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2020/06/08 11:36:33

Fight for the market of ICT infrastructure in Russia: whether domestic manufacturers will be able to break a situation?

The localized and initially domestic production is two edges of uniform process of import substitution. In the theory they should supplement each other, providing, on the one hand, ample opportunities for the choice of the most suitable on functionality and cost of the equipment with the required security level, and on the other hand, active development of developments and deployments of domestic production of ICT. But in practice something went wrong. The dependence on import from year to year grows, new types of domestic hi-tech production appear far not so actively, predictably. Where does such state of affairs conduct the idea of creation of the advanced domestic equipment in the field of ICT? Opinions of the Russian experts in this respect strongly differ. The journalist Elena Pokatayeva conducted an in-depth study of this question for TAdviser, collected and generalized the different points of view.


Only 5% by the most optimistic estimates are the share of domestic hi-tech production. So public funds in large volumes are actually spent for support of foreign producers. Public funds leave abroad, at the same time the country loses taxes, jobs, additional opportunities for development of the industry.

In many respects such situation was promoted by change of a classical market mechanism of localization of foreign products under the influence of the sanctions actions concerning Russia unrolled Years of "life under sanctions" after 2014 allowed to see all depth of a problem, but it was not succeeded to break a situation for a number of reasons still.

Foreign suppliers continue to be in the lead with a big separation in purchases of the Russian state companies (a photo -

Localization: how it in Russian?

Sanctions of the U.S. Government sharply narrowed possibilities of many American companies which long ago took strong positions in the ICT market of the Russian Federation. Vendors differently react to change of conditions of the work in the local market.

The history Cisco is indicative. The peak of its authoritativeness in issues of hi-tech development vseya Russia fell on 2010. Then within the long-term agreements reached during the meeting in Silicon Valley the CEO of Cisco John Chambers with the then president of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev, Cisco "undertook firm commitment" to invest in development a high tech business in Russia of $1 billion. Financing of production sites for products of Cisco and projects of promotion, in particular, Skolkovo was meant, first of all.

Local equipment manufacturing of Cisco in Russia began spring of 2011 with the hardware VPN modules developed by S-Terra CSP company. The modules NME-RVPN providing formation of virtual private networks with support of the Russian cryptographic algorithms became the first devices manufactured by Cisco in Russia. They underwent certification in FSB of Russia as the systems of cryptographic information protection of classes KC1, KC2, KC3. The S-Terra CSP company acted as software developer and the applicant at regulators.

Then in Zelenograd based on Altonika PC, the OEM partner of Cisco, production of the main electronic nodes was open for the equipment of vendor. These modules intended for installation, for example, in Cisco 2911R routers with the integrated network services. The release of these routers which at that time were in the lead on supply rate in Russia began in 2012 in Tver on production lines of Jabil-Russia company which is a global contract assembler of the equipment of Cisco.

Thus, in 2012 Cisco became one of the most advanced among the global ICT vendors working in Russia, having provided the deep level of localization of production: installation of printed circuit boards, finishing assembly, testing of the made equipment.

In the summer of 2014 Cisco signed the agreement with the Experimental plant of scientific instrument making with special design bureau of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Federal State Unitary Enterprise EZAN) assuming production of IP phones, complexes of technical means of protection and the solution for security of workers of the mining industry on production areas of Federal State Unitary Enterprise EZAN. The agreement assumed that all equipment will be issued under a unique local brand, and the rights to the made products after signing of the relevant contract will pass to Federal State Unitary Enterprise EZAN.

However the situation changed when there came the period of sanctions. The project of coproduction with Federal State Unitary Enterprise EZAN of production was stopped. Cisco closed all the projects of the Russian productions based on the Russian partners, having left only the production site of the global contract collector of Jabil-Russia in Tver. "PK-Altonika" since 2015 puts efforts in development of the production site of Altonika-EMS SIA located Daugavpils (Latvia), providing services of contract manufacturing of electronics in the European Union. And in the market say that some foreign companies seriously consider reduction of the presence in Russia, in particular, because of last modifications in requirements of FSTEC to certification of foreign products.

It is obvious that especially sensitive this requirement became for the foreign companies working in a segment it is information security. According to several experts of the market of cybersecurity to whom TAdviser communicated, it led to the fact that in 2020 in Russia one of the famous foreign players in this area begins to curtail the activity.

Vyacheslav Savlyuk, the deputy director IT examination, explains that the Russian market for them it is frequent much less American which can occupy up to 80% of their global sales. And if in both markets requirements to foreign suppliers, vendors become tougher it is necessary to think seriously.

So, in Russia for them the order FSTEC which specifies that as measures of protection of objects critical information infrastructure (CUES) use only of the equipment certified by FSTEC is required matters, and, certification means verification of the source code by methods of static and dynamic analysis. And for business in the USA it is important to use prohibition from the government of this country in state structures the equipment which was exposed to the analysis in other countries, especially, in laboratories of the probable opponent.

It turns out that the equipment certified in FSTEC of Russia, state structures of the USA will cease to buy. It is obvious that at such company interest vanishes to continue work in our market,
explains Savlyuk.

Really, it is simpler to it to reconcile to "freezing" of business in Russia, than to lose much more "tasty" market of state structures of the USA.

Producers of servers and DWH look at a situation with a bigger share of optimism, though is careful. Only the IBM corporation agreed to comment on parts of the strategy of localization in Russia.

IBM: localization

Evgeny Maximov, the head on business development on transfer and localization of technologies of IBM in Russia and the CIS, tells that the company on a global scale uses the OEM direction for providing flexible opportunities to local customers, adaptation of products to local regulatory requirements, creation of new products on the basis of technologies of IBM.

IBM in Russia has no business partners in the field of localization. Interaction goes with producers of own products. They are responsible for all completeness of the questions connected with promotion of own systems on the Russian market under the trademark and on the conditions. IBM actively cooperates with such OEM-clients for transfer of necessary technology knowledge and practical experience,
tells Evgeny Maximov.

For such partnership of IBM together with the interested participants created and developed OpenPower Foundation in which center – open access to technologies of microprocessor RISC architecture of vendor.

OpenPower Consortium formed in 2013 gives to its participants an opportunity to involve Power software and hardware tools which are responsible for management of basic functions of the chip and gives to developer partners the chance of creation of own configurations of the server hardware for different levels of computing loading.

The consortium OpenPOWER is a uniform approach for the companies of the whole world which participants, including OEM clients, have an opportunity of use of processors and architecture of Power for development of the technologies with their use,
notes Evgeny Maximov.

We are glad that work of IBM with OEM clients in Russia crowned creation of really unique products developed for local market
emphasizes the representative of IBM.

First of all, it is about Yadro company. It became the first Russian OEM client of IBM who in 2016 received certification on component assembly under own brand of servers based on Power processors. Besides, the Yadro company is engaged in production of storage systems. Assembly includes a full stroke from installation of crucial components in the net module, activation of processors and memory, before complex testing, installation of the localized software and check of electric security.

I believe that this strategy of IBM was not connected with increase in interest in Russia in local products. More likely, it was directed to expansion of a product line of sales at the expense of OpenPower processors, but as it appeared, perfectly fitted into the Russian reality. In this case the IBM corporation began to sell processors in segments of the market of storage systems, unavailable because of import substitution policy, and it is better, than nothing,
notices Maxim Koposov, the CEO of Promobit (Bitblaze group).

It is necessary to tell that opinions of experts from the competing Russian companies significantly differed apropos, developments of participants of community concerning the level of the vendor standing at the origins of community how far can progress. It is obvious that the companies which took other processor as a basis specify that products of community will not be able to compete really with original storage systems of IBM in view of differences in the level of a maturity of products because none of foreign producers to himself will create the competitor.

Each foreign vendor selects the strategy of localization of the equipment. And tasks of localization can also be different. But in general it is possible to select two tactics of behavior: reaction to existence of restrictions from regulatory organizations (including customs) and the second option – search of new methods of occupation of the attractive market,

It is not necessary to confuse localization with a transfer of technologies

Classically localization of production represents transfer of some production operations closer to sales market of products for the economic, logistic or political reasons without transfer to the country of the intellectual property rights. As a rule, the owner is a global company which can undergo operations with the minimum added value to the country, maximizing own profit.

In other words, localization is not about technology transfer, and only about about expansion of sales in the local market.

Localization of production in Russia for us gives the chance to create jobs, and for the foreign companies to be closer to the consumer of their products as logistically, and in respect of customization under requirements of local market. In reality all foreign producers prormote the finished goods made at the plants abroad as well as is normal, with only those exceptions that on the body the logo of the partner (whitebox) "is pasted", and products in unassembled form are delivered in the Russian Federation where there is its assembly. Rather difficult to equate such "screwdriver assembly" to any transfer of technologies,
comments Vasily Shpak, the director of the department of the radio-electronic industry of Minpromtorg of Russia.

At the same time, Shpak adds, risks for the state are possible: localization can become only the marketing term. The matter is that localization in ICT has the specifics: the main share of added value – it can reach 80% - is concentrated in an intellectual component, and the share actually of production makes only 8 - 10%.

Structure of the price of iPad

Source: MNIIRIP, 2018.

So, China tablets Apple iPad it is the share of a share which is officially the manufacturing country and in which all production process is really concentrated, only 2% of cost of the popular device. The main share - 30% - is the share of the owner of the rights to intellectual products, 31% - on component parts. Similarly, for example, for the infrastructure equipment of networks 4G, specialists of the Mytishchi scientific research institute of radio measuring devices (MNIIRIP) say, up to 80% in structure of the price it is the share of special SOFTWARE, and units of percent fall to the share of own production.

In other words, the share actually of production (assembly, installation) does not exceed 10% in structure of the price of the infrastructure telecom equipment. The main share in it is occupied by an intellectual component: the software, specialized GSIs, SNK (systems on a crystal), processors.

It means that localization of such products does not allow to generate a big share of added value in the Russian Federation, does not give the chance to independently upgrade and develop technologies and also does not ensure technology, information and economic safety of the country. Besides, in intelligently capacious industry of ICT, the main foreign investments go not to the material sphere, to difference, for example, from mechanical engineering, and to marketing and promotion of a foreign brand in the local market.

