Quantum Computers and Quantum Communications
Main article: Quantum computers and quantum communication
2025: Microsoft unveils 8-qubit Majorana 1 quantum processor
In February 2025, Microsoft introduced the Majorana 1 quantum processor, which, according to the company, is able to shorten the path to creating commercially viable quantum computers with millions of qubits "from decades to several years." For more details see Majorana
2024: U.S. Geological Survey begins using quantum technology to search for minerals
January 16, 2024 USGS and the company Q-Ctrl announced the conclusion of a cooperation agreement, the purpose of which is to use quantum technologies to find useful ones. minerals In addition, the parties will explore new methods for predicting natural disasters. More. here
Quantum computer created with record 1,225 qubits
On October 24, 2023, startup Atom Computing announced the industry's first quantum computer with more than 1,000 qubits. The company says this is a landmark development, as with the advent of similar systems, universal quantum computers will begin to transform the high-performance computing (LDC) industry. Read more here.
Scientists from the University of Minnesota in the USA have created a super-conductive diode
On June 8, 2023, it became known that the team scientists from University of Minnesota in the United States created, supercarrying out diode which can help scale for quantum computers industrial use and increase performance systems. Compared to artificial intelligence other superconducting diodes, the researchers' device more, can energy efficient process multiple signals electric simultaneously and contains a number of gates to control the flow of energy, which has never been implemented in superconducting diodes before. More. here
2022: Nvidia unveils Quantum Optimized Device Architecture computing platform
Nvidia has unveiled its Quantum Optimized Device Architecture (QODA) computing platform, which aims to bridge the gap between quantum and classical applications. This became known on July 13, 2022. Read more here.
NSA launched a laboratory to develop quantum computing
In early May 2021 United States Army , the Army Research Office and the Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the National Security Agency announced NSA the launch of a research center for development. quantum computing The project was named. LPS Qubit Collaboratory (LQC) More. here
Quantum Brilliance quantum accelerator announcement at room temperature
At the end of March 2021, Quantum Brilliance introduced, according to the company, the world's first diamond-based quantum accelerator that can operate at room temperature. Read more here.
Announcement of the Honeywell System H1 quantum computer
At the end of October 2020, Honeywell introduced the System H1 quantum computer, which has 10 qubits. According to the American company, the system provides twice the performance due to quantum volume increased to 128. Read more here.
US President Trump allocated $1 billion for 7 AI institutes and 5 quantum computing centers
At the end of August 2020, Trump allocated $1 billion to create seven research institutes of artificial intelligence and five research centers of quantum computing for five years. Under the leadership of the National Science Foundation and the Department of Energy 12 interdisciplinary centers will investigate new technologies and train future employees. Read more here.
Start using Honeywell's most powerful quantum computer
In June 2020, Honeywell announced the launch, according to the company, of the most powerful quantum computer in history. Several customers have already started using the system, including JP Morgan Chase. Read more here.
US increases government spending on quantum technologies by 20%
On April 27, 2020, it became known that the Presidential Administration USA Donald Trump , when planning the state budget for 2021, decided to increase spending on quantum computer science by 20% to $237 million. At the same time, it reduces the cost of scientific activity in 2021 as a whole by 10%.
Of the $237 million indicated, the US Department of Energy plans to spend $25 million in 2021 on the development of quantum Internet.
This level of funding will allow us to start developing the foundations for complex, practical and highly efficient quantum networks, "said David Auschalom, a quantum engineer at the University of Chicago. |
Existing at the same time as traditional Internet for public use, quantum Internet can offer new unique opportunities. For example, scientists would be able to develop completely new drugs and materials, modeling the behavior of atoms on network quantum computers, and financial institutions and governments could get more reliable data channels. Many countries are investing in the study of quantum technologies, and with the proposal of the budget for 2021, the Trump administration seeks to increase these efforts.
Quantum Internet is a promising area, so the United States decided to increase investment in it. As of April 2020, the country has prototypes of quantum networks in Chicago and New York. In 2020, scientists conducted a successful experiment in the Chicago network.
We created confusing states of light, "Aushalom said," and tried to use them as a vehicle to test how entanglement works in the real world. |
Similar experiments are being conducted on the East Coast of the United States, where researchers send entangled photons over fiber optic cables connecting Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York with the University of New York at Stony Brook at a distance of about 18 kilometers.[1]
Honeywell develops the most powerful quantum computer
In early March 2020, Honeywell International announced that it was joining the race to build a quantum computer. The company is preparing to release the most powerful system in the world. Read more here.
2019: Google creates world's most powerful quantum computer
In mid-September 2019, Google announced that it had been able to create the world's most powerful quantum computer. Information about the device was published in a NASA report, which was subsequently removed from the organization's website. Read more here.
Ford to use NASA quantum computer to solve transport problems
On December 5, 2018 Ford , within the framework of the next project, it will develop comprehensive route maps for diesel trucks that will help maintain the normal operation of particulate filters. In 2019, the company will gain access NASA to the artificial intelligence Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab at the Ames Research Center in Silicon Valley.
