AGAT-RT Agat Russian Technologies
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
129343, Serebryakova passage, d. 14, p. 15, office 320
Top managers:
Emelyanov Nikita Andreevich
The main area of activity of the Agat Russian Technologies production company (Agat-RT) is the development and supply of solutions for automation of telephony systems. Equipment supplied under the brand name Agat RT is included in the Register of Mines. Prom. Trading, has all the necessary certificates and can be used by both state and commercial organizations. The most popular telephony tools from Agat RT at the moment are PAK telephone and SMS alerts, IP-PBX, CTI boards, telephone recording devices.
Key areas of the company:
- Sale of telecommunications equipment of the world's leading manufacturers
- Production and Sale of Computer-Telephone Integration (CTI) Boards
- Production and sale of automatic warning systems
- Production and sale of audio information recording complexes, IP-telephony
- Production and sale of telecommunication equipment (IP-PBX, Call-centers, etc.)
2021: Rutek bought 51% of Agat RT shares
March 23, 2021 it became known about the sale of a 51% stake in Agat RT to Rutek, the founder and owner of which is ex-Minister of Communications of the Russian Federation Leonid Reiman.
Representatives of both companies, as well as Leonid Reiman, told Vedomosti about this deal. The interlocutors did not call the financial component of the agreement. According to the source of the publication, familiar with the details of the transaction, we are talking about the amount of almost 100 million rubles.
The publication says that the card of Agat RT in the SPARK-Interfax system indicates three related legal entities - Info-Telecom LLC, Svyaz.Soft.Consulting LLC and A-Electron LLC. Agat Software and Info-Telecom LLC participated in the transaction: according to SPARK, Rutek now owns 51% in both legal entities.
The remaining share of Agat Softa is distributed among its founders - 39.2% for Yuri Anisimov and 9.8% for Dmitry Vetokhin (is the general director of the LLC).
According to Rutek, the partnership of companies is focused on a synergistic effect, in which Agat RT will receive additional financial and technological resources necessary for the dynamic development of products and services, including on the basis of the Russian electronic component base.
For Rutek, in turn, the acquisition of a controlling stake in Agat RT is one of the consecutive steps to expand its own competencies and the range of services provided. So, integration with Agat RT will strengthen the telecom direction, Rutek emphasized.
The high technical level of Agat-RT products allows it to successfully compete with the decisions of leading foreign manufacturers and enjoy high demand in the domestic market. We are confident that the significant experience of Agat RT will contribute to the development of Rutek's own competencies and increase the competitiveness of our products, "said Andrei Bezrukov, CEO of Rutek.[1] |