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2025/01/09 15:55:49

Chuvash Republic


Main article: Subjects of the Russian Federation

The Chuvash Republic is a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, part of the Volga Federal District, the area is 18.3 thousand km ².


Federal authorities

Territorial branches of federal authorities:


Main article: Government of the Chuvash Republic



Education and Science

Ministry of Education and Youth Policy of the Chuvash Republic

UNIVERSITIES of the Chuvash Republic

Colleges and organizations of DPO


Health care



Ministry of Digital Development, Information Policy and Mass Communications of the Chuvash Republic


142 projects and the transition to GosTech. Chuvashia summed up the results of the digital transformation of the region

For the period from 2020, 142 projects aimed at digital transformation of the region have been implemented in Chuvashia. These initiatives covered 18 industries, ensured the creation of 235 new jobs and allowed the level of digital maturity to reach 85.5%. Ministry of Digital Development TAdviser I got acquainted with such regional data in January 2025.

According to the ministry, one of the key achievements was the digitalization of public services. By the end of 2024, 88.3% of all services are provided online, and more than 940 thousand residents of the region are actively using electronic services. The feedback platform has become widespread, more than 26 thousand messages from citizens have been processed through it.

Chuvashia summed up the results of digital transformation: 142 projects were implemented and the transition to the GosTech platform began

Chuvashia was the first in Russia to introduce the State Key technology into the public administration system. On the basis of the GosTech platform, licensing of management companies has been simplified, which has increased the efficiency of administrative processes. In addition, within the framework of the national project "Digital Economy," 480 socially significant objects are connected to high-speed Internet, which made it possible to reduce digital inequality between regions.

To ensure security in the municipalities, the Safe City complex is successfully operating. In Cheboksary and Novocheboksarsk, the introduction of the system allowed to reduce the crime rate and optimize road traffic. In the future, it is planned to expand the system to other regions of the republic.

At the end of 2024, the region completed the transition of authorities to domestic software. More than 10 thousand units of cartographic products were also created, including digital topographic maps and 3D models of settlements. Special attention in 2024 was paid to ensuring data protection and infrastructure development.

The Minister of Digital Development and Mass Media of Chuvashia Mikhail Stepanov noted that the national project "National Data Economy" will start at the federal level, which will include qualitative and quantitative indicators laid down in our concept of managing the region based on data. The main priorities are high-quality service for citizens, data protection and the development of digital infrastructure.[1]


Digital Transformation Strategy Approved

The Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic approved an updated digital transformation program for the region, including 11 new projects. The adoption of a document aimed at improving the efficiency of public services was announced on November 27, 2024.

According to the official Internet portal of the authorities of Chuvashia, the key direction of the program will be the modernization of the interdepartmental information system with the introduction of a form designer for submitting applications.


The Minister of Digital Development of the Republic, Mikhail Stepanov, stressed that most of the new projects meet the specific needs of the region's residents and are aimed at increasing the availability of public services.

As part of the program, a subsystem for monitoring school meals will be created, which will provide parents with up-to-date data on the quality and composition of their children's meals. It is also planned to introduce the Digital Electric Networks project to create a digital model for energy management.

The update will affect the Chuvashia Online system, where residents will be able to participate in the discussion of draft regulations and competitions for initiative projects. The system will include a register of applications with the ability to upload information about contestants and take into account the documents provided.

The archival system of the republic will be improved using artificial intelligence algorithms. The new technology will simplify access to Archive Fund documents through recognition and search modules.

Tools will be integrated into the system to track the implementation of projects and assess their effectiveness. Digital transformation will increase the transparency of administrative processes and the level of involvement of citizens in decision-making at the local level.

The program provides for the creation of a single digital platform for interaction between government agencies, business and citizens, which will greatly simplify the processes of obtaining public services and information exchange.[3]

For 2.5 years, Chuvashia spent 296 million rubles on the digital transformation of the region. 16 projects implemented

On August 1, 2024, it became known that 16 digital transformation projects were implemented in the Chuvash Republic within the framework of the individual program of socio-economic development (IPSER) for 2022-2024. For these purposes, more than ₽296 million were allocated from the budget.

