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2020/04/17 12:38:37

Information technologies in Helicopters of Russia

Article is devoted to questions of creation, development, operation and reliability of information systems of Helicopters of Russia company.



Providing about 90% of employees with an opportunity to work far off

On April 16, 2020 it became known that the Helicopters of Russia holding (enters into State Corporation Rostec) continues work in a remote format – for April 16, 2020 about 90% of staff of management company have a possibility of remote work. Read more here.

Appointment of Alexander Krasnov as the Chief information officer

In January, 2020 Alexander Krasnov became the Chief information officer of Helicopters of Russia, told TAdviser in the company. Alexander Krasnov released Roman Falaleev occupying it from March, 2019 to January, 2020 from a duty of the CIO of Helicopters of Russia. Read more here.


The new Chief information officer - Roman Falaleev

In 2019 in Helicopters of Russia the new CIO - Roman Falaleev was appointed. In this position he replaced Mikhail Nosov. Read more here.

Reengineering about 30 parts using 3D - printing

On July 12, 2019 the Helicopters of Russia Holding (enters into State Corporation Rostec) reported that in 2019 it is going to execute reengineering about 30 parts using 3D technology - printings and to implement them in serial production since 2020. Read more here.

The chief information officer Vertolety of Russia told about enormous savings from leaving from software of Microsoft

The director of information technology of Helicopters of Russia holding Mikhail Nosov at a conference "Import substitution of 2019: real experience" in February told about import substitution problems, the purposes, tasks and stages of providing an importonezavisimost in holding.

At a conference of TAdviser Mikhail Nosov shared detailed calculations of cost of the proprietary and import-independent software which is used in Helicopters of Russia

Among priorities Nosov designated replacement of Windows 10 OS by Linux OS which is solved step by step since 2016. At the first stage Linux OS it was replicated on management company and a number of structures of holding, on the second – on manufacturing enterprises, at the current, final stage, its replication on aircraft repair plants is performed.

Slide from Mikhail Nosov's presentation at a conference of TAdviser "Import substitution of 2019: real experience"
Slide from Mikhail Nosov's presentation at a conference of TAdviser "Import substitution of 2019: real experience"

Mikhail Nosov submitted the pivot table of comparative cost of a circuit of import substitution of products of Microsoft for the Helicopters of Russia holding including 7 thousand users.

Slide from Mikhail Nosov's presentation at a conference of TAdviser "Import substitution of 2019: real experience"
Slide from Mikhail Nosov's presentation at a conference of TAdviser "Import substitution of 2019: real experience"

The director of information technology noted Helicopters of Russia is incomparable the smaller cost of support of the solutions set in a frame of import substitution and also practical lack of purchase costs of necessary licenses.

Slide from Mikhail Nosov's presentation at a conference of TAdviser "Import substitution of 2019: real experience"

At the same time rather high cost of technical support of import substitution in relation to the cost of licenses and works on its creation is caused by novelty of the solution and the need for completions in process of replication of the solution, he explained.

Slide from Mikhail Nosov's presentation at a conference of TAdviser "Import substitution of 2019: real experience"
Slide from Mikhail Nosov's presentation at a conference of TAdviser "Import substitution of 2019: real experience"

From problems of further use of the proprietary software the speaker noted the planned transfer in a cloud of infrastructure services of the main western producers within the next 2-3 years. It, according to him, will make further operation of this software for defense industry enterprises either high-risk, or just impossible. The main problem of domestic manufacturer of software Mikhail Nosov called lack of an ecosystem of a stack of technologies: vendors still propose only point solutions.

{{the quote Business cannot risk, using the domestic systems, there will be no guarantee yet, we build the ships, helicopters. The vicious circle is not broken off as of the beginning of 2019. Many companies learned to prove why on domestic software it cannot be made and are bought for the future by the western systems, counting on the fact that over time import substitution will become irrelevant, - Mikhail Nosov.} noted }


Priority No. 1: current status (2/14/2018)

  • Lack of a possibility of instant transition to domestic developments;
  • Decision on creation of a shunt circuit to existing;
  • Drawing up the list of the main IT subsystems of Holding which will be substituted;
  • Approval of the road map of the project of import substitution in the long term 3 years;
  • Infrastructure works and substitution of services of administration;
  • Works on substitution of the user infrastructure.

