not. It turns out that we have such designer from options of identification and options of authentication.
For example, biometric authentication is too the probability because if we, for example, use biometrics to check that the person that for whom issues itself, then we verify his biometrics which we see now, with a standard which is stored in the database. If the probability of coincidence is higher than a certain threshold, we consider that the person that for whom issues itself. If we use only biometrics for authentication, we besides have an error probability. And if this probability of an error is imposed on error probability at identification, then it turns out that identification and authentication are based only on biometrics – too many errors and risks. Therefore it is possible to combine, for example. Use exact identification and use two authentication factors – for example, password entry and biometrics. Then quite reliable transaction because the person, first, precisely designated himself, secondly, when he enters the password turns out, the factor of his knowledge works. And to exclude the fact of transfer of the password to other person, we with a certain probability confirm that that person who is necessary to us acts.
Therefore we now in logic of development of our system of identification go the way when we use exact identification and multifactor authentication. She uses also exact information from area of what the person knows, than he owns, and still biometric probability to exclude a possibility of transfer of authenticators to other people.
Next stage of development of a Unified identification and authentication system
Now we go further. In any electronic transaction after identification and authentication there is always a verification of powers – whether that person which was identified also authentication has the right, to work, make this or that transaction. Verification of powers happens and when the individual works, and, especially, when legal. Because on the legal entity it is necessary to check the right of the individual to be the representative. Now the Unified identification and authentication system does not provide verification of powers - it is a prerogative of service providers. The Unified identification and authentication system is not responsible for authorization. What is the result? To authorize this or that transaction, service providers who offer electronic service are forced to resolve issues of authorization independently. They do it differently. Someone it is more effective, someone it is less effective.
For example, it is obvious that for verification of powers of the individual to act on behalf legal as representative it is necessary to check information in the register of legal persons. It is an information resource of the Federal Tax Service. At the same time many service providers prefer to request now so-called certificates of incorporation which confirm at a certain point in time information status in the USRLE. I.e. they can be irrelevant. These are certain transaction costs because it is necessary to receive this statement.
Now quite actively different electronic services which allow to obtain data from this resource develop, but we consider that the correct approach is to create such mechanism of authorization by the key rights, powers which would be built in the identification-authentication system as additional service. So if the person is authenticated-identified, then we can attach a set of the attributes necessary for this or that transaction to its electronic profile, taking away them from different information systems. For example, the fact of whether this or that person is, for example, a cadastral engineer, whether it is a person with the right of the first signature on behalf of the legal entity, whether he, let us assume, is a parent and so on. These factors can be stored on a centralized basis in an electronic machine-readable form and to use for authorization.
Here, I think, it is very interesting to look at the project of creation of the register of the population which is done now by the Ministry of Finance and the Federal Tax Service. It will be the information resource containing such key attributes and allowing to use such data including for authorization. It is very interesting project.
So there will be opposite to each person a set of some statuses?
Alexey Kozyrev: Yes, and them it will be possible to use for verification of powers. It not only solution. It is one of alternatives. It is possible that this issue it is necessary to handle, think how in terms of architecture it is more correct to make it. It is possible to take away data on attributes directly from sources of master data. It is possible to create the duplicated source which of master data will aggregate and distribute them from one place.
And in a case with the register of the population after all master data will be in the USRLE?
Alexey Kozyrev: Of course. But plus is that it is the centralized information resource where it is uniform and with the identical level of service it is possible to receive any attribute. While in the state systems of different departments there will be a different quality level of services, there will be different formats of data, it is architecturally more difficult.
Unless it is not logical to do everything based on one resource, for example, to a Unified identification and authentication system?
Alexey Kozyrev: The single system of an identification-authentication is responsible for process of an identification-authentication. And to store, create the information resource especially duplicated it architecturally not absolutely correct solution. But I once again want to tell that the question of architecture is still open. We have on it no answer. Perhaps, it is necessary and to create such information resource in a Unified identification and authentication system. While according to those projects which are implemented in the field of authentication-identification development now we really expand a data set which are stored in a Unified identification and authentication system. Whether but correct it is a way - it is a question for discussion.
Now we go further. Here we were identified-authenticated through authorization, checked powers of the person for this or that transaction. Then there is a transaction. In fact, transaction means that certain data are created and remain. It is very important that these data contain, including, declaration of will of the citizen, for example, on transaction, cutoff conditions of this transaction. It is important to be able to save this data set in an invariable view with authorship confirmation, with fixing of a transaction time, some key attributes. Here we pass to need to use cryptographic tools to provide this invariance of a data set about transaction.
