The name of the base system (platform): | Diasoft Digital Q Digital Omnichannel Platform |
Developers: | Diasoft |
Last Release Date: | 2024/03/14 |
Branches: | Financial Services, Investments and Auditing |
Technology: | BPM |
Content |
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The Digital Q.BPM technology platform, developed by Diasoft, provides the ability to translate business processes of any organization into digital format and centrally manage their implementation. The platform is part of the Digital Q digital transformation ecosystem, which is completely importonic.
2025: Ability to safely test hypotheses of new business processes
Diasoft will help companies safely test hypotheses of new business processes. The company announced this on January 24, 2025.
Diasoft's Digital Q.BPM platform has integrated the A/B testing system for business processes. The system collects data and allows you to analyze the effectiveness of new versions of business processes.
Such functionality is necessary for testing hypotheses through the Challenger-Champion approach. This approach is applied when the latest version (bidder) is put into operation if there is a major process work version operating with a certain efficiency (champion). In this case, it is measured how the applicant version will affect the efficiency of the work. If the challenger version becomes successful, it becomes the champion, that is, the main working version.
This functionality also provides the ability to safely update the business logic implemented in Digital Q.BPM. You can display the latest version of business logic and apply it to a certain number of users or operations with minimal risk. In case of failure, the platform functionality makes it easy to return to a stable version. This simplifies and accelerates process management and eliminates many risks.
Add Functionality - Engine
The Digital Q.BPM technology platform for designing and managing business processes has a functionality - Engine. It allows you to seamlessly switch from Camunda Enterprise to the independent Digital Q.BPM platform and receive technical support, updates and new releases from the Russian vendor, Diasoft, which announced this on March 14, 2024.
Since 2022, Camunda has not provided support services to Russian organizations, so they are forced to look for options to replace the solution or supplier. Digital Q. BPM Engine is an analogue of Camunda Enterprise with 100% compatibility and support from a Russian vendor.
If a large number of business processes are already automated using Camunda, then usually the transition to a new BPMS system becomes difficult. Digital Q.BPM Engine will allow you to quickly and painlessly solve the problem of import substitution, the usual scheme of business processes will continue to work, - said Nikita Markelov, Head of Business Process Automation, Diasoft. |
The Digital Q.BPM platform team fully controls the extensive code base of the business process engine, which allows for high-quality maintenance of Digital Q. BPM Engine, as well as develop functionality in terms of improving performance and individual functionality, while maintaining full compatibility with BPMN2.0 notation and Camunda executable processes.
To Add a Collaborative Design Mode
Diasoft continues to develop the Digital Q.BPM technology platform for designing and managing business processes. A collaborative design mode is now available on the platform - several users are working on the same business process diagram on a single online board. Each of them sees the actions of the others, all changes are recorded. The developer announced this on March 5, 2024.
In the course of collaboration, you can leave comments on all nodes or throughout the process, as well as respond to them. The history of the correspondence is preserved. Thus, the discussion will be conducted in detail in one information channel.
Previously, the chart saved the changes made by the user working on it last. During the design of the business process, users created copies of diagrams, made changes to them, then they had to be combined into a single diagram. Now users design business process charts and discuss controversial points in one place by the type of online whiteboard in Miro or interactive whiteboard in Figma. With the new mode at Digital Q.BPM, working together on designing business processes becomes much more convenient and easier, "said Nikita Markelov, Head of Business Process Automation, Diasoft. |
Add step-by-step debugging functionality for business processes
Diasoft has implemented additional functionality of step-by-step debugging of business processes in the technological low-code platform Digital Q.BPM. The platform allows you to translate business processes of the organization into digital format and centrally manage their execution. The company announced this on January 24, 2024.
During the design of business processes, it is regularly necessary to check the correctness of their subsequent execution and identify possible errors. In this debugging mode, it is possible to start the process execution with certain conditions and parameters, stop the process on individual nodes and monitor their execution, make changes if necessary.
The debug mode allows you to define the nodes on which the process should be stopped, check the execution parameters of the nodes, step-by-step execute the logic of the business process, including running and testing script expressions, and see the process execution log. The engineering specialist receives all information about the process execution in a single window of the Digital Q.BPM debugger.
In the case of already operating processes, this functionality allows you to repeat the used process in debug mode without interrupting other processes.
Debugging mode not only checks the general logic of process execution, but also analyzes the incoming and outgoing parameters of individual process steps, corrects script expressions, executes REST requests and analyzes their results.
The step-by-step debugging mode of processes implemented in Digital Q.BPM is special: it allows you to speed up the translation of business processes into numbers at times. When developing and modifying processes, you no longer need to publish each version and review the entire progress in monitoring mode. This functionality provides the most accurate control of each step of the process and all its parameters. In this case, you can make the necessary changes "on the go" and immediately see their result, said Nikita Markelov, Head of Business Process Automation.