Figuratively speaking giving the market to foreign vendor for the localization right, the Russian companies receive from all this units of percent. It is definitely not a way to leadership in hi-tech areas. Localization as transfer of a part of technology transactions to the country in which the vendor sells the products is usually performed for two reasons. Or economic as was with China when there just there was very cheap work and the correct logistics. Or political when multinational corporations are ready to throw remains "from a lordly shoulder" to the local companies and the organizations for the fact that entirely will open for them the local market
comments Svetlana Appalonova, the chairman of the board of Association of producers of the electronic equipment and devices (APEAP).

These words can seem sharp, but they capture the essence of real processes.

It is obvious that foreign producers "are not located in any way" to share intellectual property. Moreover, they are forbidden to do it within sanctions policy of the USA therefore many companies which, maybe, and would be ready to strengthen integration cannot make it. Besides, the dominant position of foreign producers in the Russian IT market gives them the chance to dictate the terms,
notes Maxim Koposov from Promobit.

Import of production against the background of deterioration of the situation of the Russian analog: often analogs are, but preference is given not to their development and promotion, and localization of import. So we develop import producers,

There is it in the form of a story known to all with "the re-stuck labels".

"Mimicry" under domestic – different options

At the general public negative attitude to actions for "rebonding of labels" they are, actually, profitable to the different parties. The foreign vendor which wants to save also the local market and not to get under restrictions of the government, is interested available such Russian partner who will undertake these risks. And why, in terms of the most effective marginality to do to this partner more, than it is required to the market? If there is a buyer who is ready to purchase the same vendor equipment, but with other logo why not to give it this opportunity?

Moreover, to vendor "rebonding", as well as any SKD under the Russian brand, gives continuous pluses.

The localized products in these cases cannot compete with original as in either case the foreign producer gets profit. Besides, partnership always includes the mechanisms allowing the foreign producer to block the transaction for any partner, or to make this transaction for this partner of the last. The potential moments, unpleasant for the foreign producer, it will eliminate all,
notices Maxim Koposov.

And most "remarkable" that there is no violation of the law in such situation.

The equipment is supplied to Russia for the last transaction – technology assembly. And this last transaction of technology assembly is the sticker of labels and repacking in new boxes,
explains Vyacheslav Savlyuk.

But such scheme causes to the Russian market serious damage, and, in different aspects. The first in the list is, of course, substantial risks of security.

Specialists in cybersecurity to whom TAdviser communicated, remind a recent story with routers of the large Chinese producer of the telecom equipment: one of foreign specialists found very serious vulnerability in them – if to send some certain command batch to any router, it turns into the server of remote access with the specific password.

It is about almost any router, containing the chip of a certain producer. It is not just "hole" in ustryostvo software, and officially made backdoor, i.e. specially implemented cracking technique for receiving remote control over any sold device. It grants full authority of control over the device, and it is very easily operated vulnerability. And localization at the level of rebonding of labels not that does not control and does not check these things, it means an official bringing of such equipment on the enterprises,
emphasizes Vyacheslav Savlyuk.

A story with pump stations of Gazprom which happened a few years ago is remembered, of course: the equipment was switched-off from the outside via the satellite. There was it not just like that but because the company did not pay technical support, and after a number of court sessions, but the fact remains – the equipment which works literally in the clean floor, can be switched off even if it has no Internet access.

Localization at which you as the supplier of the Russian equipment have no access to "brains" of the equipment and you do not understand what "tabs" and "logical bombs" sit at it in "head" is extremely dangerous! And such equipment gets also to the state, and law enforcement agencies,
sounds the alarm Svetlana Appalonova.

Of course, the leading Russian computer system manufacturers, for example, of Aquarius or Kraftway, on the productions pay special attention to additional measures of protection of the equipment from cyberthreats.

Embedding of additional resources of protection, carrying out special researches and checks of the equipment allows to provide security of systems according to state standards, up to the level of the state secret,
notes Vladimir Stepanov, the president of Aquarius.

However there is a large number of suppliers who earn only from SKD of final products from vendor a component, purchased at distributors. The matter is that production of servers of standard architecture became, validly, conventional process.

Actually server hardware is very conservative market, - processors, a binding, and base, the server platform Change remains almost invariable. At any vendor whom take though the standard Supermicro server though the standard server of Dell, - in a basic configuration they differ in nothing,
explains Boris Ivanov, the vice president for development of Ricore company.

This property of availability of assembly business generates a number of negative effects. One of the most essential - a distortion of structure of the market aside, not contributing to the development of domestic developers and own technologies of producers.

In conditions when the basic functionality at the American and Chinese producers is identical, cheaper not to buy components for more expensive "white" assembly, and to order design documentation in China and also production of the necessary batch of the equipment if there is no production base. Pavel Matskevich, the CEO of USN Computers company, tells parts of the scheme of work of "domestic" producer of servers most widespread today:

The existing documentation is taken as a basis. In it some element symbolically changes. Yes, we made the minimum symbolical completion, but legally this new product. Then according to this design documentation we order production of a batch in China. From the legal point of view, it will be our own equipment, just it was manufactured in China, but according to our documentation. And when we will deliver on top a stamp of the Russian manufacturing plant, it will be unambiguously Russian products. That's all. Element base – western, a stamp – Russian. And meets all requirements of the register of domestic production.

Boris Ivanov agrees with it:

The Russian companies buy design documentation in China, and then try to manufacture products here in Russia small batches because little who has a serial production. Or order production abroad and receive the ready equipment. But the computer "iron" produced thus does not become completely domestic.

Really, if it is necessary to make changes to a payment, it is necessary to address the Chinese developers of design documentation again. Cannot change something in the system software the owner of such equipment too as it has no source codes, he receives only the ready file for a firmware. And what actually there was naprogrammirovat by the Chinese engineers, to nobody, except them, it is not known.

It turns out that what option take – "rebonding of labels" or the order of the Chinese documentation, the Russian market receives problems of cybersecurity and develops business of either global vendors, or the Chinese companies, and itself stagnates at the level of screwdriver assembly.

The market of the Russian vychtekhnika for state informatization: shades of gray

Unfortunately, it is about stagnation of the market of the Russian vychtekh in a mass corporate segment, experts note. In practice everything comes down to a task to be included in the register of industrial output of Minpromtorg according to requirements of the government decree (GD) of the Russian Federation No. 719 that the procedure described above allows to make. As a result there is a paradoxical situation: in parallel with state regulation on 44-FZ and 223-FZ the mimicry under domestic" at which preference is given to the foreign equipment but with a logo of the Russian firm which in this case executes a role of the business intermediary, and not the developer of the advanced domestic solutions ICT in any way prospers ".

Why it occurs? Because in the current Russian market of state informatization (including the companies with state participation) is two the largest "the center of force": big customers with state participation and distributors which deliver in the Russian Federation component parts for assembly.

In fact, our production companies are focused on large orders and as a result compete with each other not regarding perfection of the equipment and support, and in extent of influence on the end customer for the purpose of obtaining the order. Such situation inevitably generates the facts of a collusion of suppliers with large customers by tender preparation and also emergence of a layer of the companies which in one way or another parasitize on competitive procedures, moving results to the set direction. Some execute a role, so-called, tender trolls, and tender, a problem of others – to beat down the price take part in biddings with the purpose to break, the third are just fed from resale of the won order to the real manufacturing collector at lower prices. The transparent system of sales channels in this case just does not exist – they are replaced by gray "cloud" of intermediaries.

And to our domestic manufacturer if he represents this production company, it is necessary much more difficultly, than to the intermediary who is not encumbered with a problem of loading of pipeline lines and timely salary payment to employees. Often he even should refuse participation in tender. Pavel Matskevich tells about details of the current tenders on 44-FZ and 223-FZ:

First, payment deferrals – 30-60 days. Secondly, I should enter providing which will remain for guaranty period. So all my profit also will even remain at the state slightly more, and I what I will work for? These tenders in general are unavailable to me! But they are available to large intermediaries.

One more barrier to not the largest companies – corporate certifications which are impracticable for overcoming not by technical, and financial parameters. Besides the old problem of purchases is still relevant for state needs – biddings on lowering.

We quite often participate in biddings and when I see that the price leaves below that that can offer real this producer, I do not understand what occurs: it is impossible to provide delivery of the equipment by those parameters which are set by the customer, and at that price which was set by the winner of competition,
is surprised Pavel Matskevich.

It means only one - decline in quality: the customer receives formally fulfilled requirements, here only result deplorable.

In general production is always the heaviest, risky activity in the field of ICT. But these producers in present conditions earn most less therefore the presents are not enough. It is very heavy to be present today,
summarizes Matskevich.

With all current support from the state we do not see an essential market share as this fair Russian contract producer of server platforms,
speaks Boris Ivanov.

By its estimates, the company will be able to reach production volume not higher than 50-60 thousand pieces of equipment a year. And, it will not be a consequence of gain of attention to domestic manufacturers in line with informatization, the vice president of Ricore notices, such part of the Russian market will manage to be taken away from Chinese.

Such market from an essential "gray" component of intermediaries, in addition, interferes with development of these assembly productions and planning of rhythmical production processes. As intermediaries actually distribute orders at the last minute and on those lines which are free, the plants have no opportunity to be engaged purposefully in own development.

In the territory of Russia about three thousand zavodik which are able to solder payments work. Some are able to do the case shaped parts some of them are capable to produce plastic, etc. But all this, unfortunately, not at the level of serial production,
states Boris Ivanov.

As a result the Russian market of producers of the computer equipment for state informatization purchases fancy structure: a gray cloud of various collectors and intermediaries against the background of which several another corporate stories of the companies which are engaged in development of the advanced computer equipment are selected: in Russia, for Russia and forces of the Russian specialists.

Islands of domestic

Chinese have an old concept "median way" - so they call sharing of advantages of different approaches. It is approximately so possible to describe activity of the Russian companies which headed for production of this domestic production.

Today the Russian vendors sell as model on the basis of foreign finished goods, and develop solutions on the Russian components within use of the state measures of support. For example, Depo Electronics sells NetApp and in parallel, as far as we know, develops servers and DWH on the Elbrus microprocessor.
speaks Maxim Koposov from Promobit company.

