Business Intelligence (Russian market)
The article is included in the overview of the TAdviser BI system in Russia.
TAdviser Overview: Valuations, Trends, Major Suppliers
The Russian BI market continues to grow, and over the past years has reached a new phase of maturity. Leading players have developed new approaches to the implementation of BI, professional communities with thousands of active participants have formed on the most popular platforms. According to TAdviser, the total market volume at the end of 2024 exceeded 63 billion rubles.
The largest market participants
At the end of 2023, the number of BI platforms in the market continued to grow. Interestingly, many system integrators have created their own products and continue to successfully increase their sales along with conducting a business to implement third-party solutions.
The largest players in the BI market, among those who agreed to provide their data and disclose information, are the Digital Economy League and GlowByte, Neoflex ranks third.
More information about the largest market participants - in a separate material.
Import substitution
Import substitution remains one of the most difficult issues in BI. Customers want to get an exact replacement for the usual solutions. And, as practice has shown, the issue of even temporarily preserving old software for business analysis depends not only on the presence or absence of regulatory pressure, but also on the platform that the organization has historically used.
Compared to last year, the share of migration projects has decreased. There are very few left who continue to use Tableau and at least have not chosen or implemented any alternative. Tableau's exit policy was the toughest: there were practically no permanent licenses, and even three-year subscriptions are gradually expiring. Those who used Qlik products found it more difficult to find an alternative and switch. Especially for those who built on Qlik not only BI itself, but also the entire data management architecture. In addition, some Qlik users had permanent licenses, and the incentive for migration was significantly weaker. For many who used PowerBI, the question of the need and timing of migration is also not obvious. Except for those who have chosen a cloud subscription to the corresponding service, which, for obvious reasons, is increasingly difficult to renew, - said Julius Goldberg, head of department at GlowByte. |
{{quote 'Import substitution in the field of BI in Russia is a dynamic and strategically important process that is still far from over. Now companies are leaving the process of choosing and applying residual foreign solutions. We observe how colleagues are actively testing Russian analogues, adapting them to business needs, and even trying to use several solutions in parallel
On the one hand, there is a high demand for analogues of Western systems, and on the other hand, offers on the market are still fragmented, since local developers are just beginning to adapt to new requirements, trying to provide the basic functionality of departed vendors. This approach slows down the transition process, since the priority is to minimize the loss of functionality compared to foreign solutions, and not to create supply value, "said Dmitry Merker, director of development and promotion at Insight.}}
At the same time, answer the question of which part of the customers is still waiting and balancing between the risks and the savings of working with an unsupported BI platform. companies, it turns out to be quite difficult. However, experts agree that today more than half of large Russian companies are in this state.
Some believe that more than 70% of companies continue to use foreign systems. According to other sources, there are more than 90% of such companies, and I tend to believe it. But now another question is important: "Which part of those who use foreign BI plans to switch to domestic software?" Here we can say with confidence that almost everyone considers the import substitution process inevitable, since it is strategically impossible to develop a business with unreliable systems that can be turned off at any time, - comments Sergey Bialostotsky, CEO of PIX Robotics. |
By 2024, the market has gained momentum: there are a large number of large contracts, new large-scale projects for the introduction of Russian business analytics systems are actively underway. The driving force of this market, unlike other segments, is not only import substitution, but actual business tasks. So, in our company, the ratio of new projects to "import substitutes" is about 80% to 20%, - comments Mikhail Rozhkov, Head of the Business Development Department of PARMA TG |
To date, we estimate the share of companies that continue to "sit" on Western software as very significant. Some organizations still acquire sanctions software through their legal entities abroad. The main reason for this caution is the expectation of the possibility of resuming work with Western vendors. At the same time, officially, companies often refer to the "unavailability" of domestic analogues. As for the statistics on the processed requests, 70% are from migrations from Western software. However, if we consider real signed contracts and projects, the situation is changing: here 70% falls on new implementations, - notes interesting statistics Ivan Krot, commercial director of Polymatica at SL Soft. |
Finding an explanation for such a'symmetrical situation' is simple enough. Organizations that are to migrate to a new platform approach the process very carefully, in fact, applying the seven-time measure-one-cut principle in practice.
Projects to replace import solutions are often called migration, but in essence and in terms of costs, this is a re-development. And here we should talk not so much about complexity as about the amount of work that needs to be correctly assessed and performed. And difficulties are problems that arise where you do not expect them. For example, it is very important for the end user to maintain the convenience of the tools that he is used to using on a daily basis. Unfortunately, many vendors invest in spectacular visualizations, but at the same time pay insufficient attention to the functionality that ensures the user's comfort, - notes Lyudmila Ostrovskaya, project manager, integrated design department of information systems of Force - Development Center (Force Group FORS Group) |
Nevertheless, some organizations are not yet going to change Western platforms to Russian, open or Chinese. So, among the platforms with which system integrators continue to work, the entire range of solutions from the BI sphere is announced, and not only specialized Qlik, Tableau and Power BI, but also heavy complex solutions such as SAP.
In our projects, the share of Russian solutions is constantly increasing, but tasks for the development of BI on Western platforms still come. At the same time, I would separately note that we also receive requests for the development of existing BI systems on domestic technologies. This is confirmed by the fact that Russian BI platforms have already been introduced in a number of companies and are beginning to scale up and develop, "says Elena Lashmanova, Director of the Analytical Solutions Department of KORUS Consulting Group of Companies (DAR). |
Indeed, it is quite difficult to assess the continued dominance of Western platforms, relying only on financial indicators and open statements. A significant part of this market is in the gray zone. However, in the fall of 2024, Visiology conducted a study of the dynamics of job publishing using AI technologies, on the basis of which the Pulse BI report was prepared. The new data confirmed that about 80% of customers continue to work on Western platforms, while Power BI remains the leader.
To find the optimal point of view on the Russian BI market, we applied several research methods at once. They included in-depth analysis of the financial statements of Russian vendors, approximation of global trends, combining expert assessments of leading system integrators, combining these financial ratings, studying the sphere of public procurement in the field of BI and user base analytics. The last of these points turned out to be one of the most informative, but at the same time the most time-consuming. The study of the user base became possible only through the use of artificial intelligence, - emphasizes Ivan Vakhmyanin, managing partner of Visiology. |
Customers by Industry
The activation of Russian industries in the implementation and migration to Russian BI also remains uneven. System integrators and platform vendors note different vertical dynamics.
Of particular interest are public administration, industrial enterprises, including food industry enterprises, as well as companies in the transport industry. It is worth noting that the public sector has increasingly announced large purchases of domestic BI platforms - this is a trend that has not been observed before. It signals a growing willingness to integrate Russian solutions into large-scale projects, says Alexander Vyatchinin, Operations Director of Luxms Group of Companies. |
Banks, telecom and retail have shown a keen interest in migration since almost 2022, because for them data is a critical resource for business. Now, after almost three years, the rest of the industries are being pulled up - agricultural holdings, car dealers, FMCG, developers and others, - notes Julius Goldberg, GlowByte. |
In our experience, this year the demand from developers and developers, as well as medium-sized retail and the FMCG sector, has increased significantly. It is also worth noting not so much specific industries as a large class of companies that were previously foreign, but went through the process of reorganization or were bought out by Russian management. They are now actively considering the possibility of import substitution, - Evgeny Kuzmichev, director of business development at the Data Insights department of the system integrator and developer Navicon. |
Thus, we observe how certain niches are assigned to different vendors and IT companies. Some are closely engaged in retail and logistics, others work with developers, others take state administration and education into their sphere of interests. Of course, there are also universal solutions, as well as multidisciplinary integrators who conduct projects along almost all verticals.
Best practices
Positive for Russian customers can be considered the news that over the three years of the introduction of Russian BI and the rapid development of the market, the best practices and even methodologies for introducing products were formed.
The functionality of the platform is not as important as its maturity. In this regard, Western solutions are still ahead, which is explained by many years of investment in R&D and development. A large number of BI solutions are presented on the Russian market, therefore, one of the mandatory stages in choosing a future analytical platform is load testing. This step allows you to select the most mature and suitable products for specific tasks. We encourage enterprise customers not to skip this step. Together with customers, we model cases for such testing, - Elena Lashmanova, Director of the Analytical Solutions Department of KORUS Consulting Group (DAR), comments on the situation. |
Large holdings have a lot of data and a lot of users, and, therefore, the level of requirements for fault tolerance and reliability will be much higher. Therefore, it is not easy to please such companies by offering certain products. Usually, during the pilot, they ask to transfer one or two typical dashboards to the new system and look not only at the result, but also at how long it took to achieve it, how difficult it is to change something in the dashboard if necessary, what level of qualification is required for this. All this is accompanied by load tests and checks of various kinds of vulnerabilities by information security. In general, neither hard "boxes" nor super-flexible lowcode platforms are suitable here. We need a balanced BI product, tested on dozens of projects. Everything else requires very big compromises, which are difficult to encourage sophisticated professionals in BI, - shares the experience of product management Julius Goldberg, GlowByte. |
Platform developers are also aware of the need for customer support to implement and adapt their platforms. In this case, some vendors take on the tasks of implementation, which can be seen from the distribution of profits between the proceeds from the sale of licenses and the provision of additional services. Others are developing techniques that help partners and customers implement their products faster and easier.
We have developed a standard project management methodology adapted for BI. It includes project valuations in terms of BI. For example, a standardized approach to estimating the amount of work is used: how much standard and custom visualization will be required, what data is needed, and how to better prepare them. We also engage certified partners who conduct interviews, prepare technical specifications, and refine customer requests. All our partners are trained to work with the platform, know how to competently build communication with customers and form tasks. This significantly speeds up the process and improves the quality of implementation, - say LuxMS BI |
A universal approach is also being worked on at Visiology. At the ViRush 2024 conference, one of the authoritative experts of the Russian BI, Alexander Barakov, presented a new version of the BI implementation methodology and data-based management practice, which includes not only aspects of the platform implementation, but also measures to organize work with it.
Very often, problems on BI projects are associated not only and not so much with the software itself, but also with incorrectly built processes. The methodology we are working on today includes in-depth analysis of effective approaches to analytics management, data modeling for companies with different characteristics. To implement it, you need not only to choose a mature and stable BI platform, but follow the best practices of your BI development scenario, - comments Alexander Barakov, Head of BI in DataNature. |
TAdviser Overview: Market Estimates, Major Vendors and Integrators, Perspectives
The Russian BI market is in an active stage of transformation. At the end of 2023, Russian companies have not yet managed to squeeze out foreign solutions that continue to meet the need for analytics for about half of Russian customers. However, the situation continues to change, and the market is gradually moving into a new phase, when players offering mature solutions expand their spheres of influence, and new systems continue to appear in the still unoccupied niches.
Overcoming the most difficult period
2022 proved to be one of the most challenging periods for the BI sector. On the one hand, demand has continued to grow for natural reasons: for-profit companies and government organizations have a need to make decisions based on data, and without a carefully integrated and customized BI platform, this is almost impossible.
BI solutions are still actively used in those industries where the digital transformation process is actively underway and where the company becomes uncompetitive without full management and data analysis. This is telecom, retail, financial services. Also recently, we have seen growing interest in analytical solutions from pharmaceutical manufacturers, the regional banking sector and large industrial enterprises, - notes Svetlana Vronskaya, expert of the analytical solutions department of Korus Consulting Group. |
At the same time, Western vendors, including Microsoft, Qlik, Tableau, as well as integrated automation systems Oracle BI and SAP BI, left the Russian market. The niche has become vacant, but Russian BI vendors, who previously occupied no more than 10-15% of the market according to various estimates, were simply not ready to offer a full-fledged replacement for platforms that have become inaccessible.
Today, Russian organizations are forced to adapt, quickly retrain teams, look for new people, choose software for import substitution. At the same time, serious customers deeply work out the issues of architecture, sizing, and so on. But not all Russian vendors who are in great demand are ready to pay attention to the needs of each client. The developers of mature products have already built business processes, which made it possible to multiply accelerate development, they manage to improve products and increase sales. But most vendors from dozens of available BI systems are not mature. They lack people, they do not have time with product development. Stable practice and work with partners have been building for years, so the market will develop throughout 2024. Those integrators who have already managed to rebuild to domestic or open-source software showed positive dynamics even at the end of 2022, but it was very difficult, - comments Sergey Gromov, head of BI Consult and author of the study of the Russian market BI "Gromov's Circle." |
Since part of the market ended up in the "gray" zone, as well as due to the lack of a unified methodology for determining the boundaries of the BI sector, there is no single assessment yet. However, according to subjective studies conducted by various companies, market growth in 2022 could range from 10 to 20%. For example, according to the analytical agency of the company-developer of domestic software "Nota" (Holding T1), the average annual growth rate (CAGR) of the BI market in Russia in 2020-2022. amounted to approximately 13%, while the average growth of the world market - 11%. That is, the Russian market is developing faster than the global one, and given that in 2022 foreign BI solutions left the domestic market, growth for Russian manufacturers was even more significant. A study conducted in April 2023 by the Competence Center for Import Substitution in the field of ICT showed that the increase in spending on Russian software amounted to more than 70%, and purchases of foreign software decreased by 25%. At the same time, analysts at Note believe that as of October 2023, 30% of BI systems popular on the market belonged to Russian developers.
Currently, the share of domestic BI systems is in the range of 35-45% with a pronounced trend towards an increase. A number of experts, subject to unchanged market conditions, predict an increase in the domestic market share to 85% -90% in the next three years. My forecasts are more cautious - about 63-65% by the end of 2026, - the director of development and digital transformation shares the expertise RDTECH Evgeny Osminin. |
Major BI Solution Providers
GlowByte became the leader in the rating of BI system suppliers prepared by TAdviser at the end of 2023 based on the results of the corresponding revenue for 2022. Its revenues from the implementation of BI projects increased by 17.6% and reached 9.2 billion rubles. The second line of the rating of the Digital Economy League, it managed to increase revenue in the BI direction by 9.5% to 8.9 billion rubles. Both companies are ahead of all other players in the market by a notable margin.
In total, 40 companies took part in the new ranking - vendors and integrators of BI-systems. Their total revenue exceeded 37 billion rubles. More details - in a separate material.
2023 Trends and Estimates
In 2022, customers just began to look at replacing Western software, which allowed developers to understand the potential of their products and focus on market demands. And already in 2023, intensive "reviews" of Russian BI-solutions began.
Each developer has decided on their niche and development potential. Many have made a big "civilizational" leap. In 2024, the pool of solutions from the general variety will be crystallized, which will divide the main BI market, focusing on their target audience. Due to this, the demand for these solutions will increase, and, as a result, investments in the development and improvement of the products themselves, - comments, Artem Grishkovsky commercial director of the company, "Trusted Environment" developer of the BI-platform of corporate governance ("Triaflai" part of the group of companies). "National Computer Corporation" |
According to the study "Gromov's Circle" for 2023, the number of BI platforms of Russian origin increased to at least 82 units. Many niche products, as well as developments that companies made for their internal tasks, they then brought to the market. Also, some companies, having estimated the size of the resulting niche, began developing products "from scratch." Throughout 2023, they began to carry out their first implementations, and some of them can already qualify for solving certain tasks in the field of BI, but do not yet have a sufficient base of implemented projects and established best practices.
Suppliers of BI platforms, which even before the crisis had more or less mature products - for example, Visiology - have been developing their functionality all last year. The number of implementations increased, including from large corporate clients. The more customers, the more functional requests - in this regard, the "road maps" of IT solutions were expanded. Fundamentally new products on the market during this time almost did not appear. There were some attempts to create forks (branches) on the basis, Apache Superset but their functionality turned out to be quite weak - they did not take off, - comments, Maria Averina partner in management of the business analytics department. Navicon |
And although many companies are trying to delay the implementation of the new BI platform as much as possible, the market situation is pushing at least to pilot work in Russian BI systems. Working on "disconnected" Western solutions from updates creates risks, and the need to develop modern management practices creates a new wave of requests for BI.
The greatest contribution to the Russian BI market, according to our estimates, is the need for import substitution. This is due to the high share of application of foreign BI-solutions, which, according to various expert estimates, reaches 70-80% depending on the sector of the economy. We expect this trend to peak only towards the end of 2024. The observation position of 2022 in 2023 was replaced by active search, assessment, formation of requests for revision of existing solutions, selection of performers and pilot launches. And it is logical to assume that in 2024 there will be a lot of news about large-scale implementations of domestic BI systems. The second important factor stimulating the growth of the Russian BI market is the ongoing automation and digitalization, projects for data integration, the implementation and development of data management strategies and the transition to a data-driven business-building approach. And this trend will also have a huge impact on the market for at least another 3-5 years, - said Viktor Frolov, director of business development at Yuztech Group. |
And although few people voice specific figures, almost all participants in this review expect growth at the end of 2023. For example, PARMA TG estimates market growth at 20-25% due to an increase in public sector implementations and piloting analytical systems in the commercial segment.
At the same time, according to a preliminary estimate by TAdviser, the volume of the Russian BI market, including software and services, increased by 10% by the end of 2023 and reached 58.7 billion rubles. The main share here is made up of services for the implementation and support of BI systems. Also, the total volume takes into account the own developments of large companies. At the same time, in 2023, it was possible to note two clear trends that had a primary impact on the market - a noticeable increase in the share of new projects on Russian solutions and the number of new large projects on the basis of foreign products striving to zero.
Migration is on, but not too fast
Various options for maintaining the practice of working with already familiar BI platforms allow companies to delay migration. However, experts are confident that such solutions remain temporary, especially in the context of the rapid development of Russian BI systems.
The high cost of implementing BI systems, the complexity and duration of the implementation process are also a deterrent. It will always be expensive only if the new system is not a copy of a foreign counterpart. Another problem is the risk of losing a working system when switching to a new one. Customers fear that the new system may be less efficient or not cope with tasks that have been successfully solved by a foreign BI. This can lead to serious problems in the work of the company and significant losses. Some customers are considering a partial transition to a domestic system to minimize risk and reduce costs. However, this approach does not solve the problem of full replacement of foreign BI and can lead to additional costs for maintaining two systems. Finally, customers may experience data security issues. BI systems collect sensitive information and any security breaches can lead to serious consequences. To solve this problem, it is necessary to use modern methods of encryption and data protection, - said Maxim Komlev, CTO of Quillis. |
The transition to another solution involves a lot of work on migration and the allocation of rather impressive temporary, human and financial resources. At the same time, the final result at best will approach the current well-functioning system. Thus, migration cannot always be a priority for business development. However, over time, the implemented foreign solutions will become more and more outdated, and the developing Russian analogues will offer not only a replacement nameplate, but also a more modern, effective and profitable solution to business problems, - Vladimir Bakhov, partner of the Digital Economy League, expresses a similar opinion. |
New legislative initiatives should have an additional impact on the structure of the Russian BI market, which will allow to withdraw a significant part of projects from the "gray zone" and clarify the legal positions of further use of Western software.
2024 will have the main wave of migration to Russian software. Temporary licenses of Power BI, Qlik, Tableau will end. The government is also considering an initiative that introduces mandatory deductions and restrictions for users of foreign software, which will make it impossible to use unlimited licenses. Most new BI solutions in 2024 will reach the necessary maturity to accumulate the value of data, and it will no longer make sense to stay on foreign software, "said Dmitry Kiselev, CEO of Qlever Solutions. |
Expectations from 2024
Developers of BI solutions and leading integrators demonstrate an optimistic view for 2024. It is expected that based on the results of numerous tests, assessments and pilot projects, a significant number of large implementations will be formed in companies from various industries.