From the presentation "Technology mobility and independence. The main priorities" Nosov Mikhail Yuryevich - Helicopters of Russia, 2/14/2018 at the Import substitution 2018 conference: real experience

Priority No. 1: oVirt is the virtualization platform ["Q.Virt"]

  • Web interface, Role model of access to BM and VDI
  • Failsafe work with support of fencing (IPMI 2)
  • Good scalability and performance
  • Creation of VM from a template, flexible management by the VM resources
  • Relocation of VM between cluster nodes "on the fly"
  • Support of VDI with "a gold image" and graphics 3d

Priority No. 1: SAMBA4 is the platform for the main directory

  • LDAP authentication for all services and services
  • Federal communications with the Active Directory
  • Support of Cyrillics, OU containers
  • Issue of tickets of Kerberos, access control
  • Password policy, management of the rules SUDO
  • Integration into the DHCP server
  • Integration into the DNS server based on BIND

Priority No. 1: ZABBIX is condition monitoring of servers

  • online control of servers and services of the company
  • performance review and the consumed resources
  • the notification about critical events to a popochta and SMS

Priority No. 1: ANSIBLE is configuration management

  • flexible opportunities of installation and OS setup and applications
  • simplicity of management when using the graphical environment AWX
  • the agent for Ansible work is not required

Priority No. 1: LOGANALYZER is centralization of system magazines

  • The centralized collecting of event logs from project subsystems
  • Reports on the set criteria on the basis of the available magazines
  • Search and data mapping using the web management console

Priority No. 1: Project Results

1) Virtualization of servers:

  • High performance and scalability
  • Ensuring fault tolerance of VM
  • Convenient web interface

2) Virtualization of desktops of VDI:

  • Isolation of threats for the user's PC
  • Performance improvement for the PC
  • Support of Nvidia of 3D video cards

3) Service of the main directory:

  • Creation of the trust relations for the available domain AD
  • Support of Cyrillics in names of objects
  • Creation of structure of the enclosed objects
  • There is a restriction for the DB size of service

4) Monitoring system:

  • Integration into the LDAP directory
  • The notification about critical situations
  • Monitoring of any systems and devices on SNMP

5) Backup system:

  • File backup, DBMS, virtual machines
  • Backup copies on disk devices and tapes

6) Service of centralization of magazines:

  • The centralized collecting of event logs from project subsystems
    • Reports generation by the set criteria on the basis of the available magazines

  • Search and data mapping using the management console

7) Service of configuration management:

  • Network installation of a reference client image Linux, on the PC and VM
  • Automatic adjustment of parameters OS Linux and applications via the pleybuki
  • Accomplishment of changes of the Linux OS parameters and applications on the existing PCs on the instructions of the administrator of a subsystem

Priority No. 2: current status (2/14/2018)

  • The 1st stage: the switch of the kernel level of Cisco 6509 is replaced with A908 Damask steel
  • The 2nd stage: the Cisco 5510 firewall on APKSh IPC Continent – 100 changes
  • The 3rd stage: in parallel with Wi-fi network based on the Cisco 5508 controller the Wi-fi network from Eltex or a MIC * is developed.
  • The 4th stage: replacement of routers of KSPD Cisco\Huawei by MIC routers. Also replacement of the ciphering S-terra equipment by APKSh the Continent.
  • The 5th stage: replacement of floor switches of the access level of Cisco-2960, 3750 on Damask steel of D 285, 345 series.

Priority No. 3: current status (2/14/2018)

  • Requirement till 2019 is calculated.
  • Technical requirements to infrastructure, means of virtualization and security are created.
  • Procurement procedures for Management Company and 10 DZO are carried out.


Technology mobility and independence

Из презентации "Цифровая революция или суверенитет ИТ" Директора по ИТ Nosova M.Yu. in May, 217 on TAdviser SummIT

Priority 1: status (08.2016 - 05.2017)

  • The main set of services is configured (12 hypervisors on 5 platforms: NTsV, TsMT, RT M9, U-UAZ, VSK, 30 virtual machines).
  • In commercial operation 3 KTC UK work at Linux circuit (1C ERP*, 1C accounting\the personnel, the CGP mail server).
  • The alternative MSE CGP mail server is installed (738 mailboxes migrated, including 600 UK, 11 DZO).
  • On the user automated workplaces of the enterprises with MS Windows Linux basic components are installed (LibreOffice, Firefox, Thunderbird).
  • Work in the automated workplace 2kh-sredny configuration 142 (MS Windows as the virtual machine under control of AstraLinux).
  • The Order on Implementation of the ODF standard, GOST P ISO/IEC 26300-2010 is executed from 1/1/2017
  • The interactive training program is used (ROOI "STRATEGY" together with LOMONOSOV MOSCOW STATE UNIVERSITY)

