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Ansys CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics)

Developers: Ansys
Technology: CAD

Main article: CAD Computer-aided design systems

ANSYS CFD provides the most complete access to tools for solving hydrodynamics problems and includes all the functionality of the Ansys Fluent, CFX, Forte and Polyflow software products.

With the help of ANSYS CFD, detailed and maximally accurate modeling of the most complex processes related to fluid and gas physics is possible. Users can solve various problems, taking into account viscous and turbulent currents, external streamlining, noise analysis, multiphase currents, heat exchange, combustion, chemical reactions and much more.

ANSYS CFD is integrated into the Ansys Workbench calculation platform, which serves for parametric and interdisciplinary calculations. The Workbench architecture allows you to conduct both independent analysis of the flow of liquids and gas, and the calculation of complex models using several solvers from various sections of physics, for example, analysis of the effect of flows on the stress-strain state of the structure (FSI).

Using ANSYS HPC licenses, the software products included in ANSYS CFD allow you to achieve maximum performance of computing resources when performing parallel calculations on models with a large number of degrees of freedom, including using GPU graphics cores. ANSYS HPC makes the most of the processor architecture, optimizes load balance and data transfer rate to achieve results as quickly as possible on a wide variety of design models.