Generally it is possible to call it technology of the electronic signature, but in a sense, for example, the technology of the distributed register is technology of the electronic signature too. Therefore on the fourth step of any electronic transaction there is a need it somewhere to save so that it did not change, was reliable and so on. Here it is necessary to apply or the centralized solution in the field of electronic archive with the electronic signature, or the distributed register when transaction is fixed in the register and too is protected by the corresponding cryptography.
Our system including should provide service for transaction signing. And this service can look as the cloud electronic signature. So the citizen who is registered in the Unified identification and authentication system should have an opportunity by means of a cloud service and application of cryptography to protect data on the transaction, to make them invariable and so on. Therefore such service should appear in our system too.
It turns out that we should develop towards four basic services – identification, authentication, authorization, signing. From them we already have two also they develop too. The biometrics is added for authentication. And two new – authorization and signing. But it is only basic key services. Is still auxiliary, additional which are very interesting too.
For example, if in our platform citizens are registered, we know them and we are able to identify and authenticate, then it is obvious that this platform can be used for transactions between citizens, or between citizens and business. Why? Because a system which by the identifier allows us to find this or that citizen, this or that business can perform functions of address service. For example, if you want to send someone the letter, you write a surname, a name, a middle name and the postal address. And it is the system of identification which allows to find the addressee and to hand him this letter. In our system as identifiers mobile phone number or the e-mail address is used, for example.
If you want, for example, legally significant to send any message if you want even to transfer, for example, money, then it is possible to use this system not as the mail platform and not as the financial platform and as an addressing platform. So for example, if in bank decide to create some money transfer system from one citizen to another, then they will be forced to face a problem – and how to identify clients of different banks. In bank clients are identified on an account number, by the phone number, on the plastic cash card. So we will allow, in Sberbank it is possible to transfer money between clients, knowing the mobile phone. It occurs only because Sberbank knows mobile phones of all the clients. But Sberbank does not know mobile phones of clients of other bank. We know mobile phones of all citizens, and it is obvious that we can offer such service to banks, financial companies. We see, for example, that we on this way went in India. They have a system of an electronic identification-authentication which provides such service of addressing.
State system of identification?
Alexey Kozyrev: Yes. There is one more very interesting service and very important for digital economy. The digital economy is an economy of data, and added value in this economy is generally created by means of data. A huge number of data is personal and require a certain protection.
Owners of personal data can dispose of the data in very limited scope now. So you can know, for example, that your personal data in the state are stored, processed, but you cannot use these data in any way. When you come, for example, to bank to obtain the credit, the bank asks you whether you can provide, let us assume, proof of income. The Federal Tax Service has a confirmation of your income, for example. They know how many you pay taxes how many you earn. But these data, your personal data, they are stored in the state information system and cannot be provided to the commercial organization.
Here we besides come that, in our platform all citizens are identified and can confirm the procedure of authentication the personality rather authentically. And we thus can receive legally significantly from them consent to that their data were provided to them from the state information systems. And under the law on personal data protection the subject has the right to obtain all the personal data without restrictions. It means that any citizen all the personal data from the state information systems can in electronic form, having given the consent, to request and provide to any commercial organizations. And thus it turns out that we give the chance to citizens to use their personal data for economic transactions, reducing for them a time and costs. It is not necessary to receive the reference on paper and somewhere to carry her. The credits, for example, cheaper if you provided proof of income. In it there is also, generally, our mission of quality improvement of life, improvement of conditions of business activity. Due to such services significantly we save time and money for citizens and entrepreneurs.
Who will finance new functionality
About income, in principle, you tell about this subject of providing to databanks already, probably, few years. As far as does it work now?
Alexey Kozyrev: It works now regarding data which are necessary to banks from the Pension fund for data acquisition about the income of citizens.
So they have enough data from the Pension fund? Data from Tax administration are not obligatory?
Alexey Kozyrev: Yes. Specifically for this case it is better for them to use data from the Pension fund because they are more often updated. The reporting in the Pension fund is given more often than in Tax, and these data are more relevant. But banks, bank community prepared the list of data which they would like to receive. This list is separated into two parts: those data which are not personal and can be provided without consent; and those data which are personal, on which consent is necessary. All this data set was included into the Act of the government 1471 which grants the right to credit institutions these data to obtain. But regarding those data which are personal the electronic consent of the citizen is required. We have no problems this consent to receive. But in order that data from the state system to take and transfer outside, a system should be finished. For this purpose a certain money is required, but now to find them quite difficult.