Last year, the number of pilot projects for the creation of BI systems based on domestic products increased sharply. Many companies test several solutions at once and plan to choose the most suitable ones based on the results of the tests. Towards the end of 2024, most such projects can develop into full-scale implementations. This will entail significant growth - 2024 may become a record for the BI market due to the massive transition to domestic solutions of large industrial enterprises, - said Mikhail Rozhkov, Director of the Business Development Department of PARMA TG. |
In 2024, intensive implementation will begin, the pace of which should multiply in 2025. The main consumers are resource-producing, processing, generating companies, defense industry enterprises and government agencies, that is, companies and organizations that have felt the impact of sanctions and directly form the country's main GDP, - explains the expectations of active growth Artem Grishkovsky, commercial director of Trusted Environment. |
Vendors of the most popular systems today also feel confident and actively invest resources in the development of their own products. Including due to the expansion of functionality and growth of compliance of Russian BI systems with foreign counterparts, further growth of the number of projects and the capacity of the Russian BI market will be ensured.
Large Russian companies are switching to Russian solutions, many of them create their own, some prefer open source or custom solutions. In 2024, the general trend of recent years will continue: there will be no foreign companies, the Russian market will continue to grow, competition will remain strong. Small market players will become weaker, those who are already in a strong position will continue to strengthen it. Trends in the BI market in 2024: an increase in the quality and functionality of products. In other words, narrow tools give way to wide ones, the emphasis is on improving visualizations, "said Dmitry Mitko, executive director of Polymatica (SL Soft). |
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70% of BI systems popular in Russia were developed by foreign vendors
On October 12, 2023, the analytical agency of the domestic software company NOTA (T1 Holding) presented an analysis of the Russian market for BI systems - a set of business tools for collecting and processing data. The study was based on the Register of Domestic Software, industry ratings of companies and data from open sources. The research subjects were 30 key software products and their current and potential consumers from more than 350 companies in the country's digitalization priorities .
As of October 2023, 70% of BI systems popular in the market belong to foreign developers. The remaining 30% are Russian-made products. Only half of them are included in the Register of Domestic Software and can be used by the public sector and companies with state participation.
TOP-3 areas with the highest number of steel implementations retail (67%), (power industry 60%) and (metallurgical industry 53%). Most often, BI tools are used, and: pharmaceutics automotive industry mining they account for 17% and 20%, respectively.
Along with the implemented implementations, the team analyzed the functionality of each of the BI systems under consideration across 74 functional parameters, including the ability to work with different data formats, integration with other systems, and approaches to process monitoring.
So, only 4 out of 30 solutions have functionality close to the reference, that is, with the maximum possible of the parameters under consideration. At the same time, 24 software products are cross-functional, that is, they can be used in various sectors of the economy.
The average growth of the BI market in the Russian Federation from 2020 to 2022 was 13%, while the average growth of the global market was 11%. And although now 70% of solutions belong to foreign players, domestic developers are actively included in the race. In 2024, we expect an increase in the number of Russian developments related to the import substitution policy and the general trend for the popularization of domestic IT products, "said Anastasia Ryzhkova, head of the analytical agency of the domestic software company NOTA (Holding T1). |
Russian BI Market: Active Transformation Stage. TAdviser 2022 review
The coronavirus pandemic following each other, which radically changed the state of all markets without exception in 2020, and the mass withdrawal of companies from Russia in 2022 created special conditions for the development of IT. At the same time, the demand for data-based analysis and management capabilities in a constantly changing situation has shown significant growth. 2021 was the most intermediate period during which some companies increased the pace of supply and implementation of the most popular BI systems, while others developed and adapted Russian analogues. In the new review, we assess the results of 2021, as well as the changes and preliminary results of 2022.
The rise of 2021
At the end of 2021, the market experienced serious growth. The business understands that data needs not just to be collected in accounting systems, but used, analyzed, and the request for BI after 2020 is growing continuously. That is why in 2020 system integrators saw a lot of new customers, and those companies that planned to implement BI earlier, most often, did not abandon their plans. Yes, in 2022 there were dramatic changes, but compared to 2020, these events and uncertainty did not scare the business at all. After covid, we were all morally ready for a severely changing situation around, and the next sharp turn was only an additional argument that the introduction of BI is necessary. In addition, we are seeing the birth of new BI products within vendors that were not previously engaged in business analytics. In the near future, ecosystems will gain turnover, where in addition to BI assembly there will be other technological capabilities, - said Samir Ilyasov, Director of Development of BI and RPA "First Bit." |
Immediately after the pandemic, there was a significant rise in the BI market. Its prerequisites were laid down during the coronavirus restrictions, when managers began to look for tools for collecting information and making decisions in real time, while being in a remote workplace.
According to TAdviser, the volume of the Russian market for BI systems, including software and services, by the end of 2021 increased by 16% and reached 45 billion rubles. At the same time, the total volume takes into account, among other things, the own developments of large companies.
A number of market participants give comparable estimates. In particular, at the annual ViRush conference held by Visiology, the overall results of the BI market in 2021 were estimated at 35-45 billion rubles, including licenses for BI, related software and implementation and support services.
According to the estimates of the analytical company Axenix (ex-Accenture), the total sales and implementation of BI products and platforms in Russia in 2021 amounted to 30 billion to 40 billion rubles, and most of the implementation projects accounted for, according to Axenix, Western development platforms.
2021 for the Russian market of BI systems showed growth exceeding world dynamics, according to our estimates 17%, - notes Roman Shchapov, Commercial Director of Goodt (Gudt). - A significant increase occurred in the state sector, which follows the import substitution program . In the commercial sector, there is a gradual "growing up" of top management in terms of analytics, the requirements for the quality of data and their visual presentation are increasing. There are cases when the term "situation center" applicable, rather, for state institutions arises from commercial companies. And it is also necessary to quickly respond to market changes, the behavior of consumers and competitors, and make decisions based on data. |
At the same time, BI Consult experts believe that in their reports many integrators overestimate the cost of BI, including the introduction of additional software and the solution of common infrastructure problems, including the development and creation of modern data warehouses. Therefore, according to BI Consult, the total volume of the BI market in Russia in 2020-2021 ranged from 10 to 30 billion rubles.
The largest participants in the Russian market BI
If we consider Russian participants in the BI-systems market in terms of total revenue from the implementation of BI-projects, then the clear leaders are 2 companies - the Digital Economy League and GlowByte. The first implements both its own BI solutions and the products of other developers. The second focuses on the execution of projects exclusively using third-party BI systems.
The top 10 largest BI suppliers on the Russian market, including vendors and integrators, can be found in the infographic below. A hollow rating is available at.
Sharp U-turn towards Russian BI
2022 was a turning point for the Russian BI market. And if earlier the vast majority of projects were implemented on the basis of Western business analytics platforms, now it is impossible to continue working in this direction, because the developers of these solutions - Microsoft, Qlik, Tableau, SAP, IBM, Oracle, left the Russian market, leaving local customers and system integrators a whole heap of problems. Under current conditions, vendors and integrators continue to receive a whole stream of requests for demonstration, testing and testing of platforms that can replace the already familiar BI solutions from world leaders.
Even before the beginning of 2022, we received regular requests for migration opportunities from other platforms. This question was of interest both to our partners, of which today there are more than 200, and potential customers. Therefore, long before February, a development was carried out aimed at satisfying migration requests. For example, support for the DAX analytical language has become one of the key factors that companies that previously worked with Microsoft Power BI draw attention to. However, it should be borne in mind that today no Russian platform can offer a complete alternative to Western solutions that have developed for decades and created entire ecosystems of related products. But IT companies and system integrators have already found a way out of this situation and have begun to combine the most suitable Russian and open solutions for each specific situation. Thus, the Visiology platform is often implemented along with the universal ETL tool Loginom or a powerful data store, for example, Arenadata. The use of partner, pre-integrated solutions allows you to quickly solve migration problems when the customer does not have time for long-term experiments, - said Alexey Nikitin, CEO of Visiology. |
Given the current situation, those integrators who, even before the beginning of 2022, worked with Russian platforms, including Innodata, PolyAnalytics, First Bit, YuzTech Group of Companies, BI Consult, Korus Consulting, CROC, Sapran, GMCS and others, were in more advantageous conditions.
It was easier to adapt to companies that had previously studied or already started migrating to domestic BI solutions, of which there were a sufficient number on the market. And there is frankly little expertise. Only now the situation is gradually stabilizing, many teams began to study domestic solutions or open-source, more real examples of migration from Western systems appeared, - said Trifonov Alexander, head of analytical systems, I-Teco, - As a contractor, we felt a flurry of requests from customers to search for domestic alternatives in the BI field. Domestic BI vendors felt an even greater load, which sometimes negatively affects feedback for customers. Some chaos is present in the market to this moment, but it is gradually stabilizing. |
On the other hand, those companies that themselves were developers of BI platforms, for example, Forsyth, Polymatica, LuxmsBI, Visiology, Megaputer Intelligence, Digital Economy League, Goodt (Goodt) and a number of others, gained strong positions. In fact, today the competition for these solutions is either open source products (adaptation, implementation and support of which require a lot of effort), or products from Chinese vendors, for example, FineBI - such solutions can be used by companies that are not limited to import substitution requirements and are ready to take risks associated with foreign origin software.
{{quote 'In 2022, the Russian BI market has changed dramatically, comparing it in numbers with the 2021 market is practically useless. Risks were realized that the business and IT had not previously believed in or taken into account. Western leaders of the BI market left Russia, creating both problems for customers and opportunities for Russian vendors. But none of the Russian vendors in reality was ready for this. All Russian vendors until February 2022 were rather niche players and did not really compete with foreign leaders. Therefore, despite the unique opportunity, most could not quickly rebuild and offer customers a real alternative. Therefore, many customers either postponed BI import substitution, or bought temporary Chinese clones, which were not subject to sanctions in 2022.
Understanding the situation, we launched PIX BI, which gave users the usual high-quality functionality. The key drivers of PIX BI are a team that previously worked for Qlik for 10-15 years, and users who are already accustomed to Qlik/Tableau/Power BI and wanted to get in return not semi-finished products, but the same, but without risks for the company. And our primary task was to ensure stability and quality, which were in the usual solutions. First - we do no worse than Qlik, and then - innovations and improvements. In PIX BI, we bet on simplicity as the market needs results here and now. Judging by the results and feedback, our bet worked, - said Vyacheslav Musolov, commercial director of PIX Robotics.
Of the 100% of companies that used foreign software Qlik, Tableau, Power BI, approximately 30% remained on the same products. The rest either refused to use BI at all, or considered and implemented Russian or other software available today. |
In addition, in the last year alone, a number of new names appeared on the market that decided to develop their own BI platform from scratch, or decided to license foreign software under the OEM scheme in order to offer consumers more opportunities. The current market situation does not allow assessing how relevant the use of software may be, the copyright holders of which are located in countries that continue to maintain a sanctions policy, but the proposals of such systems further expand the already difficult choice for users.
Competition in the market of BI systems will definitely intensify, dozens of companies will apply for the vacated niches. New and no-name companies will appear and have already appeared, claiming to be vendors of BI systems. Customers in this situation will not be envied. Market transparency is not high, the quality of ratings produced by the media strives for garbage. It will take time for testing and pilot projects to make the right choice, - added Roman Shchapov, commercial director of Goodt. |
Lowering Entry Threshold and Training
The problem faced by Russian companies is a shortage of specialists. The long-term dominance of Western vendors in the BI system market could not but affect the number of trained personnel and the size of communities. Thus, by the end of 2021, the vast majority of business analysts were ready to work with Microsoft Power BI. However, there were not many specialists in Russian platforms. Starting from March 2022, the active accumulation of expertise, the formation of new knowledge centers and the development of communities began, but this process cannot go too quickly, therefore, the correspondence of Russian products to foreign counterparts plays an important role in the development of BI.
Today, a huge number of PowerBI specialists can be found in the labor market. They are used to using the DAX language in their work and do not want to lose the developments already made. That is why we set out to maximize DAX support in the new Visiology 3.0 platform. At the same time, a transition was made to a new visual scheme for working with data models. This approach significantly reduces the entry threshold for working with the new system for both analysts and BI business users, and this applies to both migration from foreign platforms and new implementations. In addition to this, in 2022 we saw a significant expansion of the Visiology community in Russia and the rapid growth of the partner network. IT companies that worked earlier with foreign products began to master Russian solutions and actually formed a whole network of competence centers throughout the country, which allow adapting the Visiology platform to the requests of almost any customer, "said Ivan Vakhmyanin, Managing Partner of Visiology. |
Other vendors are actively working with their communities. For example, the launch of the Insight Community site is scheduled for 2023, which will include a knowledge base, blogs, news and a forum for sharing product knowledge. According to data collected in the Russian BI community, groups of users of various BI systems in Russian in Telegram have shown significant growth for Russian solutions and continue to expand.
The situation on the labor market is also interesting. According to experts, who collect statistics on vacancies, by 2022 there was first a noticeable decrease in demand for specialists in working with Western platforms, but then for some of them there was again an increase in the number of vacancies. Requests mentioning foreign vendors Power BI, Tableau, Qlik from March 2022 to May 2022 decreased by 31%, but by the fall there was a slight recovery in demand for specialists in working with solutions already unavailable in Russia.
{{quote "A large number of Russian organizations either have long software support contracts (in Qlik Sense, for example, a long contract reaches three years) or have perpetual product licenses, which allows using programs without restrictions until they are completely obsolete or equal in function to domestic software. A further decrease in the number of vacancies with the mention of foreign systems will be facilitated primarily by the transition to domestic software and open source software. For example, the number of vacancies with the mention of Russian tools and the number of vacancies with the mention of Open Source increased from March to November by 20%. From March 2022 to November 2022, the Tableau tool lost the most jobs (-330 vacancies, -31% of March). The leader in significant growth is the Open Source product Apache Superset (+ 126 vacancies, + 233%), - Igor Burobin, head of ProfiBI, comments on the situation. }}
Market outlook
In 2022, due to the departure of Western vendors, interest in Russian BI systems sharply increased. This is especially noticeable on the example of large companies with state participation, where there is a clear course on import substitution of foreign software.
In this regard, we should expect the continuation of the growth of the Russian market - not explosive, but significant, since in the absence of Western players, companies still need to increase operational efficiency, make informed informed decisions. The key areas that will focus on the developers of BI systems in the coming years will be the formalization of industry practices, the unification of performance indicators and the focus on end consumers. An important aspect in the development of BI solutions will be information security. Of course, the trend towards the development of self-service capabilities in BI platforms will continue, - notes Alexey Mednikov, Director of Innovation at Luxms Group of Companies. |
Forsyth is observing an active reorientation of integrators. They very carefully study the proposals of Russian software developers - they consider Russian developments, choose the most mature, ready to actively develop and enter the market with new offers. Also, the specificity of the moment is that now customers have a limited time resource for choosing and building new systems, while they have concerns about the transition to new products.
Indeed, a complete analogue of the Western solution used is unlikely to be implemented: Russian products differ from Western ones in terms of functionality and technological properties. But a new solution will be implemented, which will be aimed at current business tasks and will no longer depend on sanctions. During this period, customers are actively studying the possibilities of Russian BI products, testing, when a number of vendors are given a task, and vendors must prove that their tool is able to solve it. Accordingly, the next stage will be the period of active implementations and the transition to industrial operation of systems based on Russian BI, - comments on the situation Yulia Kudryavtseva, Director of Strategic Development of Forsyth. |
Vendors that provided TAdviser with estimates of their 2022 earnings noted some growth or continued revenue levels. Integrators also reported both growth and a decrease in expected revenue from BI projects. Such phenomena are associated with the fact that while some IT companies have already accumulated experience in working with Russian, open source and Chinese products, others are only still acquiring similar competencies and are developing their expertise.
Now you clearly feel the interest of large customers in replacing complex BI systems. Customers strive to create complete BI solutions on large data stores, with their help to build visualization and reporting, predict and solve application problems. You are asked for flexibility, ease of implementation of predictive models, and quick communication of results to the user, as well as advanced analytics. I believe that in 2023 the transition to a domestic product will increase by 25-30%, since 2022 has already shown good dynamics, and companies have begun to trust BI solutions developed in our country, "summarizes Vladimir Bakhov, partner of the Digital Economy League. |
Despite the fact that Western systems have left the market, the vast majority of players do not predict a multiple increase in sales of Russian BIs. This is due to the fact that many companies continue to work with old BI platforms, find workarounds for their renewal and independently cope with the problems of lack of support, maintenance and product updates.
It can hardly be said that now the number of projects on BI-migration has increased sharply - rather, this is in the plans and not even especially short-term. It is not so easy to abandon a long-implemented system, which has spent a lot of resources, and which still continues to work, despite the lack of technical support from the vendor. But as for new projects, the focus is obvious here only on Russian suppliers, if only because it is almost impossible to purchase licenses for Western software. There are more and more Russian vendors, among the most famous and well-established are Visiology, Forsyth, Polymatica, Luxms BI, Modus BI and others. All of them are developing dynamically, and if Russian BI platforms as a whole lag behind foreign ones in maturity, then their flexibility, openness and readiness of the supplier to adapt, finalize their solution to the customer's requirements is a clear advantage, "explains Olga Gorchinskaya, director of research projects at FORCE - Development Center (FORS GROUP). |
The ecosystem of Russian solutions is still being formed, and sales of Western products in 2022 were difficult, some of the projects went into the "gray zone." Considering that not all Russian companies reported growth, at the end of the past year there may even be a slight decline, because the cost of licenses and projects using Western software was significant.
Growth will continue, but it is unlikely to be explosive. I think that it will be fixed within 10%, a maximum of 15%. It is even more difficult to guess for 2023 - the market situation is too unstable for forecasts. By the beginning of 2023, most of the companies will already have some clarity with the selected BI solutions for further digitalization. Obviously, there will be a jump in demand for integrators with developed design experience and high-quality industry expertise, - Dmitry Sysoev, director of the management consulting department of Norbit (part of the LANIT group), CEO of ABC Consulting, assesses the market growth potential . |
Based on the data provided by TAdviser by the review participants, as well as on open sources of information and estimates of analytical agencies, it can be assumed that the growth of the Russian BI market by the end of 2022 is unlikely to exceed 10% relative to the level of 2021 and will not be able to overcome the milestone of 50 billion rubles. 2023 will show approximately the same results, but the market structure itself will change dramatically - both in terms of the ratio between the cost of licenses and services, and the share of integrators and software suppliers.
Today, the prospects for the growth of the number of projects on Russian BI platforms are obvious, and all experts agree that by the end of 2023 there will be a redistribution of the market. We will observe the abandonment of expensive software such as SAP or Oracle. But only time will show whether the Russian BI market can show growth higher than 10%. For example, Ivan Vakhmyanin, managing partner of Visiology, predicts that the market volume will remain at the level of 50 billion rubles in 2023 with a radical change in the distribution of income.
The same opinion about the redistribution of the market is shared by the Director General of BI Consult and the author of the annual study of Russian BI-systems "Gromov Circle" Sergey Gromov. According to the expert, in 2022 there was a drawdown in license sales and many companies began to use open source solutions, including add-ons over Postgres or Appache Superset, so that costs will move from the category of licenses and support to the field of development and implementation.