Let's select several main types:

  • Classical large collectors of the vychtekhniki with a big story with focus on mass production of enterprise-products (Aquarius, Depot). Work at the mass enterptise-market with end buyers;
  • Producers with history which were engaged in deep import substitution in the narrow directions (Kraftway). Focus – on the uzkonishevy directions of products;
  • The young companies which arose and developing on a wave of an appeal of the state to create domestic (Yadro). Work at the enterptise-market in niche segments. Create the unique equipment.

Separate segments of this class of the companies should be considered small developers of niche solutions ("Promobit/BITBLAZE) or affiliated with large business structures (Norsi Trance).

  • Developers and suppliers of server component parts for development of a mass segment of the Russian vychtekhnika with deeper import substitution, than component assembly (Ricore).


The company is focused, first of all on the state and corporate sectors. Showed growth on a wave of sanctions and national tasks of import substitution, using, including, localization mechanisms.

The first contract OEM-productions was signed in 2001 with Hewlett-Packard company - one of five contracts for assembly of the NR system units in Europe. Possibly, for the first time in the history of domestic IT production integration of production systems of vendor and the local partner was implemented: production management systems and quality of Aquarius with the similar system of the NR plant in France (Grenoble).

At different times at the plant products Cisco ASUS, Fujitsu Siemens by Computers EMS, HP and other leading IT brands were turned out. For this purpose the staff of Akvarius underwent special training, and production processes – audit on compliance to international quality standards. The localized products are completely identical on functionality and compatibility of products of foreign producers, are certified according to the Russian standards and are provided with local technical support in all territory Russia.

The company used different options of localization: and production of vendor at the Aquarius plant under its trademark, and option when the new local brand, such as the NT brand together with NRE company, and options when products of vendor were turned out under the Aquarius trademark with the corresponding completion was created.

Localization, according to company management, is a step-by-step process. Its depth, replacement or adding of these or those components, technologies in many respects depends on economic feasibility. It is going to be deepened in process of development of own competences.

Aquarius has wide experience of development and equipment manufacturing for government institutions where not only technical characteristics of the equipment, but also information security and absence in the equipment of not declared opportunities, including at the hardware level are important. It is possible to provide it only in the conditions of the entrusted Russian production, speak in the company.

As of 2020 in the market tablets, notebooks, monoblocks, computers and the Aquarius servers which are constructed on self-produced Russian motherboards are provided, support domestic OS and the information security facility, are manufactured in Russia. At own plant "Aquarius" in Russia performs a full stroke of production: from development and production of motherboards before installation of the system and application software. Products conform to requirements of Minpromtorg of Russia for import substitution and are entered in "The unified register of domestic radio-electronic production".

At the end of April the Akvarus company received the status of the systemically important organization - it was included into the industry list of Minpromtorg of Russia in category "Radio-electronic Industry".


The company executes more than 10 years own developments of components and nodes of the computer equipment within the concept of the entrusted platform. Development of circuitry solutions and production in Russia of motherboards, creation of source codes for BIOS motherboards and firmwares of all microcontrollers, development of specialized software for data collection and processing about events of security and centralized operation by users and applications of security and also systems for monitoring and infrastructure management is its cornerstone.

In 2015 the company were engaged in design of the electronic component base (ECB).

It was our strategic choice – to pass to such level of localization, and we were not mistaken. Principal directions of developments for us – data storage and data security,
tells Renat Yusupov, the senior vice president of Kraftway company.

At the same time the data storage market – very heavy, Yusupov explains: it is very knowledge-intensive, requires more investments in comparison with production of computers, and experience is accumulated more slowly. At the same time it is the huge market: disks, controllers of disks, etc. But to enter on it it is difficult. Producers of processors in the world – hundreds, in Russia their five. And – it is less than ten producers of controllers of disks around the world. China was included into club of these producers only last year. Kraftway too in 2019 released the first controller of memory for SSD disks and provided a prototype of own solid state drive of information (SSDI).

Memory controller chip for SSD disks

All development stages of a chip of the controller (mathematical model, operation algorithms, architecture, development of all main IP blocks and interfaces) and implementation - from a prototype to physical design - were carried out in Russia.

In a controller core at the hardware level cryptoconversion algorithms are implemented. The adjusting capability of the noiseproof codec – 96 errors on 1 KB of data. The chip supports a multichannel operation mode with NAND memory (up to 8 channels with 8 independent ways of record). Maximum speed of reading/record at the included mode enciphering - 500/600 Mbps. The chip of the controller is intended for work with planar SLC/MLC and 3D NAND TLC as memory of the companies Micron and Toshiba. Use of the chips of memory made Russian GS Nanotech companies in technopark of Mr. Gusev Kaliningrad of area from plates from Micron and Toshiba factories is planned.

Hardware-software architecture of TNI Kraftway

The maximum capacity of the solid state drive which is supported by the controller is 2 TB. At the beginning of 2021 Kraftway is going to produce 10 thousand TNI based on own controller in different form factors with a capacity from 256 GB up to 2 TB. Production will be performed at the Kraftway plant in Obninsk.

The Kraftway solid state drive in a form factor of HHHL PCIe

In plans of the Kraftway-design center development of different dedicated integrated microcircuits (ASIC) which will be integrated into self-produced ADP equipment.

The company set the task – to reach parity with foreign solid state drives of information on functionality, cost, etc. to provide the Russian producers with domestic disks taking into account requirements for security.

At the end of April, 2020 Kraftway received the status of the systemically important company according to the industry list of Minpromtorg of Russia in category "Radio-electronic Industry".

Whether other companies working today at the computer market will go on a similar way of deepening of developments? Whether it is worth expecting resolute changes in structure of domestic manufacturers?

It seems that repartition of the existing structure of the market will not be. But on a wave of the requirement of import substitution there will be new fast-growing companies which are able to do what is necessary for the state. So the market can exchange a little,
believes Renat Yusupov.

"First signs" of the companies such already rise on a wing – Norsi Trance, Yadro.


The history of the Russian technology company Yadro - developer and the producer of computing systems, platforms of processing and data storage, it is possible to consider exemplary in terms of the idea of import substitution: it began with component assembly of servers of IBM, and then passed to own developments. Originally sales market was provided with requirements, so-called, the Yarovaya Law.

The growing demand for an archive storage system of Tatlin.Archive of Yadro company for the first time in the history of the domestic market of DWH allowed the Russian vendor to become the market leader. According to IDC, DWH of Yadro company in capacity expression at the end of 2018 was become the leader in the Russian Federation from shares in 38.2%. And its server products at the same time occupied about a third of the market of RISC systems in Russia from shares of 29.4% in terms of money. In a year slightly less than hundred Vesnin systems, mainly in the company of the transport and telecommunication industries were supplied to the Russian market. In 2018 the company started production and delivery of new generation of computing systems of the class mid-range and high-end of RISC architecture.

Since December, 2018 Yadro began to make mechanical components for the products at the enterprises of Rostec Group. Partnership with the enterprises of a radio-electronic cluster of Rostec Group continues to develop. Estimates of the volumes of products made at the enterprises of Rostec - tens of thousands of printed circuit boards and mechanical products for the products.

According to IDC for 2019 the Yadro company became the absolute leader of the Russian market of DWH in capacity expression (1360 petabyte) from shares of 63.92%. In terms of money sales grew almost twice that allowed the domestic company to enter for the first time the list of leaders, having taken the second place from shares slightly less than 20%.

As of June of the center, the 2020th at R&D company two: in Moscow and St. Petersburg, own production site in the Moscow region, and research costs and development in 2019 for the first time were exceeded by 1 billion rubles. The main expenses fell on development of the Yadro and DWH servers of the middle class of Tatlin.Unified addressed to a big segment of the market of corporate DWH.

The Yadro command developed own program stack, including work with data directly at the level of core modules. For example, there are modules which deal with issues of data protection (data protection). Own T-RAID technology as Artem Ikoyev notes, the director of technologies of Yadro company, in general, is similar to RAID, only much more flexible, from the point of view of the user: "For archive storage this mechanism is more convenient for large volumes with which we work, for example,".

The technology of flexible data protection T-RAID provides high fault tolerance of the Tatlin.Unified systems (for data coding Read-Solomon's codes are used) with a high performance (more than 200 thousand IOPS).

Software of support of data flow, flow management, software of management, system monitoring and also basic functionality of DWH: replications, synchronization, a klastering etc., including a user interface - own development.

At the end of 2019 Yadro became a shareholder of Syntacore company, the domestic developer of microprocessor cores. Syntacore – one of founders of the open international consortium RISC-V Foundation. The purpose of community – development and promotion of an open microprocessor architecture of RISC-V.

It should be noted that technologies based on RISC-V prompt rates gain popularity not only in segments of the specialized and optimized systems where millions of microprocessors based on RISC-V cores, but also due to active growth of an ecosystem in a segment of microprocessor technologies of general purpose are already produced. So, in August, 2019 the architecture of RISC-V was selected for implementation of the European processor initiative (European Processor Initiative – EPI) for creation of microprocessors and accelerators for creation of the European supercomputer of ekza-scale, new generation of the systems of autonomous transport and creation of a line of processors for cloud DPCs with considerably improved characteristics.

The Syntacore company is one of leaders of an ecosystem of RISC-V and licenses microprocessor technologies of own development based on architecture of RISC-V to clients in Russia and abroad. Products based on processor technologies of the company are developed on project regulations from 180 to 7 nanometers, the client and partner network includes the companies in Europe, Asia and the USA.

In 2020 Yadro is going to increase significantly the market share in the market of servers at the expense of the beginning of sales of the first models of a line of computing systems of standard (x86) architecture of Vegman. In 2020, according to Ikoyev, the company produced about 6 thousand units of production. Within the ICKX Holding group the circle of regular customers was created that gave the chance to transfer printed circuit wiring to Russia. For these purposes together with Rostec 5–6 plants are involved in different regions of the country which distribute the order of Yadro among themselves. As of June, 2020 the new pipeline under release of x86 of the equipment for mass market is installed. The plan for 2020 – about 10 thousand machines.

