What place of ECM in the digital company?
Digital transformation of business in the context of creation of digital economy, ECM place in digital transformation of the company – in this context the wide range of questions at another Landocs Day "ECM Place in the Digital Company" conference held by LANIT company was considered.
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Digital economy: the latest technologies, fall forward of business in the context of ECM
In this article it will be told about vision of global trends of IT, about how these trends already transform business and also about acceleration business processes by their digitalization based on modern ECM- a system, features EDMS LanDocs of ECM/3 and also about practical experience of use of LanDocs 3 as ECM platforms for digitalization of processes of the large distributed companies in the different industries of the Russian economy.
The latest technologies
Transformation of business on Gartner – transition to model of future world, at the heart of which three concepts – mind, digit and network (Intelligent, Digital, Mesh). The new world will be dynamic, autonomous and more and more safe – questions cybersecurity come to the forefront. Emergence of a large number of smart things – robots, drones, autonomous transport. Change of model of perception – transition to model when a system makes the decision, adapting to perception of the person.
In respect of the competition the speed of change of business taking into account changes in the market becomes the defining success factor, and the main tool – IT. Main world trends: clouds, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, ecosystems, blockchain.
Clouds already today - big business, this business grows and will continue to grow. The artificial intelligence (AI) is developed for today in highly specialized areas under which it is trained – face recognition and some other, but the universality of application of AI is questionable so far. Internet of Things (IoT) is applied in all industries, this market will grow, the quantity of the things capable to make decisions, by 2020 will reach 75 billion. The ecosystem is created to inform of values the client, the ability to create an ecosystem today also substantially defines success. Do business independently already difficult or it is impossible, it is necessary to create the digital ecosystems assuming ability to interact with other companies and also to involve smart things in process of provision of services, creating new models of business. The number of the companies interacting with others within provision of services will increase in the next three years three times. The blockchain technology allows to automate business processes in distributed environment, gives the chance of creation of the entrusted environment within an ecosystem, but not just in corporate perimeter of separate company. The blockchain gives to business an opportunity to transfer values to the client, passing intermediaries, the effect is in terms of the scope of comparable to emergence of the Internet. Costs for a blockchain by 2021 will exceed 9 billion in 2021 (IDC). At the same time, the technology still new, is available many technology platforms which are in test stages, the majority of the implemented projects - pilot.
The corporate world as more conservative studies new technologies for today, estimating effect of their use and setting limits of risks which corporate business owing to his conservatism cannot pass.
Fall forward of business in the context of ECM
Speed of delivery of information to the user becomes a decisive factor for business and for ECM.
Speed of delivery of information includes capture rate of data, processing speed of routine transactions in process, the processing speed of difficult transactions in process, questions of information security, information output speed to users.
Capture rate – the first step on the way of effective digitalization of business - is braked by processing of paper carriers, lack of integration with other systems, data acquisition from external users. It is possible to increase speed by means of stream scanning and intellectual recognition of documents, integration with the official site / a personal account, the ERP system, financial and other programs of the enterprise.
Speed of routine transactions is braked by independent routine transactions, non-automated transactions, unnecessary transactions. An exit – a regulation and standard routes for document types, integration for automatic data acquisition, bots, reports on processes and their analysis, at the same time the more the company accumulates data, the more it is possible to see by means of their analysis.
Processing speed of difficult transactions is braked by preparation and creation of documents, human decision making, the wrong classification of processes – simple processes are processed as difficult. The solution by typification of processes and documents, simplification of routing of documents, intellectual search and the analysis.
Problems in the context of information security – certain document types do not get to a system at all, remain on paper with all that it implies, owing to requirements of cybersecurity the speed of implementation of new solutions decreases. The problem is removed use of standard solutions on protection of confidential documents, a possibility of certification/certification on system cybersecurity in general, but not separate modules EDMS.
