Cellular communication
Main article: Cellular communications (Uzbekistan market)
Digital Uzbekistan
Main article: Digital Uzbekistan
Main article: Biometrics in Uzbekistan
Tashkent - Smart City
Main article: Smart city
The volume of the ICT market of Uzbekistan for the year increased by 43.8% and amounted to 56.17 trillion soums
According to the results of 2024, the volume of communication and informatization services in Uzbekistan amounted to 56.17 trillion soums (about $4.33 billion at the exchange rate as of February 8, 2025 of the year). For comparison, in 2023, the indicator was estimated at 39.06 trillion soums. Thus, an increase of 43.8% was recorded. This is stated in the review Statistics agencies under the President of the Republic, published on February 6 2025.
It is noted that the ICT industry of Uzbekistan demonstrates a sustainable positive dynamics. It is estimated that in 2020 costs in the field of communication services and informatization in the country amounted to 13.85 trillion soums. A year later, the indicator increased to 17.76 trillion soums, and reached 24.51 trillion soums in 2022. Stable growth is due to the digitalization of the economy, development telecommunications infrastructure and increasing demand for IT services.
President of the Republic Shavkat Mirziyoyev in 2020 signed a decree on approval of the strategy "Digital Uzbekistan - 2030." The country is implemented comprehensive measures for the active development of the digital economy, as well as a wide introduction of modern information and communication technologies in all industries and spheres, primarily in public administration, education, health care and agriculture.
According to the Ministry of Digital Technologies of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the goal digitalization is to turn the country into a regional IT hub. To do this, IT parks are organized in all regions, work is carried out to increase the bandwidth of communication channels and expand coverage internet infrastructure. As of the end of 2024, the volume of exports information technology and telecommunications services exceeded $900 million.
{{Quote 'Transformation started in industry enterprises shows positive results. In this [2024] year alone, the volume of telecommunications services has grown by 16% and reached 21 trillion soums. Revenues of Uzbectelecom exceeded 9 trillion soums, the local Ministry of Digital Development.} said in a statement}
Significant attention is paid to the use of artificial intelligence in various areas of life. By the end of 2024, more than 20 were introduced in Uzbekistan AI-based projects, and another 70 such initiatives have been developed for individual to industries and large enterprises. In the International AI Readiness Index Uzbekistan climbed 17 positions. In October 2024 by decree President of Uzbekistan adopted the Strategy for the Development of Artificial Technologies intelligence until 2030. It defines measures to increase the share software products and services based on AI, expansion of technical infrastructure and human resources development. Before the responsible persons set the task to bring the number of AI-based projects to 100, and the volume software products and services - up to $50 million. To support startups in Tashkent University of Information Technology and Inha University AI laboratories will open. Approximately 3 thousand employees of state bodies, as well as hokims and their deputies, will undergo advanced training in this area.
To further develop the ICT segment in Bukhara, Ferghana and The launch of cloud data centers is being prepared in the Tashkent regions. In 2025 it is planned to build 6 thousand new base stations. About will be laid 30 thousand kilometers of fiber optic cables, which will increase service coverage up to 98%. Measures are also being prepared to bring the volume of exports in the field of information technologies and telecommunications services up to $1.2 billion. It is expected that important The basis for the industry will be the law "On" adopted in the new version telecommunications. "[1]
10 largest IT companies in terms of taxes paid
In 2024, foreign companies providing electronic services in Uzbekistan paid 115.8 billion soums of taxes to the state budget (approximately $8.92 million at the exchange rate as of January 29, 2025). This is about one and a half times more compared to 2023, as stated in the materials released at the end of January 2025.
According to the Fiskal tahlillar Telegram channel, 63 foreign companies provided IT services in Uzbekistan in 2024. The bulk of the proceeds - 99.9% of the total - were provided by the 10 largest foreign corporations. In particular, the rating is headed by Meta (recognized as an extremist organization; activities in the Russian Federation are prohibited) with a result of 41.7 billion soums (about $3.21 million). In second place is Google with 29 billion soums ($2.23 million). Closes the top three Apple, which in 2024 paid 27.3 billion soums of taxes (about $2.1 million). Thus, these three companies jointly transferred approximately 85% of the total tax amount in the area under consideration. And the two leaders - Meta and Google - account for about two-thirds of the volume of services and taxes provided.