First of all it what departments?
Alexey Kozyrev: First of all it is the Federal Tax Service, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Rosreestr. Of course, not a secret that the budget rather scarce, especially on information technologies, and there is no mechanism of attraction of extrabudgetary funds yet.
Theoretically banks are ready to pay for it …
Alexey Kozyrev: They are also almost ready, but the mechanism is necessary. We suggested the government to create such mechanism. And the question of this mechanism was considered at a meeting of Project committee on support of small business under the chairmanship of the first Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov recently. We showed there the concept which requires introduction of amendments, including to federal laws. We suggested to create fund which could accumulate off-budget commercial money, aim them at the development of the state information systems and then due to collection of a transaction payment for data access from the commercial organizations to return the investments enclosed in development of the state information systems. This concept was considered, and to us recommended to prepare option of implementation of this scheme without the need for change of federal laws, on the basis of powers of the government.
It is possible?
Alexey Kozyrev: Order it is. Means, perhaps.
And who will manage this fund and to be engaged directly in this subject?
Alexey Kozyrev: The supervisory board created from among investors who invest money. If it is banks, then the supervisory board will consist of representatives of banks which will solve, to what specifically tasks need to be directed the raised money. Will hold negotiations with authorities which are operators of these or those information systems and to agree about what system for what money what services will provide.
Well and, respectively, for use of these services the payment will be levied from banks which are not investors who will just incur operating expenses for access to these data. It is interesting to banks because they significantly reduce risks and the operating costs. Therefore it is profitable to pay the small commission for data access. And from this commission those investments which are already made by fund for completion of information systems will pay off.
But this concept. Once again I want to tell that we need to describe it in the form of drafts of regulatory legal acts, to approve with departments, to carry out through the government. Only after that we will be able to start its implementation. Non-budgetary sources of financing, probably, are necessary because deficit of financing of information technologies is rather sharply felt.
Can you call banks which are the most initiative in this question? And who, maybe, confirmed participation?
National banks …
Alexey Kozyrev: It was more of them. There was Promsvyazbank, there was Opening. There were Sberbank, VTB, "Tinkoff".
But it, maybe, and is enough, in principle? The amounts not mentally ill people should be.
Alexey Kozyrev: No, not mentally ill people. Departments estimated need of financing for 2018 at 1.9 billion rubles.
For two largest state banks it is quite lifting money.
Alexey Kozyrev: Yes in principle, it and for the budget not such large sums, but even to us do not select them.
And what will become the connector between state departments and banks? Or they will be connected to each department separately?
Alexey Kozyrev: No, our banks all are connected to infrastructure of the Electronic government. In infrastructure there is a Uniform portal of state services which has a standard interface for a request of data with the consent of the citizen and receiving the answer, there is SIEI. Now in this interface only services of the Pension fund are implemented. Actually, money is necessary in order that departments made the services in this interface. Now we implement one "Get-data-Pensionny fond" method. And it is necessary that this "get data" was on all all departments, which in the list. As soon as departments are ready to add the methods to this service, banks will have an opportunity these methods to cause and obtain data.
But the most demanded how now it seems, will be a request for taxes which are paid by the citizen to FTS? Or something else?
Alexey Kozyrev: There the list from about 30 types of data, not only about citizens. For example, average number of staff at the legal person, these reportings, presence of the legal person in the list of subjects of small business and others. There is a lot of them.
I did not tell one very important thing that at us identification-authentication procedure can happen, both online, and offline yet. So online is when we have an opportunity to be connected to a cloud with some data. Offline is when there is no cloud when it is necessary here and now.
For example, there are some tablet or the cash register. But all this is not connected to network and works locally. It is obvious that to work online, no carriers because all data are in a cloud are practically necessary. It is enough to authenticate to obtain all information from a cloud. When we are faced the need of offline work, we surely need the carrier on which the basic data set will contain, necessary in order that authentication, identification, authorization and signing were made locally, without use of a cloud. Then it can be synchronized when communication appears.
