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Ministry of Labour and Employment of the Orenburg region



2019: Opening of the authorized Red Soft training center

On April 19, 2019 RED SOFT company reported that it signed the agreement with Training center of the Ministry of Labour and Employment of the Orenburg region on creation of the authorized RED SOFT training center.

According to the company, earlier, at the beginning of 2018, within implementation of import substitution policy of the software of RED SOFT together with department of information technologies of the Orenburg region and department of information technologies and data protection of the Ministry of Labour and Employment of the Orenburg region carried out successful piloting of an information system of the employment service on the RED OS operating system. Diagnostics of all operation modes of an information system at the test stand of a local network yielded positive results that allowed Jobcenter of the population of Orenburg and Orenburg district to start operation of the Russian RED OS operating system.

Training of specialists of TsZN of the region is an integral part of process of substitution of the foreign software.

Certification of training center is, first, a transition to higher level of training of students and, secondly, a good opportunity to perform retraining of our specialists in connection with transition to the domestic software.

Nailya Iskhakova, Acting Minister of Labour and Employment of the Orenburg region

RED SOFT conducts system work in regions. Important not only to perform implementation, but also to prepare personnel for work among RED OS. Creation of the authorized training center will fully carry out this task.

Mukhtarovich Rustam Rustamov, deputy CEO of RED SOFT