According to the Ministry of Economic Development and Property Relations of Chuvashia, thanks to the implementation of the program, 140 high-performance jobs have been created in the region. The projects cover various areas: from public administration to the social sphere and sectors of the economy.


In 2023, Chuvashia began the modernization of a number of important information systems. Among them are the state information system for ensuring urban planning activities, the unified dispatch service for managing electric networks, as well as the regional register of services of infrastructure organizations supporting small and medium-sized businesses.

One of the key projects was the creation of a virtual twin of the electric grid economy of Chuvashia - "Digital Electric Networks." The first stage was successfully implemented in the Cheboksary microdistrict "New City." In the future, it is planned to introduce artificial intelligence technologies and scale up the project throughout the republic under the name "Digital Energy Region."

To popularize Chuvash brands, work is underway to create the Chuvashia BlagoDarit platform. This resource will function in a data mart format, providing information about local manufacturers and their products.

The Digital Development Commission approved the modernization of the Chuvashia Online information system. As part of this project, a module will be created to optimize the collection and automatic processing of applications for initiative budgeting projects.

In 2024, a number of new projects using artificial intelligence are planned in Chuvashia. Among them - the introduction of automatic recognition of voice information for veterinarians and the creation of an access service to archival documents, which will speed up the search for information on recognized digital copies of archival records and printed documents.[4]

State project "Digital Energy Region" for 10 billion rubles launched in Chuvashia

On June 21, 2024, it became known that the state project "Digital Energy Region" was launched in Chuvashia, aimed at modernizing the region's energy systems. The initiative covers the Cheboksary agglomeration and will be extended to the entire republic in the future. Read more here.


How is the digital transformation of Chuvashia going. Results of the year

At the end of 2023, the level of digital maturity of key industries of the Chuvash Republic reached 79.8% with a plan of 71.8%. For comparison, in 2022 this figure was 68%, and in 2021 - 50%. Such values ​ ​ are reflected in a report released on April 15, 2024.

The document says that by the end of 2023, the healthcare industry in Chuvashia had reached absolute digital maturity - 100% against 91% a year earlier. In the segment of public administration, the result was 88.5%, in the field of transport - 72.4%, in the education sector - 71.6%.

One of the priority areas of digital transformation of Chuvashia is the constant improvement of the system for providing state and municipal services in electronic form. At the end of 2023, the share of mass socially significant services provided in electronic form reached 79.9%. For comparison: a year earlier, this figure was 52.6%. The number of active users of the Public services portal in the Chuvash Republic in 2023 amounted to 573.5 thousand people against 440 thousand in 2021.

A significant result of 2023 in the field of digital transformation of Chuvashia was the modernization of the official portal of local authorities: a module for receiving citizens in executive instances was created, including remotely - in video conferencing mode. In addition, the information system "Social Lawyer of the Chuvash Republic" was developed to provide citizens with free legal assistance in the form of online consultations and drawing up legal documents. A platform has been put into operation that allows parents of children with disabilities to enroll in a psychological, medical and pedagogical commission and receive conclusions in electronic form through their personal account.

According to the results of 2023, about 80% of automated jobs of employees of the executive bodies of the republic are equipped with Russian operating systems and office packages. To monitor and manage information security events, a system based on domestic software is also used: in 2023, it was possible to repel 2.8 million attacks on the IT infrastructure of Chuvashia.[5]

The head of Chuvashia approved the concept of data management in the region

In July 2023, the head of Chuvashia, Oleg Nikolaev, signed a decree approving the regional concept of data management. According to the press service of the republican Ministry of Digital Development, the document proposes to automate the processes of data transmission and processing, which will reduce the time of state bodies. The concept also provides for the audit of information systems and their development taking into account modern data management requirements.

One of the priority areas of the concept is the development of an organizational and technical infrastructure for data management, including the use of modern technologies and training of specialists. These measures will help optimize the use of information resources and improve the quality and reliability of information systems.

Oleg Nikolaev

The document describes the current state and prospects for solving the identified problems. We are talking about decentralized work with state data in the republic, determining master data on the direction of activity of authorities, sources of information on the indicators of their activities, the frequency of updating and consumers of data, the list of information resources (information systems) used in work, as well as the needs of their integration with the Situation Center of the Head of the Chuvash Republic. Such integration will ensure prompt and timely informing of management about the current situation in the region, as well as provide tools for analyzing and predicting various development scenarios.