The activation of the Russian BI market is taking place on an incredible scale. The number of domestic platforms for business analytics has more than doubled over the past year. State structures and enterprises of critical infrastructure have no alternatives and are already introducing Russian BI platforms. Also, business representatives are not ready to put up with the risks of continuing to work on Western platforms. But at the same time, there are many companies that continue to use previously acquired solutions, and some continue to purchase licenses and transfer system maintenance to the CIS countries, where support for familiar platforms is also available, and there is an opportunity to renew licenses. They are not ready to compromise on functionality and expect from Russian BI vendors the rapid development of functionality and proposals for migration with minimal difficulties and costs.
However, in any case, the demand for Russian BI platforms has grown multiply, and those players who can show the greatest stability and functionality of their solutions will offer ready-made implementation and migration cases will definitely receive additional market share.
Go to the main page of the TAdviser overview "BI-systems in Russia" > > >
Forecast of growth of domestic analytics systems market by 10-12% for the year
Analysts of the system integrator and developer Navicon predicted the development of the Russian market for BI systems. The company announced this on June 28, 2022. According to the company's experts, the segment of domestic BI solutions will grow by 10-12% by the end of the year. In 2023, when more successful migration cases appear on the market, and the business ceases to fear the problems of "raw" software, the market development rate will increase by at least 30-35%. For comparison, according to analysts, the global BI market will grow steadily by 8-10% per year in the near future.
The company notes that the demand for import-independent Russian solutions from Navicon customers has grown by 50%. About 40% of customers announced plans to migrate to domestic software in the near future, primarily banks, retail and telecom companies. They depend more than other companies on the stability of analytical systems.
In Russia, interest in analytics began to grow rapidly during the pandemic. Large companies that had already accumulated significant amounts of data by that time, using BI solutions, were looking for ways to more effectively manage resources and financial flows, and establish logistics. Preference was given to three foreign vendors - Microsoft, Tableau, QlikTech. Large customers are accustomed to a certain level of service and reliability of global brands. The share of domestic software in the Russian BI market until February 2022 was, according to Navicon estimates, no more than 10%.
The situation changed when foreign vendors began to suspend their activities in Russia. They limited technical support and access to updates, stopped shipping new licenses. For users, this meant the inability to scale: expand the number of users, develop the functionality of systems.
Navicon believes that Russian manufacturers will be able to offer worthy alternatives to foreign analytical solutions. In general, the domestic BI market in recent years has developed along the same trajectory as the global one. On some Russian platforms, by the beginning of 2022, it was possible to build BI projects for fairly large customers. In total, about 20 manufacturers are engaged in the development of BI solutions in Russia.
However, Russian products are not yet able to completely replace foreign platforms. We have quality visualization tools, but lack comprehensive analytical systems that address all data processing and interpretation challenges and easily integrate with the rest of the company's IT ecosystem.
In addition, few Russian manufacturers develop cloud and self-service solutions. The fact is that in Russia there is a rather low confidence in such products on the part of users, and investing in their creation for many years was unprofitable. The market wasn't ready. In the context of acute iron shortages and personnel shortages, these are the most priority and commercially effective areas for the development of analytical solutions.
For about a year and a half, companies will be able to support foreign IT solutions. This will give the necessary "head start" for domestic developers who, as of June 2022, are refining their products or bringing new BI tools to the market. For example, we at Navicon recently introduced our own Decision Intelligence Delta BI class system. One of the most frequent requests from our clients is domestic decisions that support the adoption of management decisions online. This is extremely important in conditions of economic instability. Delta BI aims to address this issue, "said Maria Averina, Business Intelligence Department Management Partner at Navicon. |
2021: Russian BI market: development features and key trends
Dynamics estimates
The Russian market for BI systems has shown positive dynamics over the past few years. Almost all experts from this market asked for TAdviser notice this. In their opinion, the pandemic somewhat slowed down the growth rate, but this is perhaps the only negative effect of the new reality. In terms of quality, the business intelligence segment won much more than lost, as it awakened the customer's interest in predicting the development of the situation based on data from various sources.
The market of Russian BI systems is showing positive dynamics, says Nikolai Bekhterev, CEO of Modus BI. - Already in the second half of 2020 it became obvious that gradually suspended projects will resume |
Artem Grishkovsky, commercial director of Trust Wednesday (part of the Gro up of company Systematica), also sees positive market growth this year. The expert notes at the same time that the coronavirus pandemic has less painfully affected the growth rate of the BI market in comparison with other IT industries.
Roman Dzvinko, Executive Director of the SPC "BusinessAutomatics," notes the growth of revenue of market leaders at the end of last year.
The revenue of the leaders of the analytics funds market in 2020, despite the pandemic, increased. The market also continues to grow this year. Analytics will be gradually introduced by companies into all business processes - it complements. |
Sapiens.Solutions CEO Yuri Efarov notes that the company works mainly with the banking sector and retail, and notes great growth in these industries.
The banking sector has traditionally been a data locomotive, and over the past couple of years, some banks have been starting, including developing their own ecosystem of different products, he says. - And the first thing that allows you to more accurately place accents and more targeted to offer products is the accumulated data. In retail, I think, the high bar set by Ozon, Yandex and other marketplaces affects. To remain competitive, retail chains are forced to use all possible resources, including BI. And both for maintaining sales and for end-to-end analytics, which allows you to make decisions based on specific data |
Vladimir Bakhov, partner of the Digital Economy League, Director of Innovative Technologies Practice, focuses on the active digitalization of new business sectors and the state, which supports interest in BI, and the great potential of AI in terms of supporting the positive dynamics of market development.
Every day we receive more and more diverse data from various channels, - says the expert. - AI methods for analyzing and working with data are still not widespread in the market, although they are an effective way to monetize data and help create more convenient and high-quality services for end consumers |
SAP CISA Executive Director Petunin connects the steady trend of growing interest in analytics with the pandemic, when companies begin to look for alternative sources of income through data analysis, optimize supply chains and redistribute financial flows.
Maxim Ozerov, director of analytics projects at Navicon, recalls that many processes went online during the pandemic, which led to an increase in the role of analytics. People began to leave a digital footprint more often, the key factor was the ability to analyze this data and effectively use the results of the analysis. This has led to a significant increase in the number of projects for creating data warehouses and implementing BI platforms.
Julius Goldberg, head of GlowByte, is also optimistic about the situation. He notes the growth of the market in recent years by an order of magnitude, largely due to the growing demand for self-service systems (self-service BI) and the increased interest in business analytics among enterprises in the SMB segment.
The trend on self-service BI is gaining momentum, so there are more users, reports and dashboards, the expert says. - Two or three years ago there were hundreds of BI users and dozens of dashboards, today in large companies there are already thousands of users and hundreds of dashboards - an increase of an order of magnitude. The growth of the market is also facilitated by the emergence of interest in BI among companies in the SMB segment. They buy several user licenses (sometimes enough and one) and start using BI instead of Excel |
A certain dissonance against the background of other expert opinions sounded the assessment of the director of Loginom Company Alexei Arustamov, who noted that last year the company felt a decline in the market. This is partly due to the fact that most of the company's clients are non-state companies, and they had to be especially difficult, the expert suggested. However, this year there is a serious rise associated not only with deferred demand, but also with an increase in interest in analytics, he concluded.
Differences between the Russian market and the world market
At the same time, in terms of dynamics and growth rates, the Russian BI market is in line with global trends, although it lags behind in a number of aspects. This is also evidenced by experts who commented on the main features of the Russian BI market at the request of TAdviser.
The Russian business analytics market is developing according to the same canons as the world one - this is recognized by most experts. At the same time, they state a lag in a number of areas - for example, in terms of the use of cloud platforms. And, of course, everyone talks about the specifics of the Russian market in the form of import substitution. There are other features of the business analytics market in Russia in comparison with the world one. Some experts even categorically argue that the paths of the Russian and global BI-development markets differ.
Artem Grishkovsky, Trusted Environment, notes a large share of BI projects in the state segment. This led, in his assessment, to the emergence of a number of boxed BI solutions that are absent in Western products.
The second feature is a longer path to realizing the need for a special product for business analysis, says the expert. - Now our market has come to the realization that the data themselves in the original form do not carry any value, but serve only as a tool for obtaining new knowledge for the basis of high-quality and fast management decisions |
Nikolai Bekhterev confirms that the development of the Russian segment of BI systems is systematically following global trends. He notes that a number of state BI projects on the Russian market are distinguished by their large scale, the number of business users and sources of information.
Roman Dzvinko sees specifics in a fragmentary approach to automation and segmentation of BI development directions.
The main specifics of the Russian BI implementation market is that most companies use several isolated business analysis systems in their work, which solve the problems of individual users, departments and departments, he says. - Western customers, as a rule, implement an analytical system, which is a single digital space for the entire enterprise. In this regard, the Russian market of BI-systems has a segmentation of development directions |
Svetlana Vronskaya, an expert at the analytical solutions department of Korus Consulting Group, notes that in some areas the Russian BI market is even ahead of Western ones, for example, in the use of BI tools by medium and small businesses.
Yulia Kudryavtseva, director of strategic development at Forsyth, states that, despite import substitution, the product requirements of Russian large customers are the same as those of Western customers (work with big data, detailed analysis, streaming analytics, etc.). In addition, she notes the trend towards the creation by large Russian customers of internal competence centers for their needs, the search for optimal ways of automation with a combination of both proprietary solutions and products based on open source software.
Alexey Petunin states a certain lag in the Russian market in terms of the use of clouds, logically linking this with regulatory regulation, a special attitude to cross-border data transfer. In this regard, among Russian customers, the use of analytical systems within corporate landscapes, or the use of private clouds, prevails more.
On the same basis - the peculiarities of local regulation - Dmitry Kiselev, General Director of Clover Solutions, categorically states that the paths of the world and Russian markets for analytical solutions differ.
The leaders of the global market for analytical platforms are quickly moving towards the cloud, they want to sell their products based on the SaaS model, which are hosted in foreign data centers, the expert says. - The use of such platforms by Russian buyers can lead to regulatory risks. This applies, first of all, to large companies with state participation - it is they who today make a very large contribution to the volume and growth of the Russian business analytics market |
Viktor Golovanov, General Director of IT Pro, explains the lag by the fact that until recently there was no data for analytics in most Russian companies, since ERP, CRM, WMS systems were not implemented, etc. However, over the past 2-3 years, the expert notes, the situation has changed dramatically, and now the accumulation of data in accounting systems acquires avalanche dynamics. Moreover, this affects not only large business, but also most of the average.
Dmitry Sysoev, director consulting of the management and BI department of the company (Norbitol group), LANIT notes the following feature of the use of business analytics in: it Russia is used for other than its main purpose. That is, not for data analysis, search for deviations and patterns, but for collecting a data store for other systems, cleaning data, forming a printed version of the report.
The head of the BI department of GMCS, Alexei Suchkov, states that in Russia most users and companies as a whole are accustomed to attracting IT specialists to create analytical dashboards and reports in the BI system, and are not yet ready to abandon this in order to work in Self-services mode, as is customary in the West. An approach is common where each business unit has its own analyst and report developer. He is deeply immersed in business processes, well understands the problems and in close cooperation with users is engaged in solving the problems of this division
Growth drivers
Among the main growth factors of the domestic BI market, our experts call the digitalization of the public sector, import substitution, an increase in the volume of digital data - including those generated by IoT devices, sensors, cameras, improving the quality of Russian BI systems and, of course, a pandemic.
Nikolay Bekhterev, Modus BI, states that the growth of the market of domestic BI-systems in Russia for several years was provided by state customers. Today there is demand from large industrial as well as financial companies. This was largely facilitated by the pandemic, which showed that analytics is a popular tool in the era of turbulence.
General Director of Luxms Group Sergey Shestakov highlights 3 key drivers:
Firstly, digitalization is gaining pace, and in this process BI with support for end-to-end control of indicators becomes the most important component of the modern management system. Secondly, the pandemic has literally "pushed" many processes online, in connection with which interest in embedding BI in various systems has increased. Thirdly, the impact of import substitution is increasingly felt - a number of large customers are actively testing and planning to implement targeted BI tools. More attention has been paid to BI compatibility with domestic OS and hardware. It is gratifying to note an increase in confidence in Russian vendors. We try to meet high expectations and requirements as much as possible. |
Artem Grishkovsky, Trusted Environment (Group of company Systematica), focuses on the rapid growth of digital data stored in different information systems in his commentary on this issue. This leads to a complication of the IT landscape and, accordingly, a complication of the process of extracting new knowledge. But the most significant driver was the active process of digitalization in the public sector, the expert admits.
Roman Dzvinko, SPC "BusinessAutomatics," reminds of the close relationship between business analytics and big data. The volume of unstructured data used for analysis and generated by IoT devices, sensors, cameras is growing, and this provides a high demand for big data solutions.
Also, democratization of technologies plays its role in the development of the BI market, the expert adds. - In addition, the needs of Russian enterprises are changing, there is a complication of analytics processes and an increase in the requirements for the speed of data acquisition and processing, for their visualization and quality. Therefore, the market constantly needs to develop new high-tech and adaptable solutions. We must not forget about the import substitution policy, which is also one of the factors in the growth of the BI market |
Improving the quality of domestic BI-systems notes Vladimir Bakhov, "Digital Economy League." He states that domestic products in terms of their characteristics are gradually becoming on a par with Western ones. This greatly enhances the selection of a subcontractor when purchasing a BI system. Often, Russian developers can provide not only a technically equipped product, but also a number of other advantages: better support, a transparent process for formalizing contractual relations, attractive prices.
Julius Goldberg, GlowByte also sees a qualitative improvement in the characteristics of domestic BI. He states that the top three leaders of the BI market have not changed - these are Tableau, Power BI and Qlik, while Russian BIs on a market scale cannot compete with them. At the same time, he considers improving the quality of domestic BI systems an important positive factor in market growth, noting at the same time an increase in the activity of Russian players.
It was by the beginning of 21 that a number of Russian BI vendors pulled the functionality and architecture to a level where BI projects can already be built on such platforms even for fairly large customers, he says. - This is a positive factor, since it is large projects and customers that allow the vendor to get the necessary amount of finance to accelerate development and competition with market leaders |
Three growth factors of BI are distinguished by Alexey Petunin, SAP CIS. He connects two of them with the development of the ERP market. The first factor is the requirement for automation and transparency of business processes in connection with the development of the ERP market, the second is a large number of requests for built-in analytics within corporate ERP solutions, and the third is an increase in demand for predictive (predictive) data analysis in connection with the pandemic.
The pandemic has increased demand for analytics and predictive data analysis. Previously built models stopped working due to a new reality, disruption of supply chains and a change in sales models. Accordingly, there is a request for more flexibility, ease of implementation of predictive models and quick transfer of results to the user, advanced analytics - he explains. |
Svetlana Vronskaya, KORUS Consulting Group, considers the development of technologies to be one of the main growth factors. The drivers of the market were, first of all, new trends in the technological field, namely, the introduction of artificial intelligence in working with data. An important factor is the vector for the work of business users in self service BI analytical systems, without the involvement of professional IT specialists or analysts.
Maxim Ozerov, Navicon, draws attention to the fact that analytics is becoming a tool for more and more employees, so companies are looking for a BI partner with whom you can develop a culture of working with data, in which the user of a BI system is not necessarily a professional analyst.
Yulia Kudryavtseva, Forsyth, notes that import substitution as the main driver of the BI market has features: the interest of large customers in the integrated replacement of complex BI systems. There is a transition from solving individual problems to a system approach, when customers seek to create complex, complex BI solutions on large data stores, and with their help build visualization, reporting, predict, solve application problems.
Read more about the technological trends and prospects for the development of BI systems here.
Negative factors
Among the main negative factors of the Russian BI market, according to the survey, are the economic crisis, sanctions, and the underdevelopment of cloud BI services. All experts who participated in the study, without exception, confirm the shortage of personnel in the industry and its large negative impact on the market.
Nikolay Bekhterev, Modus BI, states that the increased demand for IT specialists in 2020-2021 determined the increase in the cost of projects for the implementation, development and support of BI systems. The pandemic has registered an even greater shortage of personnel in the market, which negatively affects the development of the entire Russian IT sector. According to the expert, Russian BI systems developing in the concept of self-service are able to mitigate the acute shortage of personnel. They do not require specialized knowledge and make analytics available to the customer's business users.
Artem Grishkovsky, Trusted Environment (Group of company Systematica), draws attention to the reluctance of customers to form a special data study team and the actual lack of customer interest in machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI).
As a result, most customers look at pictures that can be obtained quickly, without immersion, but do not pay attention to technology and flexibility. A lot of advertising words sound about ML and AI, but in fact there is practically no demand for these technologies. Accordingly, investments from developers in their development do not go, "he explains. |
About the lack of simple implementation of a good BI system, even if it is an analytical self-service system, and the obligation to solve many related issues, including organizational ones, says Julius Goldberg, GlowByte.
There is an opinion that it is enough just to buy a good BI-solution of the self-service class and then everything will be fine: users themselves will make beautiful and comfortable dashboards, but in practice it doesn't work out like that, "the expert says. - In parallel with the introduction of BI, you need to solve many organizational questions: design system, dashboard templates, data certification, data access organization, user community, training of new users and a number of others. Without this, the company can be overwhelmed by a muddy stream of a huge number of motley reports and dashboards made on the principle of "who is what Gorazd," which are almost impossible to understand without attracting numerous authors and the relevance of data in which is incomprehensible |
Roman Dzvinko, SPC "BusinessAutomatics," notes the negative impact of such global factors as the economic crisis and sanctions - these factors lead to budget cuts, freezing or cancellation of some IT projects. Inhibiting the development of BI and "patchwork" automation, which is carried out in most Russian companies.
Yuri Efarov, Sapiens.Solutions, defines the transition to open source solutions for building analytical platforms and data warehouses as a strong market trend. He notes that the main reason for this is expectations from the implementation of analysis and data processing of direct benefits - revenue growth, cost reduction, increased process speed. However, there is a certain danger in this that should be remembered. The expert recommends carefully choosing architectures for analytical platforms, finding a balance between vendor and free solutions, which will allow you to control the cost of solutions and benefit from data.
The negative side of open-source is that companies have to, in fact, become IT companies, since they need to hire developers for different technologies, business analysts, organize full-fledged DevOps and support their solutions, the expert says. 'It's all complicated and expensive. And, unfortunately, there is a standard "IT" syndrome, when developers and architects want to try more and more new technologies that may not give the desired result |
Dmitry Kiselev, Clover Solutions, noting, like all experts, the rapid growth of salaries in the industry and the shortage of specialists, highlighted two more negatives: gaps in the work of analysts trained in the ambulance, and such a phenomenon as the sale of "emptiness."
Companies that have lost a critical mass of customers sometimes start selling emptiness. First, they take projects, and then they look for resources or subcontracting for them. The customer sees the portfolio and trades for the size of the hour rate, but the result is disappointment and a round of distrust of IT service providers, "he explains. |
Qualitative progress
The task of the BI system is not to process the data, but to ensure that the results of this processing help make the right decision for the business, our experts note. Therefore, classic BI systems migrate towards decision support systems. Experts call the development of vendors in the field of advanced analytics, increasing the availability of reporting through various devices as noticeable advances in the market.
Artem Grishkovsky, Trusted Environment (Group of company Systematica), states that the market is moving away from the classic concepts of business analysis towards integrated systems to support decision-making.
The classic BI product, complemented by tools - Decision Support System (DSS), creates a unique quintessence of productivity, reliability and relevance of data that can be trusted, says the expert. - Today, the requirements for decision-making support are put into BI trends by the world's leading research and consulting agencies. In the Triaflai platform, this trend was laid down at the development stage. Therefore, today we can direct all efforts to improve the quality and functionality of the product, without reconfiguring the platform basis |
Yuri Efarov, Sapiens.Solutions, notes among clients an increased demand for BI solutions for data democratization for a large number of users - for example, for thousands of sales representatives, sales managers, retail employees.