Ford specialists, together with NASA representatives, will work with a computer operating on the principle of quantum relaxation (quantum annealing), which will help solve the most difficult problems. Quantum computing capabilities will be applied to the development of solutions in the field of managing large car parks. Read more here.
Microsoft Quantum Computer
In March 2018, it became known that researchers at the Dutch center Microsoft, located at the Technical University of Technology, are working to create a quantum computer with a much lower error rate than in projects that are being tested by competing companies such as IBM and Google.
According to a study published in the journal Nature, Microsoft has obtained reliable evidence of the creation of Majorana fermions - an elementary particle that is its own antiparticle - in a wire consisting of semiconductor and superconducting materials. The unique properties of these fermions mean they can be used to create quantum computers.
They are trying to get them in the Dutch division of Microsoft in Delft, where there are several refrigeration plants worth more than $500 thousand each. They cool special circuits to ultra-low temperatures, at which it becomes possible to obtain Majorana fermions. Hanging next to several fridges are giant 68-pound magnetic rings, which the Microsoft team is using to reduce the error rate in computing. Magnets, however, as physicist Leo Kouwenhoven admits, are a double-edged sword, since their large size and weight make experiments difficult.
According to Kouwenhoven, Microsoft believes that the calculations of its quantum computer - if it can be created - will be 1,000 and 10,000 times more accurate than those of existing models. Young researchers are working in the same room next to the refrigerators, analyzing colorful graphs, but so far there are no signs of the appearance of fermions. Accurate measurements in a dense magnetic field are harder to obtain, and while the theory is on the side of the researchers, they may simply not have enough time to build a quantum dream computer. The goal of the Kouwenhoven group is to obtain stable Majorana fermions by the end of 2018.
Other tested versions of quantum computers make too many calculation errors to be used in practice, for example, to create new chemical catalysts or hack encryption codes, which the creators originally hoped for. Therefore, despite the high costs, Microsoft is trying to get fermions to create qubits - a quantum discharge or the smallest element for storing information in a quantum computer.
Until now, Microsoft has been inferior to competitors: Google and IBM already have machines that are believed to be close to achieving "quantum superiority" - the ability to solve problems that are too difficult for standard computers - while Microsoft has not even received a working qubit yet. However, qubits based on Majorana fermions can become the basis for a potentially more efficient quantum computer. Therefore, Microsoft gathered a group of scientists who set to work in laboratories in,, USA Netherlands Denmark and Australia. Responsible for the project was one of Microsoft's most experienced executives, Todd Holdhal, who had previously worked on game consoles Xbox and game glasses. augmented reality HoloLens
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella explained that quantum developments along with artificial intelligence and augmented reality will be critical to the company's future, and in November 2017, Holdhal said in an interview with Bloomberg that Microsoft will bring its own quantum computer to market within the next five years.[2]
Intel Quantum 17 qubit processor
In October 2017, it was announced the supply of an experimental superconductivity-based 17-qubit processor Intel technology to a Dutch research center QuTech engaged in physics research with Intel quantum., Processor manufactured at Intel's production facilities, has a unique crystal structure that allows you to increase the yield of suitable crystals on the plate and achieve a significant increase in productivity.
Microsoft is working to create a quantum computer
Microsoft announced in June 2017 that it was developing a quantum computer. Such machines are capable of turning the entire industry around, as they will allow processing in seconds volumes of data, the analysis of which would now take years. The technology used in them is based on qubits (quantum bits), which can simultaneously be in two states - 0 and 1, while ordinary bits are in only one of them. In the future, this technology will affect areas such as cryptography and ultra-secure communications, as well as climate modeling and the search for dark matter[3].
The project to create a quantum computer Microsoft is led by Todd Holmdahl, who was previously among the leaders of the Kinect, HoloLens and Xbox development teams. He now talks about quantum computing as a new direction in business, not theoretical or research projects. And he is confident that it is Microsoft that will become a pioneer in this area by introducing quantum technologies into its cloud platforms.
The Todd Holmdahl-led team, part of the newly formed Microsoft AI and Research Group, will work on both the hardware and software parts of the quantum computer. "Like classical high-performance computing, we need not only hardware, but also optimized software," comments Matthias Troyer, professor of computational physics at the Swiss Higher Technical School of Zurich, who was specially invited to participate in the Microsoft research team project.
Microsoft is confident that the knowledge accumulated by Microsoft Research has reached the level that will create a real breakthrough in the creation of a quantum computer. Asked when Microsoft will be able to build its first topological qubit, Holmdahl, now 52, doesn't provide an exact answer. However, he noted that he would soon retire and the event would happen before that moment.
2016: Microsoft Research Project
In November 2016, it became known that Microsoft it was developing a quantum computer. To do this, the company formed a separate research project, led by Microsoft veteran Todd Holmdahl, who was among the leaders of the development teams, and Kinect HoloLens. Xbox
Quantum computing suggests that computer systems using them can be in two states at the same time. If traditional PCs write bits of information sequentially (in zero or one states), then quantum ones can perform several calculations in parallel, encoding two values at once.