In addition, the list of the 10 largest IT companies in terms of taxes paid in Uzbekistan includes:
- Amazon - 4.1 billion soums;
- Booking.com - 3.6 billion soums;
- Netflix - 1.4 billion soums;
- Zoom - 1.4 billion soums;
- ACCA (The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, the world organization of professional accountants) - 1.2 billion soums;
- Xsolla - 966.7 million soums;
- TikTok - 903 million soums.
It is also noted that in 2023, foreign technology companies transferred almost 70 billion soums of taxes to the budget of Uzbekistan (about $5.39 million), which is 56.2% more than in 2022. Thus, the consumption of IT services in the country demonstrates a steady positive trend.[2]
Launch of IT Park Ventures venture fund to invest in IT startups
Venture fund IT Park Ventures began work in Uzbekistan in December 2024. The opening ceremony took place within the framework of Digital Startups Week 2024 with the participation of First Deputy Minister of Digital Technologies Olimzhon Umarov, General Director of IT Park Uzbekistan Farkhod Ibragimov and Director of IT Park Ventures Azamat Karamatov. Read more here
2023: IT services exports grow 22 times to $344 million
According to the results of 2023, the export of IT services from Uzbekistan reached $344 million. For comparison, in 2020 this figure was estimated at $16 million. Thus, in three years, the volume of exports increased by about 22 times. This is stated in the materials of IT Park Uzbekistan, with which TAdviser got acquainted in early October 2024.
It is said that by the end of 2023, the number of IT park residents in the country reached 1,652: they provided services worth $1 billion. Residents include 890 service companies, 400 grocery companies and 362 educational companies. 523 enterprises are located in the regions, 1129 - in Tashkent.
The growth in exports is explained not only by the expansion of the volume of services, but also by an increase in the number of exporting residents, which at the end of 2023 was 1.5 times more than in 2022 - 551 companies. At the same time, only a third of residents are active in the regions, while the bulk of exports are provided by companies in the capital. As already noted, in 2023, exports reached $344 million - this is 2.4 times more than in the previous year, when the figure was $140 million. IT outsourcing amounted to 57%, product exports - 23%, other services - 20%. A significant part of exports goes to the United States ($151 million), Britain and the EU countries ($82.5 million), the CIS countries ($69 million), the states of the Asia-Pacific region ($27.5 million), the countries of the Middle East and North Africa ($14 million).
In 2023, 846 companies received IT Park resident status, while 304 applications were rejected. The status was revoked from 281 companies: 256 for default and 25 for conducting unauthorized activities. The number of employees of exporting companies has exceeded 13 thousand, which exceeds the number of employees employed in companies operating in the domestic market.
According to the Statistics Agency, in 2023, the average salary in Tashkent in the IT sector amounted to 16.2 million soums ($1,267 at the exchange rate as of October 9, 2024), which is almost 2.3 times more than in the regions of Uzbekistan (7.2 million soums). As of January 1, 2024, more than 26 thousand people were employed in IT park resident companies, of which 22,376 in Tashkent and 3641 in the regions. The number of IT specialists reached 18,950, IT teachers - 736. The number of foreign specialists is 2442.
The number of educational institutions of IT park residents in the country by the end of 2023 reached 362, of which 73% (264) are in the regions, and the remaining 27% (98) are in the capital. In the regions, about 26 thousand young people studied in these centers over the year, which is 67% of the total number of students.
The total income of IT park residents in 2023 for the first time exceeded $1 billion (12.5 trillion soums), an increase of 1.9 times compared to the previous year ($520 million). Of the total volume of services provided, 95% falls on Tashkent and only 5% - on the regions. In total revenue, 73% came from IT services, 26% from software and 1% from IT education.