This does not require complex analytical reports or data-overloaded dashboards, he says. - We need tools that will cost cheap, in terms of all users, are very easy to use, learn. Since it is impractical to buy classic BI for thousands of users so that they can view a relatively small number of indicators, very often IT departments make decisions to make their simple reports or small dashboards on the Web that are connected to the storage. In this case, you have to keep the development team and support the solution, but this is often much cheaper than using classic vendor BI |
The popularity of data processing without pre-loading into storage, directly from the main analytics tool, notes Vladimir Bakhov, "Digital Economy League." From other high-quality advances, he highlighted the increase in the availability of analytical reporting from mobile devices, as well as the development of the functionality of operational notifications through a wide range of modern digital channels, including instant messengers.
Does not share skepticism about the demand for business analysis systems of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies Alexey Petunin, SAP CIS. On the contrary, he considers the development of vendors in the field of advanced analytics to be the most noticeable high-quality progress in the market. We are talking about the integration of the functionality of data analysis with machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI), he explains, by building forecasts in corporate analytical products.
The client has more opportunities both in terms of customizing analytical scenarios for his own needs, and from the point of view of independent, by the forces of business users to prepare analytics, even difficult, the expert adds. - I think that in the near future more and more customers will want to have such functionality in their systems, and for developers this is a kind of signal to action |
The assessment made by Julius Goldberg, GlowByte's head of business, contrasts with the view that most customers do not want to create their own data teams. He notes that in many companies, efforts to create their own data offices and BI competence centers have been successful. This is positive, since the internal BI team is deeply immersed in the company's business and can more successfully solve user problems. But this increases the risks for the company, since the BI team, due to the high demand for specialists, can leave in full force. The expert recommends a balanced approach: have your own BI competence center, and a pool of BI partners.
The resources of contractors are being attracted today precisely to strengthen their own teams, and not to implement turnkey BI projects, the expert says. - Accordingly, the rules of the game have changed. Competitions are held not for the implementation of projects, but for the conclusion of contracts according to the Time & Material scheme and the provision of a pool of specialists with the required qualifications |
Impact of a new pandemic wave
The spread of opinions on the question of how the second wave of the pandemic influenced and the prospect of staying with it forever on BI developers and customers is great: from the paradoxical "no way" to the "catalyst for the development of the industry." Many experts remembered the specifics of the interaction between the company and its employees, the vendor and the customer in the context of the ongoing remote operation, the erasure of the boundaries between the regions and the further expansion of the sales market for vendors.
In short, it did not affect in any way, - says Artem Grishkovsky, Trusted Environment (Group of company Systematica). - Business analytics, due to the weak awareness of its capabilities and prospects, still does not come first among customers. Neither hypothesis testing nor cause-and-effect identification are still on the list of important company priorities. For most of them, BI is still reporting, albeit in terms of dashboards |
In general, I agree with my colleague Nikolai Bekhterev, Modus BI. The first wave made everyone stop and think about how to work in the new conditions, the next did not make significant changes, the expert said. The business has adapted and understands that if you stop, then the risk of losing turnover or even completely stopping the company's activities is too great. At the same time, there are examples of the use of analytics in new directions on the market - for the reasonable dismissal of employees after analyzing their Internet activities (company Xsolla).
Roman Dzvinko, SPC "BusinessAutomatics," did not agree with his colleague's thesis about the weak awareness of BI's capabilities, and noted a sharp decrease in the value of historical data as a trend of the last two years.
The pandemic has given impetus to the automation of BI processes. The specialists of the companies realized the value of business analytics and new technologies in making management decisions and finding new methods to increase profits - he says. |
Alexander Trifonov, head of analytics, Department of System Software Solutions "I-Teco," did not see anything new and specific in the next wave of the pandemic. He recalled that due to the transfer of a large number of company employees to remote work, the demand for MDM systems that provide control and protection of mobile devices has increased. After the start of the pandemic, all projects of the company for the implementation of business analytics necessarily contain work on the design and configuration of secure remote access to BI systems.
The "open door" for cloud BI solutions was noticed on the market by Vladimir Bakhov, "Digital Economy League."
Cloud BI systems and completely remote development are gradually becoming the norm. Such trends have been in the Western market for the past decade, but real launches of fully cloud projects were not taken seriously in Russian medium and large businesses, the expert says. - The example of Western vendors, many of whom have completely taken their solutions to the clouds, did not inspire our companies. However, the pandemic prompted the development of a culture of safe work with data outside the customer's contour, to modernize remote development tools. This, in turn, opened the door to a gradual transition to using cloud solutions in new projects |
Svetlana Vronskaya, KORUS Consulting Group, rightly noted that the continuation of the pandemic means the preservation of the instability of the economic situation. In a situation where there is no way to plan for a long period, many companies are forced to make cautious decisions about investing in new systems.
However, the most advanced organizations are trying to quickly implement analytical reporting systems that would allow them to see everything that happens in the company faster. And thus promptly, up to minutes, respond to emerging problems - the expert adds. |
The most optimistic assessment of the situation was given by Alexey Artemenko, regional director of Qlik Russia and the CIS.
For the BI industry, crisis times are always a leap forward and a catalyst for the development of the industry. Customers are more actively starting projects that help make the business better controlled, and analytics belongs to such projects. Because many employees work remotely, companies need to incorporate analytics into the everyday decision-making cycle and control it. Accordingly, trends are intensifying for built-in analytics, for the development of initiatives on data governance, data catalogs, training in working with analytics in the self-service format - everything that will help users quickly extract valuable insights from data for business |
The general opinion was expressed by Alexey Arustamov, director of the Loginom Company, who noted that the market has already adapted and most likely that in 2021 there will be no such sharp changes as it was at the beginning of the pandemic.
The market can generally adapt to anything, only you need to give time - the expert added. |
BI budgets
All experts who have expressed their opinion on this issue agree that budgets are growing.
Nikolay Bekhterev, Modus BI, states that in other companies the budgets remained at the same level, in some industries they increased. But a number of customers with accepted BI budgets for various reasons cannot start projects to implement business intelligence.
Dmitry Kiselev, Clover Solutions, notes that many customers' budgets planned for 2021 were fully spent by May 2021, and a possible reason is deferred demand.
The transition to remote work required business time for adaptation, the speed of tasks at some point sharply decreased. As a result, companies have accumulated unfulfilled tasks last year - the expert adds. |
The industries where BI is most in demand
The all-Russian classifier of economic activities includes 99 industries. Retail (except for the trade in cars transport and motorcycles) in this classifier - 47th, activity in the field telecommunications - 61st, activity in the provision of financial services - 64th. And all these three industries - retail, telecom and - banks are leaders in BI implementation. He has shown great interest in analytics in recent years and, industrial production moreover, experts put production enterprises first. Qualitatively, the main criterion for the need for BI is the large amount of data and the need for quick decision-making.
At the moment, we are seeing great interest in our BI product in the production industry, especially in holding structures, - says Artem Grishkovsky, Trusted Environment (Group of company Systematica). - On the part of those thinking about improving efficiency, and therefore they need an information consolidation tool |
Alexey Arustamov, Loginom Company confirms the growing demand for BI from industry in recent years.
We feel strong growth from industry. The rest of the sectors are fintech or retail, they are still active, but in industry a few years ago there was no such large request for analytics |
Roman Dzvinko, SPC "BusinessAutomatics," states that among the company's clients there are many representatives of state organizations of various industries, and it is difficult for him to identify certain areas where BI is most in demand.
At the same time, he agrees that the financial sphere is one of the largest BI segments, and the expert called the segment of health care and biology the fastest growing.
Nikolai Bekhterev, Modus BI, emphasizes on the scale of business, noting that the main customer is a large business of all sectors of the economy.
The fact that companies using standard tools - where without Excel - understand the value of BI and discover new opportunities for advanced analytics cannot but rejoice. Demand, as always, comes from the needs of the business. Transparency and availability of information, the speed of receiving answers, the ability to work with an unlimited number of information sources is a driver for increasing demand - the expert adds. |
The top three in BI implementation is confirmed by Alexey Petunin, SAP CIS, - this is telecom, financial/banking sector, retail, while highlighting retail.
Retail today is definitely one of the most advanced in the use of IT and business analytics. Due to high competition, retailers are forced to constantly look for new ways to interact with the client, improve the service, and increase business efficiency - based on IT. In the budgets of retailers, the development of the IT block is always one of the five main costs. This industry implements many different pilot scenarios for using business analytics, which then become projects not only in retail, but also scale to other industries. |
Julius Goldberg, GlowByte, confirms the interest of large manufacturing companies in analytics and notes another factor in the demand for BI: the need to provide information in a convenient, beautiful form to customers and partners.
Previously, this was solved by sending digests in PDF format by e-mail, the expert says. - Now the portal provides access to the BI system, and with all the interactive capabilities. Customers and partners receive additional service and become more loyal. Moreover, the service can be both free and paid. In the latter case, the direct costs of developing such a service can be quickly recouped |
Tasks for which BI is most commonly used
Strategic forecasting, disclosure of potential, "insights" and other revelations about the present and future of the business - in the Russian BI market, this is still, in most cases, fantasy, despite the huge possibilities of technology. Experts list in their answers standard tasks that are relevant both ten and twenty years ago: management, operational reporting, analysis of financial and economic activities.
Yulia Kudryavtseva, Forsyth, states that BI is still most often used for operational reporting, for upper-level reporting for management, various types of planning and budgeting tasks. At the same time, BI is also used to predict the demand, failures, growth or reduction of the cost of the consumer basket.
In retail, banking and telecom, a common task is focus analytics related to the client profile, reliability and client preferences, as well as solving optimization tasks for a specific customer profile. For example, - offering an individual set of products or services, prices, which gives a more individual approach to the client - it complements. |
Operational reporting is still one of the primary tasks of BI, admits Alexey Petunin, SAP CIS, recalling that earlier, in manual mode, it took weeks and months. And the result of tremendous labor in most cases was static slides and cumbersome spreadsheets, which became obsolete immediately after their creation. Now each figure displayed on the dashboard can be immediately checked where and on what basis it was formed, get answers to difficult questions in order to better understand business performance and not delay decision-making.
The second task of BI is to eliminate discrepancies in the data, when, through the preparation of verified reporting, local data sources are identified and removed, which can make errors and duplicates. The third is cloud BI architectures, to which companies are now showing great interest due to the possibility of transferring capital costs to operational, reducing the share of infrastructure and maintenance costs. Mobile and predictive analytics are becoming more and more in demand - the expert adds. |
Alexey Suchkov, GMCS, names among the most pressing tasks for reconciling data between several systems, preparing materials for regular meetings, calculating forecast values, as well as classic BI tasks - monitoring key indicators and controlling indicators within individual business processes, with an analysis of the reasons for deviation from planned or regulatory values.
Dmitry Kiselev, Clover Solutions, also confirms the relevance of a large number of tasks for data reconciliation - reconciliations with delivery, fintech companies, operators of loyalty programs.
Artem Grishkovsky, Trusted Environment (Group of company Systematica), states that the Triaflai platform is most often chosen to create such solutions as situation centers, corporate reporting, investment and production planning. Vladimir Bakhov, "Digital Economy League," puts first management reporting, support for prompt decision-making and assessment of their effectiveness. Further, according to him, it follows the analysis of key sales indicators, segmentation of the customer base, logistics in production.
Nikolay Bekhterev, Modus BI, confirms the demand in classical areas - analysis of financial and economic activities, analytics on sales and reserves at the enterprise. At the same time, it notes requests for IoT analytics and predictive analysis of the equipment used, big data analysis and forecasting.
Features of BI use in the state segment
Surprisingly, few experts responded to the question of what is happening in the BI direction in the state segment. And this despite the fact that it is the state segment that is one of the main drivers of the development of the domestic BI market. Representatives of the Russian state segment traditionally dislike publicity - perhaps the reason is this. However, three experts gave their comments.
The delayed launch of 2020 projects and a reduction in the development budgets of infrastructure projects due to the coronavirus is stated in the state segment by Nikolai Bekhterev, Modus BI. The state customer is limited in the implementation of all needs, areas automated from the point of view of analytics have become priority areas.
Of the landmark projects that were implemented on the Modus BI platform, we can single out a project on the analytics of commodity production chains and enterprises for the Rosselkhoznadzor. In general, the market continues analytics projects for regional SDGs, integrating disparate regional and federal data and building storage facilities, ensuring monitoring the effectiveness of organizations and departments |
Yulia Kudryavtseva, Forsyth, notes that decision-making centers and situation centers are mainly developing in the state segment. But it cannot be said that there is a boom in this direction, there is simply evolutionary development, and mainly we are talking about large federal and regional structures.
The state segment is now having a very active request for BI tools, "says Alexey Petunin, SAP CIS. - For example, administration of the city of Krasnodar we, together with our partner, the company AYR-Telecom"," made a pilot project on garbage collection analytics. At several pilot sites, sensors were installed on garbage containers, information from them was collected and transmitted to the IoT platform, analyzed and interpreted to show the occupancy of tanks and the timeliness of their export. Also, analytics is used in public transport to control congestion, the flow of people. There is interest in analytics from medical organizations that want to see forecasts for bed occupancy in. hospitals At the level of regional administrations, situational analytical centers are being created |
Ambiguous import substitution
We say - "import substitution," we mean "free code." The attitude towards the replacement of Western products with domestic systems is still ambiguous, as is the assessment of the process results.
The progress of the process does not change, - states Artem Grishkovsky, "Trusted Environment" (Group of company Systematica). - Many slogans and few real actions from customers. Only those who cannot otherwise begin steps to implement Russian software, the rest imitate activities |
Alexey Arustamov, director of the Loginom Company, is also quite pessimistic about import substitution.
The import substitution process went badly before and goes badly now, he is sure. - We need competitive products, and this process is not fast. It is not just necessary to create a good quality product itself, you still need to create a whole ecosystem around it: demonstration materials, training, partners, integrate with popular systems. Creating a quality ecosystem is years, if not decades, of intensive work |
Svetlana Vronskaya, KORUS Consulting, is much lighter and more positive.
The import substitution process is only growing, "she says. - If a few years ago it was possible to talk about import substitution, rather as the regulator's desire to transfer IT to domestic and independent rails, now it's time for reports on what was implemented. In my opinion, the last 12-18 months have begun to actively develop projects based on open-source technologies that fully meet the requirements of import substitution |
Alexey Suchkov, GMCS, agrees with his colleague from KORUS Consulting - Russian BI-software, as practice has shown, turned out to be competitive in cost and functionality, the expert believes.
There is a demand for Russian BI products, and requests come to us quite often, "he says. - Today on the market you can find several dozen domestic BI-platforms from both large vendors and niche players. In the struggle between domestic and foreign BI software, Russian products have every chance of winning, which is due not only to import substitution |
Nikolay Bekhterev, Modus BI, identifies two categories of customers: those who have just matured to BI implementation and those for whom analytics is already the basis for management decisions.
The first category definitely moves import substitution forward, the expert states. - And a completely different story is observed among more digitally mature customers - most of them have already formed internal competencies that allow you to accompany and develop foreign systems without visible expenses |
Impact of the "Digital Economy"
Not many experts have also spoken about the importance of the Digital Economy program, but all opinions were unequivocally positive.
The Digital Economy program certainly stimulates the development of the BI-systems market, - says Roman Dzvinko, SPC BusinessAutomatics. - The government supports the IT industry by introducing new tax regimes, programs to stimulate demand and develop public-private partnership, assistance in training BI specialists. Thanks to the measures taken and the increase in demand, the growth of the business analytics market is projected to be at least 10-15% per year. The market will also become more segmented and diverse. Trends aimed at deeper analysis of large amounts of data, as well as trends in the transition to the cloud and the development of mobile analytics will remain relevant for a long time |
Nikolay Bekhterev, Modus BI, states that the data of the Digital Economy are the basis for BI data systems, it is fuel for the development and discovery of new opportunities.
We everywhere see projects with DWH repositories with terabytes of data, in this sense, Digital Economy acts as a digitalization driver - it complements. |
Supports the evaluation of the Digital Economy program as a BI market driver and Alexey Petunin, SAP CIS.
In our opinion, this program is a driver for the development of the Russian BI market, the expert says. - There are many requests from government agencies today for the use of new digital tools and the gradual replacement of manual labor with technology. And here changes are taking place in all areas - transport, medicine, education, housing and communal services. You can already find the use of BI products everywhere, and they continue to develop and improve, more and more requests appear. Models tested in one region or industry are scaled to others, refined and enriched with data |
The Future of the Russian BI Systems Market
The Russian market for BI systems will continue to grow - this is the general assessment of our experts. The key to this, including in the presence of global Western leaders in the market, as well as in the fact that large domestic players are invested in the development of their own analytical systems.
This is one of the few areas of IT development in Russia, where there are real products that can completely replace Western software - Artem Grishkovsky, Trusted Environment (Group of company Systematica) is sure. |
Vladimir Bakhov, "Digital Economy League," states that many large players in the Russian market invest significantly in the development of their own boxed BI-analytics products, and at the same time there is an increase in the competitiveness of such solutions.
Nikolay Bekhterev, Modus BI, assumes that in the coming years the Russian market for BI systems will finally form, leadership positions will be consolidated by 2-3 of the most mature analytical platforms.
New players will appear that will close certain analytical tasks in various areas of business, he predicts. - Industry solutions targeting a narrow customer segment will also evolve. Systems that are already on the market and well known to customers will continue to develop their technologies towards machine learning and predictive analytics |
Alexey Vyskrebentsev (Forsyth) is sure of the success and long-term import substitution as a factor in the growth of the domestic BI market.
We have already passed several stages of import substitution, "he says. - The first stage - everyone says, but no one does anything. The second stage - everyone speaks and tests, conduct rare pilots and approbations, the third stage - new tasks will start at the domestic BI. Now the fourth stage is underway - the tasks of migration to the domestic technology stack are being worked out and large-scale projects are starting. Many even understand that this can be beneficial, as it allows you to get rid of unused reporting and bring a fresh stream to business analytics, taking into account the latest trends |
Alexey Petunin, SAP CIS, admits that the Russian BI market has potential, despite the visible lag, and rightly reminds that it is world experience that helps the development of the domestic with its knowledge and experience in the use of business analytics.
Largest BI Solution Providers in Russia
At the end of 2020, the first place in the ranking of the largest suppliers of BI solutions in Russia was taken by the Digital Economy League company. Its revenue from the implementation of BI projects increased by more than 200% and reached 6.7 billion rubles. The top three also included CROC and Parma TG.
20 companies of the rating showed positive dynamics of revenue. 10 of them recorded income growth exceeding 50%. The largest dynamics was noted among the companies FTO (+ 268.1%), "Digital Economy League" (+ 223.1%) and "Trusted Environment" (+ 204.3%).
