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SPbPU: Unmanned Transport Control System

Developers: St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University (SPbPU) of Peter the Great
Date of the premiere of the system: 2024/09/17
Branches: Transport

The main articles are:

2024: Building a self-driving truck

Unmanned truck created in [[St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University (SPbPU) Peter the Great 'St. Petersburg Polytechnic Peter the Great University.]] The university announced this on September 17, 2024.

source = SPbPU

Work was carried out as at the level of standard systems management car, including brake and steering systems, and at the level of special software enabling the drone to recognize a changing road situation and control the movement in a fully autonomous mode without the participation of the driver.

The development team of Polytech Voltage worked on the creation of a self-driving car Machine, which included students, graduate students and scientists from different divisions Polytechnic University: Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Materials and Transport, Institute computer sciences cyber security and Laboratories "Industrial Systems streaming. " data The work was headed by Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of Higher transport schools of St. Petersburg State University of SPBPU the Great Dmitry Plotnikov.

The team took the E-NN Gazelle as the basis for the unmanned truck. To create a total a complex of unmanned systems - both engineering and software - took less than six months. The team set itself a high bar - to take part in the status competition of the National technological initiative "Fifth level," initiated by the NTI Foundation. Competition gathers the best Russian teams of development of unmanned systems and allows to form community of professionals of the highest class who set trends in the development of unmanned transport for the coming years. Requirement for drones to compete quite serious: the car must drive in fully autonomous mode distance not less than 50 km, while impeccably observing traffic rules. Tests are carried out on public roads. Of course, on the driver monitors traffic in case of unforeseen situations, but in no processes it does not interfere with unmanned traffic.

The Polytech team has developed the entire complex of control of the standard systems of the car: steering, accelerator pedal, brake system, mode selector movements and light technology. Separately, it is worth noting the developed control scheme electric power steering, allowing the car to perform complex maneuvers. Also programmers have created a real drone "brain" - a system that reads the whole visual information, analyzes and, based on the obtained data, provides signals management. The upper level of the drone control system is based on open source software ApolloAuto.

{{quote 'Our team has implemented tasks of vehicle positioning, safe execution maneuvers - static obstacle detour, stop before obstacle and pass pedestrian. The car control system can recognize road markings and signals traffic lights, as well as predict the behavior of other traffic participants. Differences from existing developments for September 2024 - in the set and location of sensors, as well as using their own algorithms for processing information from them for more accurate and predictable behavior of the vehicle, - said "'project manager Dmitry Plotnikov. "'}}

Unmanned truck created in Polytechnia successfully demonstrated movement in the conditions of busy in the conditions of busy public roads. In the team's plans are to introduce the developed technology into the educational process of the university. The work was carried out with the support of the strategic academic leadership program "Priority-2030."