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Good Loan (Summit Group) (Robin RPA)

Customers: Good Loan (Summit, Summit Group)

Moscow; Financial Services, Investments and Auditing

Contractors: SL Soft, Robin
Product: Robin RPA

Project date: 2024/01  - 2024/03

2024: Robotization of Judicial Recovery Department Processes

The company's lawyers collected materials for court cases from various sources and manually filed lawsuits through the state automated system of the Russian Federation "Justice." The main work on the preparation of cases took 3-4 weeks and the strength of three employees. It was necessary to robotize business processes without involving full-time programmers in the development.

The DobroLoan company chose the ROBIN CLOUD solution, which suited the customer according to all criteria: cost, domestic development, the ability to independently assemble robots. The software robot helps employees of the collection department to file claims with the state automated system of the Russian Federation "Justice."

Now the process is as follows:

  • At the preparatory stage, employees form an Excel file with a list of persons with significant debts. The table contains about 40 fields with information about each of them (full name, date of birth, court for appeal, amount of debt, etc.). Also for each debtor there are several folders with documents for the court, which are collected from different sources.
  • Then the software robot enters the Excel document, receives the data of the debtor.
  • Enters the site of the state automated system "Justice" and files a lawsuit: takes the necessary data from the Excel document and enters it into the necessary fields.
  • Attaches document files to attachments.
  • Sends the claim to the selected court.

Results of the implemented project:

  • The Department of Judicial Recovery released about 250 hours a month;
  • From 3-4 weeks to 1 week, the performance of the main tasks was reduced;
  • Filing one case with a robot takes 4 minutes;
  • The average time to implement the business process has been reduced by 3 times.