Uzbekistan It creates optimal conditions for the development of IT-Business, including tax privileges and active support from the state. In particular, IT Park Uzbekistan helps companies. It offers a number of programs to help stimulate the industry. Resident status exempts all types of corporate taxes. Non-residents pay a corporate tax of 4-15%, while residents are exempt from it. Social tax for non-residents is 12%, for residents - 0%. Income tax for non-residents - 12%, and for residents - 7.5%.[3]
2022: IT services market growth by 125.5% to 22.9 trillion soums
The volume of IT services in Uzbekistan in 2022 soared by 125.5% compared to 2021 and reached 22.9 trillion soums (about $1.87 billion at the exchange rate as of November 22, 2023, when these data were published). This is stated in the study of the international professional IT community Global CIO.
It follows from it that in 2022, sales of programming services provided by Uzbek companies and specialists amounted to 4.2 trillion soums. By the end of 2022, there were more than 12 thousand companies operating in the field of information and communication technologies in Uzbekistan. And the total number of people employed in the ICT industry exceeded 100 thousand.
The number of telecoms and IT companies has increased 1.8-fold in the previous five years, according to the national statistics agency published in 2023. The country's government stimulates the growth of IT companies by exempting equipment, software, and various materials for ICT companies from customs duties. In addition, in 2022, the excise tax on mobile services for operators was reduced to 10%.
Also in the republic, a strategy for the development of the digital economy is being implemented in the program "Digital Uzbekistan - 2030." Global CIO noted several results that countries have achieved in the process of active digitalization:
- in the GovTech quality index in the public services sector, Uzbekistan took 43rd place in 2022, rising 37 positions from 2020.
- in the e-government UN Survey, Uzbekistan in 2022 rose immediately by 18 positions and became one of the countries with a "high/very high level of development."
- In the rating "Government Readiness Index for Artificial Intelligence," developed by the British organization Oxford Insights, Uzbekistan has risen from 158th to 79th place in 4 years.
- According to the Telecommunications Infrastructure Index (TII), in 2022 Uzbekistan is named a country with a high level of TII and ranks 19th out of 220 countries in terms of the cost of broadband internet.[4]
The share of the digital economy in GDP grew to 2.2%
GDP Uzbekistan According to the results of 2019, the share of the digital economy in 2.2% amounted to 10.9% against USA 10% in, China in and in the 5.5% century. India Information technologies are increasingly developing in the country, but the pace could be higher if not for a number of barriers. More. here
ESET: more than half of Uzbekistan's companies do not have a budget for information security
The international antivirus company ESET conducted an analysis of the state of information security in Uzbek companies in 2019, interviewing dozen of Chief information officers and system administrators. The purpose of the study is to assess the level of protection of the most important information assets from current threats and the degree of readiness of companies to repel cyber attacks.
According to the results of the survey, it became known that 55% of Uzbek companies faced internal cyber threats and 72% with external ones.
The most common cyber threat, as in most other CIS countries, was spam - exactly half of the respondents noted it in a multivariate survey (50%); in second place is malware (48%).
An impressive 18% of respondents reported that their companies suffered from accidental information leaks and 10% from deliberate ones. Also, 18% drew attention to security problems on the side of the service provider/provider and 15% reported that they faced the loss of corporate mobile devices by employees.
The most significant entrepreneurs of Uzbekistan consider financial information: 75% of companies noted that it needs special protection from cyber threats. 48% highlight information about operating activities, 45% - information about partners and clients, 25% - personal data of employees.
Uzbek companies resort to various measures to protect information. 98% use antiviruses, 43% control the use and update of installed programs. 28% of companies have systems for protecting financial transactions.
When assessing the state of information security of Uzbek companies, it turned out that 18% of respondents consider it unsatisfactory. This may be due to a lack of budget for building an effective information protection system, as reported by 53% of respondents.
Opening of the first IT park
On July 24, 2019, the official opening of the first IT park in Uzbekistan took place. It is a complex of facilities, buildings, structures and equipment designed to launch and bring startups to the market. Read more here.
Deloitte to develop ICT development concept in Uzbekistan
Deloitte will help the Government of Uzbekistan develop a concept for the development of the ICT sphere, which includes telecommunications infrastructure, "Electronic Government," information security, innovation, mail, logistics and e-commerce[5].
The Ministry for the Development of Information Technologies and Communications of the country has already held a working meeting with representatives of Deloit in the CIS. The company's participation in the development of the strategy was discussed, as well as its international experience in ICT issues.