The order recommends that the executive bodies and local governments of Chuvashia be guided by the provisions of the Concept when collecting, loading, processing, storing, visualizing, analyzing and using state data. Specially trained specialists will be responsible for data management in each information system. The implementation of these measures will help to form a single information space of the republic, improve the interaction of authorities and ensure more efficient use of state data. This is an important step towards increasing the transparency and openness of public administration.[6]

2022: How the digitalization of Chuvashia goes

In March 2023, the Minister of Digital Development, Information Policy and Mass Communications of the Chuvash Republic Mikhail Stepanov spoke about how the digitalization process of the region is going. According to him, in 2022, 8 IT systems were created and modernized, 80 high-performance jobs were created for eight projects:

  • Creation of the information system of the unified dispatching service for the management of electric networks "Digital electric networks."
  • Implementation of an information system for the formation of a register and monitoring the state of housing facilities with the development of a mobile application for the activities of the State Housing Inspectorate of the Chuvash Republic.
  • Introduction of an information system for accounting for household books, labeling and digital services for animal analytics in agriculture and veterinary medicine.
  • Modernization of the State Information System for Urban Planning Activities of the Chuvash Republic.
  • Implementation of a republican geo-information system for spatial development of engineering support.
  • Implementation of the automated information system "Hunting Management."
  • Implementation of a software complex for managing the portfolio of investment and construction projects in Chuvashia.
  • Modernization of the information system "Regional register of services of infrastructure organizations supporting small and medium-sized businesses" in terms of finalizing the personal account of recipients of state support measures.

How is the digitalization of Chuvashia

In 2022, the concept of building and development "Safe City" in the Chuvash Republic for 2022-2026 was approved, and a decision was made to create a GIS "Regional Integration Platform" Hardware and software complex "Safe City."

Mikhail Stepanov noted that in Chuvashia, information systems (more than 40 by the end of 2022) and other services that are used by executive and local bodies are located in the Republican Data Processing Center (RCDC). This is e-mail (more than 6.6 thousand mailboxes in the domain and about 1.6 thousand in the domain), a telephony system (about 3 thousand internal numbers and more than 500 city ones).[7]



2024: Hundreds of agricultural machines with autopilots left for the fields of Chuvashia

As of the beginning of August 2024, hundreds of agricultural machines equipped with satellite navigation equipment/, GPSGLONASS as well as self-government tools, are operating on the fields of the Chuvash Republic. This is stated in the materials of the Ministry of Agriculture of the region, published on August 5, 2024.

Unmanned equipment allows you to increase the efficiency of agricultural work. The agrotechnical park of the region has 106 tractors equipped with a self-government system. In addition, 11 combine harvesters, 7 combine harvesters and 42 units of other equipment are equipped with an autopilot. A satellite navigation system receiver is carried aboard 787 agricultural vehicles.

On the fields of the Chuvash Republic there is a string of 106 tractors equipped with an unmanned control system

As the head of the Chuvash Republic Oleg Nikolaev said, tractors of different classes, including small unmanned models, are in development. At the same time, according to him, there are certain difficulties in terms of the large-scale introduction of self-driving agricultural machines. One of the problems is the absence of detailed digital maps of fields and other territories: this does not allow you to set coordinates with the necessary accuracy and build routes.

Unmanned combines are already operating in our fields. We have the ability of the so-called "parallel driving," there are also unmanned units that can perform separate operations. But, in my opinion, drones are still a matter of the future, - said Nikolaev.

It is noted that unmanned equipment is used in those municipalities of Chuvashia where agrarians were able to digitize their fields. With high-quality cards, these machines demonstrate a good result. In addition, according to Nikolaev, a specialized Avan hop harvester has been developed. The Tekhmashholding company at the Tekhma-Agromash plant completed the understaffing of new equipment and began mass production of hop harvesting complexes.[8]



An elderly peasant woman in a self-cloth and lapts sells seeds, photographer: Yuri Mikhailovich Krivonosov, Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, 1957.

Organizations of the Chuvash Republic
