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2023/05/05 13:06:55

Kurgan region


Main article: Subjects of the Russian Federation

Coat of arms of the Kurgan region

Kurgan region - a subject of the Russian Federation, is part of the Ural Federal District, the area is 71.5 thousand km ². The date of formation is February 6, 1943. The distance from Kurgan to Moscow is 1973 km.

In the west and northwest it borders on the Chelyabinsk and Sverdlovsk regions, in the north and northeast - with the Tyumen region, in the south and southeast - with the Republic of Kazakhstan. The administrative center of the region is the city of Kurgan.


Federal authorities

Territorial branches of federal authorities:


Main article: Government of Kurgan region


Districts of the Kurgan region

As of 2022, the Kurgan region includes:

  • districts: Almenevsky, Belozersky, Vargashinsky, Dalmatovsky, Zverinogolovsky, Kargapolsky, Kataisky, Ketovsky, Kurtamyshsky, Lebyazhyevsky, Makushinsky, Mishkinsky, Mokrousovsky, Petukhovsky, Polovinsky, Pritobolny, Safakulevsky, Tselinny, Chardozersky, Shadrinsky, Shumikhinsky, Shchuchansky, Yurgamsky;
  • cities of regional subordination: Kurgan, Shadrinsk;
  • cities of regional subordination: Dalmatovo, Kataisk, Kurtamysh, Makushino, Petukhovo, Shumikha, Schuchye;
  • urban-type settlements of regional subordination: Vargashi, Kargapolye, Red October, Lebyazhye, Mishkino, Yurgamysh;
  • village councils and rural settlements.


Main article: Population of Kurgan region

Main social indicators of the Kurgan region (Rosstat data from 2020)

' 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Численность населения (на конец года), человек869814861896854109845537834701827166
Естественный прирост, убыль (-) населения, человек-2054-2382-2942-3459-4348-5008
Миграционный прирост, убыль (-) населения, человек-5281-5536-4845-5113-6488-2527
Среднегодовая численность занятых(1), тыс. человек372,1359,8348,3338,6326x
Численность безработных(2), тыс. человек 29,931,834,536,730,628,4
Численность безработных, зарегистрированных в органах службы занятости (на конец года), тыс. человек6,78,1875,95,7
Численность пенсионеров, (на конец года)(3), тыс. человек291,5293,7296297,5298,2293,7

1) Based on workforce balance.
2) According to a sample survey of the labor force.
3) Pensioners registered in the system of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the Kurgan region. For 2015-2018 - as of January 1 of the year following the reporting year.


Main article: Economy of Kurgan region

Main economic indicators of the Kurgan region (Rosstat data from 2020)

' 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Среднедушевые денежные доходы населения (в месяц), RUB18849.820310.120174.920660.120334.421290.3
Среднедушевые денежные расходы населения (в месяц), рублей17184,119358,318814,51890519141,0x
|x14740,3 14833,7 15580,8 16132,6 17160,3(3)
Среднемесячная номинальная начисленная заработная плата работников организаций, рублей21171,722064,323334,625432,928159,4 30632,2
Средний размер назначенных пенсий, рублей 998911077,511414,112304,91307613873,2
Валовой региональный продукт(1): млн. рублей170310179436189790197755213032x
   на душу населения, рублей194979207236221200232701253574x
Основные фонды в экономике (по полной учетной стоимости; на конец года), млн. рублей619830650878693563725992757646x
Объем отгруженных товаров собственного производства, выполненных работ, услуг собственными силами по «чистым» видам экономической деятельности(2), млн. рублей:
   добыча полезных fossil]xx3480331532223526 (3)
Продукция agriculture, million rubles28471.634780.53809438576.739511.446410.0 (3)
Ввод в действие общей площади жилых домов, тыс. м2389,3292,6295,9271,8231,5250,8
Грузооборот transport (4), million t-km731.8737.8748.3736.8| 843.7 (3)
Оборот розничной торговли, млн. рублей102280,8105765,5104329,3108661,6114416,9120321,2
Оборот общественного питания, млн. рублей3740,93767,83613,13691,83808,93977,1
Платные услуги населению, млн. рублей270012821828937,230296,931230,232652,8
Доходы консолидированного бюджета(6), млн. рублей3378934003,537895,139783,445596,754445,6
Расходы консолидированного бюджета(6), млн. рублей37678,73887340739,542036,545927,254330,5
Дефицит (-), профицит консолидированного бюджета(6), млн. рублей-3889,7-4869,5-2844,4-2253,1-330,5115,0
Сальдированный финансовый результат (прибыль минус убыток) в экономике(7), млн. рублей-2226,63856,24573,8-169526,16190,010253,2
|32762,327842,329253,822851,227150,7 40237,8(3)
Внешнеторговый оборот(8), млн. долл. USA467352.9277.8184.3299.6381.2
   в том числе экспорт326,7279,5204,9111,5216,9252,6
   в том числе импорт140,373,472,972,882,7128,6