Mininfok, in turn, leads the development of the strategy in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 18, 2017 No. PP-3437 "On the introduction of a new procedure for the formation and financing of state development programs of the Republic of Uzbekistan."
President of Uzbekistan approved the creation of a ministry for innovative development
The Ministry for Innovative Development will appear in Uzbekistan. The corresponding decision was made by the President of the Republic Shavkat Mirziyoyev in November 2017. The main mission of the new department will be to introduce the achievements of science, high technologies and modern innovative developments. Speaking about the creation of a new ministry, the head of the republics stressed that both material wealth and human resources should be used effectively in the country[6].
The presidential decree "On additional measures to improve the activities of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Moldova" was adopted on November 27. And based on this document, the executive structure of the republic was reorganized, including the creation of new departments. Also, the Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan introduced the posts of head of the complex on investments, innovative development, coordination of the activities of free economic and small industrial zones.
Uzbek Silicon Valley plans to create in Tashkent
A High Tech City technology center will be built in Tashkent, which will house modern high-tech production facilities.
The State Investment Committee of Uzbekistan and the South Korean company POSCO Daewoo signed an agreement in November 2017 to create such an object with a total value of over $1.4 billion. A foreign investor also expressed his intention to organize the Uzbek-Korean Institute of Technology in Tashkent (the total cost of the project is $100 million), as well as invest over $630 million in the production of modules for solar panels and the construction of several solar photovoltaic stations with a capacity of 2 GW on the terms of a public-private partnership[7].
Unified interdepartmental electronic system of performing discipline
Uzbekistan In September 2017, the Unified Interdepartmental Electronic System of Performing Discipline - ijro.gov.uz. was launched in test mode The system should establish document management between all government agencies and will allow monitoring the progress of the tasks.
The interdepartmental system will become an additional tool for operational control with centralized collection and processing of data that were previously stored in the internal systems of departments. Recall that it was the lack of integration of departmental systems that was the main problem of the entire electronic government of Uzbekistan. Another problem requiring elimination was the formal attitude of heads of departments to the implementation of tasks. Often, instead of specific actions, numerous boards and meetings were collected, unnecessary statistics and certificates were collected. The system is designed to correct these shortcomings and identify unscrupulous officials.
The order to create a unified interdepartmental system for improving public administration was given by the country's president Shavkat Mirziyoyev. The implementation of the project was entrusted to the state-owned Unicon.uz companies, the enterprise will also continue to act as the operator of the system[8].
While the service is at the stage of testing and connecting government agencies. As they join the system, government agencies will have to report on the progress of the implementation of decisions and instructions. All user actions in the system will be automatically confirmed by an electronic digital signature. A user database is created and generated in parallel. Since May 15, all orders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have already been received through the new system. On September 1, it became possible to exchange data between the Cabinet of Ministers, the presidential apparatus and other departments. The South Korean company Bridgesoft inc will provide $200 thousand for further development, maintenance of the system, as well as developers.
Negotiations with American suppliers
The World Bank proposed introducing a project in Uzbekistan to provide residents of the republic with high-speed Internet.
"The World Bank has presented a project on the introduction of high-speed Internet in CA. This will unite the countries of Central Asia and South Asia. High-speed Internet creates a reliable platform for information transfer, which will help develop a digital economy provided with a guaranteed security system. I believe that Uzbekistan has all the conditions for the development of this sphere, "Randeep Sudan, adviser on digital strategy and government analytics at the World Bank, said in September 2017.
HP Tech Ventures is ready to assist Uzbekistan in creating and supporting an ecosystem of technology parks and innovation centers. Amazon's subsidiary, Amazon Web Services, expressed interest in creating data centers in the republic using solar panels, as well as providing web services through Amazon Web Services platforms for users in Uzbekistan.
Also, the Uzbek side signed an agreement of intent with Cisco, whose specialists are planned to be involved in the development of a strategy for the development of "smart" and safe cities in the republic.
