Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2
2010/04/28 17:34:44

Public procurement of IT (Ukraine)

The state expenditure of Ukraine on the development and implementation of information technologies in the period from 2004 to 2009 amounted to UAH 2 billion. Costs for similar purposes until 2004 cannot be estimated, since previously the state budget of Ukraine did not provide for this object of expenditure.


Irrationality of expenses

The irrational spending of funds on the informatization of society is visible from the example of the introduction of a system for receiving tax reporting in electronic format, which did not benefit taxpayers. Along with electronic reporting, payers are still forced to submit a paper version of the declaration, which does not save them time and does not affect the human factor that causes corruption and other illegal actions of officials.

Coordination of information systems is poorly organized in the state structures of Ukraine. This is due to the lack of a single plan for informatization and the difference in the goals of each department.

Software developers for government agencies of Ukraine

In accordance with the Regulation "On Procurement of Goods, Works and Services for State Funds," development companies software and IT systems are determined on the basis of tenders, the victory in which is often ensured not by the quality of the products produced, but by the size of the bribe. This leads to the absence of level developers Oracle in the Microsoft market of manufacturers for ON Ukrainian government agencies.

The developers of the software used in the departments of Ukraine are the following companies:

Many Ukrainian departments could not indicate the names of development companies and provide answers on the results of the implementation of informatization programs.

According to well-known Ukrainian IT-figures, the prices for software development requested by the winners of tenders significantly exceed the prices for similar products developed by companies that lost the tender. Project timelines are also excessively long and unreasonable.

State structures of Ukraine on the Internet

The ideology of the websites of the Ukrainian government is advertising instead of implementing reference, utilitarian functions aimed at ordinary citizens, which makes it difficult to find useful and necessary information.

The cost of creating such inefficient means of communication with the public is prohibitively high. For example, the creation of a single portal of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine cost 969,000 hryvnias in 2002, which is two to three times higher than the estimates of this site by experts. And in 2008, the costs of the new website of the Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada and the renewal of the existing parliamentary amounted to 493,000 hryvnias. And this despite the fact that at the end of 2008 the average market price of an hour of work of a Ukrainian programmer was $40.

Budget for 2009

In connection with the global financial crisis, the cost of informatization compared to 2008 was reduced by 11 times and amounted to 47,000,000 hryvnias.


Investments from the budget of Ukraine on the informatization of state structures remain without a visible result - officials continue to work by hazing methods. Experts note that the reasons for such results are complex and opaque coordination procedures, the lack of a civilized approach to fulfilling contractual obligations, problems of protecting intellectual property rights, incorrect wording of informatization tasks and problems of a bureaucratic nature.


Chronology of events

2021: The Government of Ukraine has chosen "Ukrainian Special Systems" for single purchases of IT products by government agencies

At the end of March 2021, the Government of Ukraine chose a company for single centralized purchases of IT products by government agencies. This is stated in the message of the Ministry of Digital Transformation. More details here.