№ | Company | Status | Revenue from BI projects in 2020, RUB million | incl. License sales | including from implementation services. and support. | Revenue from BI projects in 2019, RUB million | incl. License sales | including from implementation services. and support. | Dynamics 2020/2019 | Clients | ||
1 | Digital Economy League | Vendor and Integrator | 6690.5 | 71.6 | 6618.9 | 2070.6 | 25.7 | 2044.9 | 223.1 | n/a | ||
2 | CROC | integrator | 1752.8 | n/a | n/a | 1853.1 | n/a | n/a | -5.4 | n/a | ||
3 | Parma TG | vendor and integrator | 1383.4 | - | 1383.4 | 1503.2 | - | 1503.2 | -8 Bank of Russia| |, Moscow Ministry of Information Development and Communications of Perm Territory DIT Federal Treasury FTS Gazprom neft Federal Registration Service Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation,,,,,, Sberbank | |||
4 | Corus Consulting | Integrator | 944.4 | n/a | n/a | 597.1 | n/a | n/a | 58.2 | Unifarm, TD VIMOS, Russian Railways, Ormatek, Lenta | ||
5 | RDTECH | Integrator | 885.2 | 376.9 | 508.1 | 570 | 197.9 | 369.5 | n/a | |||
6 | Sapran group | integrator | 850.1 | 51.3 | 798.8 | 540.4 | 49.7 | 490.7 | Uzpromstroybank Sberbank Transneft 57.3 | , | ||
7 | Sapiens solutions | integrator | 661 | - | 661 | 505 | - | 505 | ||||
8 | Navicon | Integrator | 610.5 | N/A | N/A | 467 | N/A | N/A | 30.7 | N/A | ||
9 | BARS Group | Vendor | 597.8 | N/A | N/A | 553.3 | N/A | N/A | N/A | |||
10 | OTR | integrator | 569 | - | 569 | 554 | - | 554 | 2.7 | PFR | ||
11 | GMCS | integrator | 543 | n/a | n/a | n/a | [[Rosinter Restaurants Holding | 56 | Rosinter]] Restaurants, Volkonsky, SIBUR, NIPIGAZ KOLKOVO | |||
12 | Trusted environment * | vendor | 499 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | [[Administration of the Tambov region | 204.3 | Administration of Tambov]] Region, Government of Sakhalin Region, Administration of Vologda Region, All-Russian Research Institute for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations EMERCOM of Russia | ||
13 | Jet Infosystems | Integrator | 472.8 | n/a | n/a | 330 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||
14 | Lanit | integrator | 263.4 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | -42.4 | n/a | ||
15 | BI Consult | integrator | 187 | 77 | 110 | 150 | 60 | 90 | Gazpromneft Magnet 24.7 | ,, FC Zenit Stada Burger King,,, NovosibirskEnergsbyt, Alfa Bank AK BARS Sberbank, Mechel,, CHTPZ ,, etc. | ||
16 | Borlas Group | Integrator | 166 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | 8.5 | N/A | |||
17 | FORS Group | integrator | 157 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | 12.1 | MTS, ALFA-BANK, MTS Bank | ||
- | GC * Luxms* | vendor | 117.8 | 66.1 | 51.7 | 67.1 | 22.8 | Rostelecom| Gazprom neft Bazhen Technology Center 75.6|MIAC SPB|, National Medical Research Center named after V.A. Almazova(),,. | ||||
18 | Polymatica | Vendor | 117.2 | ND | ND | 139.1 | ND | ND | -15.8 [[Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Health) | FTS, Ministry]] of Health, Moscow Metropolitan, Rostelecom, Quadra | ||
19 | ATI Pro | vendor | 103.8 | 1 | 98.9 | 50.2 | 6.6 | 43.5 | Zhilstroysberbank Kazakhstan Metcombank 106.9 | ,, Transmashholding VGK Itella,,, SEB IEK Golden Meadows Bank, SVEL,, Tatneft,, Transmashholding, EVRAZ,, Power transbank,,, Familia EuroChem Alfa-Bank,,, RusAgroTrans NPK Lamoda | ||
20 | Usetech | Integrator | 103 | ND | ND | ND | ND | ND | ||||
21 | Netrika | Vendor | 86.7 | ND | ND | ND | ND | ND | ||||
22 | Modus BI (Biay Pro) | vendor | 78.3 | 3.8 | 74.5 | 36.6 | 5.8 | 30.9 | 113.9 | FC Uralsib, Transmashholding, Prodsoyuzagro, Tulatochmash, Government of Ulyanovsk Region, Russian Fund for Technological Development (Industrial Development Fund), Rosselkhoznadzor, Moscow Social Register, Government of the Tver Region, Government of the Novgorod Region | ||
23 | ITPS | Vendor and Integrator | 37,2 | N/A | N/A | 30,1 | N/A | N/A | 23,4 | Lukoil Group Enterprises | ||
24 | FTO | integrator | 16.3 | 1 | 15.3 | 4.4 | - | 4.4 | Rusagro Danone 268.1 | ,, YUM! Restaurants Russia, Insurance Leader Tim Alfa, | ||
25 | TechAudit | Integrator | 7.4 | - | 7.4 | 8.7 | - | 8.7 | -14.9 | VkusVill, Himrar, Part.A ( | ||
Total | 17782.7 |
* - included in Group of company Systematica | TAdviser 2021 |
* * - The data is provided after the publication of the rating and is not taken into account in the calculations of the total revenue of the rating companies. The company is included without assigning an item. " |
State of the market
Despite the adjustments made by the coronavirus pandemic, the Russian BI market continues to grow. The short-term suspension of some projects did not have a serious impact on initiatives to develop such systems. In addition, some companies in the quarantine period have completely accelerated BI projects.
Strategically important initiatives for customers did not stop, and work on projects opened before the start of the pandemic was in full swing, - confirms Sergey Shestakov, General Director of the Luxms Group of Companies. |
Yuri Efarov, CEO of Sapiens solutions, observed a similar situation. According to him, some customers during the quarantine period forced efforts towards the development of their BI platforms.
Contrary to the difficult situation, the BI market is growing. Customers have already understood the need to implement BI systems and their knowledge level has increased significantly. The COVID pandemic has shown that everything can be implemented remotely, and that analytics is in demand by customers, says Sergey Gromov, CEO of BI Consult. |
2020 was a watershed year for many business sectors - consumption patterns and employee interactions changed on the same day, and annual plans that were carefully approved late last year ended up in the basket.
Judging by the dynamics of sales, Qlik the BI market suffered less than other industries, the Alexey Artemenko regional director of Qlik Russia and the CIS believes. He notes that - analytics systems this is a kind of navigator for companies that find themselves in a difficult situation, suggests what decisions should be made, where there is growth potential, and where - cost reduction. The same, according to him, happened in the crisis of 2008, when many industries fell, and the market for BI systems, especially user-friendly, grew.
Despite the fact that during the pandemic, many companies decreased margins, profits fell, we noted the increased demand for analytical solutions. Representatives of various industries realized that it was analytics that was the key to growth, especially in unstable times. In addition, business leaders began to set specific and measurable goals for BI solutions - this makes work on implementation projects even more productive and more interesting, "says Svetlana Belous, Business development manager at Navicon. |
Large business suffered large losses, notes Andrey Krasnopolsky, General Director of the ATK Consulting Group, but at the same time the demand for BI products does not subside, since companies are now aimed at optimizing budgets and reorienting business tasks based, first of all, on data.
Andrei Zheleznyak, head of the department at Witte Consulting (I-Teco Group of Companies), notes that an understanding is currently growing that these enterprises are perceived as an asset and subject of economic activity. Modern digital business significantly increases the importance of information for the organization and strengthens the need for initiatives in the field of enterprise data management and BI systems of a completely new level, allowing to improve the quality of organizational decision-making and business manageability, reduce costs, and in the future - develop new business areas.
Egor Osipov, head of the Big Data department of the CROC IT company, records an increase in the number of implementations of Russian BI solutions over the past 2-3 years.
Quite interesting Russian self service BI solutions (Visiology, Luxms BI, Forsyth, Bars BI) appear on the market, with a fairly promising roadmap for product development. companies, Yandex are investing more and more in the development of their own tools. But it is quite difficult for them to compete with the leaders of the Gartner square - Qlik, Tableau, Power BI, - said Osipov. |
Alexey Vyskrebentsev, head of the Forsyth Decision Expertise Center, says that the BI market in Russia is experiencing a rapid stage of growth, both due to the emergence of new projects to digitalize business and state bodies, and by stimulating the state process of import substitution.
As a Russian vendor, developer of data management solutions and a "direct" participant in import substitution, we noticed some stages in this process: first, the companies looked closely at Russian software, then it was tested as part of pilot projects to make sure that the systems work and meet all the requirements. Now we see the first steps of introducing Russian software, in the near future we expect large-scale projects that will lead to an explosive growth in the market of domestic BI systems. We hope that this will happen in the next 1-2 years, when both companies and the IT industry will receive investments, including in the development and expansion of the product line, which will win all players in the market, "he says. |
According to Alexander Yelin, CEO of Alan IT, in 2020 it became clear that the Business Intelligence market is ripe and leaves requests for such solutions. People managed to try services and are more thoughtful about the choice: they compare different products and understand the difference in technology. Customers understand that monitoring, visualization and analytics are different concepts, so collecting and beautifully showing information on dashboards is no longer enough. Development companies will have to offer qualitatively new solutions to meet customer needs, he said.
Rustem Ibragimov, Deputy General Director of BARS Group, believes that the coronavirus and the expectation of a global recession have increased interest in analytics in organizations where working with data has high commercial potential by attracting new customers, growing secondary sales, or optimizing inefficient costs.
In general, the analytics market is growing, however, it will not be entirely correct to assess its volume only based on the revenue of vendors and integrators due to the increase in the specific gravity of projects implemented by internal teams, he notes. |
In his opinion, the introduction of BI ceases to be the prerogative of integrators and vendors, the democratization of tools and a decrease in access to best practices and methodologies gave impetus to the development of internal centers of expertise among the customers themselves. They began to invest less in external resources, preferring to recruit, nurture and develop specialists "inside" themselves.
At the same time, the demand for analytics specialists continues to grow, the average salary in the industry too, notes Rustem Ibragimov. This, he said, indicates that the industry continues to develop, despite all the events taking place.
However, it is worth noting that not all interviewed experts talk about the positive dynamics of the Russian BI market. Some experts admit that the market may show negative dynamics.
As noted by Alexey Baryshkin, an expert on digital interaction between power and business at Netrika, it is necessary to divide the market assessment according to the state of "before the pandemic" and "during and after." At the beginning of 2020, the Russian market for BI-solutions, he said, developed very rapidly both in terms of absolute volume and penetration of relevant services into new industry segments. A characteristic sign of rapid development is that it was in 2019-2020 that many companies, which previously could be attributed to startups, became among the leaders in the BI systems and services market, displacing large domestic players in the IT industry here.
The well-known events of 2020 can seriously affect the change of priorities in the promotion of BI solutions. Due to economic reasons, the growth rate of demand for BI systems as a whole may decrease or even temporarily become negative. However, in certain industry niches, the demand for tools for working with data can, on the contrary, grow greatly. For these reasons, the largest IT players will show greater stability, as well as, on the contrary, small players working in niches of industry growth, he believes. |
Ivan Vakhmyanin, CEO and co-founder of Visiology, believes that 2020 is very difficult to assess, because the effect of the pandemic story has not yet played a role. On the one hand, the delayed negative effect in Q4 2020 and Q1 2021 remains to be observed, since the transaction cycle in large BI projects (from the launch of the initiative to actual payments to solution providers) takes from 6 months. On the other hand, a number of new projects have appeared, directly related, for example, to monitoring the epidemiological situation - this should partially compensate for the fall, the expert said.
We expect the BI market as a whole to be on par with the main IT market and show a slight decline. At the same time, we will definitely significantly increase our share this year, "he explains. |
Dmitry Savvin, architect of Qlev Solutions BI solutions, says the pandemic has greatly affected the market. Companies have changed priorities, the focus has shifted from development to survival. At the same time, customers had to suspend pilot projects related to migration to a new architecture or testing new technologies.
But these are temporary difficulties, which, apparently, will soon end. The number of analytics-related tasks continues to grow even in industries that have been hit hard by the pandemic. We see this well from the example of the fast food restaurant industry, "he adds. |
Artem Grishkovsky, commercial director of Triaflai (Trusted Environment, part of the Group of company Systematica), notes that in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, IT budgets have been reduced since the beginning of the year, and many IT projects have been suspended, including those related to BI - both in the public sector and in the corporate market. But the demand for BI and Big Data solutions remains and will continue to grow, he said.
At the same time, it is necessary to rethink the tasks taking into account the capabilities of the BI platform as a new tool. BI solutions allow you to get away from the practice of "patchwork" projects to solve individual problems within departments and any functional areas. However, today several BI systems can be implemented in one company - each to solve the narrow task of a specific division. That is, the functions of the BI product are set up to solve a specific previously solved problem. this significantly reduces the potential inherent in BI technology. We encounter this at different levels when implementing systems based on the Triaflai BI platform developed by us, which allows us to automate the collection, processing, storage, analysis and visualization of the entire amount of available data, build reporting in the necessary sections and support decision-making based on modeling and forecasting for different levels of the organizational structure of the organization and management tasks, - says Artem Grishkovsky. |
Aleksander Dmitriyev, Operations Director of Ctrl2GO Group, believes that business analytics platforms today are no longer an innovative technology for domestic companies. According to him, this is rather a mandatory tool for the implementation of projects in the field of digital transformation. However, only those companies that have high competition in the industry, for example, banks, insurance companies, retail, are ready to implement "non-pilot" BI tools.
In most cases, in his opinion, the "patchwork" introduction of business analytics still prevails in the Russian market. This is due primarily to the fact that many companies choose the tactics of "quick" victories, which are optimal in a crisis period.
If we talk about the restraining factors of the BI market, then in addition to economic turbulence, it is worth noting the sanctions that were imposed on some Russian companies and automated work with data. At the same time, the global market for classic BI tools is stable: most of the solutions from large vendors have been finalized before industrial operation, he concludes. |
The largest suppliers of BI solutions in Russia at the end of 2019
At the end of 2019, GlowByte became the leader of the Russian BI market. Its revenue from projects for the implementation of business analytics systems in Russia increased by 24.5% and reached 4.18 billion rubles. The second line of the rating was taken by CROC with revenue from BI projects in the amount of 1.85 billion rubles.
The largest dynamics of revenue among the rating participants was demonstrated by Alan IT (+ 440%), SPC BusinessAutomatics (+ 235%) and Luxms (+ 225%). Only 2 companies out of 27 participants in the rating showed negative dynamics of revenue.
The total revenue of all companies in the rating at the end of 2019 reached 12.9 billion rubles, which is almost 30% more than in 2018.
№ | Company | Status | Revenue from BI projects in 2019, RUB million | incl. License sales | including from implementation services. and support. | Revenue from BI projects in 2018, RUB million | incl. License sales | including from implementation services. and support. | Dynamics 2019/2018 | Clients | ||
1 | GlowByte | Integrator | 4181.2 | N/A | N/A | 3357.5 | N/A | N/A | ||||
- | Digital Economy League 1 | Integrator | 2070.6 | N/A | N/A | 1884.2 | N/A | N/A | 9.9 | |||
2 | CROC | integrator | 1853.1 | n/a | n/a | 2161.1 | n/a | n/a | -14.3 | |||
3 | SPC "BusinessAutomatics" | vendor | 818.5 | 204.6 | 491.1 | 244.4 | n/a | n/a | 234.9 | |||
4 | Forsythe | vendor | 806.1 | 575.7 | 230.4 | 376.8 | 205.1 | 171.7 | FGC UES 114 |, Transneft, Irkutsk Oil Company | |||
[[I-Teco (Ai-Teko, iTeco) | ITeko2]] | Integrator | 607 | 78.9 | 528 | 577.5 | n/a | n/a | 5.1 | |||
6 | Korus Consulting | integrator | 597 | n/a | n/a | 422 | n/a | n/a | n/a | 41.5 | ||
7 | RDTECH | integrator | 570 | 198 | 372 | 351.7 | 74.9 | 276.9 | 62.1 | |||
8 | BARS Group | vendor | 553.3 | 92.8 | n/a | 467 | n/a | n/a | n/a | 18.5 | ||
9 | Sapiens solutions | integrator | 505.3 | - | 505.3 | 265 | - | 265 | 90.7 | |||
10 | Navicon | Integrator | 467.1 | 193.3 | 272 | 320 | 117 | 203 | 46 | Unicredit Bank Leasing, Caspian Pipeline Consortium, Medsi, Kwaisser Pharma | ||
11 | LANIT3 | integrator | 457 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | 66.2 | |||
12 | GMCS | integrator | 348 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | 14.1 | Rosinter Restaurants, NIPIGAZ, AFG National, Volkonsky, MUEC, etc. | |||
13 | Jet Infosystems | Integrator | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | 17.9 | |||||
14 | 3iTech | vendor | 212.8 | ND | ND | 203.3 | ND | ND | Public Sector and Banking | |||
15 | Group of company Systematica (Systematics Group JSC) | vendor and integrator | 164.4 | 24.9 | 139.4 | 99.6 | 32.9 | 66.7 | 65 | Ministry of Agriculture, FCI at the CEC of Russia, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Government of Tyumen, Tambov, Nizhny Novgorod, Chelyabinsk, Moscow, Orenburg, Vologda, Arkhangelsk, Astrakhan, Amur Regions, Government of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Government of Khabarovsk Krai, Government of Sakha-Yakutia Republic, Government of EAO, Government of Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug | ||
16 | BI Consult | Integrator | 150 | 60 | 90 | 89 | 40 | 49 | 68.5 | Gazpromneft, Magnit, Burger King, FC Zenit, Stada, etc. | ||
17 | FORCE - Development Center (FORCE Group) | integrator | 140 | - | 140 | 135 | - | 135 | 3.7 | MTS, ВЭБ.РФ, ALFA-BANK, MTS-Bank, MGFOMS | ||
18 | GoodsForecast | Vendor | 101 | 24 | 77 | 94 | 9.5 | 85.5 | 7.4 | |||
19 | ATK Consulting Group | Integrator | 91.6 | 43.1 | 48.4 | 100.2 | 39 | 61.2 | -8.6 | Sogaz | ||
20 | Usetech | Integrator | 77 | - | 77 | 55.2 | n/a | n/a | 39.6 | |||
21 | Qlever Solutions | Vendor and Integrator | 61.2 | 22.2 | 39 | 35 | 8 | 27 | 74.9 | Burger King, Energosbyt Plus, International Restaurant Brands (KFC), Gazpromneft-Aero, Gazpromneft-Logistics, Gazpromneft Marine Bunker, City Restaurants | ||
22 | NPO Analitika | Vendor | 60.9 | - | 60.9 | 53.1 | - | 53.1 | 14.7 | |||
23 | Group of Companies Luxms | vendor | 57.8 | 20 | 37.8 | 17.8 | 8.3 | 9.5 | 224.7 | Bazhen Technology Center (a subsidiary of Gazpromneft), Rostelecom, Megafon, MIAC St. Petersburg, Almazov National Medical Research Center, Shell Oil, Svyaz-Bank, St. Petersburg Informatics and Communications Committee | ||
24 | Netrika | vendor | 50.4 | - | 50.4 | 19 | - | 19 | 165.3 | St. Petersburg, Kemerovo Region, Krasnodar Territory | ||
25 | AI Pro | vendor | 50.2 | 6.6 | 43.5 | 23.4 | - | 23.4 | 114.8 | Metcombank, Itella, SVEL, FiNN FLARE, Eastern Mining Company, Transmashholding, SEB Bank, New Transportation Company, Rusagrotrans, Tatneft, LaModa, Golden Luga | ||
26 | Novo BI | Vendor | 45 | 27 | 18 | 30 | 18 | 12 | Integra, Volma, Uvelka, Alidi, Reaton | |||
27 | Modus (BiAI Pro) | vendor | 36.6 | 5.7 | 30.9 | 27.3 | 4.3 | 23 | 34.1 | Bank Uralsib, Transmashholding, Tulatochmash, Moscow Social Register, Government of the Tver Region, Government of the Ulyanovsk Region, Government of the Novgorod Region, Government of the Republic of Crimea, Government of the Novosibirsk Region, Administration of Ufa, Government of the Irkutsk Region | ||
28 | Alan IT | vendor | 18.5 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | 440.2 | Agreman, Voshchazhnikovo | ||
[[Ctrl2Go (Control of TuGoRu) | ControlTuGo.Ru | Integrator | 2.7 | - | 2.7 | - | - | - | - | - | LokoTech]] | |
Total | 12870.7 | 9905 | | 29.9 |
1 Data obtained after the publication of the rating. Company included without item | TAdviser 2020 |
2 Based on BI Partner data " | |
3 Consolidated data including revenue from the Corporate Systems Department of LANIT and NORBIT " |
State of the market
The Russian market for BI solutions continues to grow and develop. Increasing the role of analytics in the organization and optimization of business processes, coupled with a sharp increase in the amount of information processed and the development of innovative data processing tools, contribute to increasing sales of analytical software.
