Customers: Velesstroy Moscow; Construction and industry of construction materials Contractors: Information Technology and Consulting (IT&C, IT&C) Product: SAP Cloud PlatformProject date: 2020/06 - 2020/12
2020: Implementation of the Automated Small Mechanization Management System based on SAP Cloud Platform
On December 8, 2020, the company VELESSTROY announced that it had developed and launched the implementation of Automated control system small mechanization means (ACS SMM) on the basis. SAP Cloud Platform The system will allow operational monitoring and control of the use of small mechanization equipment (SMM) - grinding machines, screw screws, perforators, chainsaws and many other tools - at construction sites. The company became a partner in the development and implementation of the system. "IT&C
According to the company, the key goal of the implementation is to optimize the efficiency of using small mechanization tools, optimize costs, and automate the SMM accounting process. To achieve these goals, VELESSTROY used an SAP Cloud Platform-based cloud system using IoT technology. It includes web and mobile applications in which employees will work at the facilities, as well as an integration interface with VELESSTROY accounting systems. The system is understandable and user-friendly. The mobile application can work without an Internet connection, which is relevant for construction sites in remote areas where there is no mobile network coverage. After connecting to the Internet, the application automatically synchronizes data with the cloud system.
Thanks to the development of a solution on the SAP Cloud Platform, the company has moved from quantitative accounting of SMM to numeric accounting. Each piece of equipment is assigned a unique number. The SMM is identified by RFID labels that are read using the mobile application.
The system has already undergone pilot operation at the Omsk Refinery, Nizhny Novgorod Refinery, the Grushovaya production site and the Shesharis transshipment complex in Novorossiysk. In the near future, the SMM ACS will be replicated on other projects. The ideologist of the development and implementation of this project was the first vice-president of VELESSTROY Kresimir Filipovich.
For us, it is necessary to have accurate information on the availability of each SMM at any time: the construction site, the exact location of the tool inside the site, its technical condition and who operates it. noted Malbashich Darko, head of the technological equipment department of VELESSTROY |
The SMM ACS system has the functionality of accounting for SMM repairs, their cost and materials used for repairs. Thanks to this, VELESSTROY estimates the residual value of SMM, which allows management to accurately plan budgets for the purchase of equipment and spare parts. noted German Shapkov, Head of Cloud Development at IT&K |