Customers: Sibur Holding, PJSC Product: Sibur: Economy Process Economics Visualization System Project date: 2017/01 - 2017/05
2021: Forecast of the total effect of the use of Econs in the amount of 2.7 billion rubles
According to SIBUR forecasts, according to the results of 2021, the total effect of using the ECONS digital tool will be 2.7 billion rubles. This was announced on September 30, 2021 by representatives of the holding.
In the first year (2017) of the application of the ECONS data visualization system, the additional effect of increasing production efficiency amounted to more than 200 million rubles, and in the period from 2017 to 2020 the system made it possible to earn 1.8 billion rubles.
The ECONS digital tool visualizes the impact of production indicators on the enterprise economy. It is based on mathematical algorithms that calculate indicators and output them to monitors in real time. Operators see figures for gas consumption or pressure drop across the column - and recommendations for changing them to better manage production. By simply submitting information, you can adjust the process quickly and clearly.
Prior to ECONS, SIBUR enterprises worked with PKPE - Process Key Performance Indicators. The tool analyzed the target ranges of process parameters (temperature, pressure, raw material consumption, etc.), but did not show the impact on economy enterprises and did not give an understandable visualization to operators.
The ECOS visualization system can be used by employees who do not have a special economic or IT-. formations As of September 2021, the solution is being transferred to its own development platform, which will allow workers in factories to independently create a visualization panel without involvement. programmers
"The task is to make ECONS the standard of visual efficiency in production, without which in 5 years it will be impossible to imagine the usual working day of a technologist and operator. Thus, we update the organizational model of enterprise management, business processes, change the rules of the authorization system and develop the competencies of employees. We believe that in the end this will lead to faster decision-making and push for the development of new projects, "explained Alexander Koblov, ECONS project manager. |
The system has already been introduced at 34 enterprises of the holding, including enterprises, ZapSibNeftekhim SiburTyumenGaz plants in the,,,, cluster Tomsk Voronezh Perm Tver Nizhny Novgorod. By the end of 2021, ECONS will be introduced at 51 SIBUR production facilities, as well as at Polyom and. Krasnoyarsk Synthetic Rubber Plant
ECOS also has a positive impact on the environment. The system can calculate how much useful energy is actually needed for technological processes depending on the operating conditions of the equipment, how much fuel gas can be reduced and how to reduce CO2 emissions to the atmosphere. For example, ZapSibNeftekhim prevents emissions of more than 80 thousand tons of CO2 per year, SIBUR noted.