Artem Ikoyev tells why in the Russian market the similar companies as mushrooms after a rain do not appear, after an appeal of the state to create domestic: it is much simpler to assemble the equipment under a specific objective of the specific client, than to create new models of the equipment. Even, for example, "Yandex" or is easier for the companies consumers of ODM products: they order production to the leading Chinese brands, considering in design of custom servers specific features of operation, for reduction of operating expenses.

And to us to receive product success, it is necessary to analyze very attentively that competitive landscape in which we are. It is necessary to understand what is important for the customer when they select these or those solutions. We closely communicate both with market analysts, and with services of exploitation of our largest customers,
explains Artem Ikoyev.

Artem Ikoyev describes target market for the company as the enterprise-level, i.e. level of the corporate customer which is defined by infrastructure volume. However, not really there is a lot of such consumers in our country: the largest telecom operators (MegaFon, VimpelCom, Rostelecom), practically all financial institutions (Sberbank, all VTB Group, Otkrytiye bank, Gazprombank), the Russian Railway – about 60 companies. In order that business had an opportunity to develop outside these dozens of clients the company the product portfolio, in particular, at the expense of the equipment based on standard architecture of x86 balances.


Today Ricore produces about 5 million products of electronics a year: for automotive industry, for an oil sector, financial structures, for example, POS terminals of the companies "Stroke", Atholl and also the body, motherboards, server platforms and ready servers.

We make a large number of contract electronics. To it we can already make plus under 100 thousand units of difficult ADP equipment a year,
notes Ivanov.

In March the company announced that during 2020 capacities of plant will increase by 10 times. The purpose of large-scale investments — expansion of the nomenclature of serially made products.

Key feature of the company - that it stakes on completely independent development of ADP equipment and production at own Russian capacities.

{{the quote|the author = lists Boris Ivanov, the vice president of Ricore for development.|our developers here in Moscow develop all design documentation on payments. We do payments completely too. We buy separate components: connectors, textolite, chips. The plant in Arzamas makes installation, and at the exit we receive a ready payment which is completely developed and manufactured in Russia. Our Moscow programmers write the system software: BIOS, BMC (software of remote control of a payment). At the same time we the only plant which is able to do it serially. The system software is filled in on a payment, and we receive for 100% a domestic product, }

According to the representative of Ricore, the company positions itself as the domestic supplier of server platforms of the class Dell Technologies: "We are developers of iron and partners of Intel company at just the same level, as well as Dell".

The closest example for us – SuperMicro. Within this year we will catch up with Supermicro on a product line. At our developers now to five difficult projects at the same time in development. One command is engaged in DWH, the second command – servers. And, developments are conducted, both based on Intel processors, and based on Baykalov,
notices Boris Ivanov.

At the same time the company sets a task – to support the cost of end products at the level of the leading Chinese brands.

It is possible to Importozamestit not all. And even in that part which gives in to import substitution it is necessary to see the segment. We have a plant in Arzamas, the city-forming enterprise, and our first task - to load production. The pipeline is a terrible thing, it is worse, than the martin furnace. Because a problem of the martin furnace that it is difficult to start it again in work after a stop. And we have here living people who need to feed the families. Respectively, we have a task – to do cheap and much, and our segment – the companies of the average level and SMB,
tells Boris Ivanov, the vice president for development of Ricore company.

Europe, of course, in the same way buys from Chinese, and we are closer also the most important – all product liability – on the Russian company,
notes Boris Ivanov.


This first entrusted equipment of such level which is developed and manufactured in Russia,
tell in the company.

In February Eltex put in pre-series production MES7048 – the first switches c interfaces 100GE developed and manufactured in Russia. The equipment is held for use on networks of telecom operators as devices of aggregation and in data processing centers.

The terabit switch – a product of the Russian company "Eltex"

The MES7048 switches are intended for application in the conditions demanding from the equipment of high reliability. Not blocked switching matrix allows to perform correct processing of packets at the maximum load, saving at the same time the minimum and predictable delays for all types of traffic. Functions program providing the switch are focused on a wide range of schemes of application, including transport networks of large operators, switching factories of data processing centers, etc.

In the last day of April, 2020 Eltex expanded production with the second pipeline of a full stroke for business lot production that considerably increased the production capacity of the enterprise.

The second pipeline of a full stroke allowed to double the overall performance of large-lot production. Now Eltex is capable to make to five thousand subscriber devices or to one thousand devices of operator level a day. In the closest plans of the enterprise – start of the third pipeline of a full stroke.


The Omsk group Bitblaze represents a class of the small niche companies which selected difficult business of the Russian producer. Initially the company was engaged in assembly of servers for own needs. It was formed as spin-off the project of hosting company Bitblaze and began activity with copying of storage pod devices of Backblaze company, i.e. high density servers of storage on 45 or 60 hard drives in compact body 4U, first of all, for own needs.

When in 2013 the Russian microprocessor "Elbrus 2C+" was released, the company decided to develop own DWH for a certain target segment: IT infrastructures where it is required to store stream, unstructured, contemporary records. The first project - delivery 150 DWH of Bitblaze based on Elbrus-4C – was implemented for Scientific Research Institute Voskhod (GIS MIR, GS PVDNP).

Today a main product of the company - DWH of Bitblaze Sirius 8000 based on 8-core Elbrus-8C processors which belongs to the class of the distributed horizontally scalable systems providing access under file, block and object protocols.

Actually it is a software-defined storage system which is under construction based on the Bitblaze GANYMED server and own software of Bitblaze KFS entered in the Unified register of the Russian computer programs. DWH passes the examination of CCI for receiving confirmation of the Russian origin of products.

Structure of DWH of Bitblaze Sirius 8000

We understood that a weak point of the microprocessor constructed on own command system is a limited set of compatible software. DWH, unlike the universal server, executes quite specific, always the same set of tasks therefore it is enough to provide effective implementation of some limited scope of the code. We also made it,
explains Maxim Koposov.

Among distinctive features of a system – a possibility of creation of hybrid configurations when in one project a part of controllers is constructed on x86 processors, and a part - on Elbrusakh and also a possibility of soft junction on Elbrusa, increases and reductions of amount of data of a system "on the fly".

As of June, 2020 Promobit is a technology partner of MCST and INEUM in a number of the directions:

  • Development of solutions in data storage area (the equipment, software);
  • Development of the specialized body for servers and DWH;
  • Development of specialized servers (equipment);
  • Development of specialized software for DWH.

The first delivery of Bitblaze Sirius 8000 was performed in the fall of 2019 in the Center of information technologies of the Tyumen region. Regional informatizator decided to create an uncommon information system - autonomous electronic archive for different departments of the government of the Tyumen region.

Recently "islands domestic" showed aspiration to consolidation. So, at the beginning of April with assistance of Minpromtorg of Russia it was created ANO Consortium Vychislitelnaya tekhnika (ANO VT) designed to protect common interests of domestic manufacturers. The consortium included such companies as Aquarius, Kraftway, Depot, IRU, NT, YADRO.

Batch domestic production – at the beginning of a way

As for DWH, it is possible to speak with confidence that the Russian producers had entry level systems intended generally for file data storage. Only just mid-range level storage systems began to appear. But is not present even in a germ of DWH of the hi-end level. Perhaps, similar situation with servers: entry level and mid-range is a maximum. Precisely is where to develop though unoccupied niches rather heavy, in terms of required investments,
speaks Alexey Parkhomenko, the director of the department of work with key customers of Smart Technologies company.

We are not going to develop hi-end to the technician. It is very labor-consuming, long and even longer to prove to potential clients that the Russian company makes the equipment of such class,
speaks Artem Ikoyev from Yadro company.

Besides, the expert notes, the steady trend is noticeable: the hi-end segment of the equipment is reduced: in fact, financial institutions, including Sberbank and VTB, and the Russian Railway (all card systems and cargo transportation) are the last adherents of such systems and only because they have, in general, very low technology volatility. For this reason in focus of business strategy of Yadro - the mid-range level, but focused on loadings of the business applications critical in relation to intensity of the used data.

The equipment the company has Hi-end. But it is made within the OEM agreement with IBM and means component assembly at the Moscow region plant Yadro small volumes - less than 10 pieces a year.

Even if you are absolutely sure that your product - superreliable, it is extremely difficult to check it because runtime, i.e. the time between failures, in practice was not implemented. If it is known that these or those products never before worked in infrastructure of customers, then how it is possible to claim that she reliable, in lots is produced and exploited? In this plan it is easier for us: we shipped already more than two exabytes of data so the time between failures at us is more, than at many foreign vendors,
speaks Artem Ikoyev.

Really, IT specialists agree, information from the corporate website with data on these or those products can be the description of characteristics of the prototype which is available in the single copy. Unless it is possible to use such development in the serious project for state needs?

Of course, they can be not really perfect and difficult reproduced within a series. But so always happens – it is always difficult to make the first product. But let's see the main thing: teams which declare themselves are formed: we can! Well, if you can, give! And some of them, really, will be able!
is sure Renat Yusupov.

Even textolite – the dielectric material forming a basis of the printed circuit board we cannot manufacture here, in Russia. All chips should be ordered in China. Theoretically both resistors, and throttles, and other it is possible to purchase in Russia. There are enterprises which make it, mainly, for needs of defense industry, only the cost of such Russian products can exceed in hundreds (!) of times cost foreign,
is distressed Boris Ivanov.

We set to ourselves the task – to make so that the following iterations of our payments came out on domestic element base.

They make software and the hardware which are without fail certified by FSTEC. Therefore in spite of the fact that hardware assembly happens on productions in China, but under control of the Russian specialists, on the models, drawings, and the last software they fill in in the device.

At the localized equipment degree of information security is obviously higher. And embedding of additional resources of protection, carrying out special researches and checks of the equipment allows to provide security of systems according to state standards, up to the level of the state secret. Such developments are implemented in a production process and include the whole complex of organizational and technical events which are held directly at the plant.