Specific example, we will allow – it is necessary to check at you the car driver license whether you have a right to manage transport. You are stopped on the road, the traffic police officer has a tablet, but there is no communication. You need to show a certain carrier with the chip on which your identifier will be written. This carrier should provide authentication. So what it at you in hands, it is possible to consider an authentication factor according to the scheme of ownership. If you own this card, then, so are authenticated as the owner. Authorization is a check of the rights. If on the chip it is written that you the driver of such category, then you underwent authorization. Identification, authentication, authorization take place, the inspector understands that you the driver, have the right to manage. All this occurs offline.
Until we are forced to be guided by the fact that we will have a part of transactions offline, we have a topical issue about the carrier. The electronic passport can be this carrier, and we hope that after all such decision can be made. Or some other document containing the electronic medium of information, the chip.
Besides, very important point is that now different gadgets in which this chip is gain ground. But we do not consider it entrusted and are not ready to write any data there. At the same time many chips which are used in electronics allow to carry out its identification unambiguously.
If in the device there is a chip which can be identified unambiguously and if the person wants to make of this device of a proxy ID and says that "I assume risks that the fact of ownership of the device is an authentication", then it ties this chip to the profile of an identification-authentication and for a certain transaction type we begin to trust identifications on the chip, authentication on ownership. So for example, if it somewhere puts this device, we read out the identifier from the chip and we understand that this bracelet at it, he promised us to anybody it to transfer, then we can permit some transactions. It too the perspective direction for development of the identification-authentication system when at us electronic rings, electronic sneakers begin to appear.
This how PayPass works, in fact?
Alexey Kozyrev: In fact, yes. The only thing that the technology of a binding can be the most different. PayPass is kind of initially tied to your account in bank which issues the bank card. And here we recognize that the person purchased this chip in online store. This chip supports some technology. It can be NFC, it can be optical recognition of some QR code which identifies this chip. And we should support the interfaces allowing to tie these proxies ID to an account in order that it was more convenient to carry out some transactions. It too the perspective direction for development of a system of electronic identification.
100% scope
How many now the person in a Unified identification and authentication system?
Alexey Kozyrev: 66 million.
Do you expect 100% a scope?
Alexey Kozyrev: We have no 100% of a scope the Internet of the whole country, all audience yet. We consider that active users the Internet at us in the country of 86 million. From them more than 66 million which are already registered. And so far we do not see deceleration of rates of registration. I think that all Internet users at us will be registered. Whether there will be all citizens of the Russian Federation is universal Internet users? Well, probably, at some point yes.
Children in a Unified identification and authentication system will appear?
Alexey Kozyrev: Yes, it is very good question. I think that will appear while we are able to check powers of parents. It concerns children up to 14 years. After 14 years they have a passport, and they can be registered.
The identification-authentication system is intended for legally significant actions now. For this purpose the citizen should be capable or is limited capable as the child in 14 years. But we understand at the same time that the electronic identification-authentication system is necessary also not for legally significant actions, and for gaining access to data, including personal. For example, to performance data – to different electronic diaries, or, for example, to health state-of-health data. And so the data access about the state of health of the minor should be, including, and at parents, official representatives, trustees of this minor. Also as well as data access about progress.
In order that to implement this mechanism, this transaction of authorization, verification of powers of this or that person is necessary to act on behalf of another. Therefore we consider these two services in a sheaf: an opportunity to create accounts for minors and an opportunity for their representatives to get access to their information. And, certainly, we will be engaged in it. First of all, we want to make so that it was possible to create at first for children an account with limited functionality which would allow them to use the first public service of obtaining the Russian passport. Because now without registration it is impossible to submit the application for obtaining the Russian passport to a Unified identification and authentication system.
We expect that this year it will be possible to give the chance to school students to issue in electronic form an application for obtaining the Russian passport, to come to take away it. We hope that it will be possible to take away it in MFC. The Ministry of Economic Development in parallel conducts work to permit to issue the identity document, in MFC. Earlier you took away it in the Ministry of Internal Affairs …
Yes, now the Ministry of Internal Affairs has offices in MFC.
Alexey Kozyrev: And there the police officer sits. The point is that when it is delegated to MFC, all this will accelerate many times. The human resource on that to perform this operation, will be much more. It will not be necessary to go two times after we are able to submit the application in electronic form. It will be necessary to arrive and take away the ready passport once.
We still had an initiative State courier. But she did not earn yet for the reason that the issue of authority delegation on delivery of the document for the courier was not resolved. The position of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was that the document strictly should be handed by the police officer in the protected place where the citizen personally should come. And the citizen in this place, should fill Form No. 1 on paper. Filled? There it is necessary to write the hand the address and so on.
