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ID20: UniFleet

The name of the base system (platform): ID20 Electronic management system for corporate fleets
Developers: ID20 (UniFleet)
Date of the premiere of the system: 2025/03/21
Branches: Transport
Technology: TMS - Transport Management,  Vehicle Safety and Control Systems,  Pulse Oximeters

2025: UniFleet Solution Presentation

The UniFleet boxed solution ID20 developed on the program platform - a version of Russian software for automating the management of commercial and corporate fleets. The ID20 (UniFleet) announced this on March 21, 2025.

The system automates the interaction of the transport division with other departments of the company, reduces paper document flow and allows you to keep documentation in electronic form. The software makes it possible to conduct detailed accounting of vehicles, recording their technical characteristics, service history, fines and accidents. The function of collecting data on the work of drivers and employees is also connected, assessing their effectiveness and compliance with regulations. The system supports integration with EPD GIS, which allows you to automatically transfer data from electronic waybills and electronic waybills to the state information system.

Automated document management controls the validity of driver's licenses, insurance and technical inspections, and also allows you to manage powers of attorney on. transport Additional tools help optimize maintenance costs and extend lifespan, cars reducing resource misuse. Interaction with processing centers and non-cash fuel payment services, such as Licard (),, Lukoil and, Rosneft Gazpromneft Yandex.Refueling provides convenience and accurate accounting of fuel costs.

Solution it is integrated with key services: processing centers for fuel accounting ,/ GPS-GLONASS platforms for monitoring, state systems for paying fines and toll roads, as well as 1C with for automation financial and personnel processes. It is supported to send electronic documents through -bot and Telegram interaction with. by the certification center Contour

The software does not require complex settings, is quickly implemented and is suitable for companies in different fields that have fleets. Flexibility, online access and a user-friendly interface make it an effective tool for digital management of commercial vehicles.

When developing software, we aimed to create a system that can be easily implemented and immediately used. The boxed solution is a quick start to digitalization of the fleet without complex integrations and additional costs, "said Mikhail Komarov, creator and project manager of ID20/UniFleet, a fleet management program.