Speed of providing information to users is braked by providing information to external users, including - to regulatory authorities, unspecialized interfaces, low sweep rate of documents. The solution – in creation of the simplified specialized interfaces ground under standard users with a limited circle of transactions in the general storages for unstructured data from different ICs with uniform backup, intellectual information search.
The business processes connected with collecting and data processing - some of the most subject digitalizations (research McKinsey) therefore in the development plan for ESM/SED LanDocs the LANIT company goes the way partnership too, studying and providing a large number of services together with ABBYY company (for example - full-text search for documents by means of ABBYY Intelligent Search SDK), for automation of collective work the My Office platform is offered.
Digital technologies
Complex workflow automation based on ECM/EDMS LanDocs 3 allows to reach acceleration business processes by their digitalization at all stages.
At a stage of capture of data a system allows to exclude manual entry of paper in large volumes, long attachment of scans of documents. Automation is performed by means of implementation of stream scanning, auto eject and data validation on the basis of technologies of ABBYY. Besides, manual entry of data at their existence in electronic form is excluded and also when they can be autocompleted. In a system the automated document registration from mail, integration with interdepartmental and intercorporate turnover, automatic exchange through subsystems of exchange of Landocs for interaction with branches, direct integration with EDMS of other organization is implemented. A system also allows to implement data entry by external users by means of integration with their personal account and also to exclude duplication of data at their existence in other internal systems.
ESM/SED LanDocs 3 allows to exclude manual determination of routes for documents, manual movement of documents between process steps, manual control and transfer of the document is one approval higher. For this purpose in a system it is possible to create any combination of consecutive and parallel processing stages, hands-off processing of results of approval, dynamic balancing of tasks between employees in group, a reminder to participants of process about terms, tracking of the undertaken obligations. For the distributed organizations automatic synchronization of data on documents between branches based on Landocs web services, integration into programs of 1C, SAP and other systems for transfer of data according to documents, among new products - the connector for integration about SIEI for data acquisition from FTS, Rosreestr and other federal structures is implemented.
For the purpose of automation of difficult transactions means of collective work based on My office, flexible multiple templates with a possibility of typification of necessary formulations, routing with escalation and automatic approval, remote access to process of approval by means of the web client and a mobile workplace, the interactive reporting, the intellectual analysis of provisions of documents on a basis the check sheets, check of partners by necessary parameters of the reporting is used.
In respect of providing information as a part of ESM/SED LanDocs 3 there is a module on preparation of answers to questions, solutions for fast unloading of a set of purchasing documents, formations of protocols and statements according to decisions of collegial bodies. Besides, providing access to external users for obtaining data on requests, chat-bots, the knowledge base is implemented.
In a system quick access to different documents as a part of a set, quick search of the document, an opportunity to be connected out of the workplace is implemented. Tools – hierarchical representation of a set of documents, specialized interfaces, full-text search (SDK ABBYY IS), remote access by means of the web client, a mobile automated workplace.
The LANIT company conducts full-time employment over new products for ECM, among them - use of the messenger for sending notifications to a certain group of people, remote acquaintance with documents, information search and a possibility of creation of documents, use of chat-bots. There are practices on authorization of external users through third-party services - the website of state services or social network that simplifies the procedure of their registration in a system and support of relevance of their data. The special module of holding meetings LanDocs allows to implement joint work with documents, access to them and vote in the video conferencing mode.
The priority direction of development ESM/SED LanDocs are the web client and the mobile automated workplace allowing to work with documents far off, to prepare and start documents on route of approval. It is in the long term planned that only the employees directly related to office-work will work with a traditional system. For today the mobile automated workplace is intended for the head who should participate in all processes, designed to involve it in all necessary processes and tasks. The web client as of April, 2018 works with the latest version of ESM/SED LanDocs, in it all basic systems capabilities on work with documents are implemented, he allows to use the EDS for the purpose of ensuring legally significant document flow, but also gives the chance to connect to process of the direct contractor of process.
Experience of customers
From basic EDMS to digital bank
As Pavel Sytnik told participants of LanDocs Day, the bank representative "Russian Capital", originally ECM/EDMS was implemented by LanDocs in 2016, at head office. For the past period the solution is replicated on all branches therefore process of interaction between head office and branches accelerated. In 2017 confidential document flow and the EDS was implemented that not only reduced risk of unauthorized access, but also accelerated process of approval as earlier documents were lost and long subscribed manually. After implementation of routing of documents work of divisions and contractors became transparent, reports allowed to carry out the assessment of real indicators and to define the reasons of delays. Together it led everything to improvement of performing discipline as there was a possibility of application of disciplinary actions on the basis of the real, recorded in the workflow system data. As a result the most part (67%) of agreements began to be approved in formal terms and this indicator grows.
As a result of implementation of ESM/SED LanDocs the office, all standard office work processes was automated, integration with 1C for the purpose of updating of information in reference books, in plans - transition to web interfaces is performed, but so far process is frozen – in connection with transition of bank to the new owner – to Deposit Insurance Agency.
The integrated ECM solution based on LanDocs and OpenText
Vladimir Feoktistov, the head of project office "MUEC", told about several stages of implementation and ECMEDMS use / LanDocs in his company. According to the results of the lot of work which is carried out to previous years in 2017 the company received a system, according to the speaker, with absolutely new opportunities – expanded support on a hot line, document flow of confidential documents, integration with other systems via the corporate data bus, full-text search using mechanisms of ABBYY and many other things.
Further correction of the business processes supported by ESM/SED LanDocs began to be performed owing to the happened normative changes which purpose - simplification of access for entrepreneurs to networks of infrastructure of the monopolists rendering the corresponding services in the field of gas supply, the electric power, water and heat. As a result of changes of the legislation terms were significantly reduced that as the speaker was recognized, it was painful for such large organization as MUEC where about 15 thousand people work and all processes are rather strongly bureaucratized. At the same time the legislator, having relied on digitalization of processes, left the right to file documents in paper form that complicated a problem of decrease in terms of consideration of requests. As a result of the carried-out work the landscape in which two channels of receipt of information – verbal and interactive are provided was constructed. Decided to use personal accounts where the user can make a set of documents for interactive channel, make legally significant action – to sign the document EDS and a tax together with the request. From a personal account get to the documentary bus which function is historically performed by ECM Open Text. On June 1 start of personal accounts based on web services in commercial operation is planned. In the context of import substitution there is a problem of replacement of OpenText by the corporate data warehouse based on LanDocs and, respectively, LanDocs use as uniform ESM-platform. Also the task optimization of architecture of ECM, acceleration of its work is important. In respect of integration about SIEI a system is in a test stage.
The Federal Treasury is transition to the centralized LanDocs model
Alexander Bespalov, the head of department of project management of Federal Treasury of the Russian Federation, noted that for today on the LanDocs platform office-work and office, work of heads of the first, second and third levels using a mobile automated workplace are automated. A system is installed in 97 territorial authorities and subordinated organizations of FC, in it about 40 thousand users work.
In development of the LanDocs platform in Federal Treasury, the speaker noted, transition to completely paperless internal document flow is performed (an exception - orders) that allowed to arrange and accelerate conventional office work processes, to strengthen control of performing discipline. The mobile workplace which is initially developed as the head's tool for acceleration of acceptance of management decisions within development begins to be used also for other processes, for example, of automation of preparation and holding meetings, carrying out control audit committee.
ECM/EDMS LanDocs allowed to automate such processes, non-standard for document flow, in FC as approval of procurement documentation and control of performance of Government contracts, internal control and self-checking of employees, a number of internal processes which approval and execution is normative regulated.
In the context of import substitution in FC Russian Federation options of transition to domestic DBMS are considered. The second important direction of development – centralization of the LanDocs platform instead of use of 85 local installations of a system, further improvement of processes, creation of a common information space.