Current trends of development of the legislation in import substitution are like that that the Russian information security tools (IST) should be established and work at the hardware platforms entered in the register of the Russian radio-electronic products of Minpromtorg. For customers at the same time a key problem in formation of a line of the information security facility is the absence in the register of high-performance server computers, achievement of high rates of speed of enciphering and firewalling of traffic becomes possible only due to use of two or four high-performance processors and network adapters 40/100gbit/s. The cost of these component parts is comparable with the cost of other hardware platform that, finally, influences assessment of level of localization of production of such products, and causes failure in the decision of Minpromtorg on the Russian origin of products.

Of course, some time should be done a mix of the Russian and import EKB. But growth diseases are always inherent in development of serious process. This "disease" should be overcome, and as a result there will be those products which so are expected. It is important that domestic manufacturers of these products will not behave as in Russia really to manufacture the foreign companies to which something is extremely unprofitable at the level of EKB. And here, on the contrary, it is extremely profitable to ours to do everything in Russia to get rid of technology dependence,
agrees Renat Yusupov.

Maxim Koposov believes that in case of the concerns of the customer connected with use of the new, unfamiliar, unchecked domestic equipment, transition on Russian can be planned for a start not in the most crucial IT systems, and to begin it with less responsible systems where the price of an error is lower. Or in general on the domestic equipment to create a duplicative system, having left crucial software on former foreign "iron".

The perspective of diseases of growth is clear and long ago is known. A key word here - "long ago". Really, speak about import substitution and support of domestic manufacturers already many years. Why the flywheel starting powerful domestic production is untwisted so slowly?

To whom not on temper domestic

ICT – mature market with the high competition. To the Russian enterprises easily not to occupy it because he is already busy. And none of global vendors so just will give the market share and will let competitors. Upon the Russian requirements to buy domestic faced the powerful global machine of the protection of business built by foreign vendors which regularly mills competitors in the different local markets.

Financial preferences to the Russian suppliers are a, in itself, correct course. But how effectively they work at collision with financial power of global leaders who can set very low thresholds of the dumping prices without any negative impact on business?

Two forces in which the requirement of transition of a public sector of domestic ICT infrastructure causes negative reaction are browsed. The first that is expected, are those foreign vendors from which the state tries to take away "the market share of the Russian Federation which is fairly acquired" in previous years. The second – the most "tasty" Russian clients – state structures and the companies with state participation. They do not want to start at all the difficult project of upgrade of infrastructure which for certain will demand failure from the settled business processes and the usual equipment for benefit of unfamiliar products and new business partners. It is clear, that they, like the hero from an animated cartoon Prostokvashino, firmly say: "I select you. I am familiar for a long time with you, and for the first time I see this cat".

Protection of the market by large vendors is always a complex of solutions. The most important of them – creation of a product and its standardization, i.e. the standard for the customer, purchase of a certain vendor or a pool of vendors. Under technical characteristics of the leading vendors corporate standards, then industry are written, and it is frequent also state standards. Certification is connected to this process, confirms compliance to standards. All procedures difficult, costly on money and, the main thing, not fast. Therefore large vendors support a system of standardization and certification to control the market and to see appearance of competitors.

If the large company does not want to buy the Russian equipment, it announces lot with one big contract, without advance payment and with the postponed final payment. If you the international company with a powerful financial resource, you easily agree to these conditions. Moreover, you will even be able to dump at the price because there is an opportunity to cover local losses with profit from other markets. Our companies have an opposite situation: the credits are expensive, it is heavy to receive them, eternal current assets deficit. Therefore even if it will be possible to receive this contract, year which should be lived in waiting of advance payment will eat all possible profit in the run percent on the credits. So it turns out that under a specious excuse economy of budgetary funds through reduction of price and a long payment deferral actually the state kills own ICT industry.

She is sure that the situation is quite so: if in the conditions of a present geopolitical situation conniving of former strategy of localization continues, it will finally kill the domestic hi-tech industry. The Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Yury Borisov reported, estimating results of 2019 that the enterprises of Rostec were going to win on different tenders amount of works for 100 billion rubles, but upon received orders for 45 billion rubles, and 55 billion rubles within state procurements left to foreign suppliers. Basic reasons of such results – price dumping of foreign producers at the price and the overestimated technical requirements of customers to the equipment.

The customer writes justification of impossibility of purchase of the Russian products at once and puts it to the tender documentation. Justification is formal, from a series: "Mother I swear!".

To they can serve, for example, compatibility issues with the current equipment of ICT infrastructure or high cost of transition to a new system. At the same time there is no procedure of examination, protesting of such actions. On Appalonova's representations, for this reason of the requirement are published at the last minute when the competitor sees that his products do not have any trifle, but there is no time to implement it any more.

Sometimes it reaches to the point of absurdity, for example the customs buys a product of Microsoft because the domestic analog has no function of marketing mailing. At the same time there is no procedure of examination of justification of impossibility to use the domestic equipment, protestings of such actions. By Appalonova's estimates, for this reason technical requirements are published at the time of the declaration of the tender. The Russian developer sees that his products do not have any trifle, but there is no time to implement it any more.

Not because it is necessary to the customer, it is necessary to nobody at all. But for tender there is a task in which existence of such element is registered. Naturally, we lose tender because we have no such element. In real life the requirement met, for example, that in a product there has to be "a power block of the Russian production". What the block is? Transformer? Payment? Or board with the battery? It is known only to the one to whom is intended to win tender,
explains an essence of cunning intention Pavel Matskevich.

But if just to describe characteristics of the processor, also foreign processors will meet requirements too. On the one hand, support of domestic is declared. And on the other hand, in the request it is impossible to write directly about domestic production,
is surprised Boris Ivanov.

Developers and producers try as they can, influence that about them did not forget. But the principles of market economy in this case disturb as, it seems, then imposing to the market of certain rules of the game will begin.

It seems that "market experts" still on a horse – real large purchases with participation of products based on the Russian processors were not yet. There was an attempt from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and it ended sadly: serious legal case and detention. In February, 2020 defendants - the founder and the CEO of T-Platforms Vsevolod Opanasenko and the former chief of the department of communication of department of information technologies, communication and data protection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Alexander Alexandrov - were translated under house arrest, their fault in a year spent under guards is not proved.

The Russian market participants to whom TAdviser communicated, believe that such development an event turned out to be, first, consequence of financial conditions in which the domestic IT companies having the intellectual property of the high level and, secondly, formal "obstinacy" of some instances in following to a letter of regulating documents are forced to work. Sets this example: the market of large customers which for a long time, was focused on the foreign equipment can quite be "toxic" for the Russian companies.

One more hole – purchase of the hardware and software system (HSS). Actually, the company usually needs not the server in itself, some to software which on it is started. If the foreign server, conditionally, for 1 thousand dollars, and Russian software for it – for 5 thousand dollars is bought, then the ad valorem share (the cost of the used materials of a foreign origin in the price of end products) - huge, and it easily receives the sign "It Is Manufactured in Russia".

By our legislation, it is necessary to change 30% of software that it became another. However really it is impossible to rewrite more than 5%.

In other words, situation with resistance domestic not unambiguous. The large companies have reasons for concerns of transition to the Russian equipment.

I am not afraid of Russian, but I am afraid

If to compare market size to turnovers of Yadro company, a lot more Cores can be located on it. The main thing that there was a requirement and that the market normally reacted to emergence of new products,
notices Ivan Bantsov, the director of the department of complex projects of Smart Technologies company.

Meanwhile, market reaction – a difficult thing, even at the positive relation to the Russian equipment in general.

Provide yourself on site Chief information officers, say, to the large oil and gas company. He is responsible for DPC which manages, including, critical infrastructure – takes and analyzes readings of the sensors placed on installations, etc. It will not supply to lives the unknown equipment there! Because responsibility is very high. It is clear, that it puts in DPC what knows for sure. How to the regulator to treat him? Click? Force to pass to domestic? Yes it is simpler to it to change work with an excellent line in the summary, than to undertake such risk,
reflects Boris Ivanov.

For customers this process very heavy. At them is already all other processes and tools are ground under technology of foreign production long ago: servers, DWH and other. There is a successful experience of vendor interaction and that is especially important, experience of IT service of operation where the predominating role is played by reliability and uninterrupted operation of work is acquired. In such conditions change of the producer is always the difficult decision because there is no exact understanding that there will be in transition time and after it with reliability and uninterrupted operation of operation of the equipment. And transition to the producer, which the beginner in the market, without a large number of references, heavy doubly. First of all, the customer is disturbed by a question as software, both system, and applied will work on the new equipment,
supports opinion of colleagues Alexey Parkhomenko.

The core of network in internal DPC based on the equipment of Cisco was created in 2010, and since then only regular upgrade cardinally did not change, performed. At the time of the last upgrade which took place in 2018 in the domestic market there was at all nothing that could be considered as the candidate for import substitution. The central switch supporting about 500 servers, 20 DWH, about 3.5 thousand users and plus very high requirements to the guaranteed characteristics of IT systems. If regarding servers import substitution can try to be implemented, then there are no domestic switches and routers of the necessary level at all.

For us the most effective strategy of development for IT systems – transition to cloud services. The company avoids purchases of this or that equipment on purchases of cloud services. In particular, we order virtual servers and virtual DWH from Rostelecom. Penetrate into details what equipment uses Rostelecom, we do not have need. Especially as we do not stake on one cloud supplier. Today Virtual DPC provides services many serious suppliers, we conduct procurement of services on a competitive basis. Technical support - an important part of operation of the import equipment - is performed by vendors at the high level, it is especially important for crucial business processes,
speaks Alexander Golenev.

State procurements are 44-FZ. But the state of a communication network and DPCs does not build. It buys service of communication from the operator, in particular, at Rostelecom, and already it buys the equipment and puts to itself(himself) on balance. In case of Rostelecom it will already be 223-FZ. And if it is not Rostelecom, and other cloud provider who in structure of property has no state, then it does not get under regulation neither 44-FZ, nor 223-FZ at all. And all equipment which is bought in big scales, for example, for elimination of social inequality is bought not on 44-FZ at all. All budget money spent according to 44-FZ generally goes to services.

