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- Main article: Human body
- Main article: Gastrointestinal tract (GI)
Role in digestion: production of chymus
Most of the food is not digested in the stomach.
It is generally accepted that the stomach is the center of the digestive system. This organ really plays a big role in "mechanical digestion" - it takes a large amount of food and mixes it with gastric juice, physically breaking down food into components and turning it into a thick paste called chymus.
But the stomach takes quite a small part in chemical decomposition, a process that reduces food to the size of molecules, which is necessary for nutrients to enter the bloodstream. Much of the nutrient digestion and uptake process occurs in the small intestine, which is about two-thirds the length of the gastrointestinal tract. After further destruction of the chemus by powerful enzymes, the small intestine absorbs nutrients and directs them into the bloodstream.
Release of glycoprotein to absorb nutrients from the gut
Glycoprotein is released in the stomach - the so-called internal factor necessary for the absorption of nutrients from the intestines, for example vitamin V12, the deficiency of which can lead to megaloblastic anemia.
Proper functioning of the stomach also affects the absorption of iron, calcium and magnesium.
Gastric juice
Gastric juice composition includes:
- hydrochloric acid (hydrochloric acid, HCl);
- chymosin (milk-curling enzyme, disappears with age);
- pepsinogen (only in an acidic environment, where the pH is 2-3, is activated into the pepsin responsible for the protein digestion process);
- amylase;
- mineral salts;
- water.
Hydrochloric acid
The stomach of a person releases hydrochloric acid - a substance that in a certain time is able to dissolve most of the existing substances (including metals, plastic, etc.). There are cases where hydrochloric acid dissolves razor blades without any problems. If this substance hits the skin, it will cause severe burns.
Countries around the world synthesize hydrochloric acid and use it in industry as the strongest solvent.
During the day, the human body usually releases about 2 liters of hydrochloric acid. At the same time, a thin layer of mucous membrane in the stomach completely protects it from severe damage by this substance. It's like incredibly strong armour that's inside you, doesn't take up space and only acts against the substances that it's supposed to act against.
Just below, you can see how hydrochloric acid slowly but surely dissolves aluminum.
The muscular walls of the stomach would quickly dissolve with the same hydrochloric acid if the cells of this organ did not produce protective mucus and regenerate so quickly. People with heartburn know how unpleasant it is when you feel the effects of acid on yourself.
Reduced stomach acidity
Main article: Reduced stomach acidity
Gastric mucosal structure
There are 100 gastric glands per 1 square centimeter of human gastric mucosa. They are located closely.
The inner lining of the stomach is renewed every 3-5 days
The inner lining of the stomach is renewed every 3-5 days. But with an ulcer, it either does not regenerate, or does not do it completely - the stomach digests itself.
Gastric examinations
2024: Smart tablet with cameras and motors released for bowel exam instead of gastroscopy
At the end of June 2024, Endiatx introduced the PillBot robotic smart tablet, equipped with cameras, sensors and wireless communications, which will allow doctors to examine the gastrointestinal tract with unprecedented accuracy instead of gastroscopy. Read more here.
2022: Smart patch for diagnosis of gastrointestinal diseases launched
On June 16, 2022, Alimetry, a medical technology company, announced the release of a smart patch designed to diagnose stomach disorders. We are talking about Gastric Alimetry gastroanalyzer, which is a non-invasive test for common stomach disorders, including nausea and vomiting, gastroparesis and functional dyspepsia. Read more here.
Radiological examination
This situation can occur with patients who have neurological disorders, as well as with the elderly and infants who have impaired swallowing function.
Technologies for the treatment of stomach diseases
2022: Medtronic launches treatment system for most frequent gastrointestinal bleeding
In late September 2022, Medtronic announced the release of the Nexpowder endoscopic hemostasis system, which is designed to treat the most frequent gastrointestinal bleeding. Read more here.
Main article: Gastritis
Diabetic gastroparesis
Diabetic gastroparesis is an incomplete gastric paralysis that leads to slower gastric emptying after eating. This complication develops against the background of chronically increased blood sugar for several years, which negatively affects the work of the human nervous system.
Stomach cancer
Main article: Stomach cancer
Artificial stomachs
2021: Lab-grown stomachs now produce acid as real
In early December 2021, scientists at Cincinnati Children's Hospital announced the successful creation of a stomach organoid so complex that it has separate glands and nerve cells that can control smooth muscle contractions. This achievement is a significant step forward in the field of regenerative medicine. Read more here.