The growth of the BI market is also stimulated by the Digital Economy program - in it, among the most important digital technologies, big data and artificial intelligence are highlighted.
The Russian BI market goes uphill and will continue to grow by an average of 10-15% per year. Firstly, Russia has high-quality and multifunctional software, secondly, there is expertise and cases for solving complex analytical problems, thirdly, the most important thing is that there is a demand for these products and expertise, "says Yulia Kudryavtseva, director of strategic development of Forsyth. |
Business leaders are beginning to take a more conscious approach to the digital transformation of companies. They understand that it is necessary to build an IT infrastructure around those solutions that help to comprehensively and continuously manage the big data that is collected by the business.
That is why BI systems are becoming a new "core" of IT in companies of all sizes: a data management chain is being built around them, including accounting systems, innovative IT tools, as well as tools for storing, transmitting and using data, - notes Artem Kaptsov, Head of the Department of Integration Services and Complex Solutions Navicon. |
Sergey Tsurukalov, Head of BI Practice at BI Partner (I-Teco Group of Companies), says that over the past two years, the business analytics market in Russia has been experiencing positive transformations related to the development of the technological foundation, the penetration of big data into the ordinary life of enterprises and the emergence of developments by Russian companies that can compete with global vendors. As an example, he cites the Polymatica platform, a high-performance system for processing large amounts of information.
Timur Akhmerov, CEO of BARS Group, speaks about increasing demand for BI solutions. According to him, interest in BI technologies is now reaching the pre-crisis level.
We observe this positive dynamics, including on the example of our customers. In addition, the import substitution policy has a positive effect on the development of domestic business analytics, he notes. |
The revival of the market is noticed by Yuri Efarov, CEO of Sapiens solutions. This, in his opinion, is facilitated by two main drivers:
Firstly, it seems that companies have been saving up demand for a long time, thinking and this year began serious business changes and, as a result, the requirements for IT systems and business analytics in particular are changing. Secondly, the level of work with data is increasing, no one needs formatted reports. Increasingly, we meet the requirements for the formation of a single corporate data model, the formation of storefronts and storages of hot and cold data with the ability to build advanced analytics and perform data science tasks. |
Egor Osipov, expert on big data "CROC," adds that the direction of data analysis is experiencing serious changes, approaches to analytics are changing. Not predefined reports and models, as is customary in classic BI systems, become in demand, but the ability to independently work with a set of structured and unstructured data. Self-service data analytics comes to the fore.
Of course, this is due to the development of the concept of Data Lake, as the paradigm of data analysis changes in general. If earlier, the business was ready for the fact that to test the hypothesis, specialists turned to the IT department, where the data warehouse was built, now the business wants to work not only with ready-made, verified reports, but also with raw data. Thus, the market is moving towards the prompt receipt of analytics, albeit in more complex technical ways, says Osipov. |
If we talk about analytics in a broader sense, then obviously the interest of companies is already moving towards forecast models. A simple report in the classic BI system allows you to understand what has already happened, but the requirements are shifting towards answering the question "what will happen?." For such forecasts, the standard BI system is no longer sufficient. It is necessary to use machine learning algorithms, predictive models that will actually predict the future, and even better - to simulate the ideal picture of steps to achieve certain business results.
Some BI systems already include simple predictive models, but it is obvious that their capabilities for full analysis are not enough. Therefore, BI systems should work in conjunction with advanced data analysis tools, adds a CROC representative. |
Revenue from market participants
According to the results of 2017, the leader of the BI market in Russia is GlowByte Group of Companies. Its revenue from BI projects during the reporting period increased by almost 30% to 2.2 billion rubles. The closest competitors in this area are Technoserv and CROC. The indicators of the first amount to 1.5 billion rubles, the second - 1.4 billion rubles.
The largest dynamics of revenue from BI projects was recorded among Polymatica companies and. Forsyth Their indicators for 2017 increased by 539.3% and 418.5%, respectively. Serious revenue growth was also recorded Corus Consulting Group of Companies at 382.3%. In addition, BI revenue increased by 3 times, and by Navicon 2 times - by. I-Teco Group of Companies
Revenue of participants in the Russian market of BI-systems in 2016-2017
№ | Company | Revenue from BI projects in 2017, RUB million, incl. VAT | incl. License sales | incl. From services * | Revenue from BI projects in 2016, RUB million, incl. VAT | incl. License sales | incl. From services * | Dynamics 2017/2016 | Largest customers (projects) in 2016-2017 |
1 | align="left"|GlowByte GC | 2 193.9 | n/a | n/a | 1 711 | |n/a | n/a | n/a | |
2 | align="left"|Technoserv | 1 525.5 | n/a | n/a | n/a | | n/a [[Aeroflot | n/a]]|Aeroflot, VTB Leasing, Gazpromneft | ||
3 | align="CROC left"| | 1,377,9 | n/a | n/a | 1,308,4 | | n/a | n/a | 5.3 | n/a |
4 | align="left"|GC I-Teco * * ||513.5 | 99.1 | 413.8 | 252 | |n/a | n/a | |||
5 | align="Jet Infosystems left"|||400 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | | n/a | n/a | ||
6 | align="BARS Group left" | 386 | 57 | 329 | 331 | 70 | Rosaviatsia| Ministry of Health 16.6 UNIFORM STATE HEALTH INFORMATION SYSTEM | , Glavgosexpertiza of Russia Russia Alabuga(), | |
Forsythe |align="left" | 313,3 | 264,9 | 48,4 | 60,4 | н/д | н/д | 418,5 | Transneft | |
8 | align="left"|Navicon | | 312.9 | 122.4 | 190.5 | 105 | | n/a [[United Breweries - Holding (formerly Heineken in Russia) | 198 | Heineken]] Russia, Akrikhin | ||
RDTECH |align="left" | 311,9 | 147,6 | 161,8 | 300,5 | 144,2 | 155,3 | 3,8 | н/д | |
10 | align="left"|Corus Consulting | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | |
11 | align="left "|Sapiens solutions ||173 | - | 173 | -|| 145|[[MegaFon | 19.3]]|[[M.Video | MegaFon]], M.Video, Detsky Mir, Gazprom, Lenta, Sberbank | |||
FORS Group |align="left" | 157,3 | 31,5 | 125,8 | 159,4 | 71,7 | 87,7 | -1,3 | н/д | |
13 | align="left"|Polymatica * * * | 128,9 | | 20,8 | 20,2 | n/a | n/a | 539,3 | n/a | |
14 | align="ID Management Technology left"|| | 110.9 | n/a | n/a | n/a|| n/a | Rosseti Atomenergoprom MOESK FGC UES| 37.9 | ,,, | |||
15 | align="left"|Norbit ||79.4 | 33.7 | 45.7 | 49.5 | | 25.8 | 60.4 | n/a |
* - Implementation, Support, Training, Integration Services | TAdviser 2018 |
** - Выручка за 2017 год подана от ГК "АйТеко" (АО "Ай-Теко", "BI Partner, "Witte Consulting). Revenue for 2016 is from BI Partner. " | |
* * * - Data provided after rating publication " |
Main directions of BI-systems development
The analytics market is one of the most progressive in terms of introducing the latest IT tools into it, since the results of data analysis can directly affect the effectiveness of management decisions and, accordingly, business performance. Cloud computing technologies, machine and deep learning, IoT - all these latest tools are already being used to increase the speed and transparency of information.
One of the most popular innovative areas in the analytical market is the integration of BI systems with machine learning tools. Learning allows you to find any patterns, even hidden ones, in large amounts of data. Therefore, such tools are useful, for example, in setting up recommendation services: a system that processes large amounts of information about transactions, contracts and contracts over and over again can automatically offer options for potential partners, update the client database, or recommend ways to clean up data depending on how they were standardized earlier.
At the same time, machine learning helps to improve the accuracy of data and reduce the number of errors in their processing - the system in the literal sense of the word "learns from errors" - which is especially important for financial, management analytics. And thanks to the improvement of cybersecurity tools, even business-critical processes can be trusted with analytics tools, - notes Roman Konovalov, General Director of ID Management Technology. |
Closely associated with this is the growing popularity of predictive (or predictive) data analytics tools. Predictive IT systems predict business scenarios based on statistical modeling and machine learning tools - and rely on all available historical data that the organization has collected.
The predictive analytics market is just forming so far. But due to the fact that predictive tools help to recognize "insights" in data and build on them an up-to-date strategy for the development of specific business processes or the entire company as a whole, it is growing very quickly. So, according to Zion Market Research, the volume of the global market for predictive analytics will increase at an average annual speed of more than 20% and will reach $10 billion by 2022, - says the CEO of ID Management Technology. |
Artem Kaptsov, head of the department of integration services and complex solutions at Navicon, calls the combination of BI with machine learning, artificial intelligence and robotization technologies "intelligent analytics." However, so far this approach is not ubiquitous: for example, in the advanced IT financial industry, only 10% of managers have implemented intelligent automation in all geographical regions and business processes, another 17% are experimenting with such solutions, according to Capgemini. At the same time, most managers are already thinking about introducing innovations to solve certain problems in the field of analytics. Moreover, most cloud BI platforms provide real-time data and text mining, econometric analysis, or big data analytics capabilities without the serious cost of a smarter IT infrastructure.
Business analytics is solving more and more problems in commercial companies. Businesses need to discover hidden patterns, insights that can be used to build what-if scenarios and make management decisions based on them. Moreover, it is advisable to do this without involving the staff of data scientists. Thus, a transition is made from descriptive analytics, which could only give an idea of the state of the business, to predictive, when the system predicts the course of events and proposes concrete steps to minimize negative consequences. To do this, BI systems are modernized using machine learning tools, cognitive analytics and artificial learning, built on one general principle - training and improving the system with an increase in the volume of data and solved problems, - says Artem Kaptsov. |
He also adds that companies can now use sophisticated algorithms to gain insight into consumer behavior, identify market and business trends in real time, and make informed decisions that will give them an edge over competitors.
Innovative tools such as Microsoft Cortana, IBM Watson, Alexa are used by marketers to predict and determine the optimal line of behavior towards customers, risk managers to predict business contingencies, logicians to optimize logistics processes. The effectiveness of such smart tools leads to a sharp growth in the market: the global market for content analytics and cognitive systems according to IDC forecasts will grow to $9.2 billion by 2019, recalls Kaptsov. |
Today's business intelligence systems are focused on interactive interaction with data, not on preparing printed forms. Plotting, interactive charts, or maps makes it easier to understand information. It is difficult for business leaders and all those who need to quickly make decisions based on analytics results to quickly navigate multi-page Excel documents. Interactive visualization is therefore an important tool for analytics.
Visualizing information makes it easier to learn and understand important information - it becomes easier to detect key patterns, obvious or hidden trends, and compelling correlations that might otherwise be challenged. Thanks to interactivity, you can not only see the growth or decline in the company's indicators - you can find out the reasons for such dynamics without resorting to complex calculations or the help of specially trained people, - says Roman Konovalov. |
Yuri Efarov, CEO of Sapiens solutions, lists a number of other areas of development of BI systems:
- Data lifecycle management - Hot, warm, and cold data is distributed across different technology platforms with a single external shell for the user.
- The BI system (or external system) manages its own BI metadata in the paradigm of the corporate data model
- microapplication architecture versus monolithic solutions
- data for business users and analysts "on order": data supermarket
- mixing of data processing on schedule and in real time (lambda architecture)
Denis Seroshtanov, Head of Information and Analytical Systems at Interprocom, notes that leading BI engine vendors are increasingly paying attention to Open Source and integrating the ability to use open libraries and solutions into their systems, reducing the volume of installation problems and development time. Thus, advanced users can independently create their own often semi-industrial solutions that are easily embedded in the existing IT landscape of companies. And companies can quickly find specialists in the market to support solutions based on Open Source.
2015 – 2016
State of the market
According to TAdviser estimates, the volume of the Russian market for BI systems in 2015, including implementation and support services, increased by 5% and reached 45.9 billion rubles.
The market continues to grow following the growth of the number of different information systems that customers use and the amount of data processed in these systems. The gradual accumulation of data is a demand driver for BI tools.
So, according to Pavel Adylin, executive director of Artezio (Artesio) (part of the LANIT group of companies), now the business is actively using CRM and eCommerce solutions, and the desire to analyze the data, identify dependencies and trends is quite justified.
Evgeny Smirnov, Deputy General Director of Navicon, notes that with the growth of the volume of data, including unstructured, there is interest in mathematical and algorithmic methods of their processing. At the same time, the cost of new technologies, sensors and IT capacity is rapidly decreasing around the world, it becomes possible to use cloud technologies for data processing. "Analytics is becoming one of the factors of competitiveness," the expert is sure.
Roman Baranov, Head of Business Analytics and Data Storage at CROC, is confident that the Russian BI market today can be called promising:
The fact is that analytics is one of the most effective tools to increase the efficiency of the company. And this is the No. 1 task in our economic conditions. |
Market dynamics
As for the dynamics of the market, most of its participants talk about moving up at the level of 5-10%.
For example, Yuri Vostrikov, deputy commercial director of Norbit, believes that in recent years the Russian market for BI solutions has shown stable growth within 10% year-on-year, if you look at it from the point of view of the players' ruble revenue.
Specifically, Norbit in 2015 actively invested in the development of our new BI direction on the Qlik platform, which allowed us to grow in it by more than 70% in 2015. If we talk about the market as a whole, here we will agree with the rest of the experts that in ruble terms the market grew by about 10% and in 2016 we expect the same dynamics, - said Vostrikov |
Roman Baranov from CROC also believes that despite the negative impact of economic processes, the BI market is growing in monetary terms.
We clearly see this in our CROC. So, for example, in 2015 in this segment we earned 16% more than in 2014. At the end of 2016, we expect that the growth dynamics will be no less, "he says. |
According to Pavel Adylin, Executive Director of Artezio, the growth rate of the Russian BI market fluctuates within 5% in ruble terms, which is associated with a reduction in IT budgets. At the same time, before the start of the economic crisis, the growth, according to him, reached 20%.
According to Andrei Baybutov, Director for Business Development of the BI Department of Korus Consulting Group, the amount of costs for business analytics systems in 2016 will be more than in 2015, which is associated with the final adoption of a new reality by companies, where there will be no dollar at 30 rubles.
Now owners and executives are thinking about how to work in this new world. At the same time, compared to 2014, the volumes of the BI market in 2015 were similar. The main difference: earlier the emphasis was on Western platforms, but now it has shifted towards domestic and open-source products, - said Baibutov |
Evgeny Smirnov from Navicon notes that the Russian BI market is still not as saturated as, for example, the ERP market, so it will grow, be equipped with new technical solutions, and new approaches to the implementation and implementation of these solutions.
In general, in his opinion, the indicators will be lower than the planned IDC 8% growth of the global BI market. "In my opinion, there will be a trend towards market growth of 4-5% in Russia for the next few years," the Navicon representative said.
Konstantin Chernousov, Deputy General Director of Vesolv, assumes that the revenue of the top 10 companies in the BI region will be at the level of 9.9 billion rubles.
Since the situation is such that the entire IT market is stagnating and its indicators are decreasing, while the demand for BI solutions in these conditions remains high, the dynamics of the BI market in 2015 and 2016 should be identical, Chernousov says. |
AT Consulting notes that despite the crisis, the Russian BI market is generally positive. At the end of 2015, the company estimates it at 10-12 billion rubles. Such figures, in particular, in an interview with TAdviser, are cited by Andrei Nugmanov, partner at AT Consulting, director of the BI block.
AT Consulting is the largest player in terms of services for the implementation, development and support of BI solutions. Using our example, we can note a noticeable increase in demand in 2016 compared to 2015. In six months, our BI block has seven new clients representing various industries, such as production, retail, power, finance and transportation. As Fred Smith said: "You will certainly have to innovate if you face the problem of survival." Without investment in analytics, it is difficult, and sometimes it is impossible to choose the right course for development, "Nugmanov said. |
At the same time, a number of companies are talking about stagnation or a slow decline in the traditional analytics market.
So, according to Vladimir Sizykh, Marketing Director of RDTECH, primary saturation occurred a long time ago, and now in this niche there are mainly development/migration projects (within platforms from version to version, less often between platforms). At the same time, according to him, key vendors offer their cloud BI services, but the mass exodus of large analytics into the clouds has not yet been noted. The reason for this is the need to upload a large amount of private data for analysis somewhere "outside."
The fact that the general stagnation of the market affects the dynamics of the development of the business analytics segment, says Evgeny Kurilovich, director of the analytical technologies department of Force.
A lot of the projects we've worked on before are now "frozen." To decide to modernize, or even more so to create a modern data warehouse, and allocate funds for the purchase of expensive licenses, you need a very strong motivation in the form of finding new opportunities for development, intense competition, the need for additional control levers, etc. And only a very limited number of customers - large banks, retailers, telecommunications operators and some enterprises of the real sector of the economy - have such motivation. There, as a rule, classic BI systems have already been implemented, and interest in new opportunities that open up Big Data technologies is growing, the expert says. |
Overall, the market has changed a lot over the past two years. According to Andrei Nugmanov from AT Consulting, now it is not enough to be just a partner providing high-quality services at a reasonable price - the market requires more.