Priority 2: status (08.2016 - 05.2017)

Priority 3: status (08.2016 - 05.2017)

  • Requirement till 2019 is calculated.
  • Working off of commercial and technical implementation is conducted.
  • Works on migration are included in the approved plan of financial stabilization of Holding for 2016-2017goda.
  • In DPC of PT M9 2 bleyd-servers, 4 servers 2U, 2 DWH are placed.
  • Connection of DPC of PT M9 with KSPD BP — 200Mbit, a reserve the Internet 100Mbit
  • Ensuring secure access is VPN the Continent (70 licenses)

And also:

  • Audit of the register of the Russian programs
  • Transition to the ODF standard according to GOST P ISO/IEC 26300-2010 for storage and exchange of the edited office documents
  • Monitoring of a ratio of ZAKUPOK of Russian \foreign programs and equipment
  • Settlement of use of "cloud" technologies during the developing, production and product sales (including military).
  • Audit and monitoring are executed by state structures on the basis of orders of the Government.
  • Transition to the ODF standard – is practically not executed.
  • Cloud computing in military industrial complex requires separate consideration. There is no information on this activity


As Helicopters of Russia do without technical support of Microsoft, Oracle and Cisco

"Helicopters of Russia" entered in 2016 without prolongation of the three-year technical support contract of Microsoft (more than 190 million rubles), as much as possible reduced contributions to licenses, consulting and technical support of Oracle (by 77%) and Cisco (for 87%), the Chief information officer of holding Mikhail Nosov in October, 2016 told TAdviser.

Mikhail Nosov saves Helicopters of Russia from import software and "iron"

The holding, according to Nosov, nevertheless was forced to invest in three years' prolongation of technical support services of Siemens PLM (about 200 million rubles). Expenses in this direction increased in connection with the 100% growth of currency rate and, as a result, the change in price of the solution by the supplier.

Alternative to import software

Having refused to pay technical support of Microsoft "Helicopters of Russia" execute phased transition on free solutions based on Linux. It, according to Nosov, is a key priority in the field of informatization.

The operating system is a basis for information technologies and, therefore, has the highest risk of destructive impact on infrastructure in case of toughening of sanctions. Replacement of the operating system involves transition to other business systems, monitoring systems and infrastructure managements. Allows to replace cardinally settled approach for creation of IT of industrial enterprise, - he explains.

About 30% of the means released at failure from prolongation of the contract with Microsoft were directed to implementation of the plan of transition to the free software, Nosov adds.

As of October, 2016 on computers of users running Microsoft Windows alternative free products - the Firefox Internet browsers, the Thunderbird e-mail clients, LibreOffice packets were installed. Together with ROOI "STRATEGY" and faculty of calculus mathematics and cybernetics of Lomonosov Moscow State University the interactive training program to the basics of these applications was developed.

The Microsoft Exchange mail server is replaced with domestic CommuniGate Pro.

Technical specialists of Helicopters of Russia with assistance of competence center of RT-Inform work interaction of computers and the services servicing them (basic, network, application services, monitors and security and so forth) in two-vendor infrastructure (Microsoft Linux). Services configure and in the form of the packed images virtual transfer Linux machines to the plants of holding. Thus the standard configuration of IT infrastructure with the centralized services of management is fulfilled. Testing is held, teams of experts on places are formed, - Mikhail Nosov tells.

Until the end of 2016 the Chief information officer of holding expects to carry out replication of a standard configuration of the basic services fulfilled in management company at the pilot enterprises of holding: "Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant", Kamov, "Helicopter service company", Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant. Implementation at other enterprises of holding is planned until the end of 2018.

Works are supported by a series of corporate documents. In particular, according to Nosov, the order on holding approves ISO/IEC GOST P standard 26300-2010 for storage and exchange of the edited office documents in the OASIS Open Document Format for Office Application format, being an alternative to the commercial closed Microsoft Office Open XML format.

Alternative to import "iron"

Use of the domestic equipment and step-by-step reduction of a share of foreign technical means - one more priority of IT strategy of Helicopters of Russia. According to the technical policy of Rostec state corporation, for infrastructure IT solutions the strategy of creation of reserve circuits using the domestic equipment, first of all United Instrument Manufacturing Corporation was selected, Mikhail Nosov told TAdviser.