In this regard we cannot for the companies with state participation directly prescribe preference. It is possible to write preferences of the Russian at least 15%, at least 30% and at least 130%, they will not work! Preferences are prescribed the Russian equipment in FZ-223 and bylaws to it, really, but with clauses that the international obligations undertaken by the Russian Federation should not be violated. And it means that, according to Article III Part II points 4, 8a GATT 1994, preferences to Russian cannot be. It is possible to apply directives, but here normal option: the representative of the state in Board of Directors gives installation to buy Russian, and to it give one thousand reasons why it is not possible to purchase it,
tells further Appalonova.

The most popular reasons – incompatibility of the new equipment with the existing infrastructure both too difficult and expensive project of transition of the large company on the domestic equipment.

Mostly it is about upgrade, expansion of infrastructure. It very seriously complicates a situation: if in your infrastructure a large number of the equipment of one producer to develop within products of this vendor more optimum. And sometimes in a different way in general it is impossible if, for example, key technologies are provided only with this producer. Change everything only for the sake of the declared idea? Doubtfully. It is banal expensively. Let's tell, nobody will transfer a banking system to domestic manufacturer only to announce that we importozamestitsya. It is simple to order is not the most optimal strategy,
emphasizes Ivan Bantsov.

The answer idle time – time. The customer should deliver the device in the laboratory and drive it in the different modes some time. Time is necessary to be convinced – the new product runs smoothly,
believes Boris Ivanov.

It is necessary for us that on Elbrus worked on your servers as software of VMware, Windows Server and Oracle. We service of operation, and at us are the budget on iron upgrade, but not on rewriting of software under OpenStack, Linux and we have no Postgres moreover on retraining of employees – on it either the budget, or powers, or the personnel,
argues Maxim Koposov.

When the tender for the procurement is already announced and written with orientation to the foreign equipment or software, it is possible to win it with the Russian products extremely seldom what preferences ("+15%", "third wheel") think up,
speaks Maxim Koposov.

Let's say the IT integrator creates system IT architecture according to "the individual sketch" of the customer: uses as base open source software (open source, Open Source) and creates a unique product on this basis. The similar project is executed, for example, by our company for the benefit of Zenit bank. And, in it not only binding chains between separate ready modules, but also methodology of approach to the solution of a task which we intend to replicate further are important,
tells Alexey Parkhomenko.

How it is possible to enter methodical practices in the product register? - the expert asks a question.

In other words, the domestic production is not only about development and sale, but also about migration from foreign solutions and about promotion of domestic production. And it is already not just public relations that in itself also requires efforts and money, and, first of all, careful testing of solutions in the conditions, the closest to real conditions of customers, and at the same time the maximum open.

On what platform to do it? They there can be independent, for example, based on industry ANO, or based on integrator.

The integrator will help to convince the customer that transition to the Russian products will be painless. It will be able to perform careful piloting, to hold functional and stress testing,
notices Alexey Parkhomentko.

But anyway everything should be publicly, it will promote transparency of the industry and processes of import substitution.

They should shoot, figuratively speaking from the first project. On development big investments are required, investors expect fast return, but turnovers of the young innovative Russian companies are incomparable to costs for development,
explains Renat Yusupov.

Unlike global foreign vendors which can keep several new projects from which only one "will shoot" ours have no right to an error – they should guess mass requirements of the market extremely precisely.

Financial question for our beginners of the innovative companies, perhaps, the sharpest. Maxim Koposov remembers how the companies which got in 2016 support within software No. 109 when calculating the business plan relied on the plan of the guaranteed purchases of domestic microelectronics of 2016 signed by the Prime Minister who was recognized outstanding later. In particular, significant purchases through the Ministry of Internal Affairs were planned there. But at the end of 2017 in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation the management which is responsible for IT exchanged, and the purchases planned earlier were postponed. And the enterprises of microelectronics relying in the commercial plans for these purchases appeared in a situation when they are threatened by penalties or judicial proceedings for non-performance of the planned indicators.

But who will invest in development of these young companies if the commercial market for their products in the Russian Federation is not visible? The market is already occupied, and, what have no such problems with "expensive" money, how at our companies? And you have no preferences in market groupings and how you will execute this business plan? In what then to invest? On the 100-th time - in the same products which are in steady demand today? We see it according to requests in the register of the Russian telecom equipment. And where then development, movement on the new directions? With such strategy we from eternally catching up in leaders will not pass, and the majority of perspective Russian startups will still change jurisdiction,
asks a question Svetlana Appalonova.

For example, it is clear to all that one of the largest directions of development of communication – technology of communication of a 5G.

How it is possible to require under a 5G off-budget financing in the same volume, as budget, and accomplishment of the business plan when today in general it is unclear what will be this market in the Russian Federation? - the expert is perplexed.

Really, destinies of world 5G networks are decided already today, and they are solved in research laboratories, on platforms of pilot projects and in the international centers of standardization. First of all, the states interested in that their national technologies and products were world leaders, and at all not only business which the pecuniary benefit interests are engaged in all this.

Of course, there are business configurations of type of the enterprises of Rostec which, including, solve problems of creation of the innovation products for the public commercial market. But how the beginning companies with a highly intellectual potential and healthy business ambitions which are out of regulated space of developers fit into this picture of the world?

Maxim Koposov sees the solution: in the country there is a huge number of the defense plants which remained from the USSR and did not so long ago undergo retrofitting. Today the task of release of civil products is set for them, and they are forced to learn to work in market conditions.

At the domestic plants, in our opinion, designing of a product in close contact with the plant, orientation to the available or easily bought in addition by the plant technologies, but not thoughtless copying of the foreign solutions which are initially expected huge circulations is the key to successful mastering of production
is sure the expert.

However it is clear that for implementation of this model the Russian developer should create own scientific and technical and technology backlog. But on such tasks little who has forces and the main thing – financial resources for providing the long cycles R&D of projects.

The country fell into very strange state. We actually have very big intellectual margin of safety which allows us to generate the products, since the most bottom level: from microcontrollers, microprocessors and operating systems to the various application software. And we strongly lagged behind for various reasons. As a result today we try very much, somehow, though somewhere but to catch up with leaders. And not really there is a lot of options. Or to invent disruptive technologies in which, in fact, in the state nobody especially is engaged because at the present volumes of investment of capital in Research and Development and practical disruptive developments it is extremely difficult to make it. Or it is small startups, teams of adherents who give rise to the micro idea and accompanying micro business,
reflects Vyacheslav Savlyuk.

The vicious circle turns out: also it is not enough this domestic production expensive because mass sale is necessary. But the Russian clients are afraid to pass to domestic production that does not give the chance to develop to the innovation startups. The state decided to break off this vicious circle in a sales point today. Really, market grouping of sale is "an akhilessova a heel" import substitution in the Russian high tech.

Full stroke of creation of the radio-electronic equipment: opportunities and barriers

It was conditional import substitution and meant localization in Russia only of some transactions: assembly, at best firmware. Today the imperative of the state exchanged, in focus – the idea of Made in Russia,
speaks Renat Yusupov from Kraftway

One of key vectors of modern economic development – a vector of development of electronics. All advanced industrial trends: alternative power engineering, pilotless technologies, 5G communication networks, robotization and other, - can be implemented only based on electronics and at appropriate level of development of electronics. Actually it is one of the main aspects of scientific and technical development of the country. The current geopolitical risks force to aim at that all technology chain of creation of the radio-electronic equipment (REA) was within the country, providing availability of the technologies necessary for creation and development of the advanced radio-electronic products.

It is clear, that we have not all technologies. But where they are, we will require that in the maximum degree everything was made within the country. And concerning what not yet, we will go on stages, to focus on that new technology repartitions at us appeared. So, now we have no microelectronic factories of the most advanced technology levels. Means, we will create them. And we will require then from products of the Russian origin to use that electronic component base (ECB) which is made at these factories,
emphasizes Vasily Shpak.

In other words, today, as speak in the industry ministry, fight goes not for localization and not for import substitution, and for creation of new intellectual property: EKB (chip), processors, payments, controllers, nodes, etc., finished electronic products and also the market for them. Swing, it is necessary to tell, much more abruptly, than the previous idea of import substitution therefore the level of the current problems and tasks which are insistently requiring the solution only increased. But the essence remained the same – to create the powerful industry of production of various domestic electronic production and to quickly saturate with it segments of the market and types of the equipment, sensitive to import.

It is profitable to make EKB only huge batches: in tens, in hundreds of thousands of pieces because they are made from microelectronic plates that means difficult long expensive technical process. It is necessary to sell a huge number for little money with the minimum margin, but at large volumes of release it is possible to earn not bad,
tells Renat Yusupov.

Russian microelectronics: way to a series

There is a lot of Russian processors. Serial production of Elbrus-8CB processors which differs in the clock rate of cores increased to 1.5 GHz, support of RAM of DDR4-2400 (error correcting) with a capacity up to 64 GB on the processor and the noticeable growth of overall performance is planned for the second half of 2020. And next year the developmental works on microprocessors of the next generation Elbrus-16C should be completed, their serial production will begin in 2022. As they are designed on technical process of 16 nanometers, production, most likely, will be performed at TSMC factory on Taiwan.

The server motherboard for servers Elbrus-804CB with 8-core Elbrus-8CB microprocessors

Source: website of the Zvezda plant

At the end of 2019 specialists of FNTs SRISA RAS Federal State Institution had to report to the customer the dual core 64-bit microprocessor, completely ready for installation, working at technical process of 28 nanometers. This chip of general purpose with a frequency of 1.3 GHz with built-in 3D - a video core, received designation 1890BM118, has architecture of KOMDIV which is well combined with MIPS64. It is focused on application in compact high-performance onboard computers.

The scheme of processor 1890BM118 based on architecture of KOMDIV

Source: FNTs SRISA RAS Federal State Institution

Undoubtedly, all IT industry of the Russian Federation monitors "state of health" of processors of the Baikal family and a command of Baikal Electronics. In February the Rosatom state corporation signed the agreement with Baikal Electronics and also with Depo electronics and Rusbitech aster, the developer of special purpose Russian OS, on creation of the workstation on the basis of the Baikal-M microprocessor (BE-M1000). It was provided last fall.