Microsoft intends to create a "topological" quantum computer with two-dimensional particles called enions, forming three-dimensional interlaces with two spatial dimensions of enions and time. The company plans to use such systems in artificial intelligence projects, clinical research, modeling climatic conditions, etc.
In addition to Todd Holmdahl, Microsoft's team of quantum computing researchers also included well-known specialists in the field - professors Leo Kouwenhoven from Delft University of Technology, Charles Marcus from the University of Copenhagen, David Reilly from the University of Sydney and Matthias Troyer from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology.
Microsoft became interested in the concept of quantum computing back in 2005, then creating the Station Q research laboratory under the guidance of mathematician Michael Freedman. In 2015, Microsoft introduced the LIQUi|> (Language-Integrated Quantum Operations) simulator, which allows anyone to study the possibilities of quantum computing[4]
2015: Google says it's likely to build quantum computers
Quantum computers will never benefit from modern classical computers unless they acquire the ability to independently correct errors that destroy the "fragile" quantum states of their quantum bits, qubits. The Google group of companies, leading research in the field of quantum computing, has demonstrated the world's first system capable of independently correcting emerging errors - a step that brings the field of quantum computing closer to its practical implementation[5].
The achievement was made possible by the transfer to Google of a group of scientists from the University of California, Santa Barbara, in the fall of 2014. At one time, she developed and manufactured a system of quantum superconducting circuits operating with a level of accuracy and reliability sufficient to implement error elimination technology.
"This is the first time in the history of information technology that" natural "errors resulting from the impact of various environmental factors on qubits can be corrected," said Rami Barends, engineer at Rami Barends. "We have created the first quantum device that can independently correct errors that occur during its operation."
Those interested in the field of quantum computing are well aware - the main problem faced by the creators of quantum computing systems is the need to preserve the quantum state of qubits for a long time. A fragile quantum state can be disturbed by the intervention of any, from a sufficiently large set of external factors, from which it is not possible to completely isolate itself fundamentally. The solution to this problem is the quantum error correction code, the basis of which is the classical error elimination method, which is quite widely used in modern computer technology.
But the main problem that the researchers had to face is that the developed correction code does not have the ability to detect the error that occurred in a direct way, without disrupting the quantum state of the qubits.
The researchers bypassed this problem using the phenomenon of quantum entanglement, by which one qubit can share information with other qubits through a "ghost" quantum connection. The correction code included in the quantum system measures the value of the quantum state of a qubit entangled with several adjacent qubits, which helps keep its original state unchanged.
The created error correction code works by using a certain spatial arrangement of qubits, which is somewhat reminiscent of a chessboard. In the white squares of this board there are information qubits involved in performing quantum computational operations, and in the black squares there are "measuring" qubits used to correct errors arising in adjacent information qubits.
To demonstrate the technology, the researchers manufactured a simple device consisting of nine qubits ordered as a 3 by 3-element matrix. And the work of this system, more precisely, the work of the correction code was checked using 90 thousand specialized computing operations, which made it possible to collect the required amount of statistical data.
"This was proof that the years spent on theoretical research did not go to waste and the practical implementation of error correction technologies is possible," said Julian Kelly, an engineer at Google.
Another achievement: the researchers demonstrated that the rates of successful error elimination in a quantum system increased with increasing qubits. For example, the error rate for a five-qubit system was 2.7 times less than the error rate for a single-qubit system. And the difference in these levels between systems with one and nine qubits was just over 8.5 times.
"This is exciting news for the field of quantum computing. Everything indicates that systems with a large number of quantum bits can be stable and will not collapse under the pressure of an avalanche of emerging errors, "said Julian Kelly. "And this, in turn, means that quantum computers operating with a large number of qubits can still be created."
2013: Lockheed Martin uses Canada's D-Wave quantum system
As of July 2013, even modern, not yet very advanced, quantum computing systems enjoy the great interest of the world's leading campaigns. Thus, the Canadian quantum computer D-Wave is used by the defense company Lockheed Martin, and in early 2013, D-Wave strengthened Google's computing power. D-Wave is not a universal quantum computer, although it can be used as the basis for its development. D-Wave is a 512-qubit superconducting ring computer designed to solve so-called combinatorial optimization problems, such as genome analysis, protein folding options, etc. Google will use D-Wave to design self-learning artificial intelligence systems.
- ↑ Trump betting millions to lay the groundwork for quantum internet in the US
- ↑ Microsoft Edges Closer to Quantum Computer Based on Elusive Particle
- ↑ Microsoft is working to create a quantum computer
- ↑ [1]#xc1o7rVcs0d7A4vS.99 Microsoft doubles down on quantum computing bet
- ↑ Google is starting to introduce the first technologies for correcting errors in the field of quantum computing