Besides, there is a process of migration to the external data centers constructed on software tools of Linux and the domestic equipment. For reduction of expenses on providing with computing powers, upgrade of the existing infrastructure of servers and storage systems RT-Inform prepares the system of DPC of Rostec Group.

Consumption of computing powers from external data centers in the form of service (IaaS), according to Nosov, is the most reasonable scenario. Thanks to it there is a cutting of costs for purchase and use of own computing powers, an exception of the risks connected with use of difficult computer systems of foreign production.

Besides it is a real opportunity to bring standard function of acquisition and support of computing resources out of industrial holding in outsourcing. Also will focus on timely automation of business activity

For decrease in technology dependence and minimization of expenses of RT-Inform, according to Nosov, organized process of standardization, testing and use of the equipment made in United Instrument Manufacturing Corporation. In particular, in Helicopters of Russia the domestic communication equipment as Cisco alternative is installed.

As a result of implementation of the listed directions "Helicopters of Russia" expect to lower purchase costs, licensing and technical support of the software and the equipment by 1.5-2 times, Nosov says. Besides, he calculates, it will allow to increase information security of holding due to increase in a share of use of domestic IT solutions based on open standards.

For import substitution support, according to the Chief information officer of Helicopters of Russia, the state should execute a number of steps:

  • carry out audit of the register of the Russian programs - to minimize number of those which apply commercial standards,
  • pass to the standard according to GOST P ISO/IEC 26300-2010 for storage and exchange of the edited office documents - implementation of the ODF standard stimulates transfer to the free software and creation of an alternative ICT circuit,
  • conduct monitoring of a ratio of purchases of the foreign/Russian programs and the equipment, to toughen control of purchases to provide necessary investments into domestic engineering potential,
  • settle uses of cloud computing during the developing, production and product sales, including military,
  • correct the regulating documents regarding use of cloud computing and stimulate application of a system of external DPCs and Internet solutions at the organization of the systems of interaction, including in a MIC.

The plan of transition from import IT to domestic

On February 11, 2016 it became known of plans of Helicopters of Russia holding to replace foreign hardware and software solutions with open products and the Russian developments. According to plans of the company, up to 50% of infrastructure components and business applications it is necessary to transfer by 2019 to the open source software[1].

Under replacement operating systems will go Microsoft Windows. Instead of them OS will be used Linux, Interfax news Agency reported, referring to the statement Mikhail Nosov, CIOs of holding. The share of domestic software in holding no more than 5-7%, all the rest — very old legacy systems on the basis of foreign software, or the purchased products is defined by the internal audit booked in 2015.

The program of transition to the open source is expected three years, since 2016. Up to 50% of infrastructure components and business applications as a part of IT infrastructure of holding should act on the basis of the open source software.

Quantitative indices (share of the free software) only form, they on control at the CEO, especially since Rostec and Helicopters of Russia once again fell under sanctions in December, 2015, - Mikhail Nosov said.

Import substitution will begin with the bases, declared in holding, with operating system which within three years should change with Microsoft Windows on Linux. In a basis Astra Linux Special Edition — what is applied in military structures and it is standardized by GOST as the system capable to process and store data with a signature stamp "top secret". On the platform of this OS the binding also will be made of the free software, further it will pull for itself an infrastructure part and business applications.

The holding is also going to transfer IT services of the enterprises from own servers on the external data processing centers (DPC).

Approach to creation of infrastructure will be reviewed. We use initiatives of state agencies of migration of infrastructure services in DPCs. These are not commercial DPCs, these are, most likely, federal and regional DPCs about which tells the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, - Nosov said.

Use of domestic Elbrus processors by holding in servers is not excluded. According to Nosov, interest in these chips is.

When we plan transition to Linux, is farther on a chain — the mail server. There is desire to use CommuniGate Pro, which on all canons domestic. If we start on Elbrusakh of CommuniGate Pro, it is very beautiful history.

Besides, Helicopters of Russia intend to refuse network solutions of Cisco, passing to the Russian analogs. By the end 2015 the holding tested a number of hardware solutions from United Instrument Manufacturing Corporation which is a part of Rostec too. In particular, it is switches and network equipment from the company Bulat of Research Center. According to Nosov, replacement of the equipment is already conducted.

