HRM systems: completeness of functionality and experience of implementations in Russia 2011
Foreign and domestic personnel management systems (HRMS) considerably differ in approaches and therefore bear in themselves different advantages and shortcomings. TAdviser analyzed functionality of 28 systems and experience of 737 HRM projects in Russia.
You look the directory of HRM systems and projects at TAdviser.
As set a research of TAdviser of "The system of personnel management (HRMS) 2010", foreign solutions (SAP and Oracle companies) have more complete functionality in comparison with the majority of domestic solutions. A basis of work of the western HRM systems is the HR policy and profiles of competences of personnel, they are focused on cost optimization on personnel within the accepted HR policy, development and employee retention, planning of their career, planning of encouragement and promotions, efficiency analysis of personnel, etc. At the same time accounting and settlement functions in these systems require considerable completions for providing a full compliance to the current Russian legislation and the Russian specifics of accounting and management.
On the other hand, the Russian end-to-end systems are, as a rule, constructed "from the return" - basic functions are regulated accounting and classical management accounting, in all solutions difficult mechanisms of payroll taking into account different schemes of charges and deduction, by support of requirements of the tax law, etc. are implemented. One more advantage of the domestic systems – in capability quickly and qualitatively to release updates at change of the legislation, also they are distinguished by much lower implementation cost and ownerships of a system. As for HR functions, they appeared in domestic solutions in the last several years and are expansion of functionality of systems, but not their core.
During the research of 2010 of TAdviser set existence or lack of 19 key modules in the considered HRM systems. If systems have identical number of functional modules, that their place in the table was defined by comparison of depth of study of functionality.
The rating of completeness of functionality of HRM systems in the market of Russia, 2010 *
Rank of 2009 | Rank of 2008 | Name of systems |
mySAP HCM | ||
BOSS-personnel officer | ||
Quinyx WorkForce | ||
Scala Personnel management | ||
Compass: Personnel management | ||
- | ||
Global-HRM, Gobal-Salary | ||
IFS Personnel | ||
Monolith: Personnel |
Source: Research of TAdviser
* In the report of TAdviser ""HRM systems in Russia 2010" the functionality of 28 personnel management systems is in detail described, on each of which detailed data about its implementation in the companies of Russia and the CIS are given.
Foreign and domestic suppliers occupy own niches, and their interests are crossed only in an upper price segment where the most dense competition is observed. The Segment of medium and small business is controlled almost completely by domestic vendors whereas the large companies and the companies having the western investors often prefer the solutions developed outside Russia.
Such alignment of forces is quite logical, the business architect of Molga Andrey Sergeyev considers. According to him, in terms of scale of the enterprise (holding) and further development of an enterprise management system in general indisputable advantage will be behind the foreign HRM systems. "Very often practice shows that with payroll on large volumes (from 10,000 employees), with other things being equal ("iron", complexity of calculations and so on), a foreign HRM system copes quicker. The difference on time can reach day", - the expert noted. "On the other hand, a domestic HRM system is suitable for payroll at the small enterprise more (up to 1000 employees) due to the lack of the "global requirements" imposed to calculation start process", - Sergeyev considers.
In the report of TAdviser of "a HRM system in Russia 2010" data on 737 HRM projects are provided in Russia and the CIS countries of 28 developer companies.
Nevertheless, one of players has no unambiguous advantage practically now. Appearance of new suppliers in the Russian market is also extremely improbable, experts demonstrate. However, in connection with significant increase in number of projects on automation of the sector of SMB, emergence of new vendors in a segment of the drawing and configured "semi-drawing" products is possible.
The TAdviser center conducted an annual research of the market of personnel management systems in Russia. Unique statistical data about implementation of HRM systems are provided in this overview in free access, the functionality of modern solutions is described, recommendations about the choice of systems are provided. Chief information officers and suppliers impart experience creations of effective information systems.
- Classification and functionality of personnel management systems
- To whom and when it is necessary to implement a HRM system?
- Russian market of HRM systems: volume and trends of 2011
- Industry specifics of implementations of HRM in Russia
- Yana Kudryavtseva IBS: Manage a human capital under laws of Wall Street
- Severstal: "Business start" on personnel management process automation
- The perspective HRM tools for the Russian companies
- Talent management (talent management)
- Cloud HRM systems
- Social HRM tools
- Systems of corporate training
- Recruitment automation
- Biometric systems of accounting of working time
- Igor Gubanov IBS: We provide requirement of the market on a step forward
- Andrey Li of I-Teco: Even more often SAP HCM is implemented by method of "Big Bang"
- Methods, approaches and problems of implementation of HRM systems
- Legislative changes in HRM
- Main errors HRM of projects
- TCO: How many will" the information system "cost"?
- As it is correct to select a HRM system: methodical recommendations
- Volume, dynamics, structure of the world market of the automation equipment of HR services
- Top trends of development of the world market of HRM
- Suppliers of HRM systems: leaders in different segments
- SAP implementation of HCM with I-Teco
- The industrial solution Recruiting based on SAP HCM