The Baikal-M processor is based on architecture of ARM and executed on technology of 28 nanometers. It is a system on a crystal at the heart of which - eight 64-bit cores of ARM Cortex-A57 (ARMv8-A) with support of the vector NEON expansions and the eight-nuclear graphic processor Mali-T628 (MP8) with hardware acceleration of video playback in H.264/H.265 formats.

The computer intended for nuclear sector will receive not only the domestic processor, but also motherboards in the mini-ITX format. Besides, the software platform will be developed for this station.

It should be noted that at the end of last year Ministry of Industry and Trade selected Depot a subsidy in 351 million rubles which should support high rates of development of devices on domestic processors. In particular, until the end of 2023 it is going to develop failsafe unified DWH. Besides, boards with Baikal-M processors are transferred for development to companies "Aquarius", "T-Platforms", "Open mobile platform" (the developer mobile Aurora OS), "BaseALT" OS Alt Linux (developer).

However, in addition to, actually, production of the microprocessor, its full "serial life" requires some more essential elements, for example, convenient means of support of design of third-party developers. Renat Yusupov from Kraftway believes that for a command of Baikal there was some testing a need of operational transfer of documentation on the processor to domestic developers: Akvarirus, Depot, Kraftway, etc. which decided to design the motherboards on the new processor.

Upon initialization, debugging, start of each payment specialists of Elbrus, and their limited number are forced to be engaged. They still should write the initialize routine that then it was possible to perform a firmware of payments on production. It is very difficult task. Especially, under Elbrus whose architecture is not so widely known as, for example, Intel,
explains Yusupov.

In other words, around domestic processors there was no development ecosystem yet. Just there have to be designers specializing in this domestic architecture specialists who are able to write for it BIOS, etc. i.e. all that community of specialists which the global producer of processors brought together trained and supported decades.

The processor is only the beginning of a way

In addition to the processor, in the ready computer device there is still a considerable quantity of elements which, in principle, also should be developed in Russia: disks, network controllers, RAID controllers, USB hubs, audio-codecs, etc. The paramount task – the Russian processor – moves. Kraftway was engaged in controllers of disks: the very first device, ahead – all way of development of this direction is released. In principle, too someone should be engaged in other elements of devices of the vychtekhniki. News in this part it is not heard yet, but messages about the next vulnerabilities, for example, of the industrial controller or network equipment regularly come …

If to speak about development of payments and their production in Russia, it is necessary to be engaged in materials for these payments. Even technologies of creation of textolite - artificial material, multilayer fiber glass which is used for creation of the dielectric basis of the printed circuit board are lost.

Basic materials for production of printed circuit boards


Besides, production of payments at us is in very weak status, Renat Yusupov notes: it supports, generally payments with the low levels of accuracy. This parameter - the accuracy of production of printed circuit boards - determines key parameters of elements of the printed circuit board: the minimum width of conductors, a minimum clearance between elements of the carrying-out drawing (all this is executed of copper), etc.

GOST 23.751-86 existing nowadays provides five classes of accuracy of printed circuit boards (the fifth – the highest), and design documentation on the printed circuit board always contains the instruction on the corresponding class which is always connected with specific production. And so, according to Yusupov, today's Russian enterprises are on the whole capable to provide classes of accuracy 1–3. The maximum accuracy corresponding to the fifth class, - 0.1 mm if to speak about conductor width in a gap. And in the world the main amount of microelectronics - about 80%,-are produced on the sixth class (other class system of accuracy is abroad accepted) that means the requirement to this parameter - 0.05 mm.

Classes of accuracy of production of printed circuit boards in accordance with GOST

The classes of accuracy of production of printed circuit boards accepted abroad

If it is about mass developments of finished goods based on domestic microelectronics, development of network of the design centers in which there will be a design of EKB and REA according to the Russian technologies and realities is required. And it means training of specialists: designers, developers, designers in each direction. It is necessary not only to train them, but also to give them in hands necessary for software for development, first of all, a microelectronics CAD. The task of creation of own CAD is set long ago by specialists of the industry. It is possible to calculate that work on such tools will begin?

Cherry on cake – the Russian microelectronic factories. The Ministry of Industry and Trade promises that by 2024 it will be in the Russian Federation the factory for production on technology of 28 nanometers will be constructed. Svetlana Appalonova pays attention to experience of China: development and expansion of sales markets is a strategic task of the Chinese government within the last 30 years. Having developed production of final ICT products, China started transition to own EKB and at the same time systematically increases a share of own, but not contract manufacturing, in the total amount of the Chinese production of ICT products.

I think, it is necessary to begin not with factory. It is important to have own competences and practices that it did not happen, as with China: The USA within sanctions prohibited deliveries of certain types of the American chips to China, and the Huawei company could not supply 90% of the network equipment from May to September. But they had a backlog to pass to alternative Chinese solutions. In my opinion, emphasis needs to be placed, first of all, on the design centers,
she believes.

At the same time the growing network of the design centers, apparently, should be subsidized partially with the state, at the initial stage the price of their work, of course, will be higher, than at foreign competitors. Some experts express opinion that it is necessary to provide subsidies not to the design centers, and to the most upper of level – to customers of finished goods to stimulate them to buy Russian and by that to help the design centers.

It turns out that the balanced system of measures of stimulation and motivation which penetrate all industry should be built: from the design centers of electronics to customers. At the same time all participants of process should have a serious stock of patience – in one jump in a status of completely Russian high tech not to jump.

The evolutionary movement to the world of domestic ICT

Idea of the fastest transition to domestic production, certainly, correct. But it cannot be implemented bluntly: take and prohibit to use from tomorrow foreign. Russian is not present. We will not be able to assemble any computer completely from the Russian components today or to use Russian software which we checked completely, from beginning to end. For example, the 1C company certified the software product on the Top secret level three years. Any market will not keep up with such paces of checks. If all of us put up a tough fence of obligatory checks we will discard ourselves, at least, for 2-3 years ago. Then everything that we will be able to use here, there will be not new products of IT, but quite outdated stories,
speaks Vyacheslav Savlyuk.

We for that our country had technologies – developed here or purchased if that is required by a situation, at close commercial interaction with other countries,
speaks Maxim Koposov.

It is necessary to begin with key modules - those which define functionality. Because we can do payments of control of the fan, and we can do the body. But when will cease to deliver you chips tomorrow, you can put your body anywhere. And if you have chips of management, then with the body somehow will deal.

The first - to control what is already purchased. The second - to certify what is bought for KII. And to certify quickly and qualitatively. For this purpose it is necessary to increase resources which are engaged in the analysis of a condition of equipment, control lack of tabs, define technical conditions for operation of the equipment, etc. All are afraid of one: that we, having lowered failure "Iron Curtain" from foreign, will discard ourselves on many years ago, we will not be able to buy modern products. Therefore lower it very much slowly,
predicts Vyacheslav Savlyuk.

How exactly it occurs, it is possible to see on the example of processes of upgrade of the regulatory base. Their essential part occurs in the form of behind-the-scenes fight.

What occurs under a carpet?

Formation of large market of sale for domestic production is begun with a public sector that is logical, this area gives in to regulation and, besides, occupies about 30% of the market of the Russian Federation. However, it, we will remind, a zone of influence of foreign vendors, so, the territory of real market fight.

According to Vasily Shpak, it is until the end of the year going to impose some ban for import at regulated markets. In line with this task Minpromtorg began monitoring of purchases of goods, works, services which are included in the REA list of the ministry, for the purpose of obtaining detailed data that in the specific equipment Russian, and that import. Official statistics of such type in our country was never kept.

Actually it is about specific preferences for Russian, selection criteria of applicants for receiving preferences and methods of stimulation of clients to purchases Russian. It is necessary to process seriously existing regulatory base as it was created under the old purposes of classical localization and import substitution:

  • The subject of regulation – domestic production changed. The relevant determination answering the present purpose of the state is required;
  • The purposes and problems of processes of regulation changed. It is necessary to correct the problems of selection of products answering to the purposes of the accelerated and mass development of new types of the Russian equipment;

Change of parameters of state regulation – the most serious process. Still there is a process of discussion of amendments to the key document – software N No. 878 of 7/10/2019 describing measures of production incentive of radio-electronic products in the territory of the Russian Federation at implementation of purchases of goods, works, services for ensuring the state and municipal needs.

Market participants shared the ideas of methods of the solution of the most sore problems connected with development of domestic production with TAdviser.

Corrections of FZ-223

Not the state departments and organizations, and the companies with state participation as much bigger market size is the share of them, than on state procurements could become the engine of changes, specialists to whom TAdviser communicated believe. Most of them developed own road maps of import substitution which, however, do not extend to numerous "subsidiaries" of state companies. Besides the main goal-setting for them – risk minimization in the conditions of possible sanctions that often takes a vendorozameshcheniye form: we change American for the Chinese. Besides, there is no real responsibility legal and officials for non-performance and violation of requirements of the regulations providing priority equipment procurements of the Russian origin, Svetlana Appalonova emphasizes.

According to her, in present conditions when in purchases for objects of critical infrastructure the equipment of the countries of NATO dominates, it is necessary to detail separately the list of products necessary for protection of essential interests of security of the Russian Federation. According to the expert, DWH, ADP equipment, the equipment for telecommunications and the APCS system should enter it, in particular. For products from such list to set restriction/prohibition of foreign goods in the Russian market. It Articles XX and XXI GATT1994 allow, and such opportunity other countries, for example successfully use the USA.

It would be desirable that similar resolutions were distributed, including, to purchases on 223-FZ. It makes sense similar requirements to extend also to servers. As far as I know, the corresponding regulatory framework is studied,
he speaks.

Requirements to purchase program and hardware and also methods of financing are so detailed that the choice of ways of a bypass of the introduced restrictions are only an issue of attentive studying of documentation.

Domestic production – what is it?

Today, as experts fairly note to become domestic, it is enough to equipment to appear in the corresponding register that, actually, and generates those negative processes of "mimicry" under domestic which we observe today. How to get out of this situation?

Vyacheslav Savlyuk, for example, believes that it is necessary to separate process of maintaining the register from the procedure of recognition of domestic production which can be performed in the form of certification. However the market has objections – quite often the certificate authorities functioning on a commercial basis become participants of the same processes of "mimicry".