Crypto-anarchy and impossibility of illegal transactions
Generally, we will never get rid of the physical passport, probably.
Alexey Kozyrev: We will refuse the physical passport when there is universal stable online when everything is spread with communication, all territory of the country. It is a problem of development of infrastructure. Need for the carrier.
Similar situation with cash. Non-cash payments develop from 80th years. Already there passed 30 years – still cash is necessary. At some point infrastructure will grow to the fact that need for the carrier will disappear, everything will be in clouds. And at this moment in a pocket there will be neither money, nor cards any more. There will be only an identifier and an authenticator. But what will be an identifying authenticator? Whether there will be it biometrics? It is a question so far.
The problem of biometrics is that it is the factors inseparable from the person, and having once provided the data, it will be difficult to disappear. Use of biometrics means total control over life activity of all people for an identification-authentication. And therefore I think that, most likely, the biometric identification-authentication will be a prerogative of security agencies which will ensure safety of public order, and for civil circulation on the basis of primary biometric identification-authentication the unlimited number of one-time or reusable logins passwords which he will be able to use for economic transactions anonymously will be created by the person.
At the same time every time when there are questions who carried out this transaction, through a binding of these single keys to a biometric identification-authentication power bodies will be able to set who specifically stands behind this or that transaction. And it solves a problem of personal data protection completely.
How now does the system of protection, for example, of a bank secrecy work? Everything should be closed under the lock that nobody broke and did not read that there. But if I can generate an unlimited number of keys and on these keys anonymously to carry out all transactions, at the same time all keys can be attached to me as to the living person through primary identifier, then at all it is necessary to protect nothing. Then all information can be publicly in a blockchain. And nobody ever will define that under this or that key I perform operation. Nobody, except those to whom it is necessary. And those to whom it is necessary perform some state control and supervising functions. Let them also protect the biometric base of an identification-authentication seven locks, printings that nobody there ever got.
How can it in practice be implemented? For example, in interaction with bank?
Alexey Kozyrev: Well, you for certain issued virtual bank cards for calculations on the Internet. How it works? You have a bank account, bank about you everything knows, stores your money, but you do not want to use your main card for any transactions on the unclear websites. You come into the banking application, click "issue the virtual card with a limit of 100 dollars", bank to you generates a key, the card number of 16 discharges, generates to you the password – an authenticator CVV three discharges, and you by means of this key, this password, this identifier and an authenticator make transaction anonymously. So it is a disposable card. You purchased something for hundred dollars, and any more nobody knows anything about you, but the bank knows.
Just the same logic. If the state knows everything about you, but you should carry out this or that transaction, you have some application, some interface where you by means of your state identification release these single keys on transactions. By means of these keys you make any transaction which is not prohibited by the law. While control supervisory authorities understand that you have a suspicious activity, you have some suspicious transactions, all information on you is, you can be caught, physically to delay, ask questions. But until you do not break the law, can carry out any transactions.
It concerns also purchase of coffee in cafe, and purchase of the apartment. If I want to purchase, for example, the apartment, then now what I do? I am identified and authenticated in the Register of the rights to the real estate, my surname, a name, a middle name registers. The restricted information, personal data are stored in the register and so on. Here everything is very simple.
If I want to purchase the apartment in the scenario which we discussed, then I click "to me the single key is necessary", the state to me furnishes the clue, gives the password from this key. I buy the real estate by means of this key, and she registers in a blockchain in this key – the owner of this real estate is the owner of this key. Who the owner of a key – it is unknown. If I want to purchase from the previous owner, then it is necessary to me that that identifying authenticator confirmed the transaction. All my identifiers are stored somewhere at me. I understand that here on this identifier the apartment is purchased from me, on this – the machine, on this – something else. If I have to sell the apartment, I from this identifier make the transaction and so on. While all these transactions legal, no questions arise, all this is stored publicly.
And nothing needs to be protected, and conditional Navalny does not find anybody's apartments …
Alexey Kozyrev: Yes, all this publicly and anonymously. Of course, if I use the same identifier to purchase half of Moscow, Navalny will see that there is something strange. But why to me to use one identifier? I am not obliged. If I want, please. But I am not obliged. I can buy each apartment on the new identifier and thus protect itself. I can decide that on one identifier I will buy, for example, cars and apartments, and on other coffee in cafe I will buy. To me it is not terrible that some artificial intelligence, machine learning will keep track of my behavior concerning coffee.