1) In current core prices.
2) Data are given in the circle of large, medium and small (including micro) organizations by actual types of economic activity. For 2019 - according to the data of operational reporting for January-December 2019
3) Preliminary data.
4) Without an assessment of the activities of small and micro-enterprises.
5) For legal entities (including small businesses) and individual entrepreneurs carrying passengers on a commercial basis.
6) According to the Financial Department of the Kurgan region.
7) 2014-2018 - according to the annual financial statements (without small businesses, credit, insurance, financial non-credit organizations and state (municipal) institutions); 2019 - according to operational reporting data (without small businesses and organizations whose average number of employees does not exceed 15 people, banks, insurance organizations and state (municipal) institutions).
8) Data of the Federal Customs Service of Russia on foreign trade in goods. 2019 - as of March 11, 2020

Within the framework of the individual program of socio-economic development of the Kurgan region for 2020-2024 adopted on February 25, 2020, targets have been published that should be achieved by 2024.

Targets for socio-economic development of the Kurgan region

Target Unit of measure 2018 Planned values
2019 год2024
1 The share of the population with monetary incomes below the regional subsistence minimum in the total population of the constituent entity of the Russian Federationinterest19.616.88.2
2 Investments in fixed assets (without budgetary investments) per capitathousand rubles29.2332.0851.34
3 Unemployment ratepercent of the workforce887.3
4 Average per capita cash incomes of the population adjusted for the ratio of the cost of a fixed set of consumer goods, works, servicesrubles210062132027945


Department of Information Technologies and Digital Development of the Kurgan Region

2022: Results of digitalization summed up

In May 2023, Gulzhan Fakhrutdinova, Director of the Department of Information Technologies and Digital Development of the Kurganskaya Region, announced some results of the digitalization of the region for 2022. By the end of this period, 105 IT companies of 217 individual entrepreneurs worked in the Kurgan region by type of economic activity in the ICT sector, large and medium-sized businesses of which account for about 4%. For three years, 58 IT enterprises were additionally registered in the region. In 2021-2022, IT firms submitted 25 applications for federal support measures.

According to Fakhrutdinova, by the end of 2022, 1,600 socially significant objects of the region (administrations, schools, hospitals, fire departments and cultural facilities) connected to the Internet within the framework of the federal project "Information Infrastructure" functioned in the region. More than 6 thousand kilometers of fiber-optic communication lines (FOCL) have been built. In 190 settlements, the VOLS was put into operation for the first time, this is 15% of the total number of settlements in the region.

Gulzhan Fakhrutdinova, Director of the Department of Information Technologies and Digital Development of the Kurgan Region

Also, the head of the Kurgan ICT department spoke about the implementation of the project "Personnel for the Digital Economy": the indicator "The number of state (municipal) employees and employees of institutions trained in competencies in the field of digital transformation of state and municipal administration" provided for by him for 2022 in the region was completed on 112.9%. An IT college and an IT institute have been created in the region with the aim of advanced training for the region's digital economy, Gulzhan Fakhrutdinova noted.