You need to get into the same boat with the client, take an oar and row, jointly accepting the existing challenges. If you do not fill all the free niches, if you do not show flexibility, then they find a replacement for you. Firmness in achieving the goal and flexibility in choosing an interaction format is the current paradigm of success, Nugmanov is sure. |
Revenue from market participants
According to the results of 2015, the leader of the Russian market BI remains the company "Forecast." However, its revenue for the year fell immediately by 22%. The company is in a very difficult position. In particular, during 2016, it was reported about#.D0.9F.D0.B5.D1.80.D0.B5.D1.85.D0.BE.D0.B4_150_.D1.81.D0.BE.D1.82.D1.80.D1.83.D0.B4.D0.BD.D0.B8.D0.BA.D0.BE.D0.B2_.D0.B2_.D1.81.D1.82.D1.80.D1.83.D0.BA.D1.82.D1.83.D1.80.D1.83_ITG.2C_.D0.BF.D1.80.D0.BE.D0.B1.D0.BB.D0.B5.D0.BC.D1.8B_.D1.81_.D0.BD.D0.B0.D0.BB.D0.BE.D0.B3.D0.BE.D0.B2.D0.BE.D0.B9.2C_.D0.B7.D0.B0.D0.B4.D0.B5.D1.80.D0.B6.D0.BA.D0.B0_.D0.B7.D0.B0.D1.80.D0.BF.D0.BB.D0.B0.D1.82.D1.8B mass departure of employees, salary delays, possible ITG_.D0.BF.D0.B5.D1.80.D0.B5.D0.B4.D1.83.D0.BC.D0.B0.D0.BB.D0.B0_.D0.BF.D0.BE.D0.BA.D1.83.D0.BF.D0.B0.D1.82.D1.8C_.22.D0.9F.D1.80.D0.BE.D0.B3.D0.BD.D0.BE.D0.B7.22.2C_.D0.BD.D0.B0.D1.87.D0.B8.D0.BD.D0.B0.D0.B5.D1.82.D1.81.D1.8F_.D0.B1.D0.B0.D0.BD.D0.BA.D1.80.D0.BE.D1.82.D1.81.D1.82.D0.B2.D0.BE bankruptcy. As of December 2016 , many claims for debt collection ITG_.D0.BF.D0.B5.D1.80.D0.B5.D0.B4.D1.83.D0.BC.D0.B0.D0.BB.D0.B0_.D0.BF.D0.BE.D0.BA.D1.83.D0.BF.D0.B0.D1.82.D1.8C_.22.D0.9F.D1.80.D0.BE.D0.B3.D0.BD.D0.BE.D0.B7.22.2C_.D0.BD.D0.B0.D1.87.D0.B8.D0.BD.D0.B0.D0.B5.D1.82.D1.81.D1.8F_.D0.B1.D0.B0.D0.BD.D0.BA.D1.80.D0.BE.D1.82.D1.81.D1.82.D0.B2.D0.BE filed against "Forecast"#. The largest - from Rosbank - by almost 274 million rubles.
The largest participants in the domestic BI market also include AT Consulting, GlowBayt Consulting and CROC.
The largest dynamics of revenue in 2015 was observed in GMCS - + 95.7%.
Drivers and barriers of the Russian market BI
One of the main drivers of the Russian BI market, oddly enough, is the difficult economic situation. In the crisis period, it is more important than ever for the management of companies to receive accurate and objective information about the state of their business, and to receive it quickly. This, in particular, says Ivan Vakhmyanin, CEO of Visiology.
Another important driver that many market participants talk about is the accumulation of large amounts of data by companies. In this case, business players have a desire to get added value or additional value from them.
A number of experts among the market drivers see the development of Big Data+ scenarios IoT. Thus, in the manufacturing sector, by accumulating and analyzing data obtained during bypasses or from sensors installed on equipment, enterprises can minimize maintenance costs, predict the occurrence of problems and carry out so-called predictive repairs. retail In the Big DATA+s IoT can be used to manage refrigeration equipment and optimize retail space.
However, Maria Venediktova, vice president of Maykor-GMCS, recalls that it is important to be able to "land" trends on a practical surface. Therefore, her company maintains a dialogue with customers and partners to find possible scenarios for using the Internet of Things and data analysis, as well as conducts its own research and development.
For example, for the energy industry, we have developed an analytical solution model based on big data analysis and machine learning technologies. The solution allows you to predict the sources of non-technical (commercial) losses, and in simple terms - the facts of fraud - accurately to the house, to guarantee the enforceability of measures to identify and eliminate sources of losses in conditions of limited resources, - says the vice president of Maykor-GMCS. |
Andrey Tiunov, General Director of BI Partner (I-Teco Group of Companies), calls the technological development of BI systems one of the market drivers.
According to him, people like innovations, but they cannot refuse the established solutions either: "Someone buys electric cars, but this is not a reason to abandon cars with an internal combustion engine."
In Russia, he notes, there are many companies that have recently implemented solutions on "in-memory" analytics and at the same time are actively continuing to develop traditional solutions. In fact, this means that they are ready to spend more money on BI, Tiunov said.
Konstantin Chernousov, Deputy General Director of Vesolv, believes that the main drivers of the Russian BI market are the need for managers to make decisions faster and analyze more information. In addition, he sees a decrease in the cost of implementing and maintaining BI solutions as a driving factor in the market.
Yuri Vostrikov, Deputy Commercial Director of Norbit, in addition to increasing the number of systems and data in large businesses, as well as growing interest in BI from medium-sized businesses, calls increased competition among the market drivers. This process, especially during the crisis, stimulates the business to work more quickly and efficiently with data in search of new patterns and new offers for customers, identifying ineffective zones.
Evgeny Kurilovich, director of the analytical technologies department of Force, calls the digitalization of the economy and all public life the driving force of the market.
The more actively the digital world comes, the more data appears, the wider the opportunities for their use in various areas will open up, he is sure. |
Roman Baranov, head of business analytics and data storage at CROC, believes that the development of the BI market was helped to a greater extent not by large-scale and multimillion-dollar marketing of foreign vendors, but by the threat of terrorist attacks, the madness of Pokemon GO and just one statement by the head of a large bank that big data really works, and Data Mining helped earn a specific amount of money.
Andrei Baibutov, Business Development Director of the BI Department of KORUS Consulting Group of Companies, names the import substitution process as a serious driver for the domestic product market, while stipulating that for the market as a whole, this is both a driver and a barrier.
In addition to this factor, we can note the desire of companies to reduce unnecessary costs that has survived from previous years. Equipment is becoming more productive every year, so customers can afford to spend less money on hardware and invest the remaining budgets directly in analytics in order to increase their own profits with its help, adds Baibutov. |
Evgeny Smirnov, Deputy General Director of Navicon, also talks about the impact on the popularity of BI of the development of computer capacities, however, mentions this process on a slightly different side. According to him, some methods of data science and machine learning were known almost 50-70 years ago, but at that time there was not enough capacity for their development and application. Today, analytical solutions are available that require minimal costs for technical equipment and subsequent maintenance: for example, cloud solutions.
To solve some difficult problem that requires thousands of processors, you can rent power in the cloud and then minimize it (as a result, 86% of the IT workload will be distributed to cloud data centers by 2019, according to Cisco's forecast). At the same time, on cloud platforms, you can process and store not only internal corporate data, but also information from external sources. Services can work with various data sources, from corporate information systems to IoT sensors and social media metrics, says Smirnov. |
Vladimir Sizykh, the marketing director of RDTECH, also talks about clouds, however, on the one hand, he calls them the main driver of the BI market, on the other hand, barrier number one.
The positive effect of them is savings on capital investments, and the negative that restrains the development of the market is data privacy.
Companies are looking more and more closely at the clouds. But the imperfection of the legislative framework and distrust of external storage inhibits development, - notes Sizykh. |
Some barriers to the development of the business analytics market have remained unchanged for many years. A number of customers do not want to understand why the implementation of such solutions is necessary and refuse to accept modern technologies as a whole.
Many managers still use exel to solve managerial problems out of habit and do not even think about how analytics can change their business, "says Roman Baranov from CROC. |
Another obstacle to the market is the unsuitability of data for analytics.
The main barrier to good BI adoption in many organizations, even large ones, is the low maturity of data management processes in general. There are situations when the accumulated data turns out to be completely unsuitable for analytics due to problems with reliability, purity and documentation, "says Ivan Vakhmyanin, CEO of Visiology. |
Yuri Vostrikov from Norbit also notes that the company in its practice often encounters situations when there is a serious problem with data in the customer's current systems. They are not structured, they are not consistent, they are stored in directories with a broken hierarchy, etc.
It is important to understand that BI is a showcase of data from many sources and if the data itself is not correct, then the conclusions that will be built on them will also not be correct.
Many customers came to us with unsuccessful experience in implementing BI (in their opinion) and, as a result, negative in general in relation to analytical platforms. Having understood the situation, we carefully and politically correctly explained that the problem is not that BI solutions are useless, but that these solutions will not help with bad and unstructured data in other systems. It is necessary either to deal with the "information porridge," or to come up with work-around in each specific project, the purpose of which is to obtain cleaned, correct and structured data in BI, - says Yuri Vostrikov. |
Evgeny Smirnov, Deputy General Director of Navicon, has a similar opinion. It is the inadequate assessment of the quality of the source data, in his opinion, that is one of the reasons for the failure of BI projects.
Low-quality data, a priori heterogeneous and stored in heterogeneous sources, cannot be consolidated: this is as absurd as comparing warm with red, he is sure. |
Among other market barriers, Yevgeny Smirnov calls inadequate estimates of the cost of projects and safety.
For example, previously completely isolated from the outside world, enterprises now have to exchange data, receive and process data from their geographically remote objects. Of course, this process carries additional risks and threats, he believes. |
Pavel Adylin, Executive Director of Artezio, believes that the main barrier in the implementation of BI tools is the lack of a clearly set goal. Under such conditions, the BI system becomes just a window of unclaimed data. And when the characteristics of the activity are identified, the BI tool is an effective means of management.
To protect yourself (this is especially true for medium and small businesses), you do not need to make decisions yourself, but turn to companies that are engaged in IT and business analysis in the required area, and audit processes and IT infrastructure before implementing a BI system, - said the representative of Artezio. |
Vladimir Sizykh from RDTECH believes that the second barrier (the first he calls clouds) is the lack of ideas.
Yes, yes, exactly ideas. Everyone learned to store data. Analyze them by applying BI technologies - everyone does it too. But they cannot apply the new Data Science and BigData technologies. Moreover, both storage owners themselves, due to poor knowledge of technologies, and integrators-implementers, due to a weak understanding of the need for business, cannot, he said. |
According to Konstantin Chernousov, Deputy General Director of Vesolv, the conservatism of companies, the lack of incentives from the state to bring Russian products to foreign markets and the lack of state and industry standards for requirements for analytical systems hinders the development of the BI market. The latter factor, in his opinion, would allow maintaining healthy competition in the market between large, medium and small companies, thereby stimulating the systematic development of serious BI solutions.
Evgeny Kurilovich, director of the analytical technologies department of Force, notes that the state's policy to limit the use of foreign enterprise-level products with wide functionality is a barrier to solving complex analytical problems in state institutions. However, in the long term, subject to serious investments, tax preferences and mature demand, full-fledged domestic analogues may appear, he believes.
Tasks solved by modern BI systems
The range of tasks solved by modern BI systems is quite wide, while the amount of data that needs to be analyzed is growing at a rapid pace.
Companies come to us with a variety of tasks - for some it is important to ensure data visualization, configure information panels and dashboards, others want to track the effectiveness of KPIs of departments, employees. There are requests for personnel analytics, analysis of the effectiveness of marketing activities, "says Maria Venediktova from Maykor-GMCS. |
Andrei Tiunov, General Director of BI Partner (I-Teco Group of Companies), adds that users accustomed to high-speed Internet in their pockets and surrounded by social networks are now in demand for high-quality understandable interfaces, "live" interaction with data, the ability to work with the most up-to-date information.
At the same time, the tasks are only complicated, and the volume of data to be processed is growing exponentially, Tiunov is sure. - New facets are opening up in business intelligence, new technologies are emerging. Specialized solutions are added to solutions that can be considered standard, for example, to work with unstructured data or to create presentation-quality visualization systems filled with cartoons, 3D animation and gamification elements. |
At the same time, according to the expert, this is only a plus for consulting, since integration of various technologies is increasingly needed, which leads to the need to attract specialized companies.
Yuri Vostrikov, deputy commercial director of Norbit, believes that it is important to consolidate a large array of data from different sources, analyze them, identify trends and deviations.
The faster a business can identify such bottlenecks or potential growth points, respond to the situation in a timely manner, the more successful it is. More and more managers do not just understand this, but begin to take real actions in this direction (work with BI tools), the expert says. |
According to Andrey Baybutov, Business Development Director of the BI Department of Korus Consulting Group, BI market development can be divided into three main stages: reporting, when companies are trying to close the need to form some kind of regular reporting; analysis, when specialists work with large datasets, try to identify various correlations, build trends, etc.; and forecasting, when the role of the human factor in making important decisions is reduced, and goals and objectives, whether it is purchasing goods at the best prices at the right time or predicting the opening of a new point of sale, are solved based on the forecasts that the system gives. They are quite objective, and help the company really move on, develop and make the right management decisions.
In recent years, the Russian BI market has been in the maturation stage to move from manual methods of reporting to automatic ones, which allow using business analytics tools to make correct data collection using specialized tools. Now many companies are already moving to the stage of analyzing the collected information, having a reporting scheme built inside. They learned to analyze this data, thanks to which they go from a giant set of reports to convenient dashboards, which allow you to go down to the very bottom from the top level. Thanks to this, the system collects all the data, builds KPIs and indicators every day. At the same time, managers analyze only the information they need, and not arrays of numbers that are inconvenient and time-consuming to interpret, "says Baibutov. |
The trend here has always been set by telecom operators, followed by banks and retail. Most of the production segment has previously paid less attention to analytics and analysis tools, however, they are also interested in technologies that simplify the analysis of data from their source systems.
IDC data
IDC published the results of a study according to which the volume of the Russian market for business intelligence software (BA) in 2013 exceeded $400 million in supplier prices.
SAP, Oracle, Microsoft, IBM and SAS represent the top five in 2013 shipments. The leaders were pulled up by Forecast, the only Russian company in the Russian business analytics market, whose sales were comparable to the world's leading suppliers in volume.
Some growth was demonstrated by Qlik and Salesforce.
The main consumers of VA software in Russia are companies in the financial, state and telecommunications sectors, followed by trade and power.
In 2014, IDC forecasts a decrease in sales of business intelligence software in dollar terms. Reasons: the deterioration of the economic situation and the depreciation of the ruble.
"In 2013, the Russian market for business analytics software showed high growth rates (20.9%). Unfortunately, this year there is a reverse trend. The market decline in dollar terms in 2014 will be commensurate with the growth a year earlier, "− said Alexander Prokhorov, IDC research manager.
TAdviser data
According to the TAdviser Center, the Russian market for solutions for business data analysis significantly slowed down the growth rate, which is not surprising, since two years earlier it experienced a serious surge of interest, which is usually followed by some cooling. In total, in 2013, the volume of the Russian market for BI systems, including services for their implementation, increased by no more than 5-10% compared to 2012, it overcame the mark of 40 billion rubles and amounted to about 42 billion rubles. Recall that in 2012 the growth of this market was 15%, in 2011 - 35%.
The largest suppliers of BI solutions in Russia agree with such assessments. For example, Sergei Shestakov, Deputy General Director for Business Development at Forecast, noted that the Russian BI market is experiencing a period of relative stabilization and growth:"Now the business no longer has doubts that the introduction of analytical systems ensures an improvement in the quality of management decisions, and also generally helps to control business processes at the enterprise. And we see that the need for business analytics tools is increasing every year, "he said. Number of Forsyth implementations . The analytical platform (formerly the Prognoz Platform) in 2013 grew by about 20%. Evgeny Kurilovich, director of the analytical technologies department of Force Group, noted that the IT market as a whole is now going through hard times - it fluctuates between stagnation and very small growth. Therefore, in relation to business intelligence systems, there is no particular dynamics, rather - static. "Force" in the BI direction at the same time showed an increase of 1.5 times. "This is a
very good indicator, which was achieved thanks to several new large contracts in the public and banking sectors. In general, there are not so many new projects in the market, a large share is occupied by the development and modernization of existing BI systems, "Evgeny said. Qlik also increased the number of implementation projects in 2013 by almost a third. Georgy Naneishvili, Development Director of the Qlik partner network, believes that 2013 showed strong growth. "Both the
number of customers and the average deal size have grown. If we talk about our company, then in the Russian market we grow by about 50% every year, "he said.
The slowdown in the market growth is associated to a greater extent with the saturation of the market, its transition to a different quality than a decrease in the interest of Russian customers in business data analysis. On the contrary, such interest remains consistently high and even is actively growing in the public sector, where more and more large-scale analytical projects are being implemented, primarily in the field of budgeting, but also not only.
In the public sector, the effect of the trend on increasing the level of information openness is noticeable. state agencies The departments are focused on creating public portals to present open official statistics and draw the attention of the general public to management problems, including public finances. In 2013, the Forecast company, for example, developed the Open Budget systems of the city (Moscow, Understandable Budget of the Perm Territory ( and the Public Budget of the city (Perm portal. You can also mention the open portal of Russian state programs commissioned by the Russian Federation (Ministry of Economic Development and others.
We add that in 2013-2014, for the first time in the ranking of the largest BI projects TAdviser for the first time in recent years, the first line was taken by the project in the public sector, this is the use of the BARC.Web-Effective Region system for 60 thousand users in the Ministry of Communications of Tatarstan. In general, in the ranking of 20 lines, the public sector accounted for about half of large projects.
The overall trend of the BI market is still positive. In total, 1553 such projects were recorded in the TAdviser database as of August 2014 (most of them were implemented in Russia, see more details on the geography of BI projects). In May 2013, the base was filled with 1,178 projects.
The largest suppliers on the Russian market of BI-systems in monetary terms remain SAP, Oracle, Microsoft, IBM, SAS and the Russian companies "Forecast," which confirmed its leadership by the fact that for not the first year in a row it is among the leading suppliers in the global market of BI-platforms according to Gartner.
The TAdviser database allows you to assess the penetration of suppliers in the Russian market not in monetary terms, but in quantitative terms - by the number of implemented implementations. According to these data and clarifications made by several vendors, QlikView systems (300 projects) and Forsyth were the leaders in the number of projects in Russia in 2013 . Analytical Platform (formerly Prognoz Platform) (174), as well as the Deductor and IBM Cognos BI systems. In the entire history of observation until August 2014, a large number of projects were also implemented on the basis of Contour BI.
The revenue of the largest system integrators in the BI market continues to grow: most companies that provided their financial data for the top 10 increased turnover in this segment by 20-30% or even more in 2013.
Revenue of companies in the Russian automation market BI 2012-2013 with VAT, in thousand rubles
№ | Company | Revenue 2013, thousand rubles | Revenue 2012, thousand rubles | Revenue growth 2012-2013,% |
1 | Forecast | 4 565 457 | 3 861 024 | 18,2 |
2 | CROC | 817 201 | 659 739 | 23,8 |
3 | BARS Group | 239 202 | 147 800 | 61,8 |
4 | Ai-Teko (without BI Partner) | 207 160 | 191 320 | 8,2 |
5 | BI Partner (I-Teco Group of Companies) | 167 700 | 98 700 | 66,2 |
6 | RDTECH | 164 035 | 145 379 | 12,8 |
7 | Force | 149 739 | 98 747 | 51,6 |
8 | ATK Consulting Group | 123 675 | 94 843 | 30,4 |
9 | Interprocom | 113 920 | 45 060 | 152,8 |
10 | Helios IT | 95 830 | 74 650 | 28,4 |
Total | 6 643 919 | 5 417 262 |
In total, the "ten" earned 6.64 billion rubles in 2013, in 2012 - 5.41 billion rubles. In terms of revenues, such companies as Forecast (independently implements Prognoz Platform, so it is not only a supplier, but an integrator in the understanding of TAdviser), as well as CROC, BARS Group and Ai-Teko, including a subsidiary BI Partner (BiAi Partner), RDTECH, Force and others.
In 2013, the following IT companies were in the lead in terms of the number of BI implementations in the TAdviser database: ATK Consulting Group (35 projects), RBC Group Ukraine (32), Forecast (32), BI Consult (Bi Ai Consult) (15) and others.