But at the same time there will be a loyalty system which will speak "if all of you buy time with one identifier, we to you will allow discounts, we will show advertizing, still something". And you will solve. If I want to earn, for example, from advertizing of a discount, then it is more profitable to me to use one identifier everywhere. And if I, for example, want a privacy, then I can generate a new key on each purchase, and nobody ever learns that it I. Such logic.
It seems to me that the systems of protection against them which kind of increases armor this race of arms will eat cyberthreats which now obviously increase and more and more resources. The armor protecting sensitive data is thicker the guns at hackers are stronger. And war will end only when we stick to hide the most part of data, and a smaller part of data, sensitive personal data, we will close so that they in general were not connected in any way with the Internet that there was no method them to crack.
So access to personal data will be had by conditional security officers who will be able to address them if necessary, for example, to investigate violation of the law … How will it look physically?
Alexey Kozyrev: The person comes into the protected DPC which is disconnected from everything. It has with itself some information resource, some master key which is tied to biometrics. He on this master key understood that in activity of the citizen there is something unclear, but he does not know who this citizen. It has a criminal case on key 22345, and to it the judge signed permission to access to biometrics. He comes with this key, looks – so, this is the citizen such. Further it such begins to catch the citizen. And as everywhere video surveillance and so on, the biometrics of this person without any registration, without registration allows to find it in five minutes because now it somewhere on the camera on some shines. Also it is not necessary to put operational search cordons on borders and so on because as soon as law enforcement agencies have a sanction on biometrics, they right there find this person.
So on the one hand, complete anonymity, with another – impossibility to hide. And this system can work at the principles of a blockchain?
Alexey Kozyrev: I do not know what will be technology in ten years. Perhaps people will think up more interesting method of data storage. It is possible to tell that not the technology, but ideological principle of a blockchain is that all data are stored it is distributed in open form, these data are invariable, and we can trust that they invariable and original. These principles precisely absolutely should remain. There should not be centralized data warehouses because data should be distributed. They will arise in one billion different places. It is impossible to collect all data in one billion places, to lift in one storage. It is energetically inexpedient. It is simpler to store them where they arise, and to have an opportunity to use them when they are necessary. Therefore, the more will be data sources, the probability of the decentralized data storage and failure from centralized will be higher. And the decentralized data storage means that we at any deal lose control over data protection. It is impossible to protect one billion places. Time we lose control, these data should be by default anonymous. And we come to a security system, safety of personal data not through centralization and protection, and through anonymization and openness. It is not an official position of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, this my personal opinion based on the analysis of modern trends.
And the Unified identification and authentication system role what will be? Or there the Unified identification and authentication system will not be any more?
Alexey Kozyrev: The role of a Unified identification and authentication system can be that it will provide an opportunity to tie unique keys to a master key, which confidential.
So there will be absolutely new feature, and the current problems of a Unified identification and authentication system kind of will evaporate?
Alexey Kozyrev: Yes. As Alexey Hersontsev, sometime spoke and metro stations will dig, will not be necessary more. But, nevertheless, the subway still is under construction. And a Unified identification and authentication system – sometime we will dig the current Unified identification and authentication system, it will not be necessary any more.
Do you somehow move this ideology?
Alexey Kozyrev: We try to move ideology of the cloud electronic signature. And such things – same in a sense a crypto-anarchy. Because, in fact, we say: "until you did not break the law, do that you want, without any control".
Yes … The scenario looks fantastic …
Alexey Kozyrev: It now. There will pass 50 years, and people will strongly change. Imagine, for example, the beginning of the XX century. People are illiterate, and you say: "And here you know that by the end of the 20th century all will be able to read and write". It could seem a fantasy too, but it occurred. And here we can tell that now many are not able to use the computer, but there will pass 20 years …
Now the concept of control, supervision and prevention of offenses is in what we say: "There are such transactions in which the state participates as the third party". For example, purchase and sale of the real estate. It guarantees protection of the rights. Or, for example, labor relations. At many transaction types there is a state as the guarantor of the fact that the rights of the parties will be protected. In certain cases the state asks to submit the reporting to control upon transactions, their legality and so on. And all this occurs because digital technologies were not earlier, and it was necessary at the time of transactions upon somehow given to receive, to make sure somehow that everything be all right.
