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Haier (1C-Bitrix: Site Management)

Customers: Haier

Moscow; Electrical and Microelectronics

Product: 1C-Bitrix: Site Management

Project date: 2020/10  - 2024/07


2023: Launch and development of three e-commerce products for Haier

Until 2023, Haier was present on the Russian market as a single brand. However, then it was necessary to separate certain product lines into separate online stores. In 2023, the Next team developed several more projects for Haier:

They have a common backend, one admin panel and CRM, where the client manages the data of all resources at once. The buyer also logs in to several online stores through one account at once - this is another plus of a common CRM based on multisite.

Each brand developed its own catalogs and baskets. Despite the management from the general backend, the frontend of the projects is different. Therefore, for customers they look like different online stores.

2020: Support and development of the resource

The Next team provides support for the entire infrastructure along with integrations from 2020.

source = Digital-production Daley

The brand continuously analyzes the needs of users and improves the CX of the site. Simultaneously with the expansion of functionality, the site must remain fast and stable.

Integration with External Services

The Next team integrated the site with several external services:

Installment systems. Laravel's Illuminate\Queue package is used to integrate them and perform asynchronous tasks.
Service for the exchange of orders and balances of goods for quick delivery to the regions. The service API is implemented on the Slim microframe.
Voximplant's Happy Call service for store valuations. The robot contacts clients, saves estimates and comments, and then automatically reports them to Bitrix.
Delivery through automatic post officesso that customers can order small-sized to the electronic engineer and accessories.

In addition to integrations, more than 20 new functions were implemented, such as: online assistant for selecting air conditioners, calculator for exchanging equipment in Trade In, updating status in the user's personal account.

Team Next continues to develop Internet-shop companies.