Uzinfocom - Unified Integrator for Implementation and Development of State Information Systems
The unified integrator Uzinfocom will be engaged in the development, implementation, integration of IP in the Electronic Government system, the preparation of project and technical documentation. The Center will also improve the quality of electronic public services and ensure interdepartmental interaction of all government agencies. In fact, the same tasks that the Electronic Government Development Center (CEP) had fell on Uzinficom's shoulders. However, the systematic approach to the implementation of projects has changed. If earlier a tender was announced for the implementation of the IT project, now a single integrator reserves the right to attract contractors on a competitive basis who will be engaged in the creation of IP and other subcontracting work. Local IT companies will be able to get only 30% of all work[9]
System of electronic legal proceedings in Uzbekistan
85 thousand applications from yuridicheskikh and individuals were accepted into civil courts through the National Information System of Electronic Legal Proceedings E-Sud of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the first half of 2017. The head of the information and legal support department of the courts of the Verkhovnogo Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Maruf Ergashev, spoke about this in an interview with ICTNews. The electronic litigation system is used in all interdistrict courts for civil cases of Tashkent, as well as in Tashkentskoy, Andijan, Ferghana, Namanganskoy, Syrdarya and Dzhizak regions. In 2017, 550 employees underwent special trainings to work in the system.
Current system functionality:
- remote filing of claims and documents attached to them at a time convenient for citizens,
- automatic access to judicial acts in their personal account immediately after their signing by the judge,
- remote tracking of the latest changes on the application of citizens,
- delivery of judicial acts to the citizen's e-mail address.
Now work is underway to integrate the E-Sud system with the Interbank Universal Netting Information System (MUNIS), which will be used to confirm the payment of state duties when applying to courts in civil cases.
In addition, in accordance with the presidential decree of February 21, 2017 No. UP-4966 "On measures to radically sovershenstvovaniyu the structure and increase the efficiency of the judicial sistemy of the Republic of Uzbekistan," the Cabinet of Ministers developed a draft resolution "On measures to dalneyshemu improve the use of modern informatsionno-communication technologies in the activities of courts." The document provides for the further development of the system.
In2012, Presidential Decree No. UP-4459 "On Measures to Fundamentally Improve Social Protection of the rabotnikov Judicial System" and Cabinet postanovlenie No. 346 "On Measures to Introduce Modern Information and sudov Technologies into kommunikatsionnykh Activities" were issued. In 2013, the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan, together with UNDP in Uzbekistan, launched the E-Sud National Information System for Electronic Legal Proceedings in the Zangiatinsk Interdistrict Court for Civil Cases. In 2017, its industrial operation began. Objectives of the system: improving the effektivnosti functioning of civil courts, collecting, processing and khraneniye information on the activities of courts, as well as providing interactive services in the field of legal proceedings, ensuring openness[10].
ICT Infrastructure Overview
On July 23, 2014, a meeting of the Board of the State Committee for Communications, Informatization and Telecommunications Technologies of the Republic of Uzbekistan was held, which summed up the development of the field of information and communication technologies for the first half of 2014.
During the meeting, it was noted that during the reporting period, enterprises in the field of communications, informatization and telecommunications technologies provided services for 1.93 trillion soums (an increase of 125.4% compared to the same period in 2013), including services for 1.2 trillion soums (an increase of 123.4%).
The total speed of using international information networks increased by 15% compared to the beginning of 2014 and amounted to 11.8 Gbps.
The number of ports installed for the provision of fixed broadband access services to the network Internet has been brought to 613 thousand, the number of used ports has increased by 154.6%.
The state of operation of ports for the provision of broadband telecommunication services in the regions was analyzed. The need for rational and widespread operation of ports for the provision of broadband access services using FTTx technologies, as well as improvements in technical services for the prompt response to requests from telecommunications consumers, was noted.
Within the framework of the project "Creation of contact centers" in all regional centers, new contact centers have been created and modernized in the city of Tashkent.
The tariff for operators and Internet providers connected to the International Packet Switching Center has been reduced to $306.04. US for 1 Mbit/s, which is 2.1% less compared to the beginning of 2014, and 20.3% compared to the same period in 2013.
A phased transition to digital television is being carried out, currently the level of coverage of the population by digital television has been brought to 43.5%.
The number of domains registered in the UZ zone to date has exceeded 18.2 thousand.