The prospects for 2014 and even more so 2015 remain in question despite the healthy state of the BI market and the high demand for anlytics. The situation in macroeconomics will be decisive. The situation is further complicated by the unfavorable geopolitical situation associated with the imposition of sanctions against Russia.
An unequivocal positive is that if the current situation on sanctions tightens, domestic developers, Loginom Company (formerly BaseGroup Labs Analytical Technologies) (the Eductor system), Forecast, BARS Group, which provides specialized solutions for the public sector, will benefit. In the public sector, the demand for analytics will continue no matter what. In addition, as shown by the 2008-2009 crisis, BI in the global market became one of the few segments that did not show a serious decline, as business analysis for enterprises became a serious help to adapt to new realities.
TAdviser data
According to TAdviser, the market of BI systems in Russia and the CIS countries (licenses and services) in 2012 almost crossed the mark of 40 billion rubles and amounted to 39.675 billion, which is 15% more than a year earlier (34.5 billion rubles). The market growth rate slowed slightly against 35% in 2011, but still remained quite significant, outpacing the growth rate of the ICT market as a whole and other segments of the business software market.
The secret of the success of business analysis systems in the Russian market is explained by the fact that their penetration is still quite small. At the same time, the relevance of business analysis in difficult moments for the country's economy and the world not only does not weaken, but also increases, since the need for companies to rely on high-quality data when making decisions and developing a strategy is only growing. In 2011-2012, vendors continued to develop both powerful BI platforms and simple, efficient analysis systems, which made analytical tools available to all categories of users, including medium and small businesses.
In addition, the peculiarity of the Russian BI implementation market is that units of companies introduce business analysis platforms in full functionality for absolutely all processes. On the contrary, the most common approach is when one company has several isolated business analysis systems, sometimes not even different platforms that cover different tasks within individual departments and departments. In banks, for example, the number of operating BI systems can reach 10-15 pieces. Moreover, such customers who have already evaluated the benefits of business analysis in practice do not stop there, initiating new and new implementations, which largely formed the basis of the "second wave" of BI implementations in 2011-2012.
At the end of 2012-2013, the "third wave" of BI implementations began to actively form, associated with the development of new approaches to data storage and analysis by Russian companies. Now in Russia, dozens of test implementations and pilots in the field of big data and computing in RAM have begun, many of which will go into the category of full-fledged implementations in 2013. From a technological point of view, the Russian BI market does not experience the slightest lag behind the world in terms of the availability of advanced technologies, but their development is just beginning.
The presence of the "second wave" of BI implementations is also confirmed by the data of the TAdviser project database, in which the number of registered implementations amounted to 1178 over the entire history of observations (as of May 2013), which is 1.5 times more than at the beginning of 2011, when there were 790 projects in the database. Recall that from 2010 to 2011, the growth of projects in the database was more than two times.
At the beginning of 2013, more than one and a half dozen industrial BI platforms and many analysis and reporting systems, as well as industry solutions were presented on the Russian market. Among the more than 260 BI projects completed according to TAdviser in 2012, half fell on platforms, QlikView,, IBM Cognos,, SAP BusinessObjects Contour BI another Forsyth. Analytical Platform (formerly Prognoz Platform) 130 projects - on other systems and solutions.
This indicates the popularity of these platforms among Russian users, but, of course, does not fully reflect the position of the vendors of the same name in the local market, since the sample takes into account only the number of implementations, and not the number of licenses purchased and the revenue of vendors from services and support. Due to the complexity of accounting, the statistics do not display a fairly significant number of projects based on Microsoft BI, Oracle BI and others.
Among the implementers in 2012, the most active were Forecast and Loginom Company (formerly BaseGroup Labs Analytical Technologies) as vendors that actively independently implement their own platforms - Prognoz Platform and Eductor, respectively. Among the integrators, the activity of ATK Consulting Group, RBC Group Ukraine, RDTECH, FORCE and others was high.
Revenue of companies in the Russian BI automation market from the sale of licenses and implementation services, including VAT, in thousand rubles
№ | Company | Revenue 2012, thousand rubles | Revenue 2011, thousand rubles | Number of completed projects, 2012 | Revenue growth 2011-2012,% | Key BI Platforms |
1 | Forecast | 3 861 023 | 2 663 408 | 211 | 45 | Forsyth. Analytical Platform (formerly Prognoz Platform) |
2 | CROC | 659 739 | 285 601 | - | 231 | IBM Cognos, Oracle BI, SAP BusinessObjects, QlikView |
3 | Microtest | 505 600* | 439 704 | More than 2 * | 15 | - |
4 | Technoserv Consulting | 240 000 | 135 000 | 9 | 77,8 | Oracle BI, SAP BusinessObjects, IBM Cognos |
5 | BARS Group | 147 801 | 93 516 | 30 | 58 | BARC.Web-Codes, BARC. Indicators system |
6 | RDTECH | 145 380 | 234 390 | 12 | -38 | Oracle BI, SAP BusinessObjects, QlikView |
7 | Parma Telecom (ITPS) | 104 776 | 115 675 | 12 | -9,5 | |
8 | FORCE | 98 747 | 73 160 | 9 | 35 | Oracle BI, Oracle Hyperion Planning |
9 | ATK Consulting Group | 94 843 | 61 254 | 48 | 54,8 | QlikView, Tableau |
10 | West Concept * | 58 650 | 51 000 | - | -15% | |
11 | Norbitol | 48 982 | 74 880 | 3 | -36 | Microsoft SharePoint, SAP BusinessObjects |
Total | 5 725 781 | 4 227 588 | - | - | - |
* According to TAdviser's own data
IDC data
In 2012, the volume of the Russian market for business analytics software, according to IDC research, exceeded $340 million in supplier prices.
The five leaders did not change their positions compared to the results of 2011: SAP, Oracle, Microsoft, IBM and SAS. The Russian company "Forecast" pulled up to the leaders - sales of analytical applications of this developer grew at a high pace in 2012.
The main consumers of analytics software in 2012 are companies in the financial, public and telecommunications sectors, retail and wholesale.
According to IDC analyst Lexander Prokhorov, the growing volume of corporate data, the low saturation of the Russian market with solutions in the field of business analytics, the presence of a large installed database of corporate accounting systems that allow adding business intelligence modules, as well as the development of new technologies - mobile analytical applications and systems for extracting valuable information from large amounts of data in real time, will stimulate the growth of the market for this software in Russia. "All this makes it possible to predict the growth of demand for business analytics (BA) software at a rate exceeding the growth rate of the entire software market in the country," he stressed.
TAdviser data
According to TAdviser, the market of BI systems in Russia and the CIS countries (licenses and services) in 2011 crossed the mark of 34.5 billion rubles, which is 35% more than a year earlier (25.5 billion rubles).
In 2012, market participants expect to consolidate positive trends in 2011, further diversify the market and increase the number of projects.
A reflection of the growth of the Russian market for BI systems is the increase in the number of projects in the TAdviser database: since the release of the 2011 study in just over a year, their number has increased from 335 to 790 (more than doubled). Moreover, most of the projects newly added to the database are projects implemented in 2011.
TAdviser, 2012
TAdviser database contains all projects that have ever been implemented in the BI area in Russia. However, these databases are adjusted from year to year and require significant explanations. So, according to the database, the Forsyth platform is currently in the lead in terms of the number of implementations . Analytical Platform (formerly Prognoz Platform) (217 projects) from Forecast, in second place is Deductor from Loginom Company (formerly BaseGroup Labs Analytical Technologies) (138 projects), in third place is QlikView from Qlik (QlikTech) (86 projects).
This data does not reflect the real balance of power in the Russian market of BI platforms. This is primarily due to the problem of accounting for implementation projects in the database, the data on which are not disclosed for commercial reasons. Nevertheless, in the portfolios of some BI vendors present on the Russian market, the number of such "hidden" projects does not rarely reach 50% and even 80-90%.
If you take into account BI projects implemented in Russia for all years, including "hidden," then as of the beginning of 2012, the Prognoz Platform is the absolute leader in the number of implementations. According to TAdviser, in total this platform in Russia has more than 800 customers (data from 2006 to the present), the number of implementations in the Russian market exceeds 1950. In 2011, 504 projects were implemented on the basis of the Prognoz Platform in Russia (35% more than in 2010).
Prognoz Platform's position in the global BI systems market has also significantly strengthened. In total, since 2006, more than 220 projects abroad have been implemented on the basis of this platform in the world, of which almost half, 98 projects, in 2011. The number of Prognoz Platform customers in foreign markets is about 150. The success of the Russian platform in 2011 was noticed by Gartner: for the first time it was included in the Magic Quadrant study and placed in the square of niche players (for more details, see the article Global BI Market).
Qlikview is in second place in terms of the number of implementations in Russia by a wide margin. According to TAdviser's own data, the number of Qlikview implementations currently implemented in Russia is more than twice the number of publicly announced projects. Thus, their total number is more than 150.
However, QlikTech has quite ambitious plans for the Russian market, so the number of projects based on the results of 2012 may increase sharply. "Over the past year, we have almost doubled the number of partners in Russia," Alexey Artemenko,' QlikTech Regional Director for Russia and SNG, told TAdviser . According to him, QlikTech is going to work more actively with the large business segment on its own. "That is, with a segment where we have high-profile successes in Europe and the United States, and where we have huge potential in Russia," he added.
In third place in terms of the number of implementations in the local market is another Russian-developed platform - Deductor from BaseGroup Labs. The number of projects in the TAdviser database (138 projects) corresponds to the real number of implementations of this system in Russia. The top five in 2011 also included IBM Cognos and MicroStrategy BI unchanged.
Of great importance is the fact that in 2011 two domestic development platforms were among the three leaders in the Russian BI market, while the first place is also occupied by the Russian system. This is another evidence of the original path of development of the business analysis market in Russia, so that vendors occupying the first positions in the global BI market have not yet been able to establish full control over it. This means that in the future, local developers have a good chance of retaining a significant market share.
According to its own database of TAdviser projects, a significant number of BI projects in Russia have been implemented by the following system integrators: Forecast, BaseGroup Labs (both are implementing their own platforms), ATK Consulting Group, RBC Group Ukraine.
TAdviser, 2012
Revenue of some system integrators in the Russian BI market
№ | Company | Revenue 2011, thousand rubles | Revenue 2010, thousand rubles | Revenue growth 2010-2011,% | Revenue 2009, thousand rubles |
1 | Forecast | 2 663 408 | 1 959 151 | 35,9 | 1 472 900 |
2 | Microtest | 439 794 | 370 360 | 18,7 | 241 137 |
3 | CROC | 285 601 | 257 522 | 10,9 | 184 208 |
4 | Sitronics IT | 222 700 | 104 100 | 213,9 | 45 093 |
5 | Bars Group | 93 516 | 48 953 | 91 | 3 574 |
6 | FORCE - Development Center | 73 160 | 42 750 | 71,1 | 22 457 |
7 | ATK Consulting Group | 61 254 | 48 767 | 25,6 | 35 501 |
8 | West Concept | 51 000 | 45 000 | 13,3 | 38 000 |
TAdviser, 2012
* All revenue of "Forecast" is taken into account, both in Russia and in the international market
* * The amount includes only revenue in Russia without Ukraine and other Citronix IT representative offices.
According to the data received by TAdviser on the income of the main Russian system integrators actively involved in the implementation of BI systems, all of them, without exception, noted an increase in income from this area of activity in 2011. The maximum increase was shown by Sitronics IT (more than 213% by 2010, a total of 222.7 million rubles).
IDC data
In 2011, the Russian market for business analytics software amounted to more than $360 million in supplier prices, and the market for solution building services in this area - more than $440 million in end-user prices, according to the research company IDC.
The five leaders of software suppliers in the field of business analytics included exclusively international companies - SAP, Oracle, IBM, Microsoft and SAS, while the five leaders in the provision of services include mainly Russian companies (Forecast, SAP, IBS, AT Consulting (ATI Consulting Group) (AT Consulting), "Tern (Tern Group)").
Factors contributing to the growth of the business analytics market in Russia
IDC, 2012
The study also includes the results of a survey of IT specialists on the impact of various factors on the development of the VA market in Russia. The figure shows the factors that, according to experts, stimulate its development.
The exponential growth of information volumes, increased competition, the need to accelerate the process of making increasingly complex management decisions, an increase in the general culture in the field of IT, as well as the increasing activity of suppliers in the promotion of analytical tools are noted in the study as the main incentives for the development of the market for business analytics solutions in Russia.
In 2012, IDC predicts a steady growth of this market in Russia. The role of business intelligence as a corporate governance tool will increase.
Interestingly, according to earlier data from IDC, which distributed not the Russian, but the European division of the research company, in 2011 the volume of the Russian market BI (licenses only) ON reached $230 million BI[1] to 2010, the market grew almost 2.5 times: then it was $100 million, according to[2] growth rate of the market in 2010, when one of its segments (solutions for end users, reports and basic analytical systems -# in IDC terminology) showed 200% growth compared to the year 2009, also persisted in 2011.
Moreover, the Russian BI market, having crossed the $100 million mark in 2010, moved to the "next echelon" of regional markets for systems for business data analysis. According to IDC forecasts, in the medium term, the Russian BI market will grow in volume by 15-17% annually.
Discrepancies in these figures are caused by the fact that IDC used research data on the corporate applications market to assess the Russian BI market in previous years (Enterprise Application Software and, in particular, data from the Russia Enterprise Application Software 2010-2014 Forecast and 2009 Vendor Shares study), IDC did not release a separate study on the BI market in Russia at that time (as of March 2012, the first such study was published in July 2012). Within the framework of the above study, applications supplied by vendors in the complex are evaluated.
For example, these include Oracle and SAP systems. However, this study does not take into account the so-called best-of-breed solutions, that is, independent specialized systems, the weight of which in the market, including Russian, cannot be underestimated. In particular, these include, for example, the Prognoz Platfrom system of the Russian developer "Forecast," which, according to TAdviser, is the leader in the Russian BI systems market. Also, the mentioned study does not take into account the share of IBM Cognos, SAS solutions and many others.
If 2008 and 2009, most players recognized the time of restrained demand for BI solutions, then 2010 returned the interest of customers in business analysis solutions to the post-crisis market, which allows players to make positive forecasts.
According to the analytical company IDC, in 2007 the volume of the Russian BI market amounted to more than 100 million, and its growth exceeded 60%. At the end of 2007, analysts assumed that in the next five years the growth rate of the Russian market for business analysis solutions would be approximately 30% per year.
More accurate measurements of the Russian BI market have not been made since that moment, while market participants are inclined to estimate its volume within the limits of $100 million at the moment. For example, in 2009, during the acquisition of BI Partner by I-Teco, the volume of the Russian BI market, taking into account the vagueness of its borders, was estimated in the range from $50 to 150 million.
In general, 2008, and in particular 2009, were described by system integrators as years of failed demand for BI, which was certainly associated primarily with the global financial crisis. According to expert estimates, in 2010, in terms of the volume of projects, the Russian market of BI solutions practically returned to the pre-crisis stage of development, so that in terms of volume it should be measured in parity figures.
Revenue of some Russian companies in the BI market in 2009
№ | Company | Выручка 2009, тыс. rubles | Revenue 2008, thousand rubles | Revenue growth 2008-2009,% |
1 | Forecast | 1 472 900 | - | - |
2 | Microtest | 241 137 | 285 207 | -15,5 |
3 | CROC | 184 208 | 78 759 | 133 |
4 | Irbicon | - | 66 900 | - |
5 | ATK Consulting Group | 33 501 | - | - |
6 | FORCE (trading) | 22 457 | 19 800 | 13,4 |
TAdviser, 2010
Ambiguous, but at the same time interesting information on the growth rate of the Russian market of BI-solutions is provided by data on the income of system integrators involved in this area. In particular, for example, in relation to 2009 to 2008, the BI volume of the Microtest direction decreased by 15.5%, while in the same period CROC managed to increase revenue from the BI direction by 133%, FORCE - Development Center - by 13.4%. Obviously, this was due to the company's policy in connection with the crisis in the IT market.
In 2010, in relation to 2009, the same FORCE, for example, earned 26,875 thousand rubles, which is 19.7% more than a year earlier, that is, it consolidated positive dynamics. In 2010, ATK Consulting Group earned 48,768 thousand rubles, which is 45.5% more than in 2009. In 2010 , Sitronics IT' increased profit from BI-direction by 88.6% from 45 million to 85 million rubles. Of course, the high growth rates that some players manage to achieve indicate the great potential of the Russian BI market for further development.
There is no reliable information on the volume of the BI market in Russia, confirmed Maxim Andreev, Head of Business Applications at CROC. Focusing on the number of specialists in the field of BI, the CROC estimates the market at the moment within the boundaries of about 70-100 million dollars. At the same time, the cost of licenses is about 50% of the cost of services, that is, the total market volume is about $100 million.
"There is definitely an increase in market volumes in 2010, but it is not significant - rather, we can talk about a tendency to restore pre-crisis volumes. It seems to us that the market will show pre-crisis indicators next year, "said Maxim Andreev.
According to Kirill Burlyuk,' Director of the Business Applications Department of Sitronicses, in 2010 the growth rate of the BI market really increased slightly. However, he does not believe that in 2010 the market could have seriously added in volumes, so he attached a fork in the range of $80-100 million.
The dynamics of the BI market in 2010 was very positive, also noted Andrey Terekhov, head of the BI-direction of the ATK Consulting Group. "Already at the end of 2009, we felt an increase in market activity, and during 2010 the trend strengthened, and now we can talk about a fairly stable growth of the business application market both in terms of the scale of projects and in terms of their number," the expert said. "The efforts of the business community in 2009 were aimed at minimal emergency optimization of business processes. If we talk about 2010, then it became a logical continuation of the need for business analysis systems that formed in 2009 , "said Andrey Zamyslov, head of Microsoft BI practice at Navicon (Navikon).
Moreover, if in a crisis situation companies limited themselves to creating analytical applications in the most critical business areas - these, as a rule, were sales and finance, sometimes operating activities, then in 2010 most business analytics projects affected many more areas.
The history of the development of the Russian market for business intelligence products
First attempts to implement BI systems
The first attempts to introduce BI systems in Russia were made in the late nineties of the last century. The demand for these technologies began to grow steadily since 2000, when significant amounts of information accumulated in many organizations and the rethinking of the IT market began in principle. In those years, BI solutions based on systems offered by Microsoft and Navision Software were popular.
Popularization of BI systems in Russia
The highest rate of development of the BI-products market began to gain in 2005, and by 2006 experts estimated the growth in the implementation of such solutions among Russian companies at 50% per year or more, while global growth was at 11.5% per year. The growth of the information systems market in those years was facilitated by the acceleration of the process of integration of Russia into the world community. During these years, the market gained transparency and clarity for customers. However, the Russian market for BI systems, even in its heyday, accounted for a small part of the global one.
Impact of crisis conditions on BI development
Today, in changing economic conditions, when IT costs will be seriously revised and cut, it is extremely difficult to predict the demand for BI in Russia. It is possible that already few projects of this kind will be frozen at all, and until the restoration of economic stability, there will be no talk of innovations in business efficiency management in principle.
There is also the opposite opinion - the crisis will not slow down or "freeze" the BI market - on the contrary, companies that find themselves in difficult conditions will resort to comprehensive analysis of data in all areas of the business in order to preserve it, increase efficiency and reduce costs.
See also
BI and Big Data Overview
Big Data - Catalog of systems and projects
How Business Intelligence technologies evolve and become available to everyone
The main trends of the BI market in Russia
Business Intelligence (Global Market)
BI Implementations in Russia - Typical Errors