2023: In-Depth Process Analysis Opportunities
On January 26, 2023, the company Diasoft"" announced that it continues to develop the Digital Q. technology platform BPM to manage business processes organizations in any area of activity. The updated functionality of the platform for in-depth analysis of processes (processes) process mining mining allows you to find real processes that are not connected to single chains, analyze digital traces that show how these processes are going and where they need to be improved. As a result, this reduces the time description and coordination of processes for their further end-to-end automation.
In addition, tracking digital footprints helps identify misconduct by the organization's employees and customers. If necessary, such analysis is carried out on a regular basis according to predetermined indicators.
The use of process mining allows you to analyze the data loaded into the Digital Q.BPM platform, identify and visualize processes and their steps. Various algorithms (miners) are used for qualitative analysis and correct interpretation of valid data. The user sets the depth of the analysis. Statistical data is displayed on the process map, which can be converted into a BPMN model for further automation using the Digital Q.BPM platform. This reduces the design time of existing processes in the organization to a minimum. In this case, processes can be grouped by business area, saving arbitrary analysis slices.
The Digital Q.BPM technology platform is independent and is included in the Unified Register of Programs for Electronic Computers and Databases (entry in the register No. 14306). In addition to functionality for deep analysis of the essence of processes, the Digital Q.BPM platform includes:
- a set of microservices and interfaces for maintaining a register of business processes with the ability to group and track versioning;
- Out-of-the-box microservices that allow you to execute customized processes
- tools for setting up and processing user tasks;
- Tools for tracking the progress of business processes
- Process Visual Business Intelligence tools (ready-made dashboards with interactive graphics)
- Online user documentation.
Inclusion in the Register of Domestic Software
The Digital Q.BPM technology platform is included in the Unified Register of Russian Programs for Electronic Computers and Databases (entry in the register No. 14306 of 26.07.2022). Diasoft announced this on August 10, 2022.
Software products included in the register can be used by state and municipal enterprises and companies with state participation.
The technological low-code platform Digital Q.BPM allows you to translate the business processes of the organization into digital format and ensure effective centralized management of their implementation.
The inclusion of the Digital Q.BPM platform in the Unified Register Russian software is a significant event for Diasoft and for many market participants. The task of choosing import-independent software products, in particular, for replacement, SAP NetWeaver IBM Blueworks Live Creatio ("") and Terrasoft other solutions of foreign companies that have left the Russian market, is very urgent. Digital Q.BPM is a cross-industrial platform. It is suitable not only for financial the sector, but also for,,, medical pharmaceutical insurance companies, telecommunication resource mining enterprises, and industries state structures organizations from many other fields of activity, said Nikita Markelov, head of the Digital Q.BPM technology platform, Diasoft.
The Digital Q.BPM platform includes a complete set of tools for design, execution, monitoring, control of business processes and operations. The platform is implemented in a microservice architecture on an import-independent technology stack, has high performance and wide scaling capabilities.
Purpose and composition of the platform
As of March 2022, Digital Q.BPM is based on the use of the generally accepted BPMN 2.0 process design notation and business rule diagrams in DMN notation. Microservice architecture and built-in low-code tools provide high performance, reduced time to market, ease of design and business process management.
Applications as part of the platform and the main functionality
- "Business Process Designer": a set of low-code tools for designing business processes, configuring their logic and rules, publishing to microservices, creating a register of business processes and their grouping in the business areas of the organization.
- Business Process Execution Tools - Complete microservices and libraries for running and executing customized processes. To execute business processes and business rules, the platform automatically generates microservices based on the base image.
- "Monitoring tools": tools for visually tracking the progress of business processes. Despite the fact that all business processes are executed in microservices decentralized, the platform provides a single interface for their monitoring and analytics. Statistics allow you to identify bottlenecks in business processes and take timely measures to eliminate them.
- "Tools for creating and configuring user tasks": allows you to configure algorithms for the distribution of tasks and functions among employees for each process, manage the loading of employees. The work of employees or clients of the organization is implemented in a single interface, which frees them from the need to interact with several disparate systems.
Digital Q.BPM allows you to visualize business processes, get visual information about the employees and departments of the organization involved in them. This is especially important when multiple departments are working together as part of a single process. The platform helps employees to clearly perform their functions, timely informs about the tasks set, monitors the timing of their implementation, does not allow confusion and does not require manual control.
Creating a transparent, structured system of business processes helps to increase the efficiency of planning and operational management, reduce personnel costs, and improve the quality of results at all stages of the processes. The Digital Q.BPM platform is suitable for organizations from any field of activity.
At the end of March 2022, the platform was registered in the register of Russian software.