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2023/07/24 11:42:16




Main article: Countries of the world




Net population inflow for 4 years
72.1% of the population are immigrants
Доля иммигрантов в населении countries as of 2021
Регионы происхождения мигрантов в countries South Asia 2021


The number of deaths in road accidents

The number of deaths on the roads per 100 thousand vehicles. Data for 2018


Financial system

Sovereign Wealth Fund

2023: Sovereign Wealth Fund Assets - $801 billion
The largest sovereign wealth funds in the world in 2023
2022: Sovereign wealth fund assets per capita
As of 2022


By September 2020, Kuwait, one of the richest countries in the world, faced a budget deficit due to lower energy prices.

The government has almost exhausted its liquid assets and is unable  to cover the budget deficit, which in 2020 could reach $46 billion. This does not mean that Kuwait will be left completely without money, it has savings that are stored in a special Fund for Future Generations - the fourth largest in the world, $550 billion.

The public sector employs 80% of the country's working citizens, and salaries there are higher than in the private sector. Government benefits for housing, fuel and food can reach $2,000  per month per family. Salaries and subsidies make up three-quarters of all state spending.


2023: Kuwait bans cryptocurrency transactions and mining

On July 18, 2023, the Kuwait Capital Markets Authority (CMA) announced an "absolute ban" on virtually all cryptocurrency transactions in the country. This measure applies to payments and investments, as well as to the extraction of cryptocurrency assets.

In addition, local regulators are prohibited from issuing any licenses to allow companies to "provide virtual asset services as a commercial business." The regulator urges caution and awareness of the risks associated with virtual assets. In particular, it says that cryptocurrencies "have no legal status, are not issued and are not supported at the government level." Meanwhile, securities and other financial instruments regulated by the Central Bank of Kuwait and the CMA are not subject to restrictions.

Kuwait Capital Markets Authority Announces "Absolute Ban" on Virtually All Cryptocurrency Transactions
Cryptocurrencies are not associated with any issuer, and the prices of these assets are always due to speculation, which can provoke a sudden and sharp drop in value, the document says.

The new rules are part of Kuwait's larger anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing program, the regulator said. Similar documents were issued by the Central Bank of Kuwait, the Ministry of Trade and Industry of the country and the Insurance Regulation Division. Thus, the authorities seek to reduce the risks and negative consequences associated with any operations related to virtual assets.

However, the Central Bank of Kuwait has identified 46 transactions and procedures that require its prior approval before being carried out by companies, banks and entities under its supervision. These operations include various actions involving joint-stock companies - public and closed.[1]

Energy carriers

Energy consumption per capita

Energy consumption per capita, including electricity, transport heating in 2019-2020

Oil production

2025: 6th in the world in terms of oil reserves

Oil reserves in countries of the world (billion barrels), according to Bloomberg as of February 2025:

Venezuela: 303.8

Saudi Arabia: 258.6

Iran: 208.6

Canada: 170.3

Iraq: 145

Kuwait: 101.5

UAE: 97.8

Russia: 80

Libya: 48.3


Nigeria: 36.8

Kazakhstan: 30

China: 26

Qatar: 25.2

Brazil: 12.7

2024: Discovery of a huge 2.1 billion barrel oil field

In July 2024, Kuwait announced the discovery of a huge amount of oil and gas at an offshore field. The Al Nuhida field could contain 2.1 billion barrels of light oil.

Kuwait is OPEC's fifth-largest oil producer with current output of about 2.48 million barrels per day. He intends to increase capacity to 4 million barrels per day by 2035.


Oil production in thousands of barrels per day by country in 2021


For 2020, Kuwait continues to rely on hydrocarbons by 90%.

Saudi Arabia and Kuwait resume joint oil production at the al-Wafra field in the neutral zone on the border between the countries from July 1, 2020, oil production at the field will begin from 10 thousand barrels per day, and by the end of 2020 will grow eight times.

At the end of December 2019, the media reported that Kuwait and Saudi Arabia agreed on a neutral zone on the border between the two countries, which will allow them to restore oil production interrupted five years ago from the area. Mining there was halted in 2014 amid a territorial dispute between the two countries.

A neutral zone of more than 5.7 thousand square kilometers was created as part of the agreement between Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, signed in 1922. The volume of oil production in this zone can reach 500 thousand barrels per day.