Work was carried out to improve the level of information security of 10 regional state information systems (100%): information protection tools were purchased and certification work was carried out for compliance with information security requirements.[1]




Department of Culture of the Kurgan Region

Education and Science

Department of Education and Science of the Kurgan Region

UNIVERSITIES of the Kurgan region

Colleges and organizations of DPO

Health care


Medical centers


  • GBU "Kurgan Regional Clinical Hospital"
  • GBU "Kurgan Regional Children's Clinical Hospital named after the Red Cross"
  • GBU "Kurgan Hospital No. 2"
  • GBU "Shadrinsk Children's Hospital"


  • GBU "Kurgan Polyclinic No. 1"
  • GBU "Kurgan Polyclinic No. 2"
  • GBU "Kurgan Children's Polyclinic"
  • GBU "Kurgan Children's Dental Clinic"
  • GBU "Shadrinsk Polyclinic"




2020: Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin approved the program for the accelerated development of the Kurgan region

On February 25, 2020, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin approved an individual program for accelerated socio-economic development of the Kurgan region for 2020-2024 (IPSER).

Kurgan region has become one of ten regions of Russia, which the Government of the Russian Federation instructed to develop such a document. The main goal of this program is to improve the standard of living of the population and improve the economy.

Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said that the Kurgan region was the first of ten regions where the program was approved.

The main goal of the development of such a document is to withdraw the regions from negative socio-economic development, from the "poverty zone." And also - create new growth points. To strengthen this work, we assigned curators from the federal center to the regions. I want to say that here the Kurgan region was lucky, the curator is Anton Germanovich Siluanov, Minister of Finance, "said Mikhail Mishustin.

Finance Minister Anton Siluanov described the indicators of the individual development program of the region.

Program objectives. The first is a halving of poverty. In 2024, the share of the population with incomes below the subsistence level will be no more than 8% in (now it is 19%). In five years, it is planned to create about 10 thousand new jobs, which will reduce unemployment by about 10%. It is also planned to increase the share of roads of regional and municipal importance in accordance with regulatory requirements, "the curator of the region explained.

The accelerated development program includes several areas. The main task is to determine measures and steps that will help the emergence of new industries and the development of existing ones on the territory of the subject.

Within five years, the region will receive five billion rubles from the federal budget. The funds will be directed, firstly, to the creation and development of the infrastructure of industrial parks, so that new industries can appear there. Secondly, to support entrepreneurs: the fund of preferential loans for industrialists and small businesses will be increased. Also, industrialists and entrepreneurs will be able to receive financial support for the purchase of new equipment. In addition, with the money of this program, they will create infrastructure for new residential buildings - roads and communal networks for residential areas. One of the components of the program is the creation of a special economic zone.

Social activists, representatives of the business community and deputies took part in the development of the program.

2019: Vadim Shumkov elected Governor of Kurgan region

On September 8, 2019, during the Unified Voting Day, Vadim Shumkov was elected Governor of the Kurgan Region, gaining more than 80% of the vote. On September 18, 2019, he took office as Governor of the Kurgan Region.

Previous leaders of the region:

  • February 2014 - October 2018 - Alexey Kokorin
  • February 1997 - February 2014 - Oleg Bogomolov

2018: Vadim Shumkov appointed Acting Governor of Kurgan Region

On October 2, 2018 President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin , Vadim Shumkov was appointed Acting Governor of the Kurgan Region by Decree.

1918: Civil War

Czech legionnaires guard the train. Czech guard in a 40-degree frost at a car quartermaster warehouse in the ​​blizi​ of the Kurgansk railway station, Tobolsk province, Kurgan district, Kurgan, Civil War, 1918

Organizations of Kurgan