The total number of electronic digital signature (EDS) certificates and valid EDS keys issued by EDS key registration centers amounted to 658.7 thousand units.
Over 3,000 software products, 220 developers and 120 companies Software.uz registered in the national catalog of programmers and software products.
The number of computerized postal facilities in the first half of the year increased by 436 and amounted to 1708, the number of automated jobs increased by 413 and reached 2685, the growth was 134.3% and 120.4%, respectively. An additional 353 are connected to the electronic money transfer system, a total of 1,479 workplaces of postal facilities.
Separately, the issues of implementation, determined by the country's leadership, of the tasks of further development of the ICT sphere, outlined at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on the results of the socio-economic development of the country in 2013 and the most important priority areas of the economic program for 2014, were discussed. In this context, the heads of enterprises in the sphere were instructed to take appropriate measures:
- implementation of projects envisaged by government programs for the integrated development of the information and communication system of Uzbekistan for 2013-2020, which outlined such tasks as providing the population with the opportunity to carry out relations with state authorities in electronic form, the introduction of the "one window" principle in the "Electronic Government" system, identified measures to create complexes of information systems and databases of the "Electronic Government" system;
- improving the quality of public services provided, simplifying procedures and reducing the terms of their provision, as well as introducing uniform standards for servicing citizens by all state bodies.
Internet market and audience in the Republic of Uzbekistan
According to J'son & Partners Consulting (Jason & Partners Consulting), in 2014 the number of mobile broadband Internet access subscribers exceeded the mark of 10 million users, fixed broadband access - 117 thousand subscribers. The growth of subscribers in 2014 was 3% and 5%, respectively.
Five operators provide cellular services in Uzbekistan, and the seven largest operators providing broadband access services in Tashkent and other cities of the country are present in the fixed Internet market.
Despite the fact that the gradual reduction in tariffs has increased the availability of the Internet, unlimited Internet is still rare due to the high cost. Therefore, downloading films or other applications that absorb a large amount of data is not common in Uzbekistan. But the popularity of social networks, online chats, forums and video communication prevails - they make up 35% of national Internet traffic. In addition, popular activities on the Web are online messaging, file sharing, as well as discussion forums.
According to a survey by J'son & Partners Consulting, the frequency of Internet access varies depending on the device. Thus, the frequency of Internet access from mobile devices (from a mobile phone or smartphone) is 15% higher compared to personal computers or laptops. Almost half (47%) of mobile users go online every day, among PC and laptop users the share of such users is 32%.
Over the past 5 years, the national telecom operator AK Uzbectelecom, which has a monopoly position in the fixed telephony market and access to international communication channels, has been actively developing fiber-optic networks throughout the country. The total length of the networks exceeded 4000 km. The situation with the availability of fixed broadband networks in the country began to improve, but it is too early to talk about the wide availability of fixed broadband networks. The high cost of transit of Internet traffic due to the lack of competition on backbone networks affects the high cost of broadband access for the population.
The main driver of further development of the main infrastructure of the country and the broadband access market will be:
- Uzbectelecom investments in the further construction of fiber-optic communication networks, especially in the regions;
- sustained growth in domestic demand for data services;
- increasing the role of broadband access in education and public services.
See also
- ↑ [https://stat.uz/ru/press-tsentr/novosti-goskomstata/59907-yanvar-dekab r-oylarida-aloqa-va-axborotlashtirish-xizmatlari-hajmi-56-2-trln-so-mga-yetd i-2 In January-December, the volume of communication and informatization services reached 56.2 trillion sum]
- ↑ Fiskal tahlillar
- ↑ news The results of 2023. Transformation and plans for 2024
- ↑ Global CIO: in 2022, the volume of IT services in Uzbekistan increased by 125.5%
- ↑ Deloitte will become the developer of the concept for the development of the ICT sphere in Uzbekistan
- ↑ The President of Uzbekistan approved the creation of a ministry for innovative development
- ↑ Silicon Valley is planned to be created in Tashkent
- ↑ The President of Uzbekistan will control the performing discipline of officials with the help of IT
- ↑ Uzbekistan will have a new center for public sector informatization.
- ↑ and transparency First results of the introduction of electronic legal proceedings in Uzbekistan