Now, when at us information in a machine-readable type arises at the time of transactions if it public, she does not be collected because it is always available, and a question only in the speed of analytical algorithms which look for, collect, analyze, compare. And presence of the state as the guarantor – it can be implemented at the level of smart contracts which algorithmically implement checks of observance of the rights.
If, for example, for registration of the transaction on the real estate the registrar checks that the seller has a right to sell, there are no encumbrances and so on when at us all information is available and there are algorithms registered legislatively, then the state should not be present at quality of the guarantor constantly. You just cannot carry out transaction illegally. And where there are suspicious activities, there is an artificial intelligence with machine learning which constantly watches that transactions of such profile are somehow strange strained that here something can be not so. So conditionally speaking, there is such thermal card which shows that something began to heat up somehow strange, it is necessary to rummage there. And here law enforcement authorities begin to be engaged in it.
Risk-oriented approach?
Alexey Kozyrev: Yes, risk-oriented approach. It concerns economic crimes and does not concern normal crime – murders, thefts. With it absolutely another story. If we assume that video surveillance and biometrics develop, then when violence happens in the physical world, law enforcement authorities should have an opportunity on biometrics to recognize, find and so on.
It has no relation to the economic world, electronic in which actually all respectable, law-abiding. Because everything that is connected with work, training, family, with the house – all this economic transactions which do not require in general contact with the physical world. In terms of legal practice all your purchases, all your relationship with the spouse, in family – all this electronic data, and for this purpose it is not necessary to have any papers, physical media.
Very interesting on the basis of the ideas of a crypto-anarchy to look at institution of marriage. You have physical relations in family, and there are legal. And so the legal marriage is when two identifiers communicate among themselves, they delegate certain rights and to them certain duties are imposed. In terms of the family relations, it turns out that marriage becomes in a sense the smart contract, to connect by the marriage contract because otherwise just there is no sense identifiers. Transaction of marriage purchases sense of the contract between two legal entities. It is such striking example as far as this world differs from what we got used to. Because now at us two persons put a stamp in the passport, and everything is clear to all. And actually in the electronic world when you have no passport that to deliver a stamp, you begin to understand that when you from the identifier confer powers to act from your name or to represent you, you should understand what powers you confer. Provide that you by 25 years prior to a wedding already got used to use all these identifiers, you understand what power they give that it in general all yours – both the apartment, and the machine. And here speak to you – you want, give, we now to the person delegate all your powers and still to you we will write duties that you both that cannot now, and cannot do it. And you should confirm with the electronic signature this transaction.
Having understood it, the person ten times will think before marrying...
Alexey Kozyrev: Now de facto marriage is defects too. And here it turns out so that de facto marriage de jure in the electronic world does not create this communication of identifiers, and it turns out that there is no really such concept as de facto marriage. If you with the person together live, legally it will not create effects because you did not connect the identifiers and did not receive any duties. Such examples show, how strongly public psychology will change after development of technologies. Many things which people do not realize now are not realized, they become is so crystal clear that here family, defects, children – all this purchases a few other sense. Will, for example, too interesting story.
Scenarios of social scoring and new role of the state
China tries to introduce the system of social trust. As far as this way, in your opinion, is perspective? Whether it is possible in Russia?
Alexey Kozyrev: I think, it perspective and in Russia is possible. Why? For example, entrance examinations in higher education institution – it is good or bad? Probably, it is good. All got used that examinations – it is normal. But, in fact, examinations are social scoring too. Just it single-step is also based on a certain probability, a certain combination of circumstances - someone was prepared, someone was not prepared. If to say that examination can be dragged out in time examination can take day, week, year, ten years – and all this examination – that we come to normal understanding of this social scoring when you take examination all the life. But it does not mean that it is necessary to treat it as to some system of discrimination. Though any examination – discrimination because there are best, is the worst.
Elimination weak, opportunities for strong.
Alexey Kozyrev: Yes, but I would not tell that in this case it is about elimination weak. It is about positioning, about the direction of all people according to their requirements, opportunities. If about examination say to you: "At your data in MGIMO it is not necessary to you", and you think: "And where it is necessary to me? – well, probably, I will go to medical". So it too redirection. When to you bar one way, you look for others. Just this system uncontrollable, it is chaotic. This system can be more managed, more exact, more reliable because examination of times in life is an a lot of probability, it is a lot of subjectivity. When we do it constantly and systematically, there is no stress, reliability because there are permanent results which the person shows is more there. I think that most possibly and close such system will appear in an education system, professional higher education.