The concept "domestic product" in itself - simple if not to allocate it with additional meanings. I consider that what is developed and manufactured in Russia belongs to domestic production
speaks Maxim Koposov.

He notes also that the government decree fixes special designation for microprocessors of such production – the integrated circuit of the first level. Besides, what is developed in Russia and is made abroad in case of lack of an opportunity to manufacture in Russia belongs to domestic production. In case of microprocessors it is called "the integrated circuit of the second level".

I Consider it necessary to enter such terminology for DWH, servers, telecommunication equipment,


Really, the concepts "It Is Developed in Russia" and "It Is Manufactured in Russia" within the outdated concept were indiscernible in terms of the regulatory base, and in line with relevant representations of the state they need to be distinguished. So, software No. 719 describes as the key requirement to products confirmation of the fact of its production in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Unless it is not the legal base of localization? Localization is and there is some production process in the territory of the country. It also occurs now,
speaks Appalonova.

The second major moment of support of strategy of localization in this document – the requirement of that the equipment manufacturer was a tax resident of one of the EEU countries. This resident, by the way, can be also absolute "subsidiary" of multinational corporation.

In December, 2019 FAS even released special explanation according to software No. 925 that in the Russian market equal conditions with the Russian goods should be provided to all goods from EEU. And this with the fact that today criteria are not approved with EEU on the ICT industry what is national goods. So from there can go, anything, with any labels, and we should provide them the same favorable access as to the domestic equipment,
she speaks.

Also summarizes: upon for ICT the Resolution software No. 719 - it is exclusive about localization, with the minimum share of domestic added value in products.

The matter is that if are included in the register, both domestic production, and products of subsidiaries of global vendors, then both that and others will have identical preferences. So status quo remains,
she emphasizes.

The initial sense of emergence of the countries of EEU in the regulatory base is clear – it is about formation of uniform large sales market of hi-tech products and support of the IT industries in each country of the commonwealth. This idea needs to be saved, but not to disturb in one heap of technology and sales markets, and, on the contrary, to separate development and production: the producer – the Russian company, and production can be performed in the territory of one of the EEU countries where it is profitable on economic or logistic purposes.

Then each of the countries of EEU will have an incentive to develop further the technologies, according to the current level of technology development, and in general to raise the overall technology level of all zone of EEU, and cost reduction by production will increase price product competitiveness of EEU. Unlike today when we create the mode of the maximum preference for foreigners and by that we ruin development of own developments and production,
emphasizes Appalonova.

According to her, it is necessary to replace the term "products made in the territory of the Russian Federation" with products of the Russian origin.

And according to Vladimir Stepanov, the system of assignment of the status of the Russian products "It is manufactured in Russia" already it developed and, maybe, requires only thin setup.

And with the localized products everything is much more difficult. Often in practice there are problems at the indication of the country of origin of "Russia". But if the equipment is assembled at the Russian enterprise, not to write that it is China? Therefore, according to us, it is necessary to enter category "It Is Collected in Russia". But such products should be considered as competing with import, and, naturally, should not apply for preferences as domestic,
speaks the expert.

Procedure of recognition of domestic production: fight for the register

Today the instrument of recognition by domestic – entering into the register. Such registers today two. The first – the register of the telecommunication equipment of the Russian origin (TERO). Its creation goes to the beginning of "tenth" when at the initiative of the prime minister V. Putin of that time works on formation of criteria of domestic telecommunication equipment began. Support functions of the register TORP are performed today by Federal State Unitary Enterprise MKB Electron.

Vladimir Ivanchuk, the Acting CEO of MKB Electron, tells that criteria of compliance to the status of domestic assume more than 50% of control in the organization from the Russian residents and also ownership of source codes, design documentation, technology in the volume sufficient for further independent upgrade and development.

Criteria of the status TORP are directed to selection of the Russian developments for the purpose of their further support and development. The operating calculation formula of level of localization of the status TORP is focused on production operations. Requires to make for achievement of threshold value in the territory of the Russian Federation auto editing of EKB on key printed circuit boards, to make the majority of case and other shaped parts, to make filling of the software and testing of the equipment,
emphasizes Vladimir Ivanchuk.

We understood that if this or that module does not exist in the form of the Russian products at all, then it does not make sense to demand its existence from the applicant – then nobody will be included in the register. But in process of emergence of the Russian modules and key components we will review minimum necessary level of localization for inclusion in the register of TORP,
explains Ivanchuk.

The main thing - ownership of the technologies providing a possibility of own development. It is impossible in a directive way to force to use, for example, only the Russian EKB that the equipment was included in the register. As a result we can receive the register of the equipment which cannot be sold. Today new approach to calculation of level of localization which will give additional points for use of the Russian EKB and percent of own developments in relation to the purchased foreign licenses is developed. And the most important, is offered that these additional points will give additional price preferences in procurement procedures.

Their range closes practically all segments of the telecom equipment: from a trunk segment of DWDM and boundary routers to the systems of a radio communication, transmitters of digital television and management systems for networks.

At the majority of segments there are not less than two Russian producers. In such mass segments as switches and routers, the serious internal competition between Russian producers was already created. Only in the field of cellular communication the developed oligopoly of global vendors completely closes the market for domestic manufacturers. Cardinal administrative and technical actions are necessary,
supplements the story by the colleague Svetlana Appalonova.

For ADP equipment the Unified register of radio-electronic products works today (RAP) which includes TORP as a component. At the same time these two components live by absolutely different rules: the register of TORP – on the, and the register of REP created last year is guided by requirements, defined in software No. 719.

It is obvious that such "diarchy" does not bear any advantage to a segment of domestic production in general. But opens opportunities for different manipulation. For example, Svetlana Appalonova tells that in the register of REP such telecom equipment which by criteria of TORP definitely could not receive the status of products of the Russian origin suddenly was detected.

In turn, some accuse expert advice of the register of TORP of too strict requirements to applicants for recognition domestic which do not allow to adjust mass inflow to the register of the equipment sharply necessary for the country.

In other words, there is the acute behind-the-scenes fight for how new determination domestic a high tech products and the updated criteria of "otechestvennost" will look and also for the right to carry out expertize. Rates in this war are high, as well as the error price that is shown by the previous story of the localized import substitution.

Principles of stimulation: how to fall in love with domestic

The stimulating role of the regulatory base – one more aspect of war of the "old" and "new" world – the last in the corridors of power sometimes is called "Localization 2.0", emphasizing with that failure of the previous interpretation of the word "localization" inseparably linked with foreign vendors, and transition to new interpretation: localization as steady increase in a share of the Russian modules and a component as a part of end products.

Increase in a share is a process. How to increase its dynamics? Market participants formulated a number of councils:

  • Preferences in tenders to that Russian equipment in which the bigger percent of domestic EKB is used;
  • Creation of the internal competition between the Russian products to access restriction on the market of foreign products where it is possible;
  • Eliminate unequal conditions, first of all, financial in which there are Russian teams, in comparison with multinational corporations, in those markets where it is impossible to provide prohibition on the admission of foreign products;
  • Creation of the new domestic goods competitive in foreign markets.

At the global level, in fact, there is a competition of measures of support by the different states of the companies. To act in this "weight category", the companies need to bring the products to world level. Accelerate this process due to active testing and a running in of products in domestic market where the most favored nation treatment is provided. At the same time, measures of support should not discourage creators of the Russian products.

Vasily Shpak figuratively characterizes methods of the state as "carrot and stick".

Motivation for the Russian market: whip or gingerbread?

My personal opinion: any whips force the commercial organization to begin to make high technologies it is impossible. Such market situation that the commercial organizations are interested to be invested in the development with the subsequent opportunity successfully to sell a product should be created. And for this purpose in the necessary points there have to be restrictions, maybe, even more tough, than is today. And serious deep local production for this purpose is necessary: it both jobs, and the scientific personnel, and certain polygons for developments, etc. Without having it in the country, all of us will face more often that the young people who graduated from university with a good education and healthy ambitions, will leave there where they will be able to self-actualize. Localization of developments and production without perspective of tomorrow becomes the idea phony company,
speaks Ivan Bantsov.

Vyacheslav Savlyuk and Pavel Matskevich note great positive value of financial programs of support of the Russian companies.

And, of course, it is necessary to see ahead some star purpose. What was good in the Soviet Union, so is that there everyone had a purpose – it is better to catch up and distillate, make, to shoot ahead. And now it is necessary to bring up it artificially. In the small companies it turns out not bad, and here with growth of the enterprise it becomes extremely difficult: there is no strong internal rod, there was a task to earn,
speaks Savlyuk.

It is not necessary to rewrite others. It is necessary to learn to use it and in parallel to learn to create the – what will develop and increase the available functionality and performance.

It is very harmful to pretend that this rewritten – the development. The state needs to take courage and to tell: this others, it not ours,
adds Pavel Matskevich.

If we look how develop rather young with global swing, like Elon Musk's children, then we will detect permanent disputes on that how many pays it the government for space programs. At the Chinese telecommunication companies from among world leaders a main customer is the government of China. In very mature market with the high competition what the ICT industry is it is hardly possible to do without straight line or the mediated support of domestic manufacturers by the state.

Life changes. It is necessary to change quickly. Perhaps, you should not zaregulirovyvat all processes to a limit legislatively? Because the more small fences we will configure, the it will be more difficult to run between them. Let there will be an open road: we run where we want. Then we will take away those who will run further all,
reflects Vyacheslav Savlyuk.

The state needs paradigm shift: from catching up in leaders that means work on advancing. Implementation of own disruptive technologies can be helped by national projects on condition of development of the correct strategy of implementation, the regulatory base and national standards for them. Further to arrive the same as it is done by global leaders: press through through the international organizations the standards as international,
is sure Svetlana Appalonova.

And in general, it is time to pass from war of the worlds to constructive development. The main conclusion which is drawn by one and all respondents of TAdviser IT experts sounds simply: it is necessary to complete quicker a turn in this direction and to start the active movement. The delay – stagnation option – works against development domestic creative and business forces.

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