Our helicopter plant in Ulan-Ude in the middle of 2015 implemented a linking of EMC with Huawei under control of Huawei in general. The complex proved the survivability and already works. It is an example that in the existing infrastructure it is possible to do the multivendor systems.

Concerning business applications, in plans of holding transition from foreign solutions to solutions of 1C. According to Mikhail Nosov, there are separate installations like Oracle Business Suite - they are gradually extinguished. Since January 1, 2016 the holding stopped payment of technical support.

Having such plans Helicopters of Russia do not intend to increase the IT budget and want to save it at the level of last year as that is required by Rostec. Expense optimization in the conditions of failure from the existing solutions, software implementation and hardware resources happens in holding due to economy on licenses and redistributions of personnel.

We leave from a license burden due to transition to Open Source and transition to external DPCs. The personnel occupied now with vendor interaction will respond to the business requests on automation.

CIO "Helicopters of Russia" told about import substitution in IT on TAdviser SummIT

The director of information technology of Helicopters of Russia companyMikhail Nosov, acting on TAdviser SummIT on May 31, 2016, told about transformation of approaches and requirements to information technologies in the company against the background of the developed political and economic situation.

Mikhail Nosov noted that in 2015 there was a number of events which forced Helicopters of Russia,Rostec Group which is a part, to review the view of development of IT in the company. One of them is an exit in April of the order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications on import substitution. With respect thereto the company carried out a number of point installations of the Russian equipment released by Rostec Group and together with RT-Inform participated in development of standards which would allow Helicopters of Russia to narrow a range of the purchased foreign IT products – "technologies risk today, such as Microsoft,Oracle,Cisco,EMC,Siemens and others".

In October, 2015 in Helicopters of Russia the order on import substitution program implementation in IT was issued, in November the company made the decision not to prolong the three-year contract with Microsoft for purchase and technical support of software, and in December Helicopters of Russia together with Rostec were placed on the sanctions list of the USA.

According to Mikhail Nosov, in the circumstances Helicopters of Russia sets a task to create an IT circuit which at any succession of events would allow to provide support of a company performance "with the minimum degradation of systems and services".

Mikhail Nosov on TAdviser SummIT

For elimination of technology dependence on the western suppliers Helicopters of Russia defined three priority directions which in addition to this purpose will allow to gain essential economic effect also. The first direction is a step-by-step replacement basic operating system Windows solutions of Open Source based on Linux. As OS, in particular, a system is used AstraLinux. Together with it also use of office applications of page is planned open code.

In addition to decrease in dependence on foreign vendor replacement of Windows by Open Source will provide significant economy of means: by calculations of the company, for the period till 2021 Helicopters of Russia will be saved by about 232.9 million rubles on technical support of OS.

Slide from Mikhail Nosov's presentation

The second direction – transition to use of the domestic equipment. Process is begun with a switching equipment: "Helicopters of Russia" install the equipment released within the United Instrument Manufacturing Corporation which is a part of Rostec. It makes an alternative to the products Cisco. By May, 2016 trial installations were executed in management company Helicopters of Russia, Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant, the Kumertau air manufacturing enterprise, Mikhail Nosov told.

In Rostec state corporation there is a high engineering potential. One of structures where it accumulates - it is United Instrument Manufacturing Corporation. When implementing infrastructure projects in the field of IT we, first of all, look at presence of the necessary equipment at them. If there is no like that, then we look at the Russian products of other companies and if there is no necessary solution, then we pay attention, for example, to products of suppliers from BRICS countries, - the director of information technology noted Helicopters of Russia.

Slide from Mikhail Nosov's presentation

The third priority direction – migration IT infrastructures in external DPCs according to the scheme IaaS, and in the long term also according to schemes SaaS and PaaS. For expense reduction on providing with computing powers, upgrade of the existing infrastructure of servers and DWH the RT-Inform company which is a part of Rostec prepares DPC of state corporation and on the example of Helicopters of Russia fulfills transfer of computing resources there. According to forecasts of the company, due to moving to DPC of Rostec expenses on purchase, licensing and technical support of the server software and the equipment for Helicopters of Russia will decrease by 1.5 - 2 times until the end of 2017.

Completing the performance, Mikhail Nosov designated a number of offers which accomplishment, according to him, could influence change of IT trends in Russia at this conjuncture. According to Nosov, it is necessary to support the Russian producers of IT solutions by the order from state companies and state agencies. For this purpose from the state stricter control of purchases should be provided and audit of the register of domestic software to minimize existence in it of the Russian programs applying commercial standards, including standards of Microsoft and not capable to execute the translation of the solutions on Open Source is carried out.

Regarding Open Source Mikhail Nosov suggested to become more active also in transition to the ODF standard according to GOST P ISO/IEC 26300-2010 for storage and exchange of the edited office documents. One more offer – settlement of use of cloud computing during the developing, production and product sales, including military. Use of cloud services represents a problem to a MIC so far, first of all, regarding information security support, the director of information technology noted Helicopters of Russia.

О TAdviser SummIT

TAdviser SummIT which passed on May 31, 2016 was visited by more than 240 people – heads and experts of the commercial and state organizations. Within the action more than 30 reports were submitted. Among speakers – representatives Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, "Sberbank" Pension fund Federal Treasury "Helicopters of Russia" , etc. In the foyer of the summit there took place the exhibition of the IT companies. In completion of an action smartphone Tonino Lamborghini 88 Tauri the draw worth about 200 thousand took place rubles.

TAdviser SummIT was visited in total by more than 240 people

IT projects in Helicopters of Russia

Описание проектаRostelecomRostelecom: Virtual Data Processing Center (VDPC), VKS projects (video conferencing)2020
Описание проектаAdvanta AdvantaAdvanta is a project management system, A2 Project management systemSaaS - Software as service, Project management systems2020
Описание проектаProject practicePM Foresight (PPMPlus)BPM, SaaS - Software as service, Informatization of state functions, Project management systems2019
Описание проектаRT-Inform, Prof-IT Group1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.0ERP, SaaS - Software as service2019
Описание проектаWithout involvement of the consultant or not dataThe 3D projects are printings2019
Описание проектаBARS GROUPBARS. Situational center, CryptoPro CSPSituational centers2018
Описание проектаWithout involvement of the consultant or not dataOVirtVirtualization2017
Описание проектаWithout involvement of the consultant or not dataZabbix a System for monitoring of networks and applicationsNetwork Health Monitoring - Monitoring of network or management of health performance of IT Infrastructure, Management systems for performance of network applications2017
Описание проектаWithout involvement of the consultant or not dataRed Hat AnsibleITSM - Management systems for IT service2017
Описание проектаRT-Inform   Astra Linux Special EditionOS2017
Описание проектаRT-Inform, Konica Minolta Business Solutions RussiaProjects of IT outsourcingIT outsourcing2017
Описание проектаCommuniGate Systems (Stalkersoft)CommuniGate ProOffice applications, Mail server2016
Описание проектаI-Teco (iTeco)Projects of creation of complex IT infrastructure, Complex projects of creation of the engineering systems, Mind of the VIDEOCONFERENCINGIT outsourcing, Server platforms2016
Описание проектаInfraManagerInfraManager (ITSM is the solution)ITSM - Management systems for IT service2016
Описание проектаABACUS1C: ConsolidationCPM, ERP2015
Описание проектаRT-InformScale: IP PBX Alexandrite, Scale: Router Multilegal Special Purpose (RMSP)IP telephony, Routers (routers)2015
Описание проектаAsterosProjects of creation of complex IT infrastructureIT outsourcing, Server platforms2014
Описание проектаKaspersky LabKaspersky SecurityCybersecurity - Antiviruses, cybersecurity - the Antispam2014
Описание проектаCompulink (Compulink) GroupSymantec NetBackup2014
Описание проектаWSS-Consulting (ARIA Consulting)WSS DocsEDMS2014
Описание проектаCorus ConsultingOracle Hyperion PlanningCPM2013
Описание проектаNVision GroupOracle Hyperion PlanningCPM2013
Описание проектаIdeco (Aideko)Ideco UTMVPN - Virtual Private Networks, IS - Firewalls2013
Описание проектаAsterosSCS projects and wireless network infrastructureSCS2012
Описание проектаAsterosCisco Unified Communication Manager (CUCM)Call centers, IP telephony2012
Описание проектаAsterosDPC Projects of creation and upgradeDPC, Data processing centers are technologies for DPC2012
Описание проектаInline Technologies (Inlayn tekhnolodzhis)VKS projects (video conferencing)Video conferencing2012
Описание проекта1C:VDGB1C: Trade Management 8Trade automation systems2012
Описание проектаB2B-Center (Center of development of economy)2011
Описание проектаRT-Inform---
Описание проекта1C Joint Stock Company1C:Enterprise 8.3ERP, SaaS - Software as service---