Do you mean "contingent"? Based on this project?
Alexey Kozyrev: I do not know, here it is difficult to tell me on what platform, but here that now it is visible? In the conditions of digital economy obviously that education should change. It should be more flexible, faster, should be more focused on a possibility of fast preparation, retraining of people on certain skills, qualifications, unlike such traditional approach when the person studies five years at institute, receives specialty, and this specialty is such mix of different competences, skills which in it are put.
Now in five years to collect such set is too nonflexible system because nobody knows what set will be required in five years. Therefore the education system should develop towards that the person could attach to this basic set quickly some modules which are necessary to it here and now. As a result we receive need of permanent tracking of this set of skills, knowledge and competences which would follow the person during his life, would follow his development.
As soon as we begin to fix all professional development course, all career some achievements, transition from one work for another, the description that it did there that it did there, we obtain data on the basis of which we can draw a conclusion who has in what a talent. There is a person – the talented designer, another - the talented engineer and so on.
And it is obvious that if we have employers who need specialists with certain qualifications and skills, on the other hand, we have workers who have unique sets of these skills and competences, then we receive such Marketplace where they can find each other quickly, comfortably, understanding for what work how many money can be paid and so on. Also it turns out so that de facto we build this educational career trajectory for each person, and it is possible to call it such scoring, permanent examination which the person constantly takes, on the one hand. On the other hand, there is demand for these qualifications, for this experience from employers which, actually, and will maintain interest in this platform, in that people accumulated the karma, pumped over the skills and received more interesting offers on work, on creativity.
And outside an educational and career way?
Alexey Kozyrev: And then it, as usual, will extend. For example, it is obvious that healthier people should receive discounts for an insurance. More careful drivers should receive a discount for the CMTPL and so on. Here I have a good scoring on health – I play sports, I do not drink, I do not smoke. I need cheap medical care. But the same data need to be collected. Also it turns out that practically in any area where the person sets before himself some purposes and wants to reach them, this track record will help it to achieve the goal.
Do you consider, it will be separate such scorings or it will be a certain single system of interconnected indicators?
Alexey Kozyrev: It seems to me, it will be started from separate anew, and then …
Separate and so, in principle, is. Whether it will gather once in a certain overall rating of trust?
Alexey Kozyrev: I think what will gather because we see that technologies of Big Data conduct us to it. When from small pieces of a mosaic one picture gathers. When we speak, will gather or will not gather, I do not mean technology, I do not mean the Data processing center and one relational base where all data on the person in one line are written. No, it will gather through new technologies, through artificial intelligence, through neural networks.
On emergence of a request data are pulled together and a certain result is issued. It is clear, that it shall not be one DPC.
Alexey Kozyrev: Yes.
It, you consider, a problem of the state – to create such linking of scorings and to coordinate them in ratings?
Alexey Kozyrev: No, it seems to me that in general information systems are necessary not in order that given to store and in order that given to analyze. We will not be able to store data on a centralized basis, it is perfect precisely. So the majority of data will be kept is distributed, and sooner or later all these data, distributed stored, will not be personal data. And as a result it turns out that the state will lose control over data storage, but can keep control of the analysis, of analytics. Why? Because, for example, on the basis of technologies of Big Data and machine learning to collect a profile on some specific person – it can be violation of freedom, the mystery of private life. The right to it should remain only with the state. But this right should be technically exercised through this linking of a master key with the living person. What, actually, will also give the chance to the state information systems, collecting data, to give this analytics. And the market analytics, for example, a possibility of binding of a trajectory, it, obviously, can become also the commercial organizations provided that citizens give the chance it to do.
Here I know, for example, that I treat teeth with one identifier, I do medical examination with another and so on. Further the insurance company says to me: "Do you want a discount on an insurance? Tell your identifier". I to it call these identifiers. They calculate to me a discount, and I on some identifier receive these 10% a discount. After that I with this identifier come to treat teeth or still I do something. The logic is that the person himself wants that his track record was opened for some purposes. Does not want to open - does not open, but under general conditions then. And will want to find, for example, the best work, will open the track record on competences, qualifications, and time – to it someone will offer interesting something. Everything should be based on declaration of will of the person.
How you consider in how many years such ratings can appear seriously?
Alexey Kozyrev: We on a subcommittee on digital economy considered the offer of Competence center on the personnel and education. They say that by 2024 40% of citizens will use a professional track record.