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2019/06/19 15:32:31

Information technologies in Rosseti Siberia

The article is devoted to the creation and development of information systems in Rosseti Siberia (formerly IDGC of Siberia).


Digital Transformation Costs

2018: Double height

In 2018, the costs of Rosseti Siberia (formerly IDGC of Siberia) (part of Rosseti) for the purchase of products and services under the company's innovative development program amounted to 1.366 billion rubles. This follows from the annual report of IDGC of Siberia, published in June 2019.

The vast majority of this amount - 1.175 billion rubles - fell on "the transition to digital active-adaptive networks with a distributed intelligent automation and control system." The second largest item of expenses - 175.2 million rubles - was "the transition to the integrated efficiency of business processes and automation of control systems."

Expenses for innovative products of IDGC of Siberia increased almost 2 times: in 2017 they amounted to about 688 million rubles. As in 2018, then the vast majority of this amount was also spent on the transition to digital active-adaptive networks with a distributed intelligent automation and control system.

The Siberian region is a platform for the implementation of pilot projects of the Rosseti concept "Digital Transformation 2030." At the end of 2017, IDGC of Siberia commissioned the first digital substation in Russia. It was created in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and is called "Named after M.P. Smorgunov." In the summer of 2019, the creation of a second digital substation should be completed in Krasnoyarsk, and it will become the only city in the country with two digital substations, according to IDGC of Siberia.

IDGC of Siberia acts as a pilot platform for the implementation of the Rosseti concept Digital Transformation 2030 (photo -

According to the annual report of IDGC of Siberia, as of mid-2019, the company is simultaneously implementing 15 pilot projects in all regions of its presence: it is building 6 digital substations and creating 9 digital districts of electric networks (RES).

As part of the transition to digital substations of various voltage classes, in 2018 IDGC of Siberia began implementing pilot projects for the reconstruction of substations Prudskaya (Altayenergo), Omskaya (Omskenergo), Verkh-Chita (Chitaenergo).

In 2018, a digital Network Management Center for the region was also opened in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. One of the projects aimed at the transition to digital active-adaptive networks with an intelligent automation and control system, carried out in 2018, was the creation of intelligent electricity metering systems. Its purpose is to increase the useful supply of electricity, reduce commercial losses, operating costs, timely and reliable provision of reliable information to participants in the retail electricity market.

Meters, which are part of this system, allow real-time monitoring of electricity consumption by subscribers and limiting power consumption in accordance with the power limit established by the power supply contract. They also allow you to completely turn off the consumer at the request of an energy sales organization. Metering devices make it possible to record electric energy in hourly mode at several tariffs and zones of the day.

The digital transformation of the electric power industry of Siberia is already underway. It's not a fashion trend, it's a reality. And it is she who will be our key project for the next eleven years, - the words of the general director of IDGC of Siberia Pavel Akilin are quoted in the annual report for 2018. - Having completed pilot projects in 2020-2022, we will broadcast this experience to all regions and cover the entire territory of the company's presence with a digital network.

According to Aquilin, the company expects that in the future the digitalization of the network complex will allow to contain the growth of the tariff, achieve full observability and predictability of the network, reduce electricity losses and, in general, deploy the company towards the consumer.

For example, in the digital Emelyanovsky RES, we will achieve 100% observability of the network, reduce the level of electricity losses from today's 30% to 7% and reduce the cost of maintenance and repair of networks by 15%, - quotes IDGC of Siberia Vitaly Ivanov in the annual report.


2019: Rosseti will allocate 3 billion rubles by 2022 to implement the program of digital transformation of Siberia

Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Siberian Federal District Sergei Menyailo, General Director of Rosseti Pavel Livinsky and Head of IDGC of Siberia (part of the Rosseti Group of Companies) Pavel Akilin discussed the development of the region's electric power industry in March 2019 within the framework of the Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum.

The meeting participants considered the results of the work of IDGC of Siberia in 2018. Acting General Director Pavel Akilin summed up the main financial and production results: the company's profit of 0.8 billion rubles, electricity losses in the networks decreased to 7.81%, and the average duration of the power outage decreased by 21.4%. In addition, the number of overdue contracts for preferential technological connection decreased by more than 86%. At the same time, in August 2019, all obligations of the company will be fulfilled.

During the meeting, special attention was paid to projects implemented within the framework of the digital transformation program of the energy system of the Siberian Federal District. So, in 2018, IDGC of Siberia introduced one of the most modern digital network management center in Russia.

In the summer of 2019, we will launch a second digital substation in Krasnoyarsk - Molodezhnaya, which supplies electricity to most of the city center, - said Pavel Akilin. - Thus, Krasnoyarsk will become the first city of Russia with two digital substations. In addition, 14 more digital projects are in different stages of implementation, more than 2.8 billion rubles will be allocated for the implementation of which by 2022.

Pavel Livinsky noted the high pace of introduction of digital technologies.

IDGC of Siberia in the last two years, of course, demonstrates a positive result of work. It is necessary to continue what has begun in the future, to maintain the accumulated pace. Of course, there is a reserve for improving the financial result of the company. A serious breakthrough will have to be in terms of digitalization of networks: our task by 2024 is to achieve 65% automation of the network complex, as well as to increase the share of intelligent electricity metering devices to 50%, "said Pavel Livinsky.

Sergei Menyailo emphasized the merit of the Rosseti group of companies in holding the 2019 Universiade in Krasnoyarsk - during the competition, not a single shutdown was recorded at sports and infrastructure facilities.

In 2016, IDGC of Siberia was in a difficult situation - credited and with negative financial indicators. Today it is a completely different company with ambitious investment projects. - noted Sergey Menyailo. - Siberia's experience is invaluable. Here they know how not only to keep the achieved high indicators, but also to surpass them. This is not easy, but the company's experience has shown that the most difficult problems can be solved here.

2018: Current level of process automation

Data from the beginning of 2018.

Information Technology in Rosseti

Main questionnaire: Digitalization in Rosseti

IT passport of projects

{{# ITProj: IDGC of Siberia}}