Oil products

2025: Gasoline cost $0.34 per litre

Main article: Petroleum products in the world

Gasoline prices in countries worldwide (liter, US dollar): According to Global Petrol Prices, Octane-95, February 10, 2025

Iran: $0.029

Libya: $0.031

Venezuela: $0.035

Egypt: $0.337

Algeria: $0.339

Kuwait: $0.340

Kazakhstan: $0.483

Saudi Arabia: $0.621

Russia: $0.629

UAE: $0,716

Indonesia: $0.783

Nigeria: $0.788


Pakistan: $0.922

Brazil: $0.944

El Salvador: $1,035

Bangladesh: $1,037

Australia: $1,070

China: $1,142

Argentina: $1.148

India: $1.164

South Africa: $1.191

Japan: $1,211

Mexico: $1,243

Canada: $1,273

Turkey: $1,287

South Korea: $1,317

Chile: $1,355

Ukraine: $1,406

Czech Republic: $1,507

Poland: $1.554

Romania: $1.568

Sweden: $1,574

Spain: $1,619

Britain: $1,729

Finland: $1,765

Germany: $1,817

France: $1,827

Ireland: $1,875

Italy: $1,894

Switzerland: $1,938

Norway: $1,958

Monaco: $1,989

Netherlands: $2,037

Denmark: $2,110

Hong Kong: $3.393

The average price of gasoline in the world is $1.25 per liter.

Information Technology and Telecom

Internet in Kuwait

2022:98% of the population use the Internet


2020: R&D expenses - $832 million

R&D expenses, as of 2020


2019: Low use of pesticides in agriculture

As of 2019



2023: Poultry meat is the most consumed type of meat
The most consumed type of meat (including fish and seafood) according to data available for June 2023.


2019: Number of years of education by citizens over 25

The number of years of education by citizens over 25 years old, as of 2019

Health care

Maternity leave

Число недель оплачиваемого maternity leave countries around the world for 2021

Armed Forces

2024: Tanks delivered to Ukraine via Croatia

In January 2024, Serbian media reported on the upcoming delivery from Kuwait to Ukraine of old M-84AB tanks - modifications of Yugoslav-made licensed T-72. Formally, armored vehicles will be sold to Croatia, but they will be repaired there and then sent to Ukraine.

In exchange, the Croats will receive 25 Swiss Leopard 2A4 tanks, which Germany previously bought as part of a "ring exchange" to support the Kyiv regime. According to some information, the first six M-84 have already arrived in the Balkans.

The main question is how many cars will be transferred to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In 1991, Kuwait had 149 tanks, but hardly all of them survived especially against the background of the fact that back in the 1990s the Kuwaiti army "transferred" to the American M1A2 Abrams. Therefore, the Rybar channel assumed that we were talking about several dozen M-84.

The scheme with purchases in the Middle East clearly shows the efforts of the West to find Soviet-made equipment in the world to supply the so-called. Ukraine as the "own" reserves in Europe are almost completely exhausted.

2023: US air base and its allies Es Salem

As of October 2023

2022: 5th place in the list of the largest importers of weapons

Data for 2022

2021: Defence costs - 6.69% of GDP

Data for 2021



2022: Minimum age of imprisonment for children - 7 years

Data for 2022

2018: Number of prisoners per 100 thousand citizens

World Prison Brief data for 2018


1991: Iraq Attack

An Iraqi soldier burned alive trying to get out of a flaming truck on Death Highway. Kuwait, 1991. The caption of the author of the photo, Kenneth Dzharek: "If I don't film it, then people, like my mother, will think that war is what they see on TV."
Gulf War, Kuwait, 1991.
Iraqi T-55 against the backdrop of burning oil wells, Kuwait, 1991.
Before retreating from Kuwait in 1991, Iraqi troops, on the orders of Saddam Hussein, set fire to about 700 oil wells

Poisonous smog hung over the Persian Gulf for about a year. Oil rains fell on the resorts of Turkey and the UAE. Then, in the Kuwaiti desert, a billion barrels of oil burned down.]]


Downed British Tornado. Operation Desert Storm. Kuwait, October 21, 1990.


A woman carries a sewing machine. Somewhere on the street of Kuwait. 1955.


2022: The most popular sport is football

Самый популярный вид sport countries of the world to to data June 2022


Какой день считается первым